Congigure Source Control To Work With Visual Studio ?

Jun 6, 2009

How can I congigure Source Control to work with VS.NET

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.net - Get Visual Studio To Produce The Same DLL For The Same C# Source?

May 13, 2010

I noticed that when I build a given C# or VB.NET source to produce a DLL, the binary output is different each time. It would be helpful for our build / deployment process if this was not the case. Can I control this?

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Add A Data Source To Visual Studio 2008?

Jun 27, 2009

I have downloaded and run the mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.5-win32.msi. The wizard goes through the process but when I go to vs 2008 and try to Add a Data Source or Show Data Sources I get a blank. NOTHING! Just like I had not clicked on the command. There are simply no data sources available in this virgin copy of Visual Studio 2008. I cannot even access an access db!

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Add A New Data Source To Visual Studio 2010 Project?

Jan 7, 2011

im trying to add a new data source to my visual studio 2010 project. As it stands my project consists of a few windows forms. I plan on making it access a database (made in access, unless this is a problem), and be able to perform pre-set queries, search/sort, and basic delete,add,edit functions. I will hopefully be later adding the function to print reports according to the database entries.However, the problem i am having is that when i go on to data sources, and click add new source, the following happens:3, it asks me which connection i will be using, i click new connection, then in the new connection dialog i choose the following : Microsoft Access Database File (OLE DB), then i browse for the database i made in the 'database file name' box, Then i delete the default username in the log in to database bit, as my database has no protection.

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Visual Studio: Move Source Code Between Projects

Jun 12, 2009

In the "old days" I was working with Linux to create C/C++ programs (really really BASIC...HA!...programs, just learning to program in the courses as an intro) by creating a text file with the source code that was then fed to the compiler/linker that then spit out the executable binary.


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Setup A Db Data Source In A Visual Studio 2005 Deployment

Oct 21, 2009

I'm working on deploying a visual studio 2005 windows application executable with an embedded crystal report using visual basic. It seems to install everything just fine, however, the system dsn isn't being setup.

How do you configure a setup project to setup the system dsn during the installation?

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Visual Studio 2008 Debug Is Launching .NET WPF App With Old Source Files

Feb 23, 2010

This started happening randomly yesterday. When I press F5 to test my project, an old build of the program (circa yesterday afternoon) launches. No changes (and I've tried in a few different files) are reflected in the project. However, and this is truly perplexing, if I go to Build --> Build from the Menu bar, the output .exe in the /bin/release/ directory DOES include all the recent changes.


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Why Program Doesnt Work Without Help Of Visual Studio

Jun 13, 2011

I am really confused! My program doesnt work if I dont have visual studio here in my pc. To test it I have uninstalled visual studio. But my program doesnt work though flash player is present there(I have used flash animation in first form). To be more sure about it I have installed Flash. But its not working! That means flash animation file(.swf) is not making problem! It needs support from visual studio to start. Doesnt it mean that some files are not attached with setup file as a result it needs visual studio to run? Let me tell you how do I create setup file of my program.[code] Application Folder> Create another shortcut & bring it to User`s Programs Menu>Folder(program`s name as folder`s name)

View 4 Replies - Without Data Source Assign In Crystal Report With Visual Studio 2008?

Apr 22, 2011

I am studying crystal report with visual studio 2008. I knew OLEDB, ADO.Net And ADO connections etc. But whatever connection that we must assign data sources. I want to non-configured and assign data sources as like data-grid. In the data-grid, we can configure data field name and generate data assignation in runtime. Can I do this for report or not. If I can this, tell me how can I do this.

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Determine What Visual Studio Version To Use Based On The Source Code Files?

Apr 17, 2012

I have an old system developed in Visual Basic. How can I determine what Visual Studio version to use based on the source code files? I've tried to upgrade the application using VS2005, VS2008 and VS2010. With VS2005 when I attempt to upgrade the source, it says the system was developed in a newer version. I currently have VS2005 version 8.0.50727.42 installed.

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IDE :: Work On Same Project In Visual Studio 2008 And 2010?

Nov 4, 2010

Have anyone worked on a project on 2 different computers with different version of Visual Studio Express?

In my case, I have made (and still working on..) a project in VSE2008, which I have installet at my job-computer.

At my homepc I have VSE2010 installed. I am a bit afraid to try working on that project from another version of the Visual Studio..

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KEYASCII Command Does Not Work With Visual Studio 2005

May 15, 2008


KEYASCII command does not work with visual studio 2005. What is the new code we should use?

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Run A TFS Work Item Query With Visual Studio Macros?

Feb 16, 2011

I'm trying to write a Vistual Studio 2008 macro to run a stored TFS query and display the results.Previously I've created a query and named it 'Assigned to Me' to display all the work items currently assigned to me.Instead of View->Team Explorer, click, click down the tree to My Queries then double click 'Assigned to me' I want to write a macro to automate these steps.

Sub TemporaryMacro()
DTE.Windows.Item("{131369F2-062D-44A2-8671-91FF31EFB4F4}").Activate() 'Team Explorer
DTE.ActiveWindow.Object.GetItem("tfsserverMyProjectWork ItemsMy QueriesAssigned to Me").Select(vsUISelectionType.vsUISelectionTypeSelect)


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Configure Source Control To Work With .NET?

Oct 18, 2011

How can I configure Source Control to work with VS.NET

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.net - VB 9 / Visual Studio 2008 IPAddress.Parse() Doesn't Work?

