Create A Plugin System For An Application?

May 14, 2009

i want to implement in a program. I'm not asking for code just some advice and maybe a link or 3 to useful pages on the internet.I want to create a plugin system for an application that i want to make. The idea for the plugin system is based on the following...

1-Some graphics editing programs have what i think is called a filter/effects chain. its where you make a list of filters and settings that the program runs to edit the image.

2-In yahoo pipes you take small parts and use them to complete tasks for you mashup (like pulling all the images returned in a search and displaying them).

The system i want advice on is basically a plugin chain system modeled after these 2 idea's where the user selects plugin's and forms a chain out of them.for instance if i wanted to display a picture then i would form a chain of plugins like this

legend:[(inputs)what it does(outputs)]

[show open dialog plugin(output filepath)] -> [(filepath input)open picture plugin(output bitmap object)]->[(input bitmap object)Display a picture plugin(make a form for display)]

The code for the task's will of course be in the plugin's.The problem is i have never done any plugin system before. the hardest part i need help with is getting the plugin's loaded and sending the output's to each other. Also another problem i think is that the plugin's could be for anything (parsing text, displaying a picture, opening a url, downloading a file, etc, etc)Again I'm not asking for code just advice and some useful links to information.

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Create A Plugin System Where Plugins Can Be Dynamically Loaded?

Dec 21, 2008

I am trying to create a plugin system where plugins can be dynamicly loaded (we don't know how many there are, what their classes are called, ...)This is sample code for a plugin:

Public Interface IPlugin
Sub bla()
Function bla3() As String
End Interface


This code SHOULD msgbox("yay") when it finds a type that implements my IPlugin interface. Yet it never finds one. I can't find what I did wrong. It gets to the debug.print("2"), but never gets past the "If GetType(IPlugin).IsAssignableFrom(t) Then".

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VS 2008 : Work Properly With The Reflection To Create A Module/plugin-based Application?

Sep 24, 2009

I have found a lot of articles about Reflection and know how to create a class. I'm practicing how to work properly with the reflection to create a module/plugin-based application.So I found a simple example which is working great, but it isn't dynamic enough, 'cause it is hard-coded. I need to read all the .dll's from the application.startuppath & "modules" & *.dll and get there names (without the .dll).Code is was testing for practice returns the form (I know that this is not the correct way to call the dll dynamically):
Imports System.Reflection Public Class Form1 Private Sub cmdOK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdOK.Click Dim assemblylink As [Assembly] assemblylink = [Assembly].LoadFrom(Application.StartupPath & "/" & "LoginAssembly.dll") Dim LoginFrm As Form LoginFrm = assemblylink.CreateInstance("LoginAssembly.Login") LoginFrm.Show() End Sub

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Plugin System In .net?

Jun 1, 2011

Is there a significant enough difference with .NET from regular native code to maketraditional plugin systems not very useful? Either way, there must be some system for making a program extensible after it is compiled. To allow third party development withoureleasing the source code. Anyone have info on this? I said .NET, but of course specifically I mean Visual Basic

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Collection Of Interfaces (plugin System)

Mar 8, 2012

I am trying to make a plugin system in and i am using interfaces to do that. I have managed to implement the plugins but now i am having problems with setting the plugins in a dictionary or some sort of array.

The system is simple. I have the main application and i have plugins. The application needs 2 mandatory plugins and that is data and authentication. Other plugins are free to use so i have 3 interfaces. Data, Authentication and CustomPlugins.

I load the plugins with this


It works fine like this but i want to make a collection of plugins because i don't know how many plugins the customer make. So initially i thought to make a collection


But that doesn't work. The main focus is to load as many plugins as i like but have then in some sort of array. A dictionary would be perfect but is not a must.

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Make A Plugin Type System For Themes?

Aug 16, 2011

I am looking for the best way to make a plugin type system for themes. have allow users to create custom GDI based controls in a dll plugin that is to be able to be switched on runtime by users. My issue is there is no way to have a dynamic inheritance so how can I make it so the controls show in the toolbox and can be changed on runtime?

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VS 2008 Extremely Basic MDI Plugin System

Jul 8, 2010

I've got an MDI form with a menustrip that already detects all .dll files in a folder and adds them to the menu to show the user which plugins are available. The thing is that I don't know what to do from here on out...

I'd like to be able to update my program without having to stifle through all my code (it's a very big program) and be able to create basic new features through external DLLs. It's extremely useful for users to make their own features too

Anyway, what a plugin would look like is most likely just a form with controls on it that the user makes themselves in VB. I'd like the plugin to activate through an init() sub within the plugin by clicking on the menu item shown in my MDI form.

