C# - Test For A Renamed Partial Method?

Jun 30, 2011

I'm using Linq to SQL, which generates partial classes and partial methods. You then extend that generated code by implementing your your customizations manually in another partial class. One of the hooks L2S gives you is the ability to implement partial methods that get called when a property changes. For example, if you have a property named "MyProp", then you can implement a partial method like so:


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Workaround For Partial Method Using CodeDom?

Nov 30, 2009

I know CodeDom doesn't support partial methods, but is there a workaround? I found a workaround for C#, but I need one for VB.NET.

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Asp.net Mvc - OnValidate .Net Partial Method Won't Fire For NerdDinner Sample Code

Apr 28, 2009

I want to create business rules that are separated from the DAL code that is generated by my L2S model. Per the NerdDinner example (which is written in C#) this code needs to be in a partial class like mine is below.

<HandleError()> _
Public Class PreOrderController
Inherits System.Web.Mvc.Controller


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How To Mock Method Of A Class Under Test With MOQ

Sep 15, 2011

I have a service class that i want to unit test. The service calls a repository class method in order to save some data. But before I call the save method, I have a validate method that belongs to the service class under test which validates the properies of the class to be persisted as a parameter to the repository save method.I know that to verify that the repository save method is called, i have to mock the repository class and set up the save method, but how do i verify that the validate method belonging to the service class under test is called when unit testing the method under test since they belong to the same class?

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Getting An Error While Trying To 'Unit Test' Connection-method To Sql Database

Dec 7, 2010

I just bought the MCTS Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-561): Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5 - ADO.NET Application Development, and am trying to do the Lab Exercises now. Allready at the first exercise (point 8), where I am supposed to make an "UNIT TEST",[code]

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Use The Webrequest Webresponse Method To Test For The Existence Of A File?

Apr 2, 2010

I'd like to use the webrequest webresponse method to test for the existence of a file.If the first file is there, then I want to test for the existance of the same filename with -1.htm appended to it. If that filename exists, then test for filname-2.htm This continues until the filename being tested comes back 404 error. At which point, the program does NOT blow up, but the do until loop stops and the code continues. I have to search for a link on each one of the pages found once I have determined how many pages there are.How do I test for a file and not have it blow up? It has to loop and it goes through at least once. this is code I wrote. Right now the page just keeps going and going. IE's little logo on the page tab keep going around in a circle like it's in an endless loop.

Dim fr As System.Net.HttpWebRequest
Dim A As Integer = 1
Dim Count As Integer = 0


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Partial Entity Class With Shared Extension Not Associated With 'other' Partial Class In Client Using RIA Services?

Apr 21, 2011

I have extended an Entity Framework 4 entity class with a calculated property in a partial class. This member is not available on the client to which the entities are exposed via WCF RIA Services.when using C# appears to be changing the extension of the partial class file from .cs to .shared.cs. I tried this with my VB.Net solution (.vb to .shared.vb) and got a long list of errors. I believe what happened is that the partial class lost its association with the entity on the client - it inherited from object rather than EntityObject.

My best guess is that this is related to the way that VB.Net handles namespaces.Each project has a 'Root Namespace' which is prepended to anything that is defined within a code file. C# has a 'Default Namespace'which is the namespace into which new types are placed by default - via a namespace statement within the file.The partial class is probably having the client namespace prepended to it which puts it into a different namespace than the entity with which it is associated on the server.Is there any means of extending an entity in such a way that those extensions are available on the client via WCF RIA Services and VB.Net?

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.net - Check If A Directory Can Be Renamed?

Jun 29, 2009

My thought is to use CreateFile from kernel32 and check for sharing violations. I believe this will work because I watched the file system activity with Process Monitor while issuing a rename command from CMD that I knew would fail and the last activity was a failed CreateFile call that resulted in a sharing violation.This is the Process Monitor information on the call.

Desired Access: Read Attributes, Delete, Synchronize
Disposition: Open
Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Open Reparse Point
Attributes: n/a
ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete
AllocationSize: n/a

Using this VB code, I produced a call which gave the same information in Process Monitor but did not cause the sharing violation.

CreateFile(theDirectoryPath, _


The constants are pulled from various MSDN and pinvoke.net sources.If I call the above code recursively on all subfolders it will eventually cause the sharing violation, but when CMD refused to rename, it did not recurse. Yes, I know I could just try and catch the exception. But the point at which I want to know if the directory can be renamed and the point at which I want to rename the directory are not the same.

