Create Windows Forms From Tables?

Sep 10, 2009

I install Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition and I don't see on the templates the Data Form Wizard...

how can I install the template?

I want to used to create windows forms from my tables.

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.net - Windows Forms In VB Updating Two Tables?

Apr 18, 2011

I am creating a form in VB to enter customer sales invoices and need to update two tables i.e. InvoiceHeader and InoviceDetails. The Invoice details can have more than one line for one Invoice header. I was wondering if there is any thing like Access subforms or how can I update both tables through an SQL statement.

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Forms :: How To Create DataSet And Tables From XML

Aug 4, 2011

I have an XML file that has a basic hierarchical structure about horse racing. It has a summary of the tracks, some data about each track, then a list of all the races at each track racing that day. So lets say there are 10 tracks, and for each track there are 8 races. This is a snapshot of the data....

-<Meetings xmlns="" Jurisdiction="VIC">
-<Summary MID="MR_20110801">
<VenueName>ECHUCA (VIC)</VenueName>
<Track>DEAD </Track>
[Code] ......

I have written the code to pull down the data into a data store, but I dont know the BEST way to put the data into a set of tables. My first thought was to traverse the nodes and add rows into tables but I figure there must be a native VB process that reads the xml and puts it into the the appropriate table. How to code up the process for getting the data into a set of tables that match the xml. So lets say I have a Summary table, I would like all the data about each track to go into that table. Then I would have a Races table and have the data for each race go into that. What I have done already is import the xml into Access to create the tables (which was a breeze!) and then link that data source to my project. So I have the tables already built.

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Create FK To Model, From Aspnet Forms Validation Tables

Jan 17, 2012

I've recently created a MVC 3 application (using VB). I have also created forms validation by running aspnet_regsql. I used this to create the table in the same database as my application uses. I am trying to work out how to create a new model, with a FK from the Users table. Do I have to reverse engineer the validation tables to create models in my application? right now, the tables only exist on the SQL 2008 database, as they were created by running the aspnet_regsql command, and do not exists as models in my solution. Here is the code I have now, for a model I would like to add a FK to (as a one-to-many relationship):

Imports System.Data.Entity
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations


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Timeout Using SQLite - Create A Database And Several Tables - To Populate The Tables With Data From Arrays

Jul 25, 2012

I am using VS2008 and SQLite. I have created a database and several tables and am attempting to populate the tables with data from arrays.

The following code (example) works fine but stops after it inserts 30 to 50 records. I am running the VB code in debug mode and when it stops, I press pause to see where it is. It stops on "SQLcommand.ExecuteNonQuery()" and when I press continue (F5) it will insert another 30 to 50 records.

I do not get an error message. Is this a timeout issue? How do I keep the loop running to the end of the array?

Following is example code.


SQLconnect As New SQLite.SQLiteConnection()

Dim SQLcommand As SQLiteCommand


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Create A Misc Properties For A Textbox In Windows Forms?

Mar 18, 2009

I am using 2008,how to create a misc properties for a textbox in windows forms?

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Forms :: Create A Basic Windows Form On VS2008?

Feb 4, 2009

I am trying to create a basic windows form on VS2008. I dont see intializecomponent() method in my form. Also, I added a few controls on to the forms and set few properties for those controls on design view. Where is that code getting stored?? it isnt on the code behind file.

I know thr is no html code behind file for window forms?? also, where is intializecomponent method. Please help me out. I have been trying to find this out for such a long time now.

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Forms :: Create A Discussion Thread On A Windows Form?

May 13, 2010

I am currently creating an application which monitors any errors that occur in the other applications I have developed.

One thing that I want to try and do is add a sort of discussion thread into the form, so this allows for each member of IT to add comments/notes about the error that occurred.

Normally I would just use a DataGridView or a ListView, but I would like to have the capability for the comments/notes to be multi-lined so that the user can see what has been written without having to scroll sideways.

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Create Custom Control Such As A Menu For Windows Forms Application Using Program?

Nov 14, 2011

I've search the net in order to create a custom control but nothing I find is worth looking at, The main thing I want to do is create a skinengin via DLL and import it in my vb 2010 then using or creating some sort of skin builder where I can create a full setting file which contains all the details of the customization regarding the Form(Look, Feel and the controls such as a menu), I have used Iriskin and multiple apps doing this for me and when a user installs my application they still recieve a message about buying the registered DLL file, I would like to create it completely from scratch.

