Create Website Or Delete One / But Not How To Create List

Oct 28, 2009

I am trying to create a VB.Net windows application that will list out IIS websites from a remote server when the user pushes a button as a means of verifying that a website got installed (from a previous section of the app...that part already works).I have googled all over the place and all I can seem to find is how to create a website or delete one, but not how to create a list.

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VS 2005 List(of T) - Create A List To Hold More Than One Control Type Or Create A List For Each Control Type?

Jan 20, 2011

If I create a list for a TextBox:


I am able to only add controls that are of type TextBox. My question to you is, can I create a List to hold more than one control type or do I have to create a list for each control type?

View 8 Replies - How To Create HTTPS Website

Aug 5, 2011

I want to create a HTTPS (Secure) Website. And how to create a website using

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Create A Website Blocker?

Sep 27, 2011

I'm trying to create a website blocker. I have it where it will add a site/ip address to the host file, now I'm working on the part where you'd remove a site from the blocked list(HOSTS). I know that I gotta 1)Read it 2)Replace it 3)Save Here's what I have so far:

Dim FileName As String = "C:Documents and SettingsPC #6My Documentsfda"
Dim read As String = File.ReadAllText(FileName)

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Options To Create WebSite?

Jun 13, 2012

To avoid juggling with PHP for web apps and VB.Net for desktop aps, I'd like to investigate writing web apps in VB.Net.

What are my options? For instance, do I have to use Windows as the OS, .Net as the framework, and VS as the development tool, or is it OK to use Linux + Mono + some other IDE?

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Create A Website With Program Developer?

Sep 26, 2009

My home page contains three Dropdownlist controls, the lists are populated from my database i created ie. (From three tables)- Courses, Grades and Schools.

I want a situation whereby a user clicks on any of the Courses, or the Grades, or any of the Schools from my dropdownlist controls, and selects the search button, the names of the students that took the course, their grades in that course, and their schools should appear in a table form. if its a Grade that is selected, the names of the students with the grade, their courses and their schools should also appear in a table form. And likewise the School.

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VS 2008 Create Log File On Website?

Oct 24, 2009

how would I go about creating log files on my website? With my exception handling, along with creating a log file on the users hdd I want it to upload a log file to my website. Also how would I be able to make the name of the log files the time + date that the error occured so that all logs are seperate in my website directory?

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Create Website And My Document Link In Form?

Dec 30, 2009

I want to link some website and mydocument from form's button, i am using VS2008 pro

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How To Create Image Of Website Displayed In WebBrowser

Dec 7, 2011

I have a form with a web browser inside it. When the form loads I want to be able to create a .jpg file of the whole website displayed in the browser. Alternatively, can you show me how to display the web browser site in a picture box?

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Php - Create A System That Is Connected A Website With The Same Database?

Feb 4, 2012

I have a thesis project. it is composed of a webpage created on php and a system using 2008. As of now , they are both connected to the same database. I am wondering if it is possible that if i packaged the system and live the website, will still be connected with one database?

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Create A .Net Windows Form Application Which Logs Onto A Website?

Jun 8, 2010

I would like to create a VB .Net Windows form application which logs onto a website and then retrieves some data. Currently when i navigate to the website it presents a dialog box to enter my details into. So in short how could i do this, what namespace would i need to look at?

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Use A Website Url To Create An HtmlDocument Object That Contains All Html From That Webpage?

Dec 15, 2009

I was trying to use HtmlDocument and a given url to pull in the html contents of a website to use. However there is no constructor for HtmlDocument and it's Url property is readonly. Is there any way to create an object that contains the entire DOM for a given url?

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VS 2005 Manully Configure Aspnet.2.0 - Create New Website

Oct 26, 2011

I have a probleam to create new website in visual studio 2005. The error which i got is You need to configure manually configure this site for 2.0 in order for your site to run correctly.. Please show me step by step how to configure this site in visual studio 2005..

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Create A Toggle Button That Switches A List To A Range And Then Back To A List If Needed?

May 14, 2009

II am trying to create a toggle button that switches a list to a range and then back to a list if needed. I am able to get it to do both but when I add an item to the list, convert to a range and then convert back to a list it leaves off the last items I entered.I tried to work in a code to select all cells but I must not be putting it in the right place.This is what I have so far:

ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Range("$A$3:$AE$7"), , xlYes).Name = _

I realize the problem is the $AE$7 (the $A$3 is correct)

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Create A List Of List In That Would Like To Work On Multiple Accounts At Same Time

Oct 24, 2011

i am trying to create a list of list in that i would like to work on multiple accounts at the same time. lets say i have 5 accounts. every account has a seperate name. each account has a few fields. so i though of having a list of bookkeeping (with 5 accounts) and a list of accounts (with expense, income, tax, status, etc as fields). [code] and if the idea of using list of list works how do i loop through both lists.

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Create List Of Child Objects From List Of Parent Object?

