Command To Open Ms Access Database File

Mar 3, 2011

i use this command to open my ms access database file, but it is not working, what is the problem.... i learn this command from internet tutorials. [code]

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.net - Using MS Access Database As A File Format For Desktop Application Needing Open / Save Type Functionality?

Oct 29, 2010

This is probably a pretty novice design question. I'm trying to work my way through a number of requirements and give the users the experience they're looking for.I've written a tool that does big calcluation-type things. It currently consists of a class library and command line tool (separate .NET projects.) We're using an Access database format as the file type because it can keep all the various tables together in one file. A few other items about the application: There are not many users. There are no concerns with scalability. There are not great concerns with updates. Desktop is desired. Not web.Using VB and .NET 3.5 SP1

I now need to develop a GUI front end that will allow typical File/Open and File/Save type operations.Users expect that they can open a file, edit it some, then either choose to save it or close it unsaved without any changes being written back to the file. Saving it would obviously save all changes affecting all tables back to the file.

Does it then make sense to use a temp file for something like a proxy then? To, when a user "opens" a file, copy the source Access file to a local temp file and then use that for the editing session? Then, if the user "saves", copy the local temp file back to the source path?

Update: [tagged with ms-access tag too] Also, I omitted the fact that users would expect typical File / Save As functionality too. I think the design I've put in question in this post is what is traditionally called the Proxy design pattern. Has anyone tried this (successfully!) with Access database files before? Words of caution or advice?

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Run File Open Command

Feb 16, 2012

I am running an application from my desktop as you see on the picture,and I don't know how to run File Open command on active form without mouse click,only with vb.application?

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Run File Open Command?

Feb 16, 2012

I am running an application from my desktop as you see on the picture,and I don't know how to run File Open command on active form without mouse click,only with vb.application?

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SQL Command In Use With MS ACCESS Database?

Jun 11, 2011

i am developing a small tool by using VB.Net. I want to display data in comboboxes from a table which is in an access database. I using SQL query. Its a simple problem , I think the problem is in my COMMAND. I want to display data as DISTINCT(No repeating data). I am including the code and design form.My code(for form) is

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
cn = New Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
cn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=\CTCRI-STUDENTSRajeev R NairRajeev.Dept.ESSVariety FinderVariety FinderTuber.accdb"


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Open A .py File In Command Shell Through VB?

Mar 17, 2010

I know the "Process.Start" function, but it creates a new object of the cmd shell which terminates itself when the Python script is at its end. How can i open the original Windows Command Shell so that the Python file can run to its end without the box getting closed?

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Specify More Than One Open= Command In The Autorun.inf File?

Aug 28, 2009

Can you specify more than one open= command in the autorun.inf file?

This is what I am using and it only executes the first file open= command:

open=xcopy usermanual.pdf c:Program Filesinstall directory
open=notepad readme.txt

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Automate Access Error - Open Up An Access Database ?

Mar 16, 2011

(using VB2008) I am trying to automate Access from VB.Net. To do this, I added two libraries to my project, Microsoft.Office Interop.Access v12.0.0.0, and dao v10.0.4504.0. This seems to give me all the necessary commands, yet when I tried to open up an Access database via the following code:


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Open An Excel 2007 File Using A Shell Command?

May 13, 2011

i am trying to open a excel 2007 file using a shell command in visual studio .net 2008 from a button object but it says "File Not Found" even though I created the file and put it into the same folder as the application.

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Delete A Record From An Access Database Using The Command Object?

Nov 26, 2011

I'm trying to delete a record from an access database using the command object in 2010 express but can't seem to get anywhere.If I run the code below, I get no errors but nothing happens. The connection opens fine but the db does not update.the table has only two columns.The variable strCrit is so that I can build the sql string with exclamation marks, When I debug.print the sqlupdate string it seems to read fine.the routine is called from a form with a button.

Dim sqlupdate As String
Dim strcrit As String
strcrit = """"[code].......

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Check Result Of Insert Command To Access Database?

Apr 6, 2011

How do i check if the command insert new data in my ms access database this is my code so far.[code]...

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Update The Access Database With NULL Values Using OLE DB Command?

Jan 5, 2010

How update the Access database in VB.Net with NULL values using OLE DB command

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ODBC Command String For Deleting The 50% Of Data Rows From Access Database

Jun 15, 2010

I have an Access table in which I connect through ODBC commands. I want to delete the 50% of data rows from it. Can anyone knows a string to write for doing that? ALARMLOG is my table. In MS SQL I tryed succesfully the following command :


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Command Line Switches - Keeping Command Window Open?

Feb 24, 2010

I am using the following code to run defrag and to analyze if the C: drive requires defragmentation:

Dim analyze As Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:WindowsSystem32defrag.exe", "C: /a /h /u /v")

This process runs through analyzing, runs it in normal mode & prints the progress to the command window.

My problem is that as soon as the process is complete the command window closes. I need it to stay open so that I can read the results.

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Access Database Already Open?

Jan 7, 2012

Getting this error message and can't seem to figure it out.I have checked and the database iS CLOSED from all possible angles.

rivate Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Open Any Access Database In VB?

Aug 17, 2009

how do i open any access database in visual basic? the code will be general as i will not know the actual filepath of the database itself

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More Than One Access Database Open At A Time?

Apr 20, 2010

with two fields each and write the results to a third Access database as part of a data mining program with finance applications.Here is the code in question:

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Partial Class Form1
Dim DMDatabase01 As OleDbConnection = New


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Open A Password Protected Ms Access Database?