I kind of started with my own code but it didn't really get anywhere:

ListFilesInMenuStrip(PluginsToolStripMenuItem, App_Path() & "Plugins")
For Each c As Control In Me.Controls
If TypeOf c Is MenuStrip Then


...Where ListFilesInMenuStrip() is my function to add all the DLLs to the menu and App_Path is just a shortcut function which serves the same purpose as VB6's App.Path() class.

I've also done research but only came across all their weird complex CodeDom and other weird things...This seems so simple but I just can't wrap my mind around it :I

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VS 2008 - Implementing System To Check Whether Plugin Installed

Jul 8, 2009

I am trying to create a plugin system. I have the actual plugins working fine but now I want to implement a system that knows whether the plugin is installed or not. I can get the plugin name when the form is loaded (ex. "Plugin1"). I then want to check this against something to see if that specific plugin is already there (if not add it) and if it is there is it enabled. I was thinking of doing this with an xml file but thought that might be a lot of work reading and writing each value. I then thought of the My.Settings and was wondering if this is possible. I would want to create an "element" for the name and give it a value of either true or false.

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IDE :: Create A Plugin For VB 6?

Jan 19, 2010

I am working on a migration project to convert a Visual Basic 6 system to a new platform. To make life easier for the programmers I would like to develop some plug-ins for the Microsoft Visual Basic 6 IDE. But until now I've found only information about using vb6 to write plug-ins for other programs. how to create a plug-in for the Microsoft Visual Basic 6 IDE (SP6)?

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Possible To Create A Program That Can Lock Not Only Application But Whole System (PC)?

Oct 15, 2011

I just want to inquire if it's possible to create a program that can lock not only the application but the whole system(PC)? What I want is that, if my application wasn't used within a specified time frame, it will automatically olock the whole computer and it can only be unlocked by a password.

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Forms :: Create A System Tray Application (service)?

Feb 16, 2009

I'm wanting to develop what I perceive to be a pretty simple application. I want something that runs in the system tray that tests for the presence of a particular file on a network drive. If the file does not exist, the icon in the system tray is a green circle (like a traffic light).If the file DOES exist, then the system tray icon is a yellow circle (caution), until the user clicks it (the yellow system tray icon), and a record is written to another file, then the system tray icon changes to a red (stop) circle until that first file we tested for is gone.I'd also like to create "balloon messages" to go with the changes in the system tray icon.

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IDE :: Create System Genrated Testing For Application Developed?

May 8, 2009

I have developed an application in VB.NET. Now I wanted to know how can we create automatic testing for this application. If VB.NET doesnt suppourt this , then can you tell me the best way to go ahead for testing the application.

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VS 2010 Create Application's User Login System?

Dec 7, 2009


I need some trick to make some good and safe "Login" to application system with username and password.

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Create An Application That Allows User To Type In A 32 Bit Number Using Binary System

Jul 13, 2011

Can anyone help me to break down the instructions for this assignment.Create an application that allows the user to type in a 32 bit number using the binary system, and convert that number into the decimal numbering system.For example, the user types 000000000000 0010 (where there are 30 leading 0's, 1 then 0 from left to right), and the output would be 2.The user will type a string that is 32 characters in length.A For loop 'reads' each character using the x.substring(i,1) where i is the current character we are reading and 1 means one character only,and x is the entry the user typed (use a Textbox to get the entry but Inputbox is also ok).When you start at the first character (from the right) then that value is to be * 2 ^ 0 then the second character is to be * 2 ^ 1, then the third character is * 2 ^ 2, hence:( x.substring(i,1) converted to Integer ) * 2 ^ j represents the decimal value of the current number (0 or 1) we are reading.A variable is needed to accumulate all those values.After the loop is done, display the accumulated value.To test this code on a simple version, enter a 4 digit binary number, where 0010 is decimal 2, 0110 is decimal 6, 0111 is 7, and 1000 is 8.

My understanding is the user must enter 32 digits into a textbox. The textbox should place limitations that only allow the digits "0" and "1". This error could be displayed to the user with a messagebox that then asks to reset the value orginally inputted into the textbox. My understanding is I should continue creating the formula of the position of each character where the third character is *2^2, fourth is *2^3, fifth is *2^4 and so on? I don't understand the formula and how it works.

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Create A Notification System For Application That Will Alert The User Once New Items Have Been Sent To Their Queue?

Jul 4, 2010

I need to create a notification system for my application that will alert the user once new items have been sent to their queue, which is made of up database entries. The latter part of this question may need to be asked in the database forum, but I guess we'll figure that out First, since I haven't created anything like this before, I need some direction on what the best possible solution would be.The notification system should always be running and work independently of the main app. With this requirement, I thought a Windows Service would be best.

The notification itself will just be a quick form that alerts the user. I'm sure most of that will be fairly easy to create. The only issue I'm wondering about is how to constantly check the database and determine a new record has been inserted.Would a windows service have a timer or something that allows me to constantly check?If it does, how would I determine a new record has been inserted?

