Create Console Program Where User Enters A Character And Respective ASCII Value In Denary

Nov 21, 2010

The latest assignment from my teacher was to create a console program where the user enters a character and the respective ASCII value in Denary, Hexadecimal and Binary, Even Parity, Odd Parity and Hamming code is returned.I've managed to implement all of them except the latter with relative ease, I am familiar with the concept of Hamming code and can compute it easily by hand, but don't really know how to implement it as a function in my program. [code]

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VB 2008 Console - 2D Array - Infinite Loop - Program - User Enters The Number Of Enrollments For 5 Different Campuses During Two Semesters

Jun 12, 2011

I am trying to create a program that the user enters the number of enrollments for 5 different campuses during two semesters. I just got started and here is what I have so far but when I run the program it is stuck in an infinite loop and will not go to the next function. I am not sure how to end the loop.

Here is what I have so far:
Module Module1
Dim SIZE As Integer = 5
Dim campus() As String = {"Decatur Day", "Decatur Evening", "Huntsville Day", "Huntsville


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Count The Number Of Times When A User Enters A Character?

May 20, 2009

count the number of times when a user enters a character followed by , and I want to count , number of times. So far here is what I have if you also know a little about the split function can you check to see if what I have is right?

Private Sub Strat0_LostFocus()
Dim q1 As New rdoQuery
Dim LO As Integer


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Vb 2008 - Converting A Character That The User Enters In A Textbox To Binary

May 11, 2009

I want help emergency for a project i have, I have to make a program to do hamming codes, since now i have done the part for converting a character that the user enters in a textbox to binary.This binary now is displayed in a textbox. So now i want to save this binary to an array

e.g i have this binary 10101110


and so on .. how can i do it?

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User Enters A Password - Must Be At Least 3 Characters Long - At Least 1 Number And 1 Alphabet Character

Mar 28, 2012

My homework assignment is to create a project where a user enters a password that must be at least 3 characters long with at least 1 number and 1 alphabet character. After that the password has to be encrypted so that vowels become X, numbers Z, and it reverses. For example, a password of CS2301 would be ZZZZSC. There's supposed to be Loops to extract 1 number/letter at a time and search for them in the string to validate, and I don't know what to do. The form itself has a Text Box to enter a password and a label to display the new one, and a Go button.

This is what my code looks like so far.

Option Strict On
Option Explicit On

Public Class Form1


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User Enters A Username In Textbox1 And Then Enters A Password In Textbox2?

Jul 2, 2009

I have a login form that I made. The user enters a username in textbox1 and then enters a password in textbox2. The user then hits the submit button (button2) and from there it works beautifully. The problem is, I would also like the user to be able to hit the "enter" key after they fill out the password textbox (textbox2) and have it be like they pressed the submit button. When the user hits enter right now, the form hides.

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Confirm What User Enters In The Program?

May 2, 2012

Well, I have a form called customers. Login form and mainform.

So my clients want to have an option that explains this: If a user enters information in the customer form, then that information has to be confirmed by admins panel.

Get me well. When application program loads with a limited user, I set some buttons hidden so that only admin can see it when they log in. so in that case, users are not capable of inserting anything in the customer form.

But this time they want users to insert information then the information goes to administrators to confirm the information...if admins accepts the information, then information is then goes to customers table in database. If they don't confirm it, then that information will be ignored.

am using 2008 with sql server database.

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Create A Greeting When User Enters Text In Textbox?

Feb 2, 2012

I started learning visual basic a while back but stopped, now I am trying all over. I created this very basic windows form application. What I am trying to do is add a greeting based on the time of day. Example, the user will enter a name and click the button to get a greeting; example: Good morning Bob.This greeting is based on the time of day; example if time after 12:00pm, good afternoon, if greater then 5pm good evening and so on.Here is what I have written so far:


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Create A Multiplication Square For Any Size The User Enters?

Oct 2, 2009

Im using Visual Basic 2005."Devise a program to create a multiplication square for any size the user enters, up to a maximum of 10x10. The program should output something like this for a 4x4 square.


You will need to make use of the RichTextBox, along with concatenation to make the output format correctly within the box.When you have created the working program, document it properly by printing out and annotating the code to explain how it works."

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Make A Simple Program That When For Eg A User Enters 4 It Gives This Figure ****?

Mar 1, 2009

i was wondering how i can make a simple program that when for eg a user enters 4 it gives this figure **** and so i want that if the user enters 5 it gives ***** etc.

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Program Asks That The User Enters Valid Data?

