C# - Get The Number Of Rows Equals To A String In MS Reports?

Jan 13, 2012

Simple question but it is killing.

How do I write an expression, that return the number of rows where a column is equal something.

I can get the total rows like this: =Count(Fields!Foo.Value) and RowNumber("Rapporter")

But I can't get the number of rows where Foo is equal to someString

Foo is a type string.

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.net - IEnumerable.Equals Seems To Call The Wrong Equals Method

May 23, 2012

I implemented a PagedModel class to wrap around IEnumerable to provide paging data for grids in my MVC app.I used Resharper's auto-generated Equality code telling it to check the data, total rows, page number, and page size fields.[code]I found the call to Equals(other._ModelData, _ModelData) peculiar, as AFAIK, this checks that it is the same object rather than that the contained items are the same. Because my tests were failing anyways, I went ahead and changed it to other._ModelData.Equals(_ModelData) with no success. Then I reflected into it at debug time and found that other._ ModelData.GetType().GetMethod("Equals",{GetType(Object)}).DeclaringType was Object! Obviously, that would result in the failed comparison.I came up with a solution to create a EnumerableEquals method which compares every item in the two enumerables to confirm the are the same, but it seems sloppy. Is there anything I can do to use the normal .Equals method? [code]

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Using String.Equals In .net?

Aug 26, 2011

I am comapring 2 contract IDs, one is sent by the caller, the other is in a file and read into a variable. I use a string.Equals method to compare the contract IDs. The contract IDs compare successfully if the number in a contract ID is more than 1 away from the the other for example:

CTSRG0006 & CTSRG0005 = false


CTSRG0006 & CTSRG0007 = true

the code I am using for the comparison:

If fileContractID.Equals(calledContractID) Then
isFileValid = True
End If

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String.equals() And Apostrophe - Execution Code ?

Oct 27, 2010

I just ran into what I consider a very strange issue in the execution of some code that I thought I had completely well-understood.

Basically, I was using this kind of notation:

If strOne.equals(strTwo) Then

rather than

If strOne = strTwo Then

I came from a c and java background, and using the '=' operator for comparison has always made me cringe, so I've used the .equals() comparison function thinking that it was equivalent. But just now some of my code broke. It encountered a string containing "Eagle's Nest: Dawn Patrol", used the .equals() to compare it to "Eagle's Nest: Dawn Patrol" and declared them not equal. I changed the code to use '=' rather than '.equals()' and it declared them equal. I also did this:

If strOne.Replace("'", "").Equals(strTwo.Replace("'", "")) Then

And again, it declared them equal.

This has me a little rattled because my code is filled with the use of .equals(), and I've used it assuming that it was no different than writing strOne = strTwo. I've scanned the interweb looking for information about this. I have not found any information about odd interactions between the apostrophe (or other) character(s) and .equals(). Microsoft's documentation does not hint at any subtle differences. how .equals() differs from '='

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VS 2008 - Lock Grid Rows To The Number Of Rows In The Data Table?

Jul 27, 2010

when populating a data grid i keep getting a redundant row in the bottom. is there a way to lock grid rows to the number of rows in the data table?

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Find The Number Of Expanded / Collapsed Master Rows And Grouped Rows In A DevExpress GridView?

Jan 18, 2012

I am currently using DevExpress 10.2 within Visual Studio 2010. In a previous question I was trying to print the current user view of a DevExpress GridControl with the user's choice of expanded or collapsed master rows and/or group sections. I was told this was not possible at this time. I have now decided to use the following code:


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Nothing Equals String.Empty, Null Does Not Equal String.Empty?

Jun 28, 2010

This must've have been asked before but I couldn't locate it. In a mixed code project (VB and C#) we were debugging some old Visual Basic code where a statement as follows could be found:

If Request.Params("xxx") <> "" Then
'do something

I considered this a bug as Request.Params could be null, in which case the statement would've become false which wasn't the idea. So I thought. I just found out, -- probably for the tenth time and I will keep forgetting -- that the following two statements are not equal, while Nothing in VB should be equal to null in C# (thought I):

if(String.Empty == null) // always false
If String.Empty = Nothing Then ' always true

Should I dismiss this as a typical Microsoft backward compatibility effort, or should I consider this a huge error in the VB.NET compiler? Does anybody know the Microsoftean opinion on this oddity?

