Convert String Into Test?

Aug 13, 2011

I am building an application to update a database.I have a Map table where row 0 holds the target table field name Row 1 holds an update value or Source table Column name Row 2 holds a Where condition eg

Map: CustNo CustName Val1 Val2
Update: 25
Where: =[CustNo] > [Fld14]

In this example I am going to update the Target Table Field 'Val1' to 25 where the Target Table Rows have Field 'Val1' data > 14 AND Target Table Field 'CustNo' = the Source Table Field 'CustNo' AND the Target Table Field 'Val1' > the Source Table Field 'Fld14' Where I am stuck is I at the moment is wondering how I should convert the strings into test conditions as I iterate the Target Table eg Say my test string is stTest and it holds " = 25" For each dr as datarow in dtTarget

some code

... stFld = "Val1"
if dr(stFld) { convert stTest into literal '=' and then 25}

... do something the only way I can think is to build up a series of test cases like:

Select stOp
Case stOp = "="
Case stOp = "<>"

View 17 Replies


Argument Not Specified For Parameter 'test' Of 'Public Shared Function TestThis(test As String)'?

Sep 25, 2010

I don't understand the error, Argument not specified for parameter 'test' of 'Public Shared Function TestThis(test As String)'.

Partial Public Class Form1
Shared Sub ReceiveCallback(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)
Form1.Invoke(TestThis, New Object(){"test"}) 'error


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Test For Certain Characters In A String

Aug 15, 2011

Reverentjim kindly gave me this code the other day that worked well. There are two more things i am trying to do but cant get my head around it.

1) I want to be able to extract the text after the second and before the period e.g. profile

2) if exists, I want to change the text to lower after the period

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Test That XML String Is Well Formed In Net?

Jun 24, 2010

I'm looking for some code in .net to allow me to test an xml file to determine if it is well-formed. I am not validating the file against a schema at this point in my code, just testing that it conforms to xml specification for being well formed.

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Function To Test First Char Of String?

Jan 15, 2012

Function to test first char of string

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Test If An Expression Contains A Part Of A String?

Feb 27, 2009

In a Select Case statement is there a way to test if an expression contains a part of a string? Something like this:

Select Case myString
Case "*abc*" 'any string that contains "abc" falls here
Case "*def*" 'etc
End Select

View 2 Replies

Test If A String Exists In A Column In A DataTable?

Sep 15, 2011

I have two tables, dt & dtResults.dt contains 3 columns named: vchInstrumentAnalyteID, bintAnalyteCodeID, & vchAnalyteCode dtResults contains several columns including the columns in dt

I want to get vchInstrumentAnalyteID from the first row in dt and test if it exists in the vchInstrumentAnalyteID column in dtResults. If it exists, I want to use that value from dt to filter rows in dtResults and fill all the filtered rows with data from that row in dt. Then loop to the next row in dt.

I have this code, which is close to what I need, but I can't get it working.

' put analyte data in results table
For Each drA As DataRow In dt.Rows


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Test If The Characters In A String Is A Valid MAC Address?

Apr 8, 2012

i am trying to test if the characters in a string is a valid MAC Address

but my code

dim getMAC as string = "22:13:35:67:49:ab"
If Regex.IsMatch(getMAC, "/^([0-9a-fA-F]{2}:){5}[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$") = True Then"is valid")


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VS 2010 Test Connection String Is Correct?

Jan 11, 2012

I want to test whether the connection string is valid or not?What should I do ?

View 18 Replies

Test A String Of Text That To Contain A Certain Type Of Char Values?

Dec 1, 2011

I need to test a string of text that needs to contain a certain type of char values. The known is allowing of a-z,A-Z,0-9. But the variable (which will be coming from a database field) will be the allowed symbols. The allowed symbols will look something like:!@#$%^&*()

So using regex, how can I check a string of text to make sure it ONLY contains a-z,A-Z,0-9 AND the allowed symbols as shown above? Remember, the allowed symbols is dynamic at run time so I need to somehow be able to plug that in to the method at run time.

