Custom Error Massage?

Oct 15, 2010

can i change the error massage that appear when .NET Framework is not installed??

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Not Getting Redirection To Custom Error Page Using Custom Errors?

Mar 24, 2010

Here's my Application_OnError event sink in global.asax.vb:
Sub Application_OnError(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim innerMostException As Exception = getInnerMostException(Me.Context.Error)


View 1 Replies - Display Specific Error Message On Custom Error Page

Sep 1, 2011

I know it's possible in to create a custom error page in a web app, by putting the following line in the web.config: <customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="frmErrorPage.aspx" />

I have had to do this for my web app, since it is clearly much tidier than letting the program bomb out with it's ugly default error page. My custom error page just has the customer's logo and a brief message saying "Error has occurred. Please return to homepage"The trouble now is that I have no way of knowing what caused the error, when a customer reports it.

Is there a way to make the actual error message appear on this custom error page too?

View 2 Replies - Custom Error Message In IIS

May 9, 2012

In IIS 5.1, i have set the website security to Basic Authentications and i have set the page for custom error in IIS which is directing to c:est.asp file. When user try to access the website, the user name and password screen comes up and after entering the wrong password 3 times, system shows the custom error page which is fine but why does system prompt for the user name and password again (for three times)?

I don't want user login screen on custom error page. I have tried to put the custom error page on the default website and set the security to anonymous but it still shows login screen on custom error page.

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Cannot Find Custom Dll Error

Mar 7, 2012

i published my app. these error showed up. i used some custom buttons on the app by importing the dll. i guess it cant find it after i publish. what can i do.

See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.


When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer rather than be handled by this dialog box.

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Custom Tab Page Error?

Mar 12, 2012

I've written a class for a new TabPage type.The only thing I've added is a couple variables which I can assign to the tab page in order for my app to identify which tab page is selected.This works fine on my pc, and a few others, but I have one customer who is using my app.When they run, and they open a new tab, the TABcontrols.tabpages.add(NEWTAB) errors out.I'm 100% sure that this is because it doesn't like the fact that newTAB is my custom TAB class.When I did some debugging, his pc moved past the error when I just added a default tabpage type.

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Error Loading Custom UI XML

Jul 3, 2009

I am having a problem, which I did not have until recenty, adding personal macro buttons to the Quick Access Toolbar using Excel's Customize function. The macros, which I know are, enabled and executable, cannot be assigned to new buttons on the QAT. Actually, I can add macro buttons to a new workbook fine, but when I close, reopen the workbook, and try to add another personal macro button, they all disappear.

I set 'Show Add-in User Interface Errors' in the Advanced tab of Excel Options and get this error when I open a workbook with personal macro buttons added to the QAT[code]...

I deleted the macros and manually keyed some simple command (msgbox 1) into a new macro and still got this error message.

I set 'Show Add-In User Interface Errors' on a remote server (where I do not have this problem) and I do not get this error message when loading workbooks with customized QAT.

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Use Custom Error Handling?

Mar 8, 2010

When debugging a program, instead of doing this on EVERY piece of code:

Catch ex as Exception
End Try

Is there a way to apply that to everything error I encounter without writing it on every function/sub/etc?

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C# - Custom HTTP Error Page?

Aug 6, 2010

In, I can define a custom error page like this:

<customErrors mode="On">


Now my question: If I replace, say 404.aspx with AnyHTTP.aspx,and want to get the number of the http error to generalize the page, how do I get that error numer?

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Error From Custom Control & ToolStrip?

Jan 20, 2007

I have created a Custom control, containing 4 masked text boxes.and most times when i build it, i get a error: "InvalidArgument=Value of '-2147483648' is not valid for row position.' What is it? i searched MSDN, it looks like one of the SQL errors. How can this happen, i didn't use SQL.Edit: i fixed this tool strip problem. seems that i put visible to false unknowingly. I also have a problem with my Tool strip. The tool strip on the top works well, but the one i placed in a table layout panel, is missing from view, it only appears in Design view when i select it from the bottom strip.

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Custom Class Constructor Needs To Be Able To Return Error

Mar 12, 2010

I'm making a class that reads a file and processes data in it, but I need some error handling. I'm giving it a constructor that takes a file location and processes that file. How can I make it so the constructor tells the program whether it found the file or not? Optimistically the program that calls this class would check for that first, but since I'm not going to be the only one that uses this class I'd like to know how to secure such a thing. It's probably bad practice to do this within the class, but I'd like to be sure it's as portable as possible.

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Custom Control Error Could Not Load File

Aug 17, 2011

I have a windows application created using Visual Studios 2005.I recently added a custom control - after I built it, I was able to see it on the toolbox and I placed it from there to my form. All was good