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Count The Number Of Affected Rows And Display The Number In A Messagebox?

Jan 8, 2012

how do i count the number of rows that are affected when I updated a table, and display the number of affected rows in a message box ??

here is my code for updating the table ...

For Each row As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows
req = row.Cells(Column1.Name).Value
If row.Cells("Column1").Value = True Then


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Crystal Reports Error: A Number Is Required Here

Mar 15, 2012

I have this code in my form (in load event) wherein there is a crystal report viewer: there is a "A number is required here" error in [Code]. how can I solve this error?

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Set Parameter For Number Of Records To Display In Crystal Reports XI

Jan 5, 2011

I'm creating a report where I want to send a parameter for the number of records to display (I do not want to select the number of records in SQL) I have created a parameter field (?topN) and set the group to use this value which in design mode works well however when I try to set this parameter in vb.net code it does not work. The field which also displays the value shows the parameter correctly though.

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Set Parameter For Number Of Records To Display In Crystal Reports XI?

May 22, 2010

I'm creating a report where I want to send a parameter for the number of records to display (I do not want to select the number of records in SQL)

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DB/Reporting :: Set Number Of Groups Per Page Programmatically In Crystal Reports?

Jul 8, 2009

I'm designing a program using VS.NET 2008 and Crystal Reports 2008, and I want to give the user the option to set how many groups per page is viewed. I know I can do it using the Group Expert, but is it possible to set it programmatically in VS.NET?

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Crystal Reports - Adjusting Space At Runtime Depending On Number Of Lines

Mar 24, 2008

I am trying to design a report where one filed can be multiple lines and the other related field should be located below (See attached)
address may be 1 one or more lines, city state zip should be located just below.
I already have the field set to can grow, however the spacing is the issue. How do I make the spacing adjust at runtime depending on the number of lines in the field. I can space it to say 3 lines, but if the address filed is only 1 line it leaves a 3 line gap.

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Number The Rows In DataGridView?

Jul 26, 2010

Is it possible to number the rows in DataGridView ( does this property exist)?
When I load the data from the database to DataGridView I want to show thenumbers of row. like this


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Crystal Reports From SQL Query String?

Aug 15, 2011

I'm trying to view data by entering SQL in textbox.There's no error at below codes but I can't view my data.It shows me blank report. Did I missed something?


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.net - Count Number Of Rows In A Report Using VB?

May 10, 2012

I have a VB report which contains a list of locations. I have this list separated into areas and I need to count the total number of rows per area section. I have a groupHeader which contains my area field, then in the group I list the corresponding entries for that area. Then in the groupFooter I would like to give the total number of entries in the group. How can I do this? I have two fields in my groupFooter


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Counting The Number Of Rows In A Database?

Apr 30, 2009

I am using a tableadapter to connect my project to an MS database. I need a a function which counts the number of rows in the table for something which I am doing. I have sucessfully used the count function to count the number of rows for my other tables, but when I tried to reuse it for another table, it wouldn't work. I get an error...

An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in System.Data.dllAdditional information: Input string was not in a correct format.Couldn't store <AH25> in ProductCode Column. Expected type is Int32.

and this is the code which I used

Dim record As Integer = TAProduct.GetData.Rows
Do Until record = TAProduct.GetData().Count
' other codes

It only seems to work if the first column is an integer datatype, which is the case for my other tables, but the table which I am currently dealing with using a string datatype. Is there another way to count the number of rows without using SQL statements or can I adapt my existing code in some way?

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Get The Number Of Rows Returned By A OleDbDataReader ASP.NET?

Jun 18, 2010

After connecting to a database using DataReader, how can I count the number of rows ?

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How To Detect Number Of Rows In SQL Database

Sep 12, 2009

I am currently having trouble detecting the number of rows in the table in sql database. I have one column as auto increment, and one column that will show the blkname. But everytime I delete off one row, the program cannot run saying that there is no row at position "up to the latest number". Then, when I try to insert back the row again, the program also gives me the same error. I think the program probably cannot detect the number of rows correctly as it cannot like detect if there is 5 rows in the database and if you delete one row, it will give me the error. The above method is the same if I used the auto increament column and without.

The code that I have wrote so far is :
Dim n As Integer
Dim inc As Integer
Dim numbers() As Integer
Dim StartFrom As Integer
Dim EndAt As Integer
Dim MaxRows As Integer
MaxRows = ds2.Tables("CustDetail").Rows.Count
[Code] .....

