Either End The Program Or Start The Program Over In A Visual Basic Console Application - Based Upon User Input?
Apr 8, 2012
I have a procedure at the end of my console application that ask the user to either hit enter to end the program, or type s to perform another search. The issue I'm having is no matter what the user types in the program end. What I would like to happen is if the user types s, then the program starts over and lets the user perform another search. The program is procedural and I need to find a way to start back off at the top of the program which ask the user to type a name to search.
I am trying to make a console program in Visual Basic on Visual Studio 2008. I want to ask the user of the program if he wants the premium version or the standard version. If he chooses the premium version, then I want it to say premium in his "receipt" later on and if he chooses standard, then standard in the receipt.
In this application I need to allow users to enter a month as integer (1-12) then use integer tryparse to validate that input, that seems to be the easy part. I need two create two functions, one that returns the name of the month and the other returns the number of days in that month. The arrays are supposed to be defined and initialized within the function so that the main program can take the user input and call the two functions, then return the appropriate values as output to labels. I am not sure how to declare the arrays in their appropriate functions and then how to call those functions to retrieve the right value from the function.
how I can start a program with Visual Basic Express Edition 2008? I mean do you have any code I can use as a base to start another program? If that made sense.
How to accept input into a vb.net console application? How Do I allow people to type into a vb.net console application, and then press enter, and then the console application writes that and uses the console.writeline function to write what the person typed in into the network stream(or whatever its called).
I'm trying to save what the user types in the vb code Dim user as Inputbox("") for example in a .txt file i can save the textbox and listbox but i cnt figure out how to save the inputbox i really need this to be saved the most.
I am new to Visual Basic and i started to write a console application. I it working fine by now, but I tried to execute a command like shutdown -s I tried that by writing
console.writeline("shutdown -s")
but all it dows it displays the text and does not shutdown the computer. How do I code that correctly???
how to code a function that causes a function to pause until the user either changes a radiobutton or hits the reset button or that will restart the function if one of the entered txt values or comboboxes Index have been changed and the uptade button is clicked.
I am trying something new so i might be bad at this. I made a Console app in vb and got the start-up working and now i need to be able to run a program like notepad with using a command like "note". [code]....
How to create a console application which would read input from user and assign the input to a variable? The problem is, I need to enter several words on one line separated with blank spaces like "ab cd efg" and then assign ab to one variable, cd to another variable and efg to another variable. Also the entered words can be any lenght.
Vb is not my language of choice , but I have to do this for school and I'm not having a very easy time with VB's documentation.I'm just creating a very simple console application that accepts user input: degrees in Celsius, and converts it into Fahrenheit. I want to make sure that if the user just hits enter without entering the degrees in Celsius, then an if else statement will catch and write to enter Celsius again.Here's what I've tried:
I wrote a simple console program (simplecopy) that copies its input to output:
Module Module1 Sub Main()
The output is the content of testdata.txt, but with three extra characters (hex b4 2b 2b) inserted at the beginning of the output. Those three bytes are not there when I run simplecopy without input redirection.
I have visual studio 2008 installed and was using C#. I am now trying to find Visual Basic. I can't find it. Is there a way to download it or should it be somewhere in my visual studio program? I don't want to use vbexpress, just regular VB 2008.
The program opens with the correct registry value, but the program itself does not run quite right. This program feeds into Intergraph and brings up the selected drawing, but there is a feature of intergraph that doesn't work. If I manually start ( double click ) pdsicon.exe the program works just fine. It only when I call the process that it doesn't work quite right.
i'd like to make a tiny program that shows an image 2 images selected by a scrollbox that can be zoomed and pannedthere also would need to be a coordinate system added to the image so that the user can ad points of intrest (small cross apears on map)to the picture by entering the coordinates. these points of intrest should then be saved in a db file so they can be reloaded when the program is stopped and rerun.
I am maintaining some VB.net code and I am more of a C# programmer. I have taken over maintaining several projects from people who have since left the project. The manager tells me that some of the VB.net programs are console applications. Yet in looking through the source code I am not able to distinguish wether the code is for a console application or for some other VB.net program like a VB.net windows application. Can someone tell me if there is a way to determine if a VB.net program is a console application.
When I have tried to run a program in vb 2008 I get the following error message BC32400: Class 'CLSID_CorSymWriter' could not be created: System Error &H8004015 I have tried to uninstall and re install visual studio 2008 (academic) (several times) to no avail.
Anyone know of a way to do addon's with a visual basic program? I want to create a program that has some basic functions, but to stay away from bloatware and unused functions. How would you create a main program when it is installed and then be able to add and remove features to it?
i need to know how to make my Visual Basic program install onto the computer. right now my program is a simple .exe file and does not require instalation.
I have a program written in VB.NET which stops a service that uses file x, modifies x, and restarts the service.
I have modified my code for testing so that it just reads in the file as a string and immediately writes it back out.
Shell("net stop " & SERVICE_NAME, , True) Dim myReader As System.IO.StreamReader myReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileReader(x) fileString = myReader.ReadToEnd()
The stopping of the service is no problem, and modifying the file is no problem, but when the service starts it stops immediately because, as best I can guess, the file is in use. Even when I try to start the service manually, it stops immediately. However, I found that I can open file x, click save without modifying anything, close the file, and start the service and everything works correctly.
If I comment out the writing part, everything works fine.
Also, the file I'm modifying has a .conf file extension. I don't know if this is relevant.
I'm doing a baseball program for a class project. And I almost have it complete, but it's giving me a syntax error. I can't figure out what i'm doing wrong. I'm using two functions to return a value for different type of baseball tickets to the button that calculates them. Here are the instructions 1.)User selects whether to purchase season tickets or single-game tickets 2.) User enters the number of tickets needed and the type of seats based on whether they selected season single-game tickets.3.) User clicks the Compute Ticket Cost Button to display final cost4.) User clicks the Clear Form button to clear the responseI just can't figure out what I did wrong. I know it's something stupid that i'm doing.the errors are happening inside the btnCompute sub routine. with syntax erros on SingleGameCost() and SeasonalCost() line 114 and 118
Public Class Form1 'Global Variables Dim intTicketChoice As Integer