Convert A File In Memory To A Byte Array?
Jul 27, 2010
I am using IonicZip to compress video files and store in a blob field. I have the zip file created just need to convert it to a byte array. How is this done without writing to the harddrive?
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Sep 26, 2011
How to convert memorystream byte array to csv file. I have GetExport method that converts rpt file to excelformatted memorystream and then returns that as a byte array. Is there a way to convert this byte array to a csv file? Due to some reasons I can only pass this byte array back to calling function.
Public Function GetExport(ByVal reportID As ReportID) As Byte()
Dim byteArray As Byte() = Nothing
Using expRptDoc As ReportDocument = New ReportDocument()
Dim rptFileName As String = Server.MapPath(ReportCommand.GetXMLReportPath(reportID))
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Aug 30, 2010
I am trying to convert each line in a file into a byte array. The line in the file is similar to this:
I have code and have tried several things but they don't seem to be working out.
Dim fileline As String = ""
Dim linebytes() As Byte = Nothing
Dim idx As Integer
' Make sure the file is open for transferring the data to the board.
If Not (SoftwareUpdateFilestream Is Nothing) Then
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Jan 16, 2010
I have a device with upon serial communication , it send the data as HEX values , (eg, C020042ABD0F91A103E400F929EBC) . I use the following code to get data from the serial port.
Dim fStream As New FileStream(sFileName, FileMode.CreateNew) ' creates new file
Dim bw As New BinaryWriter(fStream)
ComTd.Read(data, 1, bCount)
View 8 Replies
Jun 5, 2011
I have a device with upon serial communication, it send the data as HEX values, (e.g., C020042ABD0F91A103E400F929EBC). I use the following code to get data from the serial port.
Dim fStream As New FileStream(sFileName, FileMode.CreateNew) ' creates new file
Dim bw As New BinaryWriter(fStream)
ComTd.Read(data, 1, bCount)
Dim bCount As Integer = 4119 ' it is the size of the chunk not block size
Dim data(bCount) As Byte
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Jun 22, 2012
I'm trying to read the binary data from a binary file with the code below but the it's return the value in the byte array. How can i read the binary data from the binary file and then convert the data into string?This is how i create the binary file.
Dim fs As New FileStream(Application.StartupPath & "Agency.dat", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)
Dim bf As New BinaryFormatter()
Call bf.Serialize(fs, GAgency)[code]....
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Nov 18, 2010
How could you convert a IntPrt to a Byte Array (Byte()) ?
View 19 Replies
Jan 25, 2011
I have a byte array that I convert into a string like so Dim byt As Byte() = New Byte(255) {} s = New String(Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(byte))My question is when I look at the string in a debuger its clearly a normal string but when I compare it to what I know its supposed to be it doesnt equal. So i did a quick check and for some reason its return a string thats the length of 256 characters. So i did a s.trim and it still is 256 characters long.
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Mar 24, 2010
I am trying to Convert a data field stored as IMAGE ( SQL Server 2000) using Java to a byte array using VB.NET Java uses signed numbers for a Byte array where as VB dosent. Can somone point me to how I can covert java byte array to VB byte array?
View 2 Replies
Aug 25, 2010
how to convert byte array to memory stream in
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Sep 20, 2009
How do I read a raw byte array from any file, and write that byte array back into a new file?
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May 25, 2012
I am trying to copy a byte array into a Class that is in a third party library
Dim usr As New RSI_USER_RECORD Dim ba(RSI_USER_RECORD.RSI_LEN_USER_REC - 1) As Byte 'populate ba here usr = ba 'how can I do this? Is this even possible?
Here is the definition of the class (from Reflector)
View 2 Replies
Aug 8, 2007
I have a reportviewer that I am rendering as a pdf into an in memory byte array. What I need to do is apply an owner and user password for the pdf. I have downloaded the adobe sdk and have scoured the Internet for examples to do this to no avail. with a VB.NET example that will apply the owner and user password for the pdf.
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Mar 27, 2011
I'm trying to get a string from a byte array previously read from memory
i can get the string like this
dim mem as string= ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(memory) or dim mem as string= UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(memory) but when i try to concatenate this with another string i get a strange result dim result as string = "this is you memory string " & mem & " problem string" no matter what comes after mem in the concatenation it seems like it is not there when in fact it is because when i try this (mem has two chars in it) dim result as string = "this is you memory string " & mem(0) & mem(1) & " problem string" problem string appears so what i assume is that there are some vbCrLf chars in the string after reading (or is it from the conversion?)
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Jun 22, 2010
A c# class's single dimension byte array contains socket level instrument sensor data as per:
public static byte[] frameData
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Oct 7, 2009
I have an array defined As string and the value stored in site is like "7E", "A1" and so on. But in order to send out this array through serial port. I need to change the the array to As Byte instead of using As String. How can I convert it?
View 8 Replies
Nov 4, 2010
The following image or RTF file illustrates how I'm trying to transform an input Byte array into an output array of Booleans. This is basically what I have listed below. figure out how to get from one array to the next while shifting values of bytes within 8 byte groupings to shift low order to high order or vica versa. What I mean by that is best seen by looking at the illustration of actual input an required output. The reason for this is that the hardware devices have registers and the display which can be seen in the links above needs to convey the disabled sensor cable cell locations.