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How To Get Number Of Rows Where Col1 Null

May 15, 2009

I want to get the number of rows where col1 is Null. datatable.compute(count("col1"), "col1 Is Null") always returns 0, and I am sure there are more than 1 rows with col1 is null.

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Select A Row In A Datagridview If The Number Of Rows = 1?

Apr 12, 2011

how would you select a row in a datagridview if the number of rows = 1

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VS 2005 Count Number Of Rows?

Apr 15, 2009

i have a table name employee_log...and one of the column name is enroll_no...i just want to count the number of rows of that table ....and display that result ie integer value in textbox..... i used count function but i dun the syntax...

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Number Beside The String And The Number Will Increment Which Time The Button Is Clicked?

Jan 31, 2009

I created a listbox using VB.NET. When the user select an item (it is a string format) in the listbox and click on a button, there will be a number beside the string and the number will increment which time the button is clicked. Anyone know how to do it...?Below is the coding I'd done, but I don't know how to do the increment part. Anyone know what coding I need to add?

Dim no As Integer = 0
listBox.Items.Add(listBox.SelectedItem & no)

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How To Change Crystal Reports Connection String Using OLE DB

Feb 8, 2012

i have a "Connection.vb" where all my Connection string stored and used by the entire program.i'm new to Crystal Reports.. and i want to changes its connection string based on the connection string i made... im using MS SQL 2008.. SQL Server Native Client 10.0 OLE DB Provider..

and here is my connection string."Provider=SQLNCLI10;Server=....SQLEXPRESS;Database=Blah;Trusted_Connection=yes"

i tried to google it.. but they are using different language, different database, and complex examples.

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Datagrid With One Column And Dynamic Number Of Rows?

Feb 2, 2009

I am trying a small application here. It is a windows mobile application. I have to create a form with one drop down and a datagrid.Once a value is selected in the dropdown. The focus goes to the data grid.I know before hand that there is only one column. But I dont know how many rows the user will enter.When the foucs comes to datagrid then one row is created where the use will enter a number. When he hits tab or enter a new row is created and the cursor goes there and the user can enter second number. When he tabs or etnerts a new row is created. This should go on until he presses Save button when all these values will go in the database table.

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DB/Reporting :: How To Count The Number Of Rows In A Column

Apr 28, 2009

I am having trouble Counting the number of rows in a specific column in a datatable.

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Display Number Of Rows Deleted In A Msgbox?

Oct 6, 2009

i have a Dataset command (DELETE FROM TABLE Where Name =@name)On my winform i have a Delete button that it deletes the rows, next i want to display the number of rows deleted to a msgbox, what i get now is 0this is my code:

MsgBox(" " & Me.NetworkErrorsTableAdapter.Del(par).ToString & " records deleted ")

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Get Total Number Of Rows And Column From Excel?

May 24, 2012

Dim oApp As New Excel.Application
Dim oWBa As Excel.Workbook
oWBa = oApp.Workbooks.Open(excelFile)


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Getting Number Of Rows In Table To Display In Database

Aug 23, 2009

Any method that can effectively get the total number of rows that is StartRows to EndRows in a database table and then get the corresponding data from that row as currently I am having difficulty in retrieving out the correct row of data to the column that I am comparing. It will always get the first row of data regardless of which row I put in the handphone number which I'm comparing to. The codes below is the one which I am currently using now to detect the maxrows in the database and also to retrieve the corresponding information.

MaxRows = ds2.Tables("CustDetail").Rows.Count
MaxRows = MaxRows - 1
Dim numbers() As Integer
Dim EndAt As Integer
inc = 0
[Code] .....

I used a msgbox(n) to see the number of rows in the database but it displays only one where I have two rows in my database. The for loop is the one which will detect the number of maxrows and also retrieve out the corresponding details. But apparently this is not the appropriate way.

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Recordset Returns 3 Times The Number Of Rows

Dec 15, 2010

I'm trying to run a simple select statement using an ADO recordset. But the resulting recordset returns 3 times the number of rows. For example the query should return 20 rows but is repeating 2 more times and returning 60 rows. When I run the query in Oracle it returns 20 rows.

Here's the code.

sSql = "Select * from Sector"
cnnOracle.Open("DRIVER={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};SERVER=REPDATA.world;UID=auser;PWD=auser;")


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