Jun 2, 2011

I would like to create list of child objects from list of parent object. Like If i have list of bookingroom which has one member room then i would like to create list of room from it.

eg. code:

Dim BookingRoomList As List(Of BookingRoom) = New List(Of BookingRoom)
Dim RoomList As List(Of Room) = New List(Of Room)
BookingRoomList = BookingRooms.FillGrid()


Is there any short cut method instead of iterating over for earch?

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Create Local Copy Of A List To Be Able To Change Elements Only In New List?

Oct 26, 2011

This is probably a really basic question - but I have a list of items (custom objects) being passed from one winform (.net 3.5) to another. I want to create a local list to store changes that only get persisted if the user clicks save. Currently if the user clicks cancel - the changes are still applied in the first form because I assume the objects are reference type.I have the save working as it calls a service layer to do the save and then refreshes the other form - but not the cancel.

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.net - Create New Distinct List(of T) From Existing List(of T) Using LINQ?

Jun 1, 2011

How can I get a new distinct list from an existing list using LINQ? This is what I have so far and it is not distinct but does give me a new list.

Dim tmpQryColumn = (From a In _allAudits
Select New CheckBoxListItem
With {.Id = a.AuditColumn, .Name = a.AuditColumn}
_columnList = New List(Of CheckBoxListItem)(tmpQryColumn)

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Create New Distinct List(of T) From Existing List(of T) Using LINQ?

Mar 12, 2010

How can I get a new distinct list from an existing list using LINQ? This is what I have so far and it is not distinct but does give me a new list.

Dim tmpQryColumn = (From a In _allAudits
Select New CheckBoxListItem
With {.Id = a.AuditColumn, .Name = a.AuditColumn}


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Linq - Create A List Of Integers From A List Of Objects?

Nov 23, 2011

I'm trying to create a list of days(integer) from a list of dates(date).

I tryed to do this....


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Create / Delete Files And Directories?

Jul 3, 2010

I wonna delete/create directorys on the FTP server and delete files. i have used but i cant do much more whit that ..

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Create / Edit / Delete From SqlExpress?

Jun 29, 2011

I'm setting up a home database. I'm using sqlexpress. I want to use a programme to manage the database and currently added the database to my data sources. How would I create data for the tables? ( Tables are already set up )


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Create And Delete Batch Files?

Jun 5, 2011

Well i figure that if i do a temp. batch file for a small project heres the batch script. IPAddy would = a number xx.xx also how to execute from a button and run as admin at the same time. @echo off netsh interface ipv4 set address "local Area Connection" static 10.IPAddy.2

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Delete Only The Cookies Create By Webbrowser?

Aug 1, 2009

Suppose I have webbrowser in mine form..Is it possoble to capture only the cookies create by mine webbrower..suppose before starting the project,in mine cookies folder there are cookies names cookie1 & cookie2....Suppose after the project run.cookies created by mine project are named cookie3 & cookie4...I want to delete cookie3 & cookie4 only..

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Set Up Create Insert Update And Delete Commands

Mar 11, 2010

how do I set up create Insert, Update and Delete commands for your a DataAdapter?I'm using a DataGridView to allow the user to view, change and delete data rows and would like to be able to save any changes made in the grid back to the database.The application is part of one I'm developing for our local school to write reports to report cards for the children.[code]

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VS 2005 Delete Only The Cookies Create By Webbrowser?

Aug 1, 2009

Suppose I have webbrowser in mine form..Is it possoble to capture only the cookies create by mine webbrower..suppose before starting the project,in mine cookies folder there are cookies names cookie1 & cookie2....Suppose after the project run.cookies created by mine project are named cookie3 & cookie4...I want to delete cookie3 & cookie4 only..Is there any way to do it?

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VS 2010 .net Create And Delete Desktop Shortcut?

Mar 24, 2011

I'm writing a (2010) app to extract a zip file in XP to a specific folder. That part works fine. Now I want to create a desktop shortcut to an application (if it exists I need to delete it first)

This should be an easy to find answer but I believe my eye is beginning to twitch!2 error messages: First Error: "Type expected" On Dim shortCut As IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShortcut = DirectCast(WshShell.CreateShortcut(FileName, IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShortcut), == this is a simple syntax error but I thought the type was the IWshShortcut ==

Second Error: On "With Shortcut" it fusses: " cannot refer to an instance member of a class from within a shared method or shared member initalizer without an explicit instance of the class."


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XML File - Create / Update And Delete Data?

May 10, 2010

I need to make a CRUD application using the XML and How to create, write, read, update, delete the data only using XML file and

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Create A Shortcut For Program That Sends The User To The World Map Of A Website With The Press Of A Button?

Jun 7, 2011

I'm trying to create a shortcut for my program that sends the user to the world map of a website with the press of a button, but it isn't working. Here's my code:

Private Sub Game_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Game.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Keys.M Then
End If
End Sub

"Game" is a WebBrowser control.

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VB 2008 - Create A Label That When Clicked By The User It Will Open A Website Using The Default Browser?

Jun 12, 2011

how do I create a label that when clicked by the user, it will open a website using the default browser. I have seen the control LinkLabel but I do not know how it works or how to use it.

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