Sep 8, 2009

I am using ms access 2003 as my database in,i want to secure it with a password. what should i add to my code to open my DB?

Public con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\jada\Database\jadaDB.mdb")

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Open An Access Database With A Click Of A Button

May 16, 2010

I want to open an accessdatabase in with a click of a button.I found this example code at the microsoft site.[code]I've added it to my project, but it gives an error that the type 'Access.application is not defined'.

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Using VB6 To Open Access 2007 (*.accdb) Database?

Apr 14, 2009

A. A Visual Basic program is developed to read a text file to Access 2003 database using the Data Access Objects (DAO). The following is the DAO command:

Set db = DAO.DBEngine(0).OpenDatabase("C:TempMyAccess2003.mdb")

B. The office Access 2003 database (*.mdb) is going to be upgraded to Access 2007 database (*.accdb).

C. The Visual Basic program is revised to read the same text file to Access 2007 database using the same Data Access Objects (DAO), The following is the DAO command:

Set db = DAO.DBEngine(0).OpenDatabase("C:TempMyAccess2007.accdb")

D. The following error message occurs when the revised Visual Basic program is executed:

"Run-time error '3343': Unrecognized database format"

I had previously used VB6; I am now using VS2008; What is the best manner to now open the database using the VB code? The code works with the Access 2003 database.

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VS 2010 Copy Open Access Database

Jan 10, 2011

I'm creating a database backup function into by program which will allow the user to locally backup a database to the selected folder. How do I go about doing this? I realise you cant copy an open database, but I cant think of any other way to do it.

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Is There A Specific Save Command That Updates Access File Permanently

Jun 17, 2010

1.) I dragged my detail view over to the form window to create a bindingnavigator, fields, etc.When I press save on the form, the database is temporairly saved.However, if I save my visual basic project, I lose all the changes I have made to my database.Is there a specific save command that updates the access file permanently?The default command added by dragging over the dataset does not work.

2. My database is accessed with the following string:[code]However, doesn't this mean that the database MUST be placed in that specific folder on any PC? Is there a way to simply build the database into the compile so the program automatically generates the database when installed on anyones computer?

3.) This might be fixed by fixing the previous two issues, but if I compile my program and try to install it, I get an error message "Could not download the application.The application is missing required files."

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App Wont Open Password Protected Access Database?

Nov 29, 2009

I have an app with a password protected MS access database connected to it. lets say the password is "123".
when I run my app i get an error saying that the password is incorrect even thought its not.i have been readig around but am strugling to find a solution.

this is the line that causes the error:


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DB/Reporting :: Can't Open Access Database On Mapped Drive

Dec 8, 2008

I can't open an Access database on a mapped drive. However it works if I use the UNC path. how I can get this to work? See the code below for an example of what works and what doesn't...

mConnString = "provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=\tiger-2000dvb_mt7MTrackBE.mdb" ' This works
mConnString = "provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=T:vb_mt7MTrackBE.mdb" ' this does not work
Dim objConn As New OleDbConnection(mConnString)


The error message I receive is...'T:vb_mt7MTrackBE.mdb' is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.I've done the obvious and verified that t:vb_mt7MtrackBE.mdb is a valid path.

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Open Access Database Based On User Input?

Dec 3, 2009

I've been working on an application for awhile that, basically, allows the viewing and printing of a maintenance database. It allows the user to view basic information for the object and then view the maintenance history. My approach for the maintenance history is simply to have unique tables per object since a history has to be kept for each, however, I'm running into a problem in the application that allows the user to view the general information from one DB and the Maintenance history from the other DB.

Say you have Object ID BG1. I can enter the object ID into a search field, pull the data from the general DB and display the data, but I also need it to pull the information from the maintenance history and display. If maintenance history for this object is not found, then create a new table within the DB, fill the columns with the required fields and allow for the user to edit the history.

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Open Protected Password Access Database With Program?

Jun 1, 2010

Open a Access database (protected with a password) in my application in Visual Basic 2008. I use Oledb connection to link my Application to the database. When my Access database is not protected with password my connection goes well, but I don't know how to set my password of my database in my application. I have "googled", but I can't find something that works for me. [code]----

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File Access - When Open The File With Something Like Notepad, It Shows Random Ascii Chars?

Oct 19, 2011

Years ago when coding with VB6 and earlier, I used a file open command to create, read, and write a file that made it easy to store useful information.I believe it was binary and you wrote/read the data to a specific line in the file. When you opened the file with something like notepad, it just showed random ascii chars. When I needed a line of data, I could specify what line to load it from.

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Open The Assignment File On Destop To Access The Solution File?

Sep 18, 2009

I have been trying to open a solution file downloaded from my class for the past two days. When I open the assignment file on my destop to access the solution file, it's not there. I have the variables design, obj, bin, and others but not the .sln file which is the one that I need. How can I fix that problem?

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UnauthorisedAccessException Was Unhandled - File Access Denied When Trying To Open The File?

Aug 22, 2011

I try to map to the network drives and i am able to read the number of folders in the drives and access right for FULL CONTROL ( READ , write etc. ) is given to me and in fact "everyone in the same domain group that i am in. However i encounter the following code error where FileOpen(1, ReadString, OpenMode.Binary) --> It prompts that access to the path of \xxxxxxxxxfolder is denied.

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Open Password Protected MS Access Database In Environment From 2005?

Oct 31, 2009

How open password protected MS access database in MS access environment from vb 2005 code

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