C# - Change The Text Of A Label In A Masterpage When Loading A Content Page?
Jul 19, 2009
I have a label in a master page (sample.master) called lblHeading.I want to dynamically change the text of the label when I load the content page.I need to do this because I want to change the heading to something meaningful but only after I know about the content of the page.
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Aug 20, 2009
I have a master page called SampleMaster.master and this page contains a Repeater control
The Repeater control will be used to display the relevant tags associated with each content page and the tags will vary between content pages
The data extraction method Tags.GetTags() is working but I do not know the best approach to populate the Repeater control in the master page dependent on what the content page is.
Would the code reside in the masterpage page code behind or the content page code behind?
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Sep 6, 2010
I have an web application of 200 web pages and all has a single master page. Most of the content pages use AJAX controls so most of content pages has its own ScriptManager. Now I have a requirement to add a link with HoverMenuExtender control and for that I need to put ScriptManager in the Master page, but it is working only in the content pages where there is not ScriptManager.
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Jan 29, 2011
I am using the FormLayoutPanel for the first time and I am not able to figure out what is going on.On the form, I have a label that can grow and shrink because the content can change. The text includes the name of the client and that name can always be different lengths in regard to characters. I also have a grid on the form.
As you will see from the attached image, the form that has the FormLayoutPanel on it is showing small and not showing the content of the form. The form is indicated via the green arrow.In regard to the FormLayoutPanel, I have set it up in the following way:
Three rows, one column.The label is in the first cell, nothing in the second cell and the grid in the third cell.The TableLayoutPanel is anchored top, left, bottom, right.
Autosize = True
AutoSizeMode = GrowAndShrink
The Label in the first cell is anchored top, left, bottom, right TextAlignment = MiddleLeft
The grid in the third cell is anchored top, left, bottom, right and also Dock = Fill
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Apr 7, 2011
I have more than 100pages in my project & a single master page for all this. My masterpage has links to different pages. I want to change only the ContentPages( Child Pages) & my masterpage should not get reloaded.[code]...
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Jun 12, 2009
I need to load the contents of a text file (itemInfo.txt) into a list box
Public Class MainForm
Private path As String = "L:Visual BasicSequentialHW"
Private Sub MainForm_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
View 12 Replies
Apr 4, 2011
I have a form that I am loading text (strings) from a database into a label.text (so the text from the database shows up into the label) I have done this code in a class that keeps all my database stuff seperate.
Public Function getQuestions() As List(Of String)
Dim question As New List(Of String)
objReader = objcommand.ExecuteReader
Within the form that the label is in I have done this code
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
I am basically making a quiz, so that when the form loads, question 1 is on there is 4 possible answers. You then press next button and it goes to the next question.
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Feb 6, 2011
Is it possible to load the content of a text file (.txt) into a listbox or combobox if the text file is located in a webpage?let's suppose that the file is located at url...how would i load the content of the text file into my listbox/combobox?
View 15 Replies
Sep 15, 2009
I have written methods to override the LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium and SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium methods. now the problem is that i am using a masterpage, so how do i maintain using my masterpage and still inherit from System.Web.UI.Page?
Bear in mind that the .vb Code behind the masterpage already inherits System.Web.UI.MasterPage. Anybody know how i can "properly" override these methods in a MasterPage?
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Nov 4, 2010
HOW TO RUN THE JAVASCRIPT FUNCTION ON PAGE ONLOAD EVENT IN CONTENT PAGE OF MASTER PAGE.? means i have masterpage and the content page of master page namely default.aspx in vb.net.i wanna run javascript function in Default.aspx and i have called the function body onload in master page.when i run my website it shows the error "" Microsoft JScript Runtime Error : Object Expected ""
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Jan 9, 2012
basically i need to change the text of a label where the name of the label comes from the value of a variable.So, for example,
Dim x as String = "lblTarget"
Dim y as String = "Target Text"
In this case the text of "lblTarget" would need to be come "Target Text". Basically, the label that is named the value of variable x would need to take on the text of variable y.
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Dec 30, 2010
I have a sample app here I could use a hand with Basically I'm trying to update the TextBlock on the main page using MVVM when the content the frame updates the the property. Please find the code attached below:[URL]..How do i get the button inside the frame to change the variable and update the TextBlock on the parent control?
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Nov 1, 2010
I have a WPF RichTextBox which contain in its FlowDocument both text and images. I need to iterate through the text's words (those which builds the text which the user see on the screen) and change their content and formatting. For instance, change the word "room" to the word "home", applying to the last a red color.
I need to change words whether they are formatted or unformatted.For instance, if a word is in Italic, colored, or just regular black text, it makes no difference for me.Each word will be replaced with one which have about identical length, so I don't want that this operation will effect the general page layout. All images and other objects should remain at their positions.It is preferred that the process of this operation will not be visible to the user. Only its result should be visible (i.e, no visible selections of text).If this operation can be done either directly on the FlowDocumet or with properties/methods of the RichTextBox, the simple one is preferred (but exmaples for both will be ideal).
