Create Transparency In A Sprite?

Jun 29, 2011

I've been trying to figure out how to create transparency in a sprite, i.e. with the use of a mask. Problem is, every tutorial I could find was either completely irrelevant or for freaking Visual Basic 1858.

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Get The Image Transparency Of The Character Sprite To Work

Jul 3, 2011

I can't seem to find a way to get the Transparency of the character sprite to work. It always seems to take the background image of the form no matter how I tweak it.

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Game Bounces A Sprite Around A Panel And The User Clicks The Sprite To Catch The Sprite

May 7, 2010

I need some advice on a game I created. The game bounces a Sprite around a Panel and the user clicks the sprite to catch the sprite What I want to do is introduce a dificulty level easy medium and hard the level puts more sprites in the panel, the higher the dificulty level example


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Create A New Custum Control Transparency?

Nov 18, 2010

This is my first attemt to create a new custom controll that I'll be spawning in runtime. I have written rendering onto a control before but this is the first time I made a real user control.

The problem at the moment is that when I set the backcolor of my custom control to transparent it doesn't take over the backcolor of the main form. Instead it just renders it solid black. Any idea why this might be?(I render everything in the onpaint method if you wonder)

I tried setting the ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor but that doesnt work for forms only for control derived types.


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Create An Icon (with Transparency) From A Bitmap?

Mar 2, 2010

how can i create an icon (with transparency) from a bitmap?

i've tried this code, which i converted from a create cursor function which worked ok with transparency. i'm guessing its the IconInfo hbmMask + hbmColor properties?

#Region " CreateIconIndirect"
Private Structure IconInfo
Public fIcon As Boolean


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Transparency - Create True Custom-shaped Forms?

Oct 23, 2010

I use a lot of picture box, label, and custom controls, all of which are oddly-shaped, and must overlap. In almost all cases, the backgrounds are not solid colored.I am using transparent .png images for the background images of many of these controls (except labels), and using transparent as the backcolor, creating a custom shaped control. However, when these controls overlap, the one towards the front will not show any controls behind it through the "transparent" background. This is getting annoying, because I cannot use any alternate object arrangements.How do I create true custom-shaped forms?

P.S. Some of my controls have extremely irregular shapes, so using simple line and curve drawing functions is probably not an option.

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How To Detect If Sprite Is Going Up Or Down

Mar 31, 2012

I Use the following code to detect if a sprite should be going up or down and the response

If (pos.Y + 100) >= Sprite.BottomY Then
Going_up = True
pos.Y = Sprite.BottomY - 130
End If


but it's pretty terrible. It only works when the sprite starts at the top, and when I want to change the BottomY and TopY, it just starts glitching. What is a better to detect if the sprite should be going up or down?

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Draw Sprite From .Image?

Feb 17, 2010

I'm using a class which lets me retrieve the a System.Drawing.Image by specifying a Sprite ID... I'm wondeirng, after I get the image, how do I draw it onto the form? Heres what I got so far

Dim img As Image = Util.SpriteReader.GetSpriteImage(3367)

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Sprite To PictureBox Collision?

Mar 31, 2012

my character is able to move right and left i want to be able to make the character collide with objects for objects i used picturebox option i hope thats right to use my problem is how to make a sprite have collision with a picturebox here is how i set up my sprite just in case u need the info because ive seen other sprite codes differently

ElseIf _ObjectState = ObjectStates.RunningRight Then
Select Case _SpriteAnimation
Case 1


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VS 2010 Focused On The Sprite?

Apr 9, 2012

I am creating a 2D RPG game similar to the pokemon interface. After solving my problem with walls, I came across another problem. If I make the panel show the whole map, it would be too small. Thus, I tried to increased the size to 1200,1200, but it wouldn't let me because my screen is smaller than that. Then I thought about it and realized that most games limit the sight of the map to the characters surroundings.


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Center Screen Sprite Walking?

Apr 27, 2012

I have been searching the internet for a few days now, looking for ways to solve my problem, but I can't find anything. What I am trying to do is make my sprite walk. The way I did this was I made multiple GIF's with my characters different movements, but when I try to switch which ones are showing by releasing an arrow key, it does not do anything. Does anyone have a solution for this? My code so far is below, but it only lets me switch to the running GIF and not to the standing one.


