Take A Browsed Text File And Put It Into A List Box?

May 6, 2011

So i'm new to using access/VBA and i'm having trouble getting this to work.[code]...

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Add Browsed Mp3 Files To A List And Then Play When Select?

Feb 11, 2010

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


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[VB 2008] Get Browsed File In Textbox Written?

Mar 7, 2010

I have a browse button that only searchs to .map files. This is my code: >>

Private Sub But_Browse_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles But_Browse.Click
Dim SelecteerScherm As New OpenFileDialog()
SelecteerScherm.Filter = "Only .map files (*.map)|*.map|All Files (*.*)|*.*"


When I do ok, how can I get this map file in a textbox ?

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Make A Button Open The File Browsed By OpenFileDialog And Save Path In .txt

May 20, 2011

im trying to make an application which on start ask the user to browse for a .lnk file Once the lnk file has been browsed,the application is shown and there are two buttons



When The Launch Button Is Clicked,The .lnk File which the user browsed to at application startup should open. On exit,well it just exits the application! and the openfiledialog should pop up only for the first time the user ever opens the application.the file path should be stored in a .txt or .ini or registry file so that next time he doesnt have to browse for it again..how would i go about doing this!Here is my code so far! Public Class Form1


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Reading A Text File Into A Checked List Box Through The Open File Dialog?

Apr 4, 2011

I have a checked list box that is populated with the text from a text file. I started off with this code:

Dim FileToLoad As String
FileToLoad = TextBox3.Text
Dim fs As FileStream = New FileStream(FileToLoad, FileMode.Open)


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Set User Browsed Choice As New StreamReader

Apr 10, 2009

I need my program to let the user choose a text file by browsing the computer then the file path of the file needs to be set as the New StreamReader path so that the computer can open the file.


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Getting Listbox To List Text From Text File

Mar 1, 2010

I have a text file and a list box. what Im wondering is how I would get the listbox to list the text from the text file. sure, easy, but wait! in my text file, I listed web addresses and dates with tags in front of them. for example my file would be like: [Code] what would the best way of reading the tags and displaying it right in the list box?

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File I/O And Registry :: List Box To Array To Text File?

May 30, 2010

I'm trying to take items from a list box, add them to an array and then output the array items to a text file using Visual Basic 2008 express.

The number of items in the list is unknown so I can't set the array size to start.

Dim sWriter as IO.StreamWriter = New IO.StreamWriter("C:file_name.text")
sWriter.WriteLine("Name List")


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C# - Redirecting To The Previously Browsed Web Page After Session Expires?

Feb 22, 2012

I'm developing web site using asp.net. In my web site after login i set session for the logged user for my web site need. and on each page i checked whether that session is null or having value and depending on the value i redirected to the login page.My issue is that after login i want to redirect to the previously browsed web page and i done it by using following way-code on the particular page for checking session value-

if (Session["EmployeeID"] != null)


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C# - Redirecting To The Previously Browsed Webpage After Session Expires?

Feb 12, 2010

c# - redirecting to the previously browsed web page after session expires

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Add Items From A Text File Into A List Box?

Feb 16, 2010

I am trying to add items from a text file into a list box...I got that far. Now I want to click on the item in the listbox and have coresponding information appear in a textbox. How might I do this? I know it has to look something like this>

lstbxdisplay.Items(lstbxdisplay.SelectedIndex) = Textfile information Then textbox1 = " "

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Added To The Text File To Add With The List?

Dec 7, 2011

I am taking a VB course for school and I am having difficulty with a program I'm making.

The program is essentially a shopping list that adds the cost of everything up.

But I cannot get an additional item added to the Text file to add with the list.

Ive attached a screenshot of the program and my code..

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List Each Line In A Text File

Sep 6, 2009

I'm trying to list each line from a text file to a combobox:[code]

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Reading Text File Into List Box?

Jun 10, 2011

I have been having some problems with my Visual Basic. In trying to figure that out, un-installing, and reinstalling, running virus scans, etc, I have lost a lot of my time to get this assignment done. I would just keep messing around with it and try to be further along, but I must move on.

We have a form application with 3 tab pages. The first tab page takes input for first name, last name, phone, birth month, and birth year in textboxes. This info is to be written to a file. The next tab page has a read button that then displays the data into a list box. The next tab page has a text box to take input for a birth month and then searches through the file and lists any file that matches that birth month.

The whole thing then needs to be serialized and deserialized.I will post what I have so far. My first question is what do I need to do to get it to read into the listbox? I have tried multiple things. None work. After the issues I had with my visual basic, I don't know if for sure it is me, (most likely), or the software.For the display, we are supposed to use an overloaded ToString method in another class. Do I have to use an array?

private void EnterFriendBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
friend.FName = Console.ReadLine();
friend.LName = Console.ReadLine();


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Removing URL From List In Text File

Nov 12, 2009

I am attempting to get my program to store its, in this case, a Url list in a text file. This should be relatively simple and so far it has been, writing to the document has been easy and it has all worked well, however, I have been trying to get my program to remove a url from this list too. To achieve this I have created a temporary text file, named 'FavouritesTemp.txt' and write the content of a listbox (with the target of the delete command removed from it) and then replace the old text document with the new one. But I keep getting an error from this - saying that a process is already accessing this file, even though I have just created it! I have attached a picture of my error and the code I am using underneath.

System.IO.File.Create(My.Settings.ProgramInfoStorePath & "FavouritesTemp.txt")
MsgBox("Created FavouritesTemp.txt")
Dim FavouritesWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter(My.Settings.ProgramInfoStorePath & "FavouritesTemp.txt", True)
For Each Item In FavouritesListBox.Items
[Code] .....