May 12, 2011

EDIT I accidentaly found a walk around to this problem... Adding the following line in the begining of the function solved the problem for some reason.remoteIPAdress = remoteIPAdress & "END"

I have a school assignment where I am supposed to build a simple TCP/IP messenger in Visual Basic.The problem is that when the client sends his IP in a request I've built ("LetMeInXXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"), even if the server receives the request as it should, it parses it completely wrong..


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Convert The Following Code To Work In A Visual Studio 2008 Windows Form Application?

Feb 15, 2009

I need to convert the following code to work in a visual studio 2008 windows form application, the moment ObjectQuery, ManagementObjectSearcher, ManagementObject and ManagementObjectCollection are not valid.

im objectQuery As New ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE NetConnectionId IS NOT NULL")
Dim searcher As New ManagementObjectSearcher(Scope, objectQuery)


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Visual Studio 2008 Log4net Multiple Modules, Same App.config Different Loggers, Dont Work?

Aug 20, 2009

I have 2 console apps projects in the same directory but different projects. There is some common code in the App_Code directory and a common app.config which gets build into seperate .exe.config files.One module (VScanDemonStarter) starts up and writes to one logger with its own appender going to a seperate file. It uses an process.start() to execute the other module (VScanDemon) in another command prompt hidden window.When I run VScanDemon by itself it puts entries into its log file. When I run VScanDemonStarter it puts entries into its (different) log file, the VScanDemon log file gets created, but no entries. I can see it is executing because some files get moved from one directory to another. Just no Log entries.

<appender name="LogFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender" >


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Visual Studio 2010 - Does The Print() Method In .NET Work With Files Opened With Binary Access

Mar 6, 2011

I am trying to write data to a binary file using the Print() method, but when I run it I get the System.IO exception Bad File Mode.

Here's the code for the FileOpen declaration, that might have something to do with it?

FileOpen(filenumber, "path to file", OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Write, OpenShare.LockReadWrite)
Print(filenumber, expression(variable))

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Add A Control That Will Work Like Toolbox In Studio IDE?

Mar 12, 2009

I am using VS2008 and dont know about wpf. I would like to add a control that will dock to the left side of the MDI container, and have the same functionality as the tool box (be able to pin, and mouse over to show)in this i will be adding a treeview control that will be used as a menu.

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Visual Studio 2010 Created Program Doesn't Work On Windows7 64 Bit While Works Fine On Windows Xp

May 15, 2012

I have one tool which we developed on visual studio 2010. there are basically two parts of my project, one is UI part which i wrote in VB and algorithm part which is in C++ on back end. When we compile C++ part it creates a .dll which is used by my front end VB program.

Now my problem is little weird since i am compiling and deploying this tool on windows xp machine but some of the users are using windows 7 64 bit machines and after running the program for about 5-10 minutes, it crashes on windows 7 with following error

Not enough storage is available to process this command and when i view details of that error, i get the following description.

See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
************** Loaded Assemblies **************


i am completely clue less for this error since this program works fine on xp but doesn't work on windows 7.

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How Is WPF Data Binding Using Object Data Source In Visual Studio 2010 Done

Apr 23, 2010

how to use the VS 2010 IDE tools in a way the Microsofties didn't specifically intend. But since this is something I immediately tried without success.

I have defined a .NET 4.0 WPF Application project with a simple class that looks like this:

Public Class Class1
Public Property One As String = "OneString"
Public Property Two As String = "TwoString"


The expected result was that "OneString" would appear next to "One" and "TwoString" next to "Two" in the running window.

The question is: Why didn't this work? What will work instead? If I put bindings in a DataTemplate, it works. Blend, with its sample data stuff, implied that this should work, but it doesn't.

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Visual Studio 2010 - How To Add A Control

Dec 23, 2011

I want to add ImageListView Control which I found from here and here in application. I tried adding the dll file to my project references (and rebuild-ed the project) but it is not showing up in my toolbox.

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C# - Web Matrix Differ From Visual Studio - Is It More Efficient Than Visual Studio To Develop ASP.NET Web Project

Oct 12, 2011

WebMatrix is a web development and deployment tool by Microsoft so how is this compared to Visual Studio? which Use C# Razor Syntax is that more better coding.


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Control Datagridview In MS Visual Studio 2010?

Jan 15, 2012

I'm quite difficult to understand how could I control DataGridView in MS Visual Studio.

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Control Layouts In Visual Studio Web (VB Language)

Dec 10, 2009

I have a problem that is stopping me from creating my interface properly in Visual Studio. I have a listbox and beside that I have a button. I want the button to be on the right side of the control, level with the top of the listbox, but it is remaining at the bottom of the listbox.

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NET - Which Control Has Focus - Visual Studio 2008

Nov 16, 2010

I am currently translating a windows form application, written in VB6, to a webpage written in Visual Studio 2010. In VB6 it is easy to find out which control has focus on the form using '.getFocus()'. I have come to the conclusion it is not that easy, if at all possible, in vb2008.

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Visual Studio 2008 Web Browser Control?

Apr 20, 2011

Visual Studio 2008 Web Browser Control

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Where Is Winsock Control In Visual Studio 2005

Aug 15, 2006

im doing a project in Visual Studio 2005, how do i add the Winsock control?

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Compile A Solution In Visual Studio 2005 Which Was Compiled In Visual Studio 6?

Sep 15, 2009

I have to compile projects which was compiled in Visual Studio 6 in Visual Studio 2005. When i compiled i got a set of same error. I opened the project for VS6 by selecting File->open->project/solution and tried to build a solution by Build option but i am getting the following error.


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Open Visual Studio Express Files With Normal Visual Studio?

Apr 11, 2011

Is it possible to open visual studio express files with normal visual studio?

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