Jun 27, 2011

I am trying to write the code for a conference:

1 person costs $695.00
2-4 people costs $545
5-8 people costs $480
8 or more costs $395

If the company has been before they get a 15% discount and no company can have more than 16 people. The program asks that the user enters valid data.?? (error msg boxes)

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Program Where The User Enters 3 Inputs In A 3 Textboxes - First Name, Last Name, Birthday

Dec 7, 2009

Ok so i made a program where the user enters 3 inputs in a 3 textboxes (First Name, Last Name, Bday) and when the person presses enter a check list is made under the checklistbox with the Lastname. So can any1 tell me if i click on that checklist then everything i entered shows up in a label.

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What Is The 'whitespace' ASCII Or Unicode Character In System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (whitespace)

Nov 4, 2009

I would like to pass a whitespace character by using the System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(" "), and System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(" ") , where " " is the whitespace Character required. What do I need to type (" ") to get a whitespace character passed.?

View 6 Replies - Character Support - Translate Higher ASCII Characters To Lower ASCII Characters?

Aug 7, 2009

So I have an ASP.Net ( application. It has a textbox and the user is pasting text from Microsoft Word into it. So things like the long dash (charcode 150) are coming through as input. Other examples would be the smart quotes or accented characters. In my app I'm encoding them in xml and passing that to the database as an xml parameter to a sql stored procedure. It gets inserted in the database just as the user entered it.

The problem is the app that reads this data doesn't like these characters. So I need to translate them into the lower ascii (7bit I think) character set. How do I do that? How do I determine what encoding they are in so I can do something like the following. And would just requesting the ASCII equivalent translate them intelligently or do I have to write some code for that?

Also maybe it might be easier to solve this problem in the web page to begin with. When you copy the selection of characters from Word it puts several formats in the clipboard. The straight text one is the one I want. Is there a way to have the html textbox get that text when the user pastes into it? Do I have to set the encoding of the web page somehow?


View 4 Replies - Convert ASCII Character Code To Character?

Jul 15, 2011

I have a value I am pulling into a string that looks like this:


I need to have it to translate the numeric value into an actual value so that the string looks like this:


how to accomplish this in VB.NET? Here is the relevant line of code that returns this result:

Dim occupant as String = GridView1.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(2).Text

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Send ASCII 0-255 From One Console To Another Console?

Feb 23, 2011

I am trying to send/print/write all possible ASCII codes (0-255) to another console-window application. From my application I would enter the name of the "receiving" application and the comma seperated hex values that should be sent/print/written to it. I have used AppActivate to select the "receiving" application and then have used sendInput and send.sendkeys to attempt to send the desired ASCII value. However, these appear to have limitations on values greater than 127. I need to be able to send all 255 values.

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Either End The Program Or Start The Program Over In A Visual Basic Console Application - Based Upon User Input?

Apr 8, 2012

I have a procedure at the end of my console application that ask the user to either hit enter to end the program, or type s to perform another search. The issue I'm having is no matter what the user types in the program end. What I would like to happen is if the user types s, then the program starts over and lets the user perform another search. The program is procedural and I need to find a way to start back off at the top of the program which ask the user to type a name to search.


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VS 2008 - Code Error On Tax Calculating Program - User Enters The Item Name And Amount Of The Item Purchased

Feb 9, 2010

So i've to write this program whose purpose it this:

Purpose: The user enters the item name and amount of the item purchased. The program calculates the tax for the item and the final total, and then displays these values. Tax on all items will be 7.75%.

And so far i've this code but it's not working:

' Program: Cash Register
' Author: Nidhi Shah
' Date: February 2, 2010
' Purpose: The Cash Register Window application will
' computer the tax and the final cost of a
' purchased item.

Option Strict On

Public Class frmCashRegister
' Tax per item - used in multiple procedures
Const _cdecTaxPerItem As Decimal = 0.0775D


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C# - Why When Press A Ctrl+Tab In A MultiLine TextBox,it Enters A Tab Character

Oct 17, 2011

Why when I press Ctrl+Tab in a MultiLine TextBox,

it enters a tab character even if I set the AcceptsTab property to false?

I set the MultiLine property to true, and AcceptsTab property to false.

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When The User Enters The Name "eugene" The Program Is Suppose To Calculate And Output The Total Monthly Sales?