The following examples would be valid using the above symbol string:


The following example would NOT be valid:Test1234%_

View 2 Replies - Swapping A Connection String To Access A Test Database For Unit Testing?

Jun 22, 2009

I've set up a test database to begin unit-testing an app that I've recently been added to. It is a 3-tier design (presentation layer, BOL and DAL) and this is my first time writing unit tests. I've decided to start at the BOL and I figure the best way is to swap out the ConnectionString (which has been passed along as a Shared String) with one that points to my new test database. However, I don't wish to change any production code. I simply wish to somehow redirect the app to the test database during unit tests.

View 4 Replies

Convert A String Containing A Binary, Octal And Hex Number Into A Decimal String?

Jun 7, 2009

I'd like to convert a string which contains a decimal number into string that contains the binary value, the octal and the hexadecimal value of that decimal number.Afterwards I also like to convert a string containing a binary, octal and hexd. number into a decimal string.Basically I'm looking for the functions:


I'd not prefer to rewrite a function, I'm sure the framework must have these functions already.

View 5 Replies

Convert List Of String To A String Separated By A Delimiter

Apr 15, 2009

Whats the best way to convert a list(of string) to a string with the values seperated by ,

View 3 Replies

Convert Null Terminated String To Normal String?

Dec 16, 2009

Is there any way to convert null terminated string to normal string.I mean I can easily make a program to find the location of vbnull but there has to be a built in function for that.

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Convert String Array Into A String Without Escaping Any Character?

Dec 24, 2011

I need to convert a string array into a very long string with following requirement:

can not using any character escaping can not using XML can not using single character as separator (e.g. comma or space as separator)

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Convert These Datatypes: Date To String And Integer To String?

Sep 1, 2010

how can i convert these datatypes: date to string and integer to string.Because it must be in a string datatype when I display it in a datetimepicker and textbox.

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Convert A RTF String To A Regulat Text String?

Nov 9, 2009

how I can convert an RTF String to a regulat text string. The rtf string has tons of formatting info, but all I need is the text in the string.

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[2008] KeyPress - Convert To A String And Add It To Overall String?

Aug 3, 2011

Currently, I'm using the following code to pull info from the management class.


I'm also pulling info from the bios, disk drives, video, etc. What I've noticed, is although it runs fine on my pc, it may error out on some pcs since it is hardware dependent.I'm having trouble implementing a check to find if it exists before I convert to a string and add it to my overall string.

View 6 Replies

Error - Operator '=' Is Not Defined For Type 'DBNull' And String "test"

Feb 23, 2010

I have the following query

Dim get_rmf_2 = From rmf In t_rmf _
Where rmf!NIVP = nivp_rap

When i run it i get an error :

Operator '=' is not defined for type 'DBNull' and string "test".

I suspect this is because the column "NIVP" in the datatable contains null values, I've tried yhe same thing without null values and it works.So how can i make this work ? ; the column "NIVP" really has a row "test" , and a normal SQL query works fine.

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Open "C:/Test.txt" For Input As #iFileN String?

Jan 25, 2010

i'm making a program for may computer project. Our teacher hasn't taught us about reading/writing a file yet. I tried running the code but VS underlines the string

Open "C:Test.txt" For Input As #iFileN

like so. and details as follows.

Open: Not declared. File I/O functionality is available in 'Microsoft.VisualBasic' namespace

C:Test.txt: Method arguments must be enclosed in parenthesis

For: Comma ,')' or a valid expression continuation expected.

I've tried adding Microsoft.VisualBasic reference but VS says it will be loaded automatically.Here's the whole code

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim sFileText As String[code]....

Edit: I tried enclosing the C:... in parenthesis but the following statements becomes a FOR statement and is asking for an END for the FOR statement

View 14 Replies

Reference To Test.dll But An Error Messege Was Appear A Reference To Test.dll File Could Not Be Added?