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Create Small Windows Forms Application That Accepts Pen-based Handwriting?

May 5, 2012

I am trying to create a small windows forms application that demonstrates how a user can use pen-based input(ona Lenovo X220 tablet PC) to enter text (rather than typing on a keyboard) I am using Visual Basic in Visual Studio 2010.I think the control I want to add to my Visual Basic Project is the Microsoft InkEdit ControlThe instructions I see on other parts of microsoft websites refer to a .net framework componed called InkEdit. The instructions I found so far is to right-mouse click on the tool box, click 'choose items' and then select the Inkedit Control from the .NET Framework components.

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Create Event Log Source As Part Of Installation - Windows Forms App, Vs Deployment Project

Mar 27, 2011

I have a windows form app that I am deploying as using the visual studio deployment project. The app needs to write event logs to the application log in the event viewer. For reasons explained here I need to create the event source during the installation process. Something like this to run as part of the installer

If Not EventLog.SourceExists(My.Application.Info.ProductName) Then
EventLog.CreateEventSource(My.Application.Info.ProductName, "Application")
End If

That code needs to be run during the installer with elevated privileges. So my questions are:

How do I execute that code above as part of the installer? How do I get the installer to do the UAC prompt to allow that code to run as part of the installation?

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Create Websetup For Clickonce Type Windows Forms Application By Publishing It To Some Folder

Feb 28, 2012

Trying to publish a click once type app to a local directory and create a websetup with the published contents- so that i can give tat setup to install in two different servers. but as the publishing wizard takes a URL - separate setup is required for each server. Is there any way that i can create a single setup which i can use it in two servers..?

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.net - Given A Large Number Of Objects, Create Multiple Forms In Designer For Them Or Use Code To Create The Forms?

Dec 29, 2010

If I have a large number of classes, each similar to the other in certain aspects (they all share a common base class, but each does things differently), and I need to create Windows forms for each to allow easy changing of their values through a GUI? Create one matching form for each object in VS' forms designer, Or Use code to create the forms dynamically at runtime.

#2 makes the most sense to me, because a lot of these objects will share very common features of the form, notably "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons. But one object might need to draw a textbox on the form while another might need to draw a combobox. Not to mention, if I want to put icons on the "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons, I'd have to do this for each copy of the form in designer, and that sounds like it could get out of hand quickly.But is drawing forms through code sane? VS' forms designer is pretty sophisticated and designed to make life easier. Am I wise to consider ignoring its functionality and diving into the trench warfare of forms design through code? Or are there examples of automating form creation based on an existing object's properties?

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SQL Data Access: VB2008 / VB2010 - WinForms - Create A Datasourse And Drag / Drop Fields Or Tables On A Form To Create A Grid

Oct 22, 2010

I have used VB (versions 2 - 6) through many years; however, I am crash-course training myself into the VB2008 / VB2010 world kicking a screaming. I would like suggestions as to what SQL database access method should I focus more on in my learning process without making me feel that I'm a million years behind. I know I have WinForms where I can create a datasourse and drag / drop fields or tables on a form to create a grid (not really what I'm looking for).

My trouble isn't so much designing the form but in how I access the database. Theres XML, LINQ to SQL, ADO.NET, and many other methods. Not only do I need to grasp these methods quickly but I also need to know what type of projects I should create. What I mean is...I was thinking that I would design a WinForm app; however, I see that there are WPF apps and others to chose from. This is getting deep. I know it depends on the project that I'm working on. My plans are to write an app based off of either an SQL Express 2008 or SQL Server 2008 database. This first app will be standalone for now but may later become multi-user. I know I'm far behind on my learning curve coming from VB6. I have read a bit on VB2005 / 2008 / 2010. I own
both VB2008 and VB2010. I use VB2008 at work. I know ADO.NET is still alive but by what I read online, it's a dying method and is only kept for backward compatibility. XML and LINQ to SQL and other methods are all pretty new to me.

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Operator '*' Is Not Defined For Types 'System.Windows.Forms.VscrollBar' And 'Systems.Windows.Forms.VscrollBar

Oct 29, 2011

I am trying to use values from form1 in my project, in form2, but Im not sure how to do it. I've tried

txtboxTotal = (Form1.vsbLength * Form1.vsbWidth) * Pattern

But I get: operator '*' is not defined for types 'System.Windows.Forms.VscrollBar' and 'Systems.Windows.Forms.VscrollBar.'

View 14 Replies

Forms :: Create An Attendance Form In Windows Form?

Oct 1, 2009

How to create a Attendance form in windows form.The form should lookk like this:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ..........till 31 or 30 based on month selected
1. emp1

2. emp2

I shud be able to enter attendance for employees.....

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Implicit Conversions From 'System.Windows.Forms.Control' To 'System.Windows.Forms.Webbrowser'

Sep 8, 2010

I have the code which checks if there is a selected tab

Private Function GetBrowser() As WebBrowser
If TabControl1.SelectedTab IsNot Nothing Then
For Each c As Control In TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls
If TypeOf (c) Is WebBrowser Then
Return c


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Tables And Data On Forms?

Nov 19, 2011

I am engaging to build my first project with a database connection and have a question before I go any further:In MS Access when you create a form you have the option to put a subform in and link the data so that each time the main record changes that sub data changes too.My Database and table are complete and ready to go. There are perfectly normalised as well.How can a similar procedure be achieved in VB.Net ?

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Anyway To Create Tables

Dec 31, 2010

I signed up for a free 30 of Azure. I logged in, created a database. I am able to connect (=Test Connectivity). But that's it. I don't see anyway to create tables, etc. Also how can I connect this db to (I am using 2010)?

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Forms :: Make A Report Which Is From Join Tables?

May 27, 2010

how to make a report which is from join tables!

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Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.Windows.Forms.Button' To Type 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'

Apr 28, 2009

I have a panel with some controls in it (several textboxes, a slider, 2 buttons, and a small groupbox).. When I click a button, I want all of the textboxes within the panel to be readonly... So I have this code: [code] When I run it though, I get the following error:Unable to cast object of type 'System.Windows.Forms.Button' to type 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'.If I remove a button, it moves on to give me the same error but for a label..

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Create 3 Tables In Code Behind?

Aug 26, 2011

I want to split this up into 3 side by side tables but have been unsuccessful in any of my attempts. Currently it prints one large table. The reader.Read is performing a really simple query that pulls a few names from a table.

Dim htmlString As String = "<table>"
While reader.Read()
htmlString = htmlString + "<tr><td>" + reader(1) + " " + reader(4) + "</td></tr>"
End While


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Create Tables At Run-time?

Jun 5, 2011

Possible to create new tables in my database at runtime. What components will I have to use?

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Create Two Different Tables Having Almost Same Fields?

Jan 12, 2010

I have two forms receipt and payment. Both are having almost same fields.e.g. entryno, date , partyname, amount. Should I create two different tables for receipt and payment or keep data in single table with additional field 'TransactionType'

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Connect MS Database Tables To VB Windows Application?

Jun 10, 2009

I've been trying to connect a MS database to a V.B. form unsucessfully.Actually when i try to do that, i can't connect the tables information to the form or store the information i enter in the form in the MS table.I was doing an exercise here, and to store the information in the table called readers, i typed:

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Forms :: Dropdown Menu With Values For Displaying Different Tables

May 25, 2009

I want to have a drop down menu with the values:
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
And I want to display different tables for each the values selected in the drop down menu. For example, when the "Year 7" value is selected in the drop down menu, a table is displayed for that year.

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Forms :: Input Data In Mysql Different Tables With One Query?

Jan 21, 2012

how to input data in mysql, different tables with one query?is it possible to do in gridview in 2008?

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Create Temp Tables In Access DB In .NET?

Aug 2, 2010

I am using Access DB.I want to create Temp Tables in My DB.What is the Syntax for Crate Temp tables in VB.NET??

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Create Temporary Tables In MS ACCESS?

Oct 10, 2010

Is it possible to create temporary tables in MS ACCESS using VB.NET?

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Insert Into Multiple Tables In Windows Form Application?

Jan 11, 2011

i am using and MS access as my database.[CODE]...

now i want to insert into these tables. how can i do that? i know how to insert into a single table for example listed below, so how can i modify that so that i can insert into multiple tables[CODE]...

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