Mar 27, 2011

My code works correctly if I do not have the DO WHILE statement, however we are suppose to have it loop. Which it will continue to ask for the salesman's name, code, etc. but when the user enters the name "eugene" the program is suppose to calculate and output the total monthly sales and the total commission dollars. What is happening is that when a user enters "eugene" the program is not recognizing it to do what it is suppose to do(calculate and output the total monthly sales and the total commission dollars) I am stuck and need assistance on how to make it recognize eugene. I am also having trouble with trying to figure out how once eugene is entered to tell the program to add the salespersoncommission and monthly sales of each case to get the totals to output to the user. Can you add the cases?

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Module Lab14


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Create Css For Respective Xml File?

Mar 4, 2009

I have design code for access to xml migration.It is working.but facing one queryI need to attach CSS to xml , thus how can i write the code in to create css for respective xml file

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Create A Console Application Which Would Read Input From User?

May 27, 2011

How to create a console application which would read input from user and assign the input to a variable? The problem is, I need to enter several words on one line separated with blank spaces like "ab cd efg" and then assign ab to one variable, cd to another variable and efg to another variable. Also the entered words can be any lenght.

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Save Button Which Firstly Validates What The User Enters The Form - If The User Skips The Text Fields

Jun 11, 2011

I was developing my own project in the university so what i am stack is to have save button which firstly validates what the user enters the form. for instance if the user skips the text fields, i wanted to restrict the user to fill all the form and when he completes, the save must be accomplished.

Here's the code i was trying to put but i was having problem saying the windows.forms.etc is unable to convert the save as Boolean and something like that.

Dim success As Boolean
Private Sub Save_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Save.Click


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Convert A Character To Ascii?

Dec 10, 2011

I know how to convert a character to ascii Asc("E") = 65 How do I reverse the process? ie change 65 to E?

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Create User Which Can't Login To Console But Which Can Access Secure Folders From Remote?

Jun 14, 2009

I think it should be something related with "Local Security Policy".

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Character Encoding - Converting UTF-8 To ASCII?

Feb 20, 2009

I am writing a console application, which reads emails from different email boxes and processes through them. Emails are received from various automated systems. The email messages are logged and/or sent forward.

The problem is that some emails are encoded in UTF-8 and transfer-encoded in quoted-printable which messes up special characters (mainly ä,ö and å). I have not found any solution to convert them in readable format.

For example "ä" in quoted-printable is "=C3=A4". Using a normal conversion methods the result is "ä" (gibberish).

I shamelessly ripped this example conversion table from here: [URL]


So how do I get the real codepoint from UTF-8 value? I'd rather not use any external libraries. Besides I've tried a couple already and they failed.

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Re-produce An ASCII Character On A Form?

Jul 13, 2011

I want to re-produce the equivilent of the DowArrow sign on a VB2010 Form label. label1.Text = Chr(ConsoleKey.DownArrow) doesn't work. The nearest character seems to be ASCII DEC 30 value., which will do fine, but Is there anyway I can reproduce this char on my form label, using one line of code, viz- label1.text =

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Write ASCII Character Into A File?

Jan 6, 2009

I want to write the ASCII code chr(192) into a file but I dont know am I right.Is the function like this chr(192) or something different because it doesn't write the character 192 in the file. Or can someone tell me how to write something into a file using ASCII codes?

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Reading Decimal Value Of An Extended Ascii Character?

Sep 1, 2011

I'm Alan and I'm writing a little program (beginner), but I'm stuck and I can't get any further. So I hope one of you guys can help me solve following problem.Let me explain what I'm making, so it can give you all a better perspective.

For a this project I'm receiving data via the RS232 communication port. So basically I receive bytes. These bytes are converted to a string. So for example I receive this:"BAA" this is good because I can get the correct decimal value for "B"(66) and "A"(65) using the command asc("A") in .NET.but sometimes I receive a character that exceeds the 0-127 limit for example ""(128) (please see [URL]..But now when I try to get the decimal value of "" I get 63 instead of 128. I searched the Internet and forums for an answer but I didn't find one that fits my problem.

So if it's possible, can one of you code experts explain me how to fix this problem ? It would help me a lot. I hope I described my problem clearly, but if there are some questions,

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VS 2005 - Not Using Any Characters From Extended Ascii Character Set (128-255)

Apr 24, 2009

I want to explicitly inform my user that they are not allowed to use any characters from the extended ascii character set (128-255). When I try to create a string of these values using the following [Code] It outputs them fine, with the exception of a bunch of blanks in certain areas(I am assuming these characters are unprintable), but I noticed that when I hover over the value of sVal in the VS, the tooltip/quickview of the value is written nicely on one line. Any ideas how to remove characters that would appear to be blank spaces (unprintable) when outputting this list?

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