Full And Partial Not Part Of String

Aug 12, 2009

Using vb.net 2003 asp.net 1.1. I have this C# function that I converted and I gettinga squiggley saying full and partial not part of string, this is converted from a .cs file.

Here is the function, maybe I'm not seeing something:
Public Function RefundTransactionCode(ByVal refundType As String,
ByVal transactionId As String,
ByVal amount As String,
ByVal note As String) As String
Dim caller As CallerServices = New CallerServices
[Code] .....

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Take A Full File Path And Convert It To A Partial?

May 10, 2010

I need to take a full file path and convert it to a partial


C:Documents and SettingsParentMy DocumentsMusicAlanJacksonDontRockTheJukeBox.MP3

I only need (AlanJacksonDontRockTheJukeBox.MP3)

I got a list named "FullFilePaths" which has well Full File Paths lol

And the code will be like
Dim partialFilePath
As String =

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How To Remove A Listboxitem Based On Partial String Match

Apr 20, 2011

Heya so im close to be done with this project but unfortunately i still have a couple of questions ill start with the first, imagine this listbox contents:


Now imagine theres a string with : "2-12-2009 | 11:30"How can i delete a listbox item if the string matches the listbox item text after the arrow?It might sound a bit confusing but what im planning to do is to delete a listbox item based on the date of the event and not the date of the alarm.

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Asp.net Mvc - Convert C# To .Net - Using MVCContrib Blockrenderer To Render A Partial View To A String

Jun 11, 2009

I need to render a partialview to a string, and I am trying to convert a C# example to VB.Net, as I am stuck with that for this project.This is causing me a headache from these two problems:

ObjectViewData - I can't figure out what that is
RenderPartial is a sub, but seems to be used as a function - I don' get it

I reference the MVCContrib.UI, so I don't need to convert that. But these two functions, I do need to convert:


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Finding A Matching String From A Partial Search (fuzzy Logic?)

Jul 6, 2011

I have a list of names of players and their names in some game. Now an administrator of that game might want to contact one of the players by sending him a message. He does that by writing a command that basically has the format "tell <player> <message>", where <player> is the name of the player.The problem is simple: player names might be quite complicated and long (it's their screen name not their real name), and it would take the admin quite some time to find out how to spell the name exactly and he will probably make a few mistakes. Basically, having the admin type out the exact name is not practical.So I am trying to implement a 'fuzzy logic' search (is that even the correct term?) but with a twist, I guess.The idea is that the admin can type just part of the name and is even allowed to make a couple mistakes. For example, suppose a player has a screen name of "Mr.Smith34", then the admin should be able to type, for example.[code]

The problem now is that there can be absolutely no ambiguity in which player is meant. Instead of sending a message (which is quite harmless) the admin should also be able to 'kick' or ban someone from a game server, banning them from ever playing there again. Obviously, the admin should then not accidently ban a player named "Mrs.Smith" when he meant "Mr.Smith"! My solution (unless someone else can come up with something better) is to just not allow the command if there are multiple matches. If the admin searches for 'smith' and there are multiple names that are similar to 'smith' (maybe even 'sith' or similar) then I disregard that search and tell the admin he needs to try again with a more specific name.(If all else fails he can always look up the ID of the player and use that, which should be foolproof as long as the admin doesn't make a mistake and picks the wrong ID..., but that is even more work it does not have preference).But this brings further problems. The example I just gave might be good: suppose there's a player "Mr.Smith" and a player "Sith". If the admin searches for 'Smith' then there should be no question who he meant (Mr.Smith), but I am sure any fuzzy logic implementation would count Sith as a very close match... Another thing is that my solution of only allowing the search if there is just a single match probably wouldn't work. I have never used fuzzy logic searching before, but I can imagine some names being marked as 'slightly similar' even when they are completely different ('smi' might match 'smith', but also 'ims' perhaps, in which case it would possibly match a whole new range of names), even though 'for humans' it is clear which result is meant.

I am assuming any fuzzy search would return the matches and rate them according to how similar they are to the search term. Perhaps I can choose some kind of cut-off value, where any matches that are less than 30% similar (I've no idea just guessing here) are assumed not equal whereas higher ranked matches are assumed a possible match. Perhaps this makes it easier (perhaps harder, I dunno), but I forgot to mention that the search term cannot contain any spaces. Player screen names can contain spaces though. I am thinking to just strip out the spaces of each name before starting the search, but perhaps there are better solutions in combination with fuzzy searching...