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Apr 19, 2011
How to convert byte array to pdf using
my code is
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline;filename=data.pdf")
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Oct 19, 2011
Ok, I am tasked with changing certain text labels that exist within 1000's of CAD files. The only way to change the text labels, as of now, is to open each CAD file in a CAD editor, change the labels by hand, and save it as a new file name, and that will take forever.So, I want to make this job easier and to do that I need to write a program to do it automatically (not a Macro). So far, I have made an app that loads the CAD file's bytes, finds the position of the label's text bytes, and replaces the text bytes with my own bytes, and saves the file under a new name.The problem is, I don't know the format/encoding/whatever they used to write the string to bytes..... The good thing is, I have unlimited examples to learn from because I can use the CAD program to change the text and then see the results in Hex. I want MY program to mimic the results.Here is some hex examples;
13 BE FD F9 00 = wood
0F 1E 1E 80 = cat
0F 26 FC E0 = dog
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Nov 2, 2011
hI want conver my string to byte array.
how to convert my string to byte array in
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Dec 23, 2010
I have string in {&HF3,&HA1,&H01}
i want to convert it to byte array like {&HF3,&HA1,&H01}
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Jun 15, 2010
I am reading/writing a fixed length header into a stream and I need to do the following in VB:
1. Convert a 2 byte integer (int16) into a byte array
2. Read 2 bytes of a byte array into an integer variable
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Aug 8, 2009
I have a very simple question about converting a byte array into 16bit integers. I am connected to a device through a serial port. It sent me six bytes which represent three Int16 integers. For example, the byte array is called newRecievedData(5) and has a length of 6.
The manual that came with the device claims that the int Format is 8 bit MSB|8 bit LSB. Does that mean the following?
newRecievedData(0) contains 8 high bits of the first Int16
newRecievedData(1) contains 8 low bits of the first Int16
newRecievedData(2) contains 8 high bits of the second Int16
but VB.NET Express 2008 gives me the error that Error 1 Value of type '1-dimensional array of Byte' cannot be converted to 'Short'.
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Jan 27, 2012
I'm trying to check whether a Win(RAR) archive is password protected.
0x74 0x24 0x94
How can I convert 0x24 0x94 to bits and check whether the file is encrypted with a password?
HEAD_TYPE Header type: 0x74
1 byte
HEAD_FLAGS Bit flags:
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Aug 12, 2009
I have an activex control that outputs a template object to the client, which gets serialized to a byte array. My attempts to put this byte array in a hidden field for post back to the server have given mixed reults, in that the size of the byte array decreases when sent to the server. My best guess is that the byte array is being truncated when put into a (string) hidden field.
I convert the byte array to a HEX string on the client side before passing over to the server, then converting it back on the server - HEX to byte array. If found some examples of how to do this in C#, but I haven't a clue how to accomplish this on the client - vbscript, javascript, etc,
I'm guessing something like this would get it done on the server, but how would I accomplish this on the client side?
Private Function Bytes_To_String2(ByVal bytes_Input As Byte()) As String
Dim strTemp As New StringBuilder(bytes_Input.Length * 2)
For Each b As Byte In bytes_Input
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Mar 6, 2012
I m using encryption and decryption
When I use Return Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ToArray()), I can decrypt data by first Convert.FromBase64String(stringToDecrypt) and it works fine.
But if I dont use Base64string method when returning the data and use .Encoding.ASCII.GetString(ms.ToArray) and then try to decrypt, I get "Bad data" error
View 11 Replies
Aug 16, 2010
in my project I use an Excel workbook as template. Right now, this workbook is located in the same directory as the exe-assembly and can be opened and manipulated by the user. To avoid this, I thought about adding the workbook to a ressource. That works. Problem: how can I convert the resulting byte-array/stream back to a workbook-object?I tried like this, but - obviously - the conversion fails:
Public Shared Sub test()
Dim wkb As Excel.Workbook
Dim bytes As Byte() = My.Resources.Template_1
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Jun 10, 2010
I'm trying to convert a image into a byte array for use in a msacces db.THis is the code I use but I can;'t get the byte array?
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
View 7 Replies
Aug 17, 2009
I wish to write a structure made up of fixed length strings to a file using y.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllBytes or the like.I am using a VB6 project with fixed length strings that I have converted in to VB.Net.
Structure Record
<VBFixedString(22),System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAs(System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType.ByValArray,SizeConst:=22)> Public tim() As Char
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Dec 8, 2009
I'm trying to figure out how to convert a string inot a byte array to send as a packet over a socket. Initially it was used for serialport.write but I would like to use in
Socket.BeginSend(ByVal buffer() As Byte buildpacket()
Below is taking a struct (listed at bottom) as an argument and building a string using eg. Chr().
How can I convert the output of buildpacket(), eg. "yyyypyu" into a Byte().
Public Function buildpacket(ByVal packet As PacketRecord) As String
Dim temppacket As String
Dim checksum, i As Integer
'Build packet to Transmit
temppacket = Chr(255) & Chr(255) & Chr(255) & Chr(255) & Chr(254)
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