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Get The Path Of The Renamed File?

Dec 27, 2010

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(Label1.Text, "Test.mp3") 'First renaming
System.IO.File.Copy(PATH OF TEST.MP3, Environment.SpecialFolder.System, True) 'But how I get the path of the renamed file (test.mp3)?
End Sub
Label1 = the file path that has to be renamed
"test.mp3" = the same renamed file

BUT how I get the path of the renamed file?

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IDE Continuing Working On Project Under Renamed Directory

Nov 19, 2011

when you start a new projekt, vs2010 makes a new folder for the projekt. when i reach a certain point in my projekt i want to save that version of the projekt.

what i do is make a new folder and copy that projekt to it. projektfolder2 . when i start the projekt in the new folder the sln doesnt work anymore. the vbproj works then. and vs 2010 makes a new sln file one directory down of the old one between the other
projekt files.

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VS 2010 Renamed Form And Now Unable To Open The Project?

Jul 20, 2011

I have made the bad mistake of renaming FORM1 directly on the Solution explorer with the result of me unable to open the form in both designer and code.

The error is:

The Form1.vb does not exist. It may have been renamed, moved or deleted

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Argument Not Specified For Parameter 'test' Of 'Public Shared Function TestThis(test As String)'?

Sep 25, 2010

I don't understand the error, Argument not specified for parameter 'test' of 'Public Shared Function TestThis(test As String)'.

Partial Public Class Form1
Shared Sub ReceiveCallback(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)
Form1.Invoke(TestThis, New Object(){"test"}) 'error


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Strongly-typed Generic Method Invokes Its Argument's Base Class Method Instead Of A Shadowed Method In T?

Oct 19, 2010

Consider a MyForm class that contains a shadowed implementation of Show(). It also contains a CreateForm() method, which accepts an instance of the form and calls the shadowed sub:


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Reference To Test.dll But An Error Messege Was Appear A Reference To Test.dll File Could Not Be Added?

May 25, 2009


and from VB6 project I reference to Test.dll but an error messege was appear A reference to Test.dll file could not be added (If I create VB NET project and reference to file Test.dll it OK )

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Write A Unit Test Assembly In C# To Test Against An Assembly Written In VB?

Sep 20, 2011

Probably a dumb question, but can you write a unit test project in one language to test against another project in a different language?I'd like to translate one of our VB assemblies into C#, but want to build unit tests to verify the results. I've tried to set a unit test project up to do this, but I can't seem to access the VB code within a unit test... I can't figure out if I'm just missing/doing something stupid, or it really isn't allowed.

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Asp MVC Partial Does Not Validate?

Apr 4, 2011

Scenario :

Viewmodel dienstViewModel contains a AdresViewModel
Public Class AdresViewModel
<Required(ErrorMessage:="Gelieve een straatnaam op te geven")>


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Authorize.Net Partial Authorization ?

Jun 13, 2011

I am making changes to my companies internal paysite in order to come into compliance with the new credit card regulations. We have decided that when we get a split tender transaction that comes through we want to get the remaining balance along with how much was on the card to start out with and send that info back to the customer service rep with a message relaying the need for another payment source along with the remaining balance and the amount that was originally on the card.

Instead of chaining the transactions together with the split tender Id we have decided we would like to finalize each split tender transaction with a prior_auth_capture and then request the next payment source and amount and process that transaction in the same manner. I know that we are side stepping the functionality some but those are my orders.

My questions are, is this feasible and possible and how do you do this in code? I am using the C# SDK to implement this in VB.NET 2008

My thoughts are that I would have to process the transaction for the amount passed as a auth_capture transaction and then some how do the prior_auth_transaction with a zero amount or something?

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C# - Can Partial Classes Be Used For Web-services

Aug 10, 2010

Can partial classes be used for web-services or there is some other way to implement it ?

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C# - Serializable Partial Classes?

May 29, 2009

I have the follow VB.NET class definition:<Serializable()> Partial Public Class Customers End Class

Inside another file I have the same thing (with different methods and variables of course). When I compile, I get the following error:Attribute 'SerializableAttribute' cannot be applied multiple times.The error is pretty self explanatory. My question is though, if I just mark the one class as Serializable(), can I assume the entire class with be marked as serializable()? In other words, Do I only need the serializable() tag in 1 spot in the class?