May 25, 2009


and from VB6 project I reference to Test.dll but an error messege was appear A reference to Test.dll file could not be added (If I create VB NET project and reference to file Test.dll it OK )

View 10 Replies

Convert 1-Dim String Array To String?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm working on a mass text replacer program because I'm sick of all the 10-day trial ones out there that aren't very good.The entire program is basically finished (All easy stuff), but now I need to code the actual replace/delete stuff, which I'm stuck on because apparently the way I originally intended to do it is not possible.

The way it works is you load a text file (.txt, .cfg, .ini, .doc, etc.) which opens a StreamReader which writes all the data into a listbox. Then you pick whether you want to replace or delete a string. If you select replace, then you enter the string to search for and in another textbox you enter the string to replace it with.

The way I originally intended to do this was like this:

If o1.Text = "Replace" Then 'The option
Replace(txtfile, str1, a1) 'txtfile is the data, str1 is the string to find and a1 is the replacement
End If

The problem is, I believe this method requires txtfile, str1 and a1 to be strings, but they're all 1-dimensional string arrays, which cannot be converted to strings, or at least I don't know how to convert them.

A friend told me one way I could do this is to open both a StreamReader and StreamWriter and do the replace/delete line by line as they are entered into the memory and write them to a temporary file which is then copied over the original. I can do this kind of, but I still don't know the proper way of doing the actual replace code because the string to find and the string to replace with are still 1-dimensional string arrays rather than strings.

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Convert A List(of String) To String()?

Nov 11, 2011

Dim namelist As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)


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Convert A String To A Constant String?

Jun 9, 2009

I have the following code...

Const ToAddress As String = username.Text & "url..."

which sets to ToAddress to be used in on my Net.Mail.MailMessage that is to be created with the following constructor

Dim mm As New Net.Mail.MailMessage(username.Text, ToAddress)

which takes in a string and a constant string. But I get an error here[url]...

View 6 Replies

Convert String To String Array In .Net?

Jul 29, 2011

I have a function that takes string array as input..I have a string to process from that function..

Dim str As String = "this is a string"
func(// How to pass str ?)
Public Function func(ByVal arr() As String)


I have also tried :

func(str.ToArray) // Give error since it converts str to char array instead of String array.

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.net - Convert A List (Of KeyValuePair(Of String,Int32) Into A Dictionary(Of String, Int32) Using .ToDictionary?

Nov 2, 2010

To be able to sort a dictionary by value I'm using this code:

Dim idCurrentJobs As IDictionary(Of String, Int32) = New Dictionary(Of String, Int32)
'The string in the dictionary represents a jobname and the integer is a counter for how many jobs im currently are running in the application'
idCurrentJobs.Add("JobName1", 2)


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Write A Unit Test Assembly In C# To Test Against An Assembly Written In VB?

Sep 20, 2011

Probably a dumb question, but can you write a unit test project in one language to test against another project in a different language?I'd like to translate one of our VB assemblies into C#, but want to build unit tests to verify the results. I've tried to set a unit test project up to do this, but I can't seem to access the VB code within a unit test... I can't figure out if I'm just missing/doing something stupid, or it really isn't allowed.

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Value Of Type 'System.Func(Of String, String)' Cannot Be Converted To 'System.Convert

Feb 17, 2011

Value of type 'System.Func(Of String, String)' cannot be converted to 'System.Converter(Of String, String)

Why? They are both effectively a function pointer (or delegate?) to a function that accept a string and return a string.

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Convert A String To Hex?

Apr 28, 2011

I have 1 string of 12 numbers separated by a ',' "11.11,22.22,33.33" etc coming in my serial port. One number has so far been 5339, but now its changed to 533d, which causes problems, for reasons I am still trying to work out.

The top numbers are all real numbers ie 0.000 or 00.00 or 000.0, whereas the bottom 3 numbers are Hex FFFFF but just happen to show decimal numbers by 'good luck'.[code]....

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Convert A String To Xml In

Jul 29, 2011

How to convert a string to required xml format in[code]...

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