C# - Redirecting To The Previously Browsed Webpage After Session Expires?

Feb 12, 2010

c# - redirecting to the previously browsed web page after session expires

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C# - Redirecting To The Previously Browsed Web Page After Session Expires?

Feb 22, 2012

I'm developing web site using asp.net. In my web site after login i set session for the logged user for my web site need. and on each page i checked whether that session is null or having value and depending on the value i redirected to the login page.My issue is that after login i want to redirect to the previously browsed web page and i done it by using following way-code on the particular page for checking session value-

if (Session["EmployeeID"] != null)


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Asp.net Session Expires Early?

Oct 28, 2009

I have user log in logic in my web app. after successful log in, i set the user id in Session, so i can keep track of the user. and in my master file page load event, i do

Session.timeout = 60

so session should timeout after an hour. but my session times out at around 10 - 20 minutes. What am i doing wrong? i bet it's obvious.

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Asp.Net Session Expires Immediately?

Nov 16, 2011

My Asp.net Session Expires immediately even though i did the settings in web.config file,

<sessionState timeout="2880" mode="InProc" cookieless="UseCookies"></sessionState>
<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly"/>


i did above settings in web.config even then it expires after approx 3 minutes..

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Browser Is Made In VB And Get Rid Of Message Whenever Refresh " To Display The Webpage Again, The Web Browser To Resend The Information Previously Submitted"

May 27, 2011

I have been searching a lot online but couldn't find a solution for my problem. I want it to refresh every certain interval of time without this message to display. Now Ican't minimize my program because I'm putting an automatic Sendkeys.send("{Enter}") after the refresh to get rid of that message by clicking on "Retry".And If I minimize it the Enter will be executed on the active Window, which might be any other Window.

I hope that you understand what I mean, If not, I will clarify more.

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Set User Browsed Choice As New StreamReader

Apr 10, 2009

I need my program to let the user choose a text file by browsing the computer then the file path of the file needs to be set as the New StreamReader path so that the computer can open the file.


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Take A Browsed Text File And Put It Into A List Box?

May 6, 2011

So i'm new to using access/VBA and i'm having trouble getting this to work.[code]...

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Add Browsed Mp3 Files To A List And Then Play When Select?

Feb 11, 2010

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


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[VB 2008] Get Browsed File In Textbox Written?

Mar 7, 2010

I have a browse button that only searchs to .map files. This is my code: >>

Private Sub But_Browse_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles But_Browse.Click
Dim SelecteerScherm As New OpenFileDialog()
SelecteerScherm.Filter = "Only .map files (*.map)|*.map|All Files (*.*)|*.*"


When I do ok, how can I get this map file in a textbox ?

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Asp.net - Adding A Session ID To A Link For Automatic Session Start?

Dec 8, 2011

I am storing a session variable that a user types into a textbox. With their valid input, their session gets created and they get a little more functionality than the regular end users of the site.I was wondering if it is possible to find a way to add someone's session variable to the end of a URL. This way we can email a link to one of our clients, they click it, and their session has automatically begun. They already have the textbox to enter their code into, but I was told that it would be much easier for the users to just click a link that will start their session.

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Session Id Or Session Number Of The Connection With Mssql?

May 28, 2009

On startup of my software which i developed in vb.net, it connects to mssql server. I want to have session id or session number of the connection with mssql. I'm sure it is unique number and i want to use this session in my software for different purposes. My question is

1. is there anything like session id or session unique number when you connection mssql server

2. if yes to 1 then how i can get it in vb

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Set Up A License That Expires?

Jun 19, 2009

We plan on selling an application that I've made and we want to be able to force the user to buy a 1-year license for it. And of course after that 1-year we want the program to stop working and force the user to purchase another license.

I've seen many things in VB.NET with certificates/licensing but I'm just not familiar with them to be able to take it any further. And right now I don't have the labor to spend hours messing around with it.

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Make A Button Open The File Browsed By OpenFileDialog And Save Path In .txt

May 20, 2011

im trying to make an application which on start ask the user to browse for a .lnk file Once the lnk file has been browsed,the application is shown and there are two buttons



When The Launch Button Is Clicked,The .lnk File which the user browsed to at application startup should open. On exit,well it just exits the application! and the openfiledialog should pop up only for the first time the user ever opens the application.the file path should be stored in a .txt or .ini or registry file so that next time he doesnt have to browse for it again..how would i go about doing this!Here is my code so far! Public Class Form1


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FormsAuthTicket Expires IsPersistent Values?

Apr 27, 2009

I have a login with "Remember Me" checkbox forkeeping people logged in but I 'm not understanding the Expiration with IsPersistent values.How would I set the expiration if IsPersistent is True andif the user doesn't check the box then they should be loggedout as soon as they leave the site, How do I set the experationfor that, I'm confused as to what to do.

Code:Private Sub btnLog_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles btnLog.Click Dim accountSystem As Manager.CustomerDB = New Manager.CustomerDB Dim customerID As String =


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Viewstate Never Expires Until The Browser Is Closed?

Sep 21, 2009

I have been reading up and trying to understand the difference viewstate and session and as i am only storing a database id i believe i have settled on Viewstate.

Am i right in saying that a viewstate never expires until the browser is closed? One of the issues i have with Sessions is that sometimes the people completling my websites forms can take and age to do so and the session can expire.

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Asp.net - Active Directory - Check If Password Never Expires?

Aug 30, 2011

Is there a way in Visual Basic to check if the user's password is set to never expire in Active Directory? 've found a way to find the last date it was changed, but I can't find the other available options.