View 13 Replies

Forms :: Search Partial String Using Textbox From Listview In 2005?

Aug 23, 2011

how to search partial string using textbox from listview in vb.net 2005?example i have my record in listview:


now if im going to type string in textbox like "pl" only, then the selected items will be the apple.

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Full Time Part Time Salaries?

Jun 7, 2011

building a program that displays full-time and part-time employees names and salaries when the user uses a radio button to choose either full-time or part-time employees.It's a program from the Getting Started with Visual Basic 2010 but I can't determine which part of the chapter specifies what I need to do to write the program. ?

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Partial Entity Class With Shared Extension Not Associated With 'other' Partial Class In Client Using RIA Services?

Apr 21, 2011

I have extended an Entity Framework 4 entity class with a calculated property in a partial class. This member is not available on the client to which the entities are exposed via WCF RIA Services.when using C# appears to be changing the extension of the partial class file from .cs to .shared.cs. I tried this with my VB.Net solution (.vb to .shared.vb) and got a long list of errors. I believe what happened is that the partial class lost its association with the entity on the client - it inherited from object rather than EntityObject.

My best guess is that this is related to the way that VB.Net handles namespaces.Each project has a 'Root Namespace' which is prepended to anything that is defined within a code file. C# has a 'Default Namespace'which is the namespace into which new types are placed by default - via a namespace statement within the file.The partial class is probably having the client namespace prepended to it which puts it into a different namespace than the entity with which it is associated on the server.Is there any means of extending an entity in such a way that those extensions are available on the client via WCF RIA Services and VB.Net?

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Part Of As String From A String Using Regular Expressions

Apr 17, 2012

I have a string of 5 characters out of which the first two characters should be in some list and next three should be in some other list.How could i validate them with regular expressions? [code]My Strings are going to be: VBBEG, CSBEG, etc.My regular expression should find that the input string first two characters could be either VB, CS, HT and the rest should also be like that.

View 5 Replies

Add "whole" Part Of A Number To "decimal" Part And Store In String Buf?

Sep 14, 2011

One number is represented with four hex values.First two hex parts are my "whole number" part, third and fouth hex numbers are my "decimal" part. I just wanted to store my complete number (whole and decimal) in an excel table.My problem is following when I am storing whole part and decimal part of my number separately, then it works fine am getting f.e. 3017 and 0,9445123 in my excel table, but when I am concatenate them, then I am getting following expression in my excel table f.e. 30,179,445,123 but I want 3017,9445123.

rx_str_buf(str_cnt) = CStr(Convert.ToInt64((Hex(rx_str_buf(Factor + 7)) & Hex(rx_str_buf(Factor + 8))), 16) +
(Convert.ToInt64((Hex(rx_str_buf(Factor + 9)) & Hex(rx_str_buf(Factor + 10))), 16) / 65536))


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How To Get Full Number Presentation In String

Apr 20, 2010

If I have a small double in vb.net like this:
dim x as double = 0.00000003
A conversion to a string would produce a E-presentation (3E-7). in debugging the value it will be shown as full number (0.00000003). How can I get the full number in a string?

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How To Get Full Windows Build String

Jan 9, 2011

I would like to output the complete windows build string(for example 6.1.7600.16385.090713-1255) into a label. What do I need to write?

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Cut Part Of A String Out And Insert It Into Another String?

Dec 10, 2011

I need to retrieve an html page and then isolate part of the code. First, I have a large bit of html. I need to find this:


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Find Part Of A String Within A String?

Feb 11, 2011

I am trying to find the best way to extract parts of a string within a string. Take the following line:


How can I say extract just "16" for the height field?

View 6 Replies

How To Detect A Part Of A String From A String

Jul 6, 2009

How do i detect a part of a string from a string? For example: i want to check if the part of the string "mummy" exists in a string:"Mummy loves Daddy and loves me too"

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Code That Recognises If The String Contains A Full Stop

Sep 4, 2007

I am trying to write a really simple piece of code that basically recognises if the string contains a full stop. The full stop can be anywhere within the string just a simple If String contains (".") Then

How would i write this?

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Compare A Full String To One Containing Wildcard Characters?

