Convert String To Proper Case (strConv Equivalent)?

Jul 30, 2007

To convert a string to proper case what's .NET equivalent of Visual Basic strConv Function?

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IDE :: DataGridView : Convert A Specific Column To Proper Or Title Case

Oct 2, 2009

how to convert a string that is entered in a column to proper or title case. For example, user enters "now is the time". Code will capitalize the first letter of each word "Now Is The Time". In VBA I would execute the following code in the afterupdate event: me.fieldname = strconv(me.fieldname, vbProperCase).

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String Function To Fix Names Like O'Neill After Proper Case Conversion?

Feb 2, 2011

If I use code such as NewName = StrConv(OrigName, vbProperCase) to convert names to proper case, i.e. with initial capitals, I get unwanted results with Irish names like the following:

O'neill instead of O'Neill
O'grady instead of O'Grady


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.net - Sentence Case Or Proper Case In TextBox

Jan 18, 2012

I want my TextBox to make the text i enter as Sentence Case(ProperCase).. but i dont want to write any code in an event like Lost Focus or KeyPress

Just by default when ever a user enter or types in a textbox the first letter of every word should automatically converted into UpperCase

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What's The LINQ Equivalent To SUM(CASE WHEN X=Y THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)

Sep 18, 2009

Not sure if this is just a bad habit, or a valid way of doing things, but for large complex report queries spanning bunches of tables, I often get my aggregate stats by summing a Case statement.For example:

SELECT Contact.Name,
SUM(CASE WHEN Order.Type = 'Special' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS SpecialOrders,
SUM(CASE WHEN Order.Type = 'Magic' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS MagicOrders,


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StrConv Is Not Declared?

Dec 4, 2009

Just trying to create a method inside a class and copied the following code from an online source and it does not work. I get a message that 'StrConv' is not declared.

Public Class ConvertPostcode
Public Function DoConvert(ByVal postcode As String) As String
Dim ConvertPostcode As String
ConvertPostcode = StrConv(postcode, VbStrConv.Uppercase)


Shouldn't this function be available using VS 2008?

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Convert CAPICOM To .NET Equivalent?

Jan 5, 2011

This is the code from my VB6 app using CAPICOM


but I need to convert the same functionality to VB.NET. Is there an equivalent to get the same values?

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Converting String To Proper Datetime Value?

Jun 15, 2009

I have a datareader reading Date feild from the CSV file as string. it retreives the first record as "03/06/2009" successfully. My system datetime format is dd/MM/yyyy when I insert these values to an access table it put 06/03/2009 i.e makes it 6th March 2009 instead of 3rd June 2009 and so on for the values upto 12th June....after that it starts treating the date monthly correctly..

View 11 Replies - Convert Characters To Html Equivalent Using .net

Apr 5, 2011

I have a text document that is a roster of licensees. I am looping through this document to create a html table of this data. I've come across names with non standard characters.

This is one of them


I tried running all the inputs through the following function, but when it comes across the above character it doesn't replace it.

Function ReplaceBadCharacters(ByVal input As String) As String
Return input.Replace(Chr(233), "é")
End Function

How can I replace each character with the html equivalent?


When I debug the above function it shows the input as Aime[] and not Aimeé.

In Chrome it looks like this Aime�

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Convert A Short To Binary Equivalent?

Sep 28, 2009

I need to convert a Short to his binary equivalent. For example:Dim x As Short = 20480 And then I need a method to get the binary thingy, which in this case is: 101000000000000

I searched for a answer using google, but I couldn't find a proper explanaition.

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VS 2008 If Else Convert To Select Case

Jan 23, 2012


convert this if-else-then statement to select case.

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Why Can't Convert The Following If Then ElseIf Into A Select Case

Mar 24, 2010

Why I can't convert the following If�Then�ElseIf statement into a Select Case statement

If temperature = 100 Then
X = 0
ElseIf population > 1000 Then


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Convert A Number Into Equivalent Years And Months?

Dec 23, 2010

I want to get the total years and months in a number eg. 25 should give me 2 years 1 month. and 11 should give me 0 years 11 months and maybe 12 should be 1 year 0 months,i have this code but it does work for me as i want it seems the loop i am using goes only once.

Dim Month As Double = 25
Dim LeftMonth As Double
Dim Count As Integer = 0


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SQL Server 2005 - Convert DateTime To Hex Equivalent

Sep 14, 2011

How do I achieve the same in VB.NET which is so easily done in SQL Server.
Select Case(GetDate() as VarBinary(8)) --Gives the Current Time in Hex
How can I create the same string in VB.NET so that I can compare in SQL Server as such -
Select Case When GetDate()=Cast(0X00009F5E00D8DF7C As DateTime) Then 'True' Else 'False' End -- 0X00009F5E00D8DF7C Will be the value I get in VB.NET When I convert it Date.Now() To Hex

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Wpf - Convert C# ObservableCollection Sample To Dataset Or Equivalent

Feb 23, 2011

I have a C# example that is populating a multiselect combobox. This was from an example found online. It works fine with the static values coming from the observable collection. I want to change this to be database driven from a SQL Server backend, but was having issues. I did get it to populate the combobox, but the selection is acting kind of screwy. Some type of simple query from a Northwind table would suffice such as: "Select CategoryName from Categories".


