Create An Application That Records Screenshots Every 50 Milliseconds?

Jun 2, 2012

I am trying to create an application that records screenshots every 50 milliseconds... And It works below:

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Dim b As Bitmap = New Bitmap(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height)


But after 30 seconds I see an ArgumentException on the second line...

Does anyone have a solution or an alternate method of capturing the screen like this?

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Create A Database Application That Will Keep Records Of All Cash Transactions

Aug 2, 2010

I am trying to create a database application that will keep records of all cash transactions. how to print a cash receipt to give it to the customer?

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Using The Web Browser Control To Generate Screenshots Of An Intranet Application Developed In ASP.NET

Mar 21, 2012

I am using the web browser control to generate screenshots of an intranet application developed in ASP.NET.

The screenshot is generated, compressed and then stored as a BLOB in the database. When I developed this facility I investigated the best way of compressing the image (to the lowest byte size), however the images still seem to be too big as the database table is growing larger than I hoped. I am using the TIFF format, but I am now thinking that this may not be the best as it is used by photographers (who I assume require good quality photographs). Here is the code to compress the image (before it is stored as a BLOB):


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Application Which Can Create/update/delete/search Records Using Access Database?

Apr 24, 2010

i have a simple application which can create/update/delete/search records using Access database. If i add a record, save it, then close the application and run it again and search for that record, it appears. However, when i write some code to my application, nothing to do with the search function, and i run the application the record is not found. For example i added a button to clear the textfields, and when i ran the application the records i have added earlier were not found.

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Screenshots Appear During An Installation?

Sep 4, 2011

How do i insert the images during an customize installation?

For example, when i was installing Skype, screenshots of Skype appeared during the installation. How would i make that during my installation, with images appeared and disappeared just like skype. I know i could use code to bring back and front, but that is not how i wanted it to be. I tried that code before, but doesnt look good enough.

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.net Code To Take Automatic Screenshots?

Jan 9, 2012

I'm looking for visual code (for visual basic express) to take automatic screenshots (timeout=60 seconds) for application testing. But every code has a lot of bugs:For example: [URL]Errors like:

Error 1 'Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)' has multiple definitions with identical signatures.
Error 2 'Private Sub InitializeComponent()' has multiple definitions with identical signatures.
Error 3 'components' is already declared as 'Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer' in this class.

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Capturing Ingame Screenshots?

Dec 7, 2011

Okay, so I know how to capture a screenshot of the Active Window, but if the active window is a game, then the screen is just black. What do I need to do to be able to also capture ingame screens?

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Get A Screenshots Of Video Clips?

Feb 13, 2011

I'm running vb 2005. I need to take snapshots of video clip that are on my HD.

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How To Ensure 10 Frames(Screenshots) Per Second

Sep 30, 2011

I have a screencasting program where it takes 10 screenshots every second and saves it to a temporary directory then through ffmpeg the series of images are compiled into a video format. My problem is that due to the computers processing power or the size of each screenshot and its quality it sometimes takes longer than 100 Milliseconds to create one causing the whole video to be off balance. How can I ensure 100% that 10 Images will be stored?

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Images (Screenshots) For This Forum?

Jun 10, 2010

I started a little project to make it easier for me to post an image (screenshotby having the program output thehtm page which shows a thumbnail image, the URL, and the HTML text used to post the image here in the forus a question. I've set the name to "index" so that it appears by default rather than the former open browsing

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VS 2010 - How To Take Fullscreen Screenshots

Dec 10, 2011

The following code takes a full screen screenshot:
Public Function TakeShotOfScreens() As Bitmap
Dim maxHeight As Integer = 0
Dim maxWidth As Integer = 0
For Each scr As Screen In Screen.AllScreens
maxWidth += scr.Bounds.Width
[Code] .....
I am after some code that takes a screenshot of only a small portion of the screen.... I have to x,y,width and height of the square that I wish to take. Is this possible?