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Save The List To A Text File?

Feb 17, 2009

I almost have this one complete but after trying a few things (which includes some one giving me their source so i can see how they did it, but it didn't work) I still have no joy.When the duplicate free list is in Listbox2 i want to save the list to a txt file but i want the user to be able to choose where they want to save it kind of like this

Private Sub Button4_Click_2(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click


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Sequential Text File To List Box?

Mar 14, 2012

had a sequential text file loading into a list box this afternoon, opened the programme a few minutes ago and its not working! The text file was loading first name and surname onto the same line, but now it will only put the first name into it.

Private Sub frmSelection_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim Datafile() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines("Datafile.txt")
Dim query = From line In Datafile


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Copy Contents Of A List Box To A Text File?

Apr 21, 2010

I understand I've been asking alot of similar questions around this topic, but I think, with luck, and your help, this will be the last time.

I have a listbox containing x-many different values.

What I want the program to do is to overwrite a pre existing file with all these values,

that is, essentially, to do the reverse of this piece of [code]...

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List Of Words - Cycle Through Text File

Dec 8, 2006

I have found a list of words [URL] that I saved as a txt. I want to be able to cycle through it with my program I am making. I have a string and I want it to change everytime that timer3 is finished, timer1 will use it again.

An example:
dim theWord as String
timer1.tick....textbox1.text = "It is a " & theWord " day!"end sub
timer2.tick....Whatever I have this doend sub
timer3.tick...theWord = the next word in the listend sub

How would I accomplish this? Anyone better list of words than 850 in txt format.

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Load A List Of Values From A Text File?

Oct 20, 2009

I Have a text file that is like the following:



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Load A Text File Into A List Box Using A Delimiter?

Jul 20, 2009

Alright, im trying to load a text file into a list box using a delimiter(sp?)I have 2 list box's lstFirstName and LstLastName I have the code to load it into a list box

r = New IO.StreamReader("c:\test.txt")
While (r.Peek() > -1)
End While

And at the moment this will just load the whole list box, how can I use a delimiter to split it up?So John Doe in the text pad will show up as lstFirstName: John lstLastName: Doe Sorry if im not all that clear, if you dont understand I will try to explain it clearer.

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Loading Text File To Sorted List

Jan 15, 2009

I wrote the code and it works great but then i thought i'd have a little challenge and go above and beyond. i decided to make a highscore leader board system. i used the following variables and sub classes to make it but im having a slight issue...


The idea is that i wanted to make the system able to associate a name with a score, sort the score from greatest to lowest, save it to a text file, load it from the text file, repeat.
so heres a quick list of what i have working...
-Stores name and score
-Sorts by score then outputs
-occasional index of -1 issue
-saves score and name to a text file
-loads score and name when the form loads
-CANNOT add new data to the sorted list...

Thats my main issue. When i have data loaded from last time i try to add a new score to the list but then it gives me an error.

InvalidOperationException was unhandled Failed to compare two array elements

-pointing to the line...

In the details of the exception it continues to say...InnerException {"object must be of type String"}
i don't know which parameter its referring to tho, the variable name is already of type string and count is type integer.

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Log Process List And Saving As Text File

Jun 22, 2010

I need to logging the process list and saving it as a text file. I need it so that it will log any new program that opens up. Basically monitoring the process list.

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Populate Combo Box Or List Box From Text File?

Dec 26, 2010

I'm trying to populate a List Box or Combo Box (either or, I feel like both would be very similar in how the code is written) when you load the form. Here is what I have right now:

<a href="http://s2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/funkyfries222/?action=view&current=ForumHelp.png" target="_blank"><img src="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/funkyfries222/ForumHelp.png" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

When you first open the program it gives you a form with either a list box or combo box (not sure which one I want to use yet) and then an add button to add a name to the list. It shows the from where you enter a name and then when you add a name it adds it to a text file that I have saved onto the desktop. It keeps the names on separate lines and I want each line in the text file to be an item in a list box...

Here is the code for the first form:

Public Class frmEmployeesMeat
Private Sub frmEmployeesMeat_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
frmHours.Visible = False


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Populate Combobox With List On Text File?

Jun 16, 2011

I got a problem how can i populate the combo box with a list on text file separated by comma. ex: in text file "aaa,1". i want to put the aaa in combobox when selected in aaa in combo box the 1 will go to textbox1.text is this possible?

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Saving Items In List Box Into A Text File?

Mar 29, 2010

how do you go about to Save Items that are added to a List Box into a Text File, with the Users Details, from when they log in?

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VS 2010 Import Text File Into List Box?

Nov 17, 2010

I have a txt file that is like below.



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Write Data From List Box To Text File?

May 15, 2009

I'm up to writing user input to a text file. It's the same app as I referred to in a previous post where I was having difficulty reading data.[code]...

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Writing Variables And List To Text File?

Nov 21, 2011

I've got a few variables and a list of decimals i'm trying to store to a text files. If I run it, and file exists, it errors correctly returns to the form. If it's new, it creates it, but writes nothing to it.

Private Sub SaveExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveExit.Click
If File.Exists(Filename) Then
MsgBox("File Name Currently In Use") ' Check if file name in use


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Wrting From List Boxes To Text File?

May 23, 2010

I have 6 List boxes, im trying to write the data in each list box to a Tet file but not sure how to do this.

I have:
'Writing a FIle
Dim sw_ShipmentsFile As StreamWriter
Dim sFileName As String = ""
Dim sConsignmentNumbers(1000) As String


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