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An Equivalent To SortedList(of String, String) That Accepts Non-unique Keys?

Apr 16, 2012

What I need is to be able to put in a SortedList a combination of two fields that are non-unique, but the pair is (like database composite keys).More precisly, i have my list, and i want to be able to do this with it

Dim myList = New Generic.SortedList(Of String, String)


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Upgrade VBA StrConv Byte Array VbUnicode ToString?

Nov 23, 2006

I'm new to msdn forums and hope that this question is posted in the correct group.How can I upgrade the following VBA code to VB.NET?

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String Function(s) To Change Only First Letter Of String To Upper Case?

Dec 20, 2010

string function(s) to change only first letter of string to Upper Case?

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Case Statement - Convert Numbers To Roman Numerals?

Mar 10, 2009

I wrote a program to convert numbers to roman numerals but something in my code is making every number I put in return a ""I" roman numeral. Here's my code.


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C# - Generating Code - Get A Proper String Representation Of Nullable Type?

Mar 17, 2010

So I'm building an application that is going to do a ton of code generation with both C# and VB output (depending on project settings). I've got a CodeTemplateEngine, with two derived classes VBTemplateEngine and CSharpTemplateEngine. This question regards creating the property signatures based on columns in a database table. Using the IDataReader's GetSchemaTable method I gather the CLR type of the column, such as "System.Int32", and whether it IsNullable. However, I'd like to keep the code simple, and instead of having a property that looks like:


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Convert A Set Of Julian Days Into Proper Date Time Format "dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM:SS"

Jun 27, 2012

I need to convert a set of Julian Days into proper Date Time format dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM:SS Problem seems to be that they are Julian Days FROM a certain date, im assuming the standard 1970? Below is my code:


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Testing String Value Of Nothing Is Equivalent To String.Empty

Feb 24, 2010

I have a nullable database field of type varchar. I am writing a unit test for a service method that retrieves the value of this field. The service method uses a custom DAL that returns a value of String.Empty if the database field is Null (this is desired behaviour).


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Proper Case - "Sandeep Premchandani" (Single Space Between Sandeep And Premchandani)

Aug 3, 2010

Dim strName As String strName = TextBox1.Text strName = StrConv(strName, vbProperCase) Label1.Text = strName

My question is: If I give blank spaces before name after name and between name and surname/title, then I want to remove all blank spaces except one blank space between name and surname/title.

Example : Input > " SANDEEP PREMCHANDANI "

Output > I want "Sandeep Premchandani" (Single space between Sandeep and Premchandani)

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Get Type Object From Its String Equivalent?

Nov 3, 2009

for Types, we could call toString and convert that into a String, but i would like to do the reverse i.e getting a Type object from its string.

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What Is The Equivalent To Vb6 String(number - Character)

Feb 16, 2009

what is the equivalent to vb6 String(number,character?

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Change Case Of Specified Characters In A String?

Sep 27, 2011

I have all-one-case strings representing postal addresses stored in a database, but I want to capitalize US state abbreviations (e.g. " ca " to " CA ") when the abbreviation is separated from the rest of the string by a space on either side.The lousy way I could do it would be to have 50 statements like

If addressString.Contains(" al ") Then addressString.Replace(" al ", " AL ")
If addressString.Contains(" ak ") Then addressString.Replace(" ak ", " AK ")

Edit: That is a really lousy way! Here's what I did instead:

addressString = StrConv(addressString, VbStrConv.ProperCase)

'This needed to be done anyway, but it turns " ak " into " Ak ".

Static stateAbbrevs As New List(Of String)(New String() {" Ak ", " Al ", " Ar "...})
For Each a In stateAbbrevs
If addressString.Contains(a) Then


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Make A String Not Case Sensitive?

Mar 8, 2010

I'm trying to check a string, but it turns out to be case sensitive, how do i make a string not case sensitive??

This is what I got:

str001 = My.Computer.Registry.GetValue _
("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services" & "\" & str2, "ImagePath", Nothing)


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String.contain() Versus Select Case?

Feb 10, 2010

I have 8 sentences, such as:

"Hello and we Hope you enjoy our service<100>"
"Good Morning Mr something nice to see you <200>"
"Good Evening Welcome to this domain <300>" etc etc

(The actual requirement is long sentence about 10 or 15 word and 8 different sentences.) I want to check which on is the response from the xmlhttp, I am doing that by searching the response if it contain <100> or <200> or <300> and depends on that I want to display "Login Faild", "Login success", "Server Down" etc.. what I mean, I have a place for 4 words in my listview and i don't want to put the complete response that came from the server, my question is, how to do it? I had tried to use Select Case in this way, it did not worked.

Select Case MyResponse
Case MyResponse.Contain("<100>")
MyResult = "Login Failed"


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Use .Contains(string) With A Select Case Statement?

Apr 15, 2010

Is there anyway I can build a Select statement that uses the Contains function? Like this:

Select commentStr
Case commentStr.Contains("10")
Case commentStr.Contains("15")

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Using String.Contains With Case-insensitive Arguments?

Dec 8, 2006

Is there any way to use Dim Str as String = "UPPERlower"Str.Contains("UpperLower") and have it return true?

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