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Create DB With More 65535 Records?

May 24, 2011

Usually when I need to create a DB with excel files(in order to get records that I need), I used following


Excelconnection = New OleDbConnection("provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; data source=" + mypath + "; Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1'")

where mypath contains path of excel files.Now I have a file with no extension where structure is: each record is separated by space and row are more than 65535.I saw that with csv file I can solve this issue but I don't know if OLEDB connection to csv file works fine.I don't want to create several sheets.

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Capturing Screenshots As A Windows Service?

Jul 29, 2009

Basically I have created a windows service using VB 2008 where I am trying to capture screenshots periodically.

The timer is working fine and I have tested this.

The purpose of the service is to monitor the desktop over night when the user is logged off, by capturing screenshots and saving them to file. This is so admin can be alarmed about security breaches etc.

The problem is is that I have not found a way to capture desktop screenshots as a windows service (or otherwise) while the windows logon screen is active (i.e: when the user locks the computer). I have used google extensively but to no avail

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Creating And Saving Screenshots In PNG File?

Dec 30, 2009

How to create and save screenshot to PNG file? Lang:VB or C# (VS2008)

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Create A List Of Records In .net Using The 1.1 Framework?

Jun 29, 2009

I am essentially trying to create a list of records in using the 1.1 framework.It seems that I should be using an object even though I have only properties but no methods (more like a traditional record), I would like to store a list of objects, how can I create the list and add an instance of the object to the list.I do have sample code that almost works but it is too poor for public display.

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Create A Log Of The Records That Have Been Added Into The Table?

Apr 8, 2012

i have a datagridview with (a lot of) rows. With a click of a button I add them into a table. Everything works fine. I want to create a log of the records that have been added into the table.


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DB/Reporting :: Create Some Records Using Structures?

Feb 24, 2012

I am basically trying to create some records using Structures as you can see below, however the value of Index doesnt seem to be incrementing as I am assigning it to txtCustomerId.text each time form loads, however the value of the text box remains at 1000 all the time


Public Class Form1
Dim NumberOfCustomers As Integer
Dim Index As Integer


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How To Create Datatable With Multiple Records

Jun 6, 2009

How to create datatable with multiple records.

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VS 2005 Take And Save Screenshots Of The Current Window?

Oct 28, 2009

how to take and save screenshots of the current window or whole screen which ever is simpler.

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VS 2008 Capturing Screenshots As A Windows Service?

Jul 29, 2009

Basically I have created a windows service using VB 2008 where I am trying to capture screenshots periodically. The timer is working fine and I have tested this. The purpose of the service is to monitor the desktop over night when the user is logged off, by capturing screenshots and saving them to file. This is so admin can be alarmed about security breaches etc.


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Create Pie Chart From Distinct Records From Sql Server?

May 10, 2012

want to create pie chart which show me number of records(in %) in databse of perticular item i don't know how many distinct records and their name.I just wants to fire a query which scan database for distinct record name & how many time that record is in database.First time it find A,B,C,D are distinct record then it count how many time A,B,C,D record are found in database according those number it will able to create pie chart which will shows the number occerances of pericular item in

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VS 2005 : Create HTML Page Using Records From DB?

Sep 15, 2010

I need to create an HTML page to be sent as E-mail , the HTML page should contain an Table which contains the records from the database. The records to be selected from the database are bound by the conditions given by the user.So i wanted to ask what is the best way to create the HTML page, should i create them dynamically or Can we link the HTML page to the DB , or anything else.

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Add Milliseconds To Output?

May 3, 2010

The following sub prints 5/3/2010 8:39:26 to the tracelog file as per code below. How do I add milliseconds to the output?[code]...

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ASP.NET: Get Milliseconds Since 1/1/1970?

Apr 15, 2011

I have an ASP.NET, VB.NET Date, and I'm trying to get the number of milliseconds since January 1st, 1970. I tried looking for a method in MSDN, but I couldn't find anything.