Where can I find a list of all available objUser properties?

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ASP.NET Cookie Expires Value Resets On Response.Redirect?

Jan 15, 2009

I have a script that reads a form and puts some info into a cookie:


The time is properly set right before it redirects, but when I try to print out that value this way (I have also tried Dim oCol as HttpCookieCollection = Request.Cookies, but I get the same result):


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Auto Timeout/time Expires Of Application?

Jun 21, 2010

I want to create a program that will close itself when the user was idle(not touching/moving the mouse and keyboard) for about 5 minutes...but I have a problem in how to track a user's idle time so that I could set the closing action. Could anyone give me a simple example?

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Playing An Alert Noise After A Timer Expires?

Nov 13, 2010

As the the Title suggest's i want to make an alert noise, such as a simple beep, play after a timer has expired. I have the timer working, just dont know the function for making a noise?

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VS 2010 Trial Version Application That Expires In A Period After Installation

Jan 19, 2011

I have just completed a custom banking & accounting software application for a stingy client who doesnt wants to pay-up! How do i make the application a trail version that will expire in say 30 days, and also ensure that whenever it is installed, it checks for first installation and indicate remaining trial days.

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Page Is Not Redirecting?

Apr 9, 2012

I'm having a problem with ASP.net redirectionThe Copy() method below is called from a javascript button in a grid with ajax and it works fine. It redirects to the Create action of the controller.

<AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)> _
Sub Copy(ByVal noDemande As Integer)
Response.Redirect("/DemandeDeMontage/Create/" & noDemande)


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Process Redirecting More Than Once?

May 20, 2011

Ok, so I've got this code and what it does is it redirects the standard output from the console (Process) and puts it into the textbox (consoleOutput). It seems to work really well but the only thing wrong with it is that it redirects, or enters, the same entry into the textbox 2, 3 or sometimes 4 times! I have looked through my code several times and can not seem to find out what is causing this. Lower down you can see my code so far for the program, and a screenshot of the program while it is redirecting.

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Redirecting Code Behind For VB

Apr 8, 2010

this is the redirecting code behind for c#


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Check Website Before Redirecting To It?

Jan 26, 2010

How can I check the return code of a web site from my code before redirectin my client there using response.redirect? I don't want to send them to my virtual directory unless the document is there.

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Jquery - ASP.NET Button Not Redirecting On IE

Feb 17, 2011

Currently I have a button which on client click, runs a jquerry function that changes the text on a (hidden to the user) label, and then clicks a second (also hidden to the user) button. This second button then runs an ASP.NET function whose last command is to redirect to a second page. The reason I needed to do this, is because I store the value of the label (which is dynamically assigned according to a database) into a session variable BEFORE redirecting to the second page.

This method works perfectly on Chrome and Firefox. Nevertheless, it doesn't seem to be redirecting in IE. It does, however, store the session variable (i.e. the sub routine that handles the hidden button's click event IS called).

Edit: I've tried clicking the hidden button myself, and it works fine, so it is definitely something with the postback from the first button interfering with the subroutine called from the second one.

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Page Not Redirecting Even Though It Does Not Error Out?

Mar 3, 2009

I have this function that utilizes jQuery's post feature to send an ajax request to my logout handler, which destroys the session (set by asp.net) and redirects to the login page:

<script type="text/javascript">
function doLogout() {


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Redirecting Stdout In Realtime?

Sep 29, 2010

I am writing an application in VB .NET which calls external executables (written in C++)and passes them some command line arguments. What I need to do is read back their stdout outputs inealtime , i.e. as they run.I am currently using the ProcessStartInfo class and setting the RedirectStandardOutput property to true and reading it back in from a StreamReader. However, I cannot read this back in realtime. Once the process finishes, the StreamReader will allow me to

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Redirecting The Standard Output?

Jun 16, 2010

I am having trouble redirecting standardoutput and standarderror from a command line program that dumps a lot of numbers to the screen. I've looked through a lot of similar posts and think my code matches what it should be doing (asynchronous reading of the data with appropriate invokes for writing to the log text box) but it still just hangs the application until my p.WaitForExit times out. Once it times out and I kill the process, a chunk (but not all) of the data is written to the textbox in from the OutputDataReceived event handler. Any ideas what is going on here? I've seen some posts regarding buffer size, but that apparently is fixed (i.e. I can set a buffer size of 1 and receive every char). Below is my function to execute the process and two relevant event handlers.

Private Function ExecuteWallGen() As Boolean
Dim bResult As Boolean = False
Dim szExec = Me.ExecutablePath & Me.WallGenExecutable


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Redirecting To A Specified Page In A Gridview In Asp.net

Feb 5, 2010

In my application I have a gridview in which details of containers are stored and displyed.There are many containers in this gridview, say more than 150 containers. I have implemented paging for this gridview as it contains many record. But its difficult for the user to go to every page and search one particular container. So i want a serach option for this.What I need is to enter a containernumber in a textbox and when I click a button, it should redirect to that particular page in the gridview where that particular containernumber exists.

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VS 2008 - Redirecting All Output From EXE?

Oct 30, 2011

Dim myProcess As New Process()
Dim s As String
myProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
myProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "flac.exe"
[Code] .....
The AppendText runs and works on an initial run of the exe, but the problem is that not all output is redirected. when using parameters I get no output from the stream, but running flac.exe at the command prompt reveals output of course. Does anyone know anything about redirects and how to make the above code redirect ALL output from the exe?

flac.exe is a lossless audio codec utility. I am making a frontend for it.

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