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Extracting Partial Information Of XML?

Feb 19, 2011

I have a lot of information distributed among some tables in a database (and must likely it will all be represented into oop). I will need to create text files with different formats from the same data depending on the request. My idea is to create a design that will require no coding if such formats are to change of be added.I was thinking in using some sort of XML magic trick to accomplish this but I have no idea how to. I am also open to new ideas.

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Partial Inheritance For A Button?

Mar 16, 2010

I would like to create an user control that has a panel and a button. The user control should set font color, size, font type, and other properties but when I place the user control on a form I would like to be able to modify the text for the button.

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Partial Opacity Of The Form?

Dec 16, 2011

How can I make a partial opacity form something like this but with a working code:

me.opacity = 50
button1.opacity = 100
picturebox1.opacity = 100

How can i do this?

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.net - Additional Partial Classes For A Form?

Sep 3, 2010

We have a big Form class that we like to split into peaces using partial class approach That could be done by manually modifying a project file, and adding MainFormPN.vb entry

<Compile Include="MainForm.vb">
<Compile Include="MainForm.Designer.vb">


The issue with this approach is when double click on this item in VS2008 IDE it shows new empty form, not MainForm UI. It looks like VS2008 does not support multiple partial classes for a Forms.

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Asp.net - Accessing Values From Partial Classes?

Sep 2, 2011

I'm still learning so this might be completely wrong. I have built a multi-user web application for internal purposes. I have split my code up to make it more manageable and have run into some problems. I suspect that I have done something very silly!

I have a class in a separate file (quoteStatus.vb) in App_Code here it is:

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data
Public Class quoteStatusHelper


This seems really wrong, as the value seems to be held in the partial class after the first run. So if I have two users accessing the class the public shared dim is changed for both users! There must be a better way to do this. I have looked everywhere and I'm more confused now than when I started off..How can I make QuoteStatus in the partial class unique to every user and access it from my code.

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Asp.net Mvc - VB MVC Re-using A Partial View For Multiple Models

May 4, 2012

I have a bunch of models that contain audit info (CreatedBy, CreateDate, UpdatedBy, UpdateDate). I'd like to create a partial view for displaying this info and then use it for the 20 or so tables. Is this possible?

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C# - ASP.NET Partial Page Class Names?

Mar 29, 2009

When you create a new asp.net page in VS 2008 and choose code behind, it also creates the typical aspx.vb or aspx.cs file to go along with it.

At the top of those files, VS names the 'Partial Class' name the file structure and/or name of the aspx file.

The question: Is there a best practice for this? Can I just use a single class name for all the pages in my application or perhaps a single directory instead of having to give each one a unique name?

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Creating A Partial Class For A Form?

Nov 30, 2010

I would like to create a partial class for my form. I have a lot of events, and it gets messy, so I would like to break up sections into their own files. The problem: When I create a partial class of my form, say:

Partial Public Class Form1
End Class

Visual Studio decides I need another form for this partial class.

1. How do I create a partial class for a form?

2. If I cant do that, how can I break up all the events in my form into different files?

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Full And Partial Not Part Of String

Aug 12, 2009

Using vb.net 2003 asp.net 1.1. I have this C# function that I converted and I gettinga squiggley saying full and partial not part of string, this is converted from a .cs file.

Here is the function, maybe I'm not seeing something:
Public Function RefundTransactionCode(ByVal refundType As String,
ByVal transactionId As String,
ByVal amount As String,
ByVal note As String) As String
Dim caller As CallerServices = New CallerServices
[Code] .....

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How To Get MVC Ajax Partial Load To Work

Sep 4, 2009

I was following the example laid out here for implementing Ajax panels in MVC. I'm using VB.NET, but the conversion is pretty straightforward. However, I can't seem to get it to work?

Here is my code:
Function Index() As ActionResult
Return View()
End Function
Function Archive() As ActionResult
Return View()
End Function
[Code] .....

When I run it, all I see is the ajax-loader animation endlessly. When I run it in debug mode, it never seems to trigger the Archive action.

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Insert the Partial Class to Be Correct?

Apr 21, 2010

How do I insert the partial class to be correct?

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Partial Class


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