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Setting Up Custom Button Using Sprite?

Sep 6, 2011

I'm looking for on how to click on a sprite made button and have it change to a new menu in the same form?

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Interface And Graphics :: Transparent Sprite Background

Aug 27, 2009

I made a game in VB 08 and I have sprites and a background but I need to know how to make the background of the sprites transparent.I'd like to note that I'm using a picture box for my sprite, and the game is animated (I read that those things are relevant).I've read a lot on bitblting but I don't understand it, and when I found a helpful article it mentioned to use the .hdc. This article though was made before the introduction of GDI+ which now makes it harder to obtain said .hdc.

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Game Programming :: Way To Make Screen Follow Sprite?

Nov 18, 2008

is ther any way to make my screen follow my sprite? I want the visable area of my game to change when my sprite moves past this X value 284 but i can not figure it out ill post my VB Express code below

Public Class Form1
Dim Y As Integer


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Making Sprite Class And Cycling Through Image Arrays

Feb 2, 2012

I am using by the way. From what I understand, Xna is not usable in visual Basic. Therefore, in order to create my characters, I defined a sprite class. Now my question is.... (I am drawing everything using a timer on the form btw by the process of invalidation.)... how do I use time to cycle through the images in an image array while the instance has no focus, and whilst the class inherits the "Control" class? Basically, how do i get these instances to act without user input? I want a character to eventually respond to user input, but I also need npcs that do not need any input in order to move themselves. Also, I need this in such a way that each instance's processes do NOT interfere with the processes of others. So that whatever timing I use does not also stall the whole window/form.

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Making A Small Flood Runner Like Game - Sprite Goes Straight Up If I Only Press Space?

May 5, 2012

I am currently making a small flood runner like game, I completed most of it, but I can't seem to get the jump action right. I got it to jump straight up and back down again, but it doesn't work when I use a left/right arrow key with it to perform a left/right jump. The sprite goes straight up if I only press space.What I want- The sprites goes up and right or left when I press space while holding right or left.

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Game Programming :: VB Game Help Sprite Keeps Falling Through Objects?

Nov 16, 2008

I have been making a game similar to mario for learing perposes. I got the sprite to move left right up down but I still have no gravity nor can I jump. But i need to know how to make it so that my sprite dosent go through objects?

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.net - Picture Box Transparency In Vb?

Feb 18, 2012

When i run my code, the picture box has a background colour, even though I have set the background colour to transparent in the properties window.

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Flash - Transparency In Swf In .net?

Mar 9, 2010

how can i control swf background transparency in either with flash.ocx or if there is any other that if i have a swf animation block with red in background and some text written with yellow. now how can i remove that red background in i want to make a system so that i can choose any color as transparency key for swf like in tv channels logos.

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Get Image Transparency To Come Through In VB?

Jul 20, 2009

how you can get image transparency to come through in Visual Basic? Because if you try to put an image with some transparent sections on it on a form, the transparency turns into the form background colour (Though you could change the background image to whatever you want displayed under the image, but that's not the point) and basically I can't find any way to do irregular transparencies.

Alright, that's not very simple. I'll try to give an example:

You have an animated GIF of...say...fireworks. And it has a transparent background. Now say you have a few labels with text in them. When you draw the picturebox over the labels, the text in the labels is covered by the background of the fireworks, even though it's transparent. You can't see the labels. You want to see the fireworks exploding over the text

I can't see any way of getting around this, other than doing it in another program and putting the text and fireworks into one PictureBox. but it would be so convenient if it could work in Visual Basic, because you can control the text the in the labels and keep the animated "fireworks" exploding at the same time without using multiple animated images.

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Have Transparency On A Form?

Feb 7, 2009

Is it possible to have transparency on a form but not on a button on the form?I know transparency can be controlled for the form in properties (VB 2005), but how can we isolate the button from being affected?

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Picturebox PNG Transparency?