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Get The Most Out Of .NET (when Milliseconds Count)?

Aug 16, 2010

I'm working on a client application (server is out of my control) that connects to a server and exchanges query/command datagrams. 'Milliseconds Count!' according to my project specification, meaning that the more we can shave off a send/receive process the better.

I understand that there are physical limitations like network bandwidth, internet latency, etc. Even so, I have a strong gut feeling that a lot of the latency I'm seeing is directly related to processing; it seems 'out of phase' from the latency of other network operations (albeit with significantly smaller datagrams). IE: A standard 32 byte Windows Ping returns in about 5ms consistently, our query/response datagram (468 bytes out, 1500 bytes back) returns in about 15ms consistently.

I'm also working with multiple threads to speed things up as much as possible at the client side, and it seems the more threads are involved the more latency is generated (I've seen up to 70ms of additional lag when using 3 threads as opposed to 2). In a recent Google I found something that I only glanced at, that said something about a limitation in Windows System Timing where some claim was made that any System.TimeSpan < 10ms was effectively going to be a 10ms Timespan because the Windows System Clock only 'Ticks' every 10ms. I wasn't paying attention at the time, but now I'm afraid it might be relevant and I can't find it again.

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Black Screenshots Games Counter-Strike Anticheat?

Feb 10, 2010

Black Screenshots Games Counter-Strike anticheat?

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Taking In-game Screenshots - Take A Screenshot - Either Comes Out Completely Black ?

May 1, 2012

I'm working on a program which will allow users to take screenshots of full screen games, such as Call of Duty, Battlefield 3, etc. However, I'm having two issues with my code. First off, I'm having to press the shortcut twice, instead of once like my other shortcuts. This only occurs when the code below is actually in the handling sub. If I just have a messagebox show when the shortcut is pressed, it works every time. Second, whenever I take a screenshot, it either comes out completely black, or takes a shot of my desktop, even though there is a game running in the foreground. I have looked around, and it seems that printscreen is the only way to get a screenshot of a game through

My code is below.

Private Sub game_Press(ByVal s As Object, ByVal e As Shortcut.HotKeyEventArgs) Handles
Dim gamewin As RECT
If GetWindowRect(GetForegroundWindow, gamewin) Then
Dim bmp As Bitmap


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Taking Screenshots Violates Privacy / Data Protection Law?

Jun 9, 2009

In my VB6 programs (internal to our organzation) I have always liked taking screenshots upon the occurence of an error to give me more clues as to its cause but somehow I have read somewhere that it may be in violation to some law (privacy / data protection).In the project I am currently developing and it will be for marketing I have used the same method but upon reading about the warning I am now somehow hesitant to use it although it has proved useful in the past.

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Create A Class To Deal With Records From The Classes Table?

Dec 5, 2010

Create a class to deal with records from the Classes table, much like the Student class we created in Lecture #17 handles Students records. The name of the class should be Ualb_Class (note we cannot use Class, as it is a reserved word in VBA). All of the fields should have corresponding properties. There are few considerations:

The class (course) code, department code, and course number are set at Initialize, so there is only a Get property method for those

The property for Meeting Day only accepts one of the values defined in the table. You can decide whether to accept an integer value or a string value of the days represented.

You are also to code the Initialize method, much like we coded the Initialize method for the Student class in Lecture #17. In the Initialize method, you will use the InputBox function to obtain the department code and course number. use a different InputBox for each value, so you don't have to mess with separating the single text value returned from that function. The Course Code will be obtained by using a function that has already been created, called GetNewCourseID. It has no parameters.

TABLE: Classes
Field Name
Data type


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Create A Log File In Program Ad Fill It With Records Of Table?

Apr 24, 2009

I am woking on an application in which records of a table are stored in another table. In case of duplicate records they will not wriiten to the table and they should be written in a log file.

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