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May 11, 2011
The thing is i have a Master page and a Content Page. I have a LoadComplete in Content Page and a PreRender in Master Page. The problem is one of my htmlcontrols on content page i change on the LoadComplete event server side of the content page. I also have some code for disabling controls on the Master Page PreRender event. For some reason all controls on the aspx side go through the Master Page prerender except the ones that i change on the LoadComplete side. How can i make sure the entire content page loads and then the Master Page PreRender event is called, making all the controls go through that event.
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Apr 23, 2011
I have a label that reads a random line from a text file and that string becomes the text for the label.
Now the problem; the label will only work if it is clicked because the event handler is click.What I need is this to work automatically at startup. In other words, it should change the label's text to the random string of the text file on startup of the application.
Here is my code.[code..]
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Sep 17, 2010
I cant seem to find any link or topic regarding my problem. I have 2 forms in a project, form one has labels and adjacent combobox while the other form (form 2)has textboxes with adjacent combobox. I am supposed to change the text property of the labels using textbox entry from form 2 and add/delete/change combobox contents in fom 1 using entries combobox at form 2.
View 13 Replies
Jul 2, 2011
I have master page in ASP.NET. I have added two asp controls to master page i.e. _EmpDROPDOWN and _findBUTTON.I have one content page. FindEmployee.aspx which shows result list of employees (Gridview) based on the selection made in _EmpDROPDOWN when _FindBUTTON is clicked on Master Page.I dont know how to read Master Page button click evenet in Content page.How to read master page button click event (VB.NET syntax) in Content Page?
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Dec 7, 2011
I want to force all capitol letters in a label and when text is input into a text box. How can I do this?
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Mar 3, 2010
How to Update a div tag in Master Page using a button click in Content page? or Wise versa?
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Aug 20, 2009
I have a label called lblMessage. The data of the message is saved in a SQL Server 2005 DB. In my table i have a message ID and then 4 rows with my message ID. Message 1, Message 2, Message 3 and Message 4.I want my lblMessage to go through a loop every time the user refresh his browser, so that when he refresh it once the next message will be Message 2 and so on and so on.How would i do this in VB.NET or C#?
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Jan 20, 2010
I have this problem but I already simplify the code as below:Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Label1.Text = "hello"
Label1.Text = "world"
End Sub
What I'm trying to achieve here is, after I click the button, the label1.text should change to hello, and after that to world. But I couldn't achieve that. Instead when I click the button, it just paused for 5 second and displayed world.System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000) The code is just a dummy for a loop that I have.
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Nov 5, 2010
I can add NavigatorMenu item in Master Page like this:
Partial Class Site
Inherits System.Web.UI.MasterPage
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
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Apr 13, 2010
i have a page called a1.aspx, with the Masterpagefile = a1_master.master. Now the master page has its own divs and images for design purposes. I want a way where when i load a1.aspx, certain chosen 's and images should be hidden (visible=false). how can i do this? how can i change the visibility of a div or an image in the master page from the content page?
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May 11, 2011
Just as the title says. I have code that disables all controls that runat=server. Its as follows
Dim c As Control
For Each c In pc
If c.HasControls Then DisableAllControls(c.Controls)
But I have a couple of href's in there that i want to disable also. I know they dont runat server, so how can i catch these?
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May 22, 2010
I'm trying to change the text on a label. I'm pretty sure I coded this wrong:
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
AxShockwaveFlash5.FrameNum = 0
View 8 Replies
Mar 8, 2010
I have written a public sub to update a label on a different form by passing in an integer. If I pass in the -1 value it will update the label, but if I pass in any other value, it will run the code (verified by stepping line by line) but the label won't update, even when adding the doevents.
Public Sub mstidlbl(ByVal cnt As Integer)
SyncLock Form_PG_Collect_Master_ID_Label
If cnt = -1 Then
Form_PG_Collect_Master_ID_Label.Label1.Text = "ID: Paused..."
View 5 Replies
Apr 22, 2009
I have a form with label1.text that always runs.
label1.text = "operator1"
i have read in a text file and saved data from it as a string.
i want to continually read this file and when the string data changes i want label1.text = "operator2"
i cannot figure out how to change the label1.text when the data changes.
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Jan 10, 2009
Im trying to write a program that has a thread and the text of the label should be updated every 100 milliseconds. I have the following code but it doesn't work.
Private Sub ThreadTask()
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
I get this error message if I run the program:Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'TimeLabel' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.
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Oct 4, 2009
I need to Change text of label One by one with One timer
For Example!
'step1 "Sh"
'step2 "Sha"
'step3 "Shar"
View 15 Replies
Apr 1, 2009
i have been trying to get a module to change the text of a label but it does seem to want to.
i havent coded for a few years and in the days of old i remember it being easy, i.e form1.label1.text = "what ever". only that give the error reference to non-shared member.
so i dim formstat as form1 and try again with formstat.label.text = "what ever" only this time it give the error nullreferenceexception was unhandled
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