Jun 29, 2010

Right now I currently have an array of pictureboxes, and over them I want another large picturebox that has a sort of transparent fog effect. I created a png with this and made sure to save the alpha transparency, however when the picturebox shows up, you are not able to see underneath it. Is there anyway to fix this without using the GDI instead of pictureboxes? Because of the way the program is set up, I think GDI would be too slow for my purposes.

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Set The Transparency Key To A Color?

Oct 1, 2010

The 1st problem: I set the transparency key to a color and then set the forms background color to that color, and then set the background image to an image with rounded edges to give my form rounded edged. But the corners look VERY jagged.

The 2nd problem: Is there a way to make a form appear in the lower right corner above the task bar? Kind of like Avasts virus database definition update window.

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Transparency In MDI Forms

Feb 7, 2010

Ive been on the same thing for the past seven hours now. Im trying to ether get the MDI child form title-bar-less in maximized mode, or now, get the transparency working to where the MDI child has transparency. ) This is for a home automation system im working on. major alpha stages. Hardware control works ;) but this stupid GUI is kicking my butt. So three options i have. In maximize mode on the MDI child remove the title bar, or remove the parents scroll bar so i can make the MDI child the size of the parents MDI window, or make the MDI child transparency work. Im posting a screen shot to show you what im talking about.


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Transparency Of PNG That Are In A DLL, Is Not Working

Jul 20, 2009

The member of this comunity, Keymaf, help-me to do a DLL with PNG files and with any other type of file. But now, there is another problem. The transparency of PNG are not enabled when loaded in my project.

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8 Bit GIF - Transparency / Forms And Controls

Apr 3, 2012

I have a 8 bit Gif, that is transparent, with controls sitting on top of it, all in a custom control. This part works fine. However, This control is a menu ring (appears around another control with a few options). The transparent part is over a Picbox, that is in a panel. The transparent part of the image seems to skip the picbox and go right through to the panel. I set the panel to a back color of RED. The custom control when its placed instead of showing the image in the pic box that it is on top of, it shows the RED panel I have made sure all my Z orders are right.

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How To Get Transparency Working In Labels

Jan 6, 2009

I search for a grand total of about four hours online for a method of how to get transparency working in labels in VB.NET 2008. After finding nothing but some example that I have no idea how to implement into my project, I have almost given up. Yes, I've heard about setting the parent properties, but in my case it is imperative that I have labels on top of a PictureBox. (Apparently it's not possible through normal means to have transparent labels over PictureBoxes.)I'm losing my patience with VB.NET, even considering switching back to VB6. How could Microsoft make such a stupid decision? Today I decided to use a stupendous workaround and instead of labels, use transparent PNGs of bitmap text. And guess what? It has the exact same problem as the labels when placed in front of controls! The transparent background has been set to the colour of the form's background!

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IDE :: Aero Text Transparency?

Jun 16, 2010

My problem is when I develop my own applications in Visual Basic 2008/2010 with the Aero interface, I cannot see the text both on the form and in components. After researching on the internet, I have come to a dead end. Is there a way of fixing

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Per-Pixel Alpha Transparency?

Nov 17, 2011

I'm trying to create a program using Visual Basic .NET 2010 that alters the use of my media keys - Volume up, Volume down, Play, etc. All of the example I have found don't seem to compile quite correctly in 2010. Don't get me wrong they run fine and look exactly as specified but the problem is that the form cannot be edited because it claims the designer code is ill-formatted or something along the lines of that.

Can anybody possibly spare a project or form that has perpixel alpha transperancy?The only thing i want to do is show an overlayed png that has an alpha channel, on the desktop. The form border style will most certainly be "NoBorder"

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Picture Box Transparency Layers?

Aug 15, 2011

i got a large picture box sent to the back with a default image.i got a few picture boxes set to transparent and they are placed in front of that large picture box. these picture boxes have no images, just set to transparent in the properties.

I use the mousehover event on those picture boxes so when one is hovered over, it will change the image of the large picture box which is behind it.the problem is that even though those picture boxes in front have been set to transparent, when the large picture box behind them loaps a new image due to an event, it doesnt show through those picture boxes which are in front of it!

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