Custom Control Combobox - Set DropDownList As Default

Sep 3, 2009

i create my custom combobox control and i'd like to set DropDownStyle property on DropDownList but it not works correctly. [Code] When i put my custom control in my form i want to see DropDownStyle set to DropDownList and not DropDown as default.

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Combobox - Choosing A Custom Default Combo Box Value

Apr 14, 2010

I got a combobox which is filled with values from datasource. By default the first value is chosen which is fine but I need to display "Choose country" as the default combobox text. The user then can choose from the drop down list.


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C# - ASP.NET Custom Control - Default Template?

Jun 15, 2010

I know this is really picky, but can I have one template inside a user control:

<uc:MyUserControl runat="server" ID="test">
<asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" id="pH" />

Instead of what I have now which requires me to:


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Set The Default Size Of A Custom Control?

Aug 16, 2009

how do i set the default size of a custom control ?

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Define Default Event In A Custom Control?

Feb 14, 2012

Currently when i add my control to a form and double click it it adds a sub with the handle control.load to the code but i want it to be when i double click it

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Custom Control's Property Resets To Default At Runtime?

Mar 27, 2011

I created a Custom Class and Implemented a Type Converter for it. I used this Custom Class as a new property of a Custom Control.Everything is fine at design time. I can set the values of this property but at run-time the values i entered resets back to the initial declaration i made.

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Building Custom User Control - Default Property Of Class?

Jan 22, 2012

If we say blue is the default colour of the Backcolor property I understand it as if you don't specify a colour for Backcolor blue will be its colour. But I could not make sense of default property of a class in the context of building a custom user control. After calling an instance of a class we have to either call one of its members or assign an other object for it. Therefore why should there be a default property?

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Set The Default Event To Be Edited For Custom Control In Visual Studio?

Aug 23, 2010

I made a custom button by inheriting the Button class. When I double click the custom button in Designer, it makes the event handling function for MyButton.Click:

Private Sub MyButton1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyButton1.Click
End Sub


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Custom ComboBox Control Appearance

Feb 25, 2010

I'm trying to create a ComboBox control with a TreeView style. I have been giving a link to an article by MSDN forums which include a sample as a starting point. [url] I downloaded the sample and convert its C# code to VB. The sample is a windows forms application so I moved the controls of the sample to a new Windows control library. I also modify and added some of the code to try to make it the way I want. Now I'm facing a problem with this control and I need your help to understand why it not behaving the right way. I'm trying to learn and build a ComboBox with a TreeView style.

The control inherits from the windows ComboBox control and when I place it on a form for the first time it look exactly as a CompbBox control but once I run the application for the first time the control appearance become deferent and it's not drowning its self as the windows ComboBox do. When I try to expand its width by dragging one of its sides by the mouse it doesn't work properly. I struggled understand why its behaving this way and how I can correct this behavior but unfortunately I couldn't. [Code]

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Custom Control And Datagridview ComboBox Cell Back Color

Jun 5, 2009

I have added a custom Control to my project, but every time I edit it and rebuild the form that I use the custom control in adds the project name in front of the control and won't compile. i.e. Project name = MyProject, Custom Control name = MyControl. When I rebuild the project after editing my control I get an error, MyProject.MyControl doesn't exist. If I remove the MyProject from the line it compiles and runs fine until next time I edit the custom control.

I can't figure out what I would be doing wrong to cause this, or why it is putting the project name in front of the control, but then not accepting it. I am also struggling figuring out how to change the back color on an individual cell in an Datagridview Combo Box. The style.backcolor property of the cell doesn't seem to do anything.

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Add A Default Value To Dropdownlist

May 10, 2009

Actually I would like to add a default value to my dropdownlist before I bind the data from the SQL statement.Below is my codes,how should I change so that my dropdownlist default value will be "All" then only follow by the data retrieved from SQL? [code]

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Add A Default Value To Dropdownlist?

May 10, 2009

Actually I would like to add a default value to my dropdownlist before I bind the data from the SQL statement.Below is my codes,how should I change so that my dropdownlist default value will be "All" then only follow by the data retrieved from SQL?


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Dropdownlist Returning Default Value?