May 16, 2012

I have a method that takes 2 string arguments. One that contains a normal string and one that contains a string with one or more wildcard characters. I've tried the following code:

Private Function DoesMatchWildcardString(ByVal fullString As String, ByVal wildcardString As String) As Boolean
Dim stringParts() As String
Dim matches As Boolean = True


The I realized that it won't work properly. If I have ABCD as a normal and A*CD as my wildcard string the match will work even if my normal string was CDAB, which is not what I want.

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Display The Full Name Of The String While Choosing A Short Name ?

Nov 3, 2011

In my project I need to use a 190 very long strings with different number of characters (4-60).I want to mark them in a short form with the numbers 001, 002, 003 ... 190. Is there an easy way to display the full name of the string when I choose a short name ? Of course, I do not want to write 190 times "if - end if" and also I would like to avoid a complicated database. Onenew Visual Studio 2010

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VS 2005 Is There A Way To It Does Not Auto Pad To Full String Length

Nov 26, 2010

I have a project which has a table with a list of stores. Originally the store code was a string of 3 and was padded so 1 would be 001 etc. I have had to increase this column to 8. The problem is when I read in data from a XML file the store code is padded so it looks like this '500 ' rather than '500'. This is now causing a major problem when I do a comparison.Is there a way to it does not auto pad to the full string length?

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Get Certain Part Of String

Jul 12, 2009

how do I get a bit of a string? Here is an example:

I have a string:

Hello, my name is James, and I was born on 10.5.1990

How can I get the last part of the string (10.5.1990)

note that the last part could vary in length and could be any other date (but in that format)

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How To Cut Part Of String

Jun 15, 2012

How to cut part from this string..."abb.c.d+de.ee+f.xxx+qaa.+.,,s,"... where i know position by this: Result is always between "." (left side of result) and "+" (right side).I know number of "." from left side and number of "+" from right side, to delimit resulting string.Problem is right side, cause i need to count "+" from end.

from left side: begining is at 4th "."
( this is easy ), result is =


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Direct Access To Full String Representation Of Object

Jan 23, 2012

I am trying to log the contents of an object to a text file. If I do a debug.print of the object itself in the immediate window, it prints all of the values of the object's properties:

AnsiNullDefault: False
UserData: Nothing

However, I can't seem to access this as a string in code due to a type mismatch. I assumed I could get this information using the .ToString method, but all that returns is the object description with none of the properties or values:


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Added A Full Main Menu To Game And A Full Splash Screen

Apr 29, 2011

I have made quite a nice and tidy little game. Its based around space invaders and works quite well. however because i have finished my college project almost 2 weeks ahead of the assignments release date, my tutor has asked me to tweak my project and make it better.So far i have added a full main menu to the game and a full splash screen. I would like to add in a section for recorded high scores but have no idea how to attempt this at all.

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Displaying Part Of A String?

Sep 7, 2009

I would like to display only part of string. I am able to do that as long as my string is constant, how the string is not constant. How would display only the last part of my string. The string will actually be displayed by using a browse button and selecting a file.


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Extract Part Of A String?

Sep 16, 2010

I'd like to be able to store the word swimming, the 2 words either side are always the same but the text before and after that is different each time.

Basically I'd like to be able to grab a piece of text in between 2 strings.

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Extract Part Of String?

Sep 23, 2011

I want to extract part of a string starting at a specific character, in this case the asterisc[code]...

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Forms :: Get Part Of String?

Sep 5, 2010

I want to make a function that takes a string and then returns only a specific part of that string.

The string the function will take is a path to a file such as

D:FolderFolder2Untitled Document_1_2.tif

What i want the function to do is return the

Untitled Document_1

Portion of the supplied string.

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How To Remove A Certain Part Of A String

Jun 2, 2009

how do I remove a certain part of a string, but I don't know what it will be, I only know that it will start with: [Code]

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How To Remove A Part Of String

Jan 6, 2011

i have the folowing problem: i made a combobox on my form and in order to add items to it i use a normal textbox and a string in application settings, the textbox add's the item in both the combobox( with this code ComboBox1.Items.Add(TextBox1.Text) ) and the string in application settings with the folowing code:


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How To Remove Part Of String

Apr 9, 2011

How can I remove all of the text to the right of the second to last / in a string.
Before = ftp://sylenttechnologies.com/text/test/another test/
After = ftp://sylenttechnologies.com/text/test/

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