View 4 Replies - .Net Iniatialising A Class Using System.Reflection And System.Type To Create A Session Based Singlton Extension Method

Jun 11, 2009

I have had several occasions recently to access a specific class several times over a relatively small time frame.So I've been storing the value of the class in Session and trying to access it on page load, if it's not available creating a new instance and storing that in session.

So instead of constantly replicating the same code for different classes on different pages I'm trying to create an extension method to do this for me.


I'm stuck on what to do when I make my new instance of my class (it would have to have a New() sub)

I'm not sure where to go from here... or even if this is the best way to do it.

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VS 2005 - Login System - Application Which Has User Authentication System

Apr 1, 2009

I'm writing an application which has user authentication system, basically, when the user open the software, he has to enter his/hers username and password which are retrieved form a access data base, and if the user is set as admin then it enable some features, I couldn't figure out how to read the column lets say, IsAdmin table, which will store an value of 1 or 0 for example. I need a concept of how build a login system with levels or whatever you guys call it...

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Event Type Clr20r3 P3 4a5c12c0 Exception And Application Crash On Some System While Running Well On Others

Aug 3, 2009

Event type clr20r3 p3 4a5c12c0 Exception and Application crash on some system. while running well on others. i go thorugh many forms and search a lot on google but not able to resolve the issue.


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Create A Folder In A Networked System From Another System?

Sep 17, 2009

i want to save a jpeg file from one system to another system which is connected through network.its in a windows target system's name is "abc".how can i do this ?

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Application Does Not Return From Call To System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents?

Aug 2, 2011

I have a windows forms application written in VB.NET which scrapes information from serveral web pages (who doesn't right)? Anyway, I am having problem with one particular site where partway through the page navigation my application hangs. When I press pause (or break) in the debugger, it stops on a call to System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents.

Resuming execution shows that it really is stuck on this line (it does not reach the next line of code). It also hangs about the same point each time I run it (at least its consistent). Since System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents yields to other threads on the same processor and then resumes execution of the current thread, I think the problem is that some other thread is not behaving well (not returning from some event handling code). I thought Windows 7 was pre-emptive, which makes me
doubt that theory but I really don't know.


The program scrapes somewhere between 12 and 14 pages before it gets stuck on the call to DoEvents. Does anyone have a clue why this would happen? Why would any call to DoEvents hang?

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Publishing My Application - Where Exactly Does The Application Gets Installed On My System

Jan 9, 2012

I have recently created an application with Visual Basic.NET. I published my application and installed it. Now the question is that I need to know where exactly does the application gets installed on my system ?

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How To Develop Plugin

Dec 15, 2010

i need to develop a plugin to evaluate web interfaces. Can someone guide me about how to develop plugin in vb 2008 express.

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Create A Windows Form Application Program That Can Create Games Something Like Gamemaker Or Klik?

Aug 4, 2010

Hello I want to create a windows form application program that can create games something like Gamemaker or Klik & Play (butt less advanced) with D&D "Drag and Drop" events and actions.

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Make A Plugin Written In .NET?

Jun 9, 2011

I've got a C#.NET background and due to circumstances I'm trying to make a plugin written in VB.NET. I've created a new class project which gives me a DLL. This class implements a C# interface which all works.My only question is this... In my C# code I've got an implemented DLL (which loads at runtime) with the following declaration before the class...

public class XmlPlugin<T> : IStoragePlugin<T>


How do I write [Plugin(PluginType.Storage)] in VB syntax?

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Make A Way For Webbrowser To Be Able To Add Plugin?

Aug 11, 2009

make a way for my webbrowser to be able to add plug in?

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Plugin That Loads Mdi Form?

Oct 28, 2009

Ive created an application that reads plugins but I can't figure out a way of making a form thats housed in the plugin into an MDI for my existing application.[code]...

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Use Studio Mysql Plugin?

Dec 4, 2007

I've been reading a lot of the posts but i just can't seem to get mine to work,What am i suppose to fill in under Server Name? i'm using my godaddy's free hosting account's mysql but i can't seem to find any thing that'll teach me how to use that exactly it just keep saying 'unable to connect to any of the specified mysql hosts' am i filling in something wrongly?

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VS 2008 Plugin / Mod In Program

Oct 4, 2010

For many Java games/programs I use, you can download plugins/mods. Now I'm wondering if this is possible in VB?

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Create A VB Application In VS2008 Without Requiring The Application Be Run On A Computer With A .NET Framework In Place?

Feb 26, 2010

How can I create a VB application in VS2008 without requiring the application be run on a computer with a .NET framework in place?

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Create Uninstall Command For A Windows-based Application In The Application Folder?

May 27, 2009

how to create a uninstall command for a Windows-based application in the Application Folder when creating a new setup project in visual studio 2008.

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