Jul 8, 2009

I am new in ASPNET. I am having a problem returning a default value for a dropdownlist. When a user select another value for example(Names- Value)Private - 1; Friends - 2; Public - 3; (not binded to database but hard coded)When a user select a value and saved it to a database. How can I return a new dafault value for a dropdown?

I tried
dropdownlist1.selectedvalue = 2 (code behind)
and still the dropdownlist view Private instead of Friends.


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VS 2010 Combobox Default Value - Display The Name Of The Person Who Is Doing The Selection As The Default?

Nov 25, 2011

I have a combobox which contains a sample of names selected from a table.Currently the default name displayed in the box is the 1st name found in the table. What I would like to do is display the name of the person who is doing the selection as the default. The name is stored in a public variable 'PubName' and I do not want the user to be able to type into the combobox themselves.Is this possible?

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DropdownList - How To Set Value Of ComboBox

May 28, 2010

I am using the following method to set a value to ComboBox1 whose dropdown type is set to dropdownlist:
ComboBox1.Items.Insert(0, "ABC")
ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0
Is there any other and better way to do it?

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How To Select The First Item Of A DropDownList Combobox

Apr 14, 2012

I have a combo box with four lines of data:

Reina Beatrix Arpt, Aruba, AW (AUA)
Grantley Adams Intl Arpt, Barbados, BB (BGI)
Owen Roberts Arpt, Grand Cayman Island, KY (GCM)


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Difference Between Simple, DropDown, And DropDownList In The ComboBox?

Feb 27, 2009

What's the difference between Simple, DropDown, and DropDownList in the ComboBox?

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Function To Return A List For A Dropdownlist Or Combobox?

Aug 27, 2009

I have written a function before to delete and update records, but never anything to return values back to my call of the function. Here is my code, and I will try to explain what I'm trying to acheive.

If Not Att1 = "" Then
Attribute1.Text = Att1
Attribute1.Visible = True
ComboBox1.Visible = True


That codes goes on up to att20. It works just fine, but it is forever long, and I would like to clean it up.I want to do something like:

Or, should I pass the combobox number also, so that the code can fill the appropriate combobox? Like.comboboxfill(Att1,Combobox1) how to write the function and how to pass back the information or just how to make it work in general?

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VS 2010 ReadOnly Combobox Without Making It A DropDownList?

May 10, 2010

i have an app that has many suggest append comboboxes in the style of just straight dropdown.

I also clear the text in all of these draopdowns via resettext() in a loop when my user clicks a 'New' button

is there any way to either A:

make the combobox read only (without selecting dropdownlist)

or B:

allow suggest append to fire on all keystrokes instead of only when it sees a match in the combobox....

example: combobox1 contains the following items:

- apples
- oranges
- bananas

as of right now, if my user types in "pears" it won't see any 'P' and won't suggest anything else or even drop down the combobox and allow "Pears" to be entered and because my app does processing only on the items in the list, "pears" then throws an exception....I'm trying to force them to choose only the items in the list and not be allowed to enter anything else while still enjoying the clean look of a resettext() on a combobox

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Check Text Entered In Combobox Against The Dropdownlist Generated?

Jan 15, 2009

I have an windows mobile application. In the windows form of it, I have a combo box.I load the values in the combobox on frm_load event.Now we all know what the combo box has the facility that it allows to enter text as well as chose from the dropdown.So when they enter the text, I want to validate it against the list that is in it.If not then msbox error.

My loading of the combo box is here.

Private Sub mainfrm_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim con As New SqlConnection("XXXX")


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VS 2005 Data Deleted But Dropdownlist Of The Combobox Is Not Updated?

Sep 1, 2009

i did this code to delete data from the database and update the dropdownlist of the combobox(i.e,remove the deleted data from the dropdownlist of the combobox):

Private Sub Delete_Btn_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Delete_Btn.Click


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.net - Make A Custom ComboBox (OwnerDrawFixed) Looks 3D Like The Standard ComboBox?

May 3, 2011

I am making a custom ComboBox, inherited from Winforms' standard ComboBox. For my custom ComboBox, I set DrawMode to OwnerDrawFixed and DropDownStyle to DropDownList. Then I write my own OnDrawItem method. But I ended up like this:

How do I make my Custom ComboBox to look like the Standard one?

Update 1: ButtonRenderer After searching all around, I found the ButtonRenderer class. It provides a DrawButton static/shared method which -- as the name implies -- draws the proper 3D button. I'm experimenting with it now.

Update 2: What overwrites my control?I tried using the Graphics properties of various objects I can think of, but I always fail. Finally, I tried the Graphics of the form, and apparently something is overwriting my button.

Here's the code:

Protected Overrides Sub OnDrawItem(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DrawItemEventArgs)
Dim TextToDraw As String = _DefaultText
__Brush_Window.Color = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Window)


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DropdownList At Properties Level Of ComboBox - Search Field Types

Oct 28, 2009

I have a combo box on my application (working with called CmbAttendantstatus. I have sent the dropdownstyle = dropdownlist at the Properties level of the combobox.

There are 200 field types e.g;
Current Attendant
Ever Attendant
Never Attendant etc

The issue is I can only select one from the list, fine, but I want to be able to type the first letter on the combobox and it takes me to the nearest field type rather than looking through the entire drop list. For example I want Never Attendant, I just need to type N and the drop list takes me to anything starting from N and if I add E for example any field starting with NE shows up for selection. Presently, when the dropdownlist is selected you are not allowed to type anything...

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VS 2005 Checkbox In My Application - Fetch The Data From The Database And Add It To The Dropdownlist Of The Combobox

Aug 31, 2009

I have a checkbox in my application,when the checkbox is checked then i want to fetch the data from the database and add it to the dropdownlist of the combobox.Again when the checkbox is unchecked then i want to ramove all the data from the dropdownlist of the combobox.

I did this

Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged
If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then
con = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0;Data Source=Etech.mdb")


When the checkbox is checked then the data is added from the database to the dropdownlist of the combobox but when i uncheck it then the data is not removed from the dropdownlist of the combobox. In the above code i think i need to add an else condition to remove the data from the dropdownlist of the combobox and make it empty when the checkbox is unchecked.......but i cant give the proper else condition in the above code.

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Specify A Custom Icon For Display In The Toolbox Window When Create Own Custom Control?

Dec 29, 2011

how to specify a custom icon for display in the toolbox window when you create your own custom control? Something other than the dreaded "gearbox" icon.

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C# - DropDownList Inside An Calendar Control

Oct 21, 2011

Is it possible to add a DropDownList inside a calendar day for the Calendar control and then to bind it to a SelectedIndexChanged event? I can add the DropDownList inside the day I want, but I've been unable to bind it to the event. I've seen it done for a LinkButton inside a Calendar control, but nothing for a DropDownList.

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Populate One DropDownList With Another In A DataList Control?

Feb 10, 2012

Have two dropdownlist inside the edit template of a DataList. The first dropdwon is for state while the second is for town. The state is populated from a table state while the second from a table town when state is selected.

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Two Dropdownlist Nested In A Gridview Control?

Jun 17, 2011

a query, as I can make a development of two nested dropdownlist in a gridview, so that one is loaded with data according to the selection of first.

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VS 2008 Override DropDownList Control

Aug 12, 2009

For the page I'm developing I need a DropDownList with CheckBoxes on it, so that the users can choose more than one option without having to use the Ctrl key (and it's more intuitive). Because my options are being retrieved from the Database, the list of option can be really big, so using a CheckBoxList would use a lot of space. with this? I'm almost desperate! I have been search for a couples day, but having problems in everything I tried. What I'm trying to do now is override the DropDownList control (as suggested in this forum: [URL]), but I'm having problems right in the first line:


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.net - Combobox Default Value?

Dec 11, 2011

I have a application, and I have a combobox which should contains a display member (text) and a value member (integer).the problem is:I want to set a default value to that combobox when the form load but I don't have a load event as I create the form and the combobox dynamically. i have used the combobox.selectedvalue =6 but it doesn't work.note: I can't use the selectedindex property because sometimes the value comes from a DB table primary key which is not the same as the combobox index.

the code:

Private Sub fill_combo(ByRef combo As ComboBox, ByVal nodes As HashMap)
Dim comboData = New BindingList(Of KeyValuePair(Of Integer, String))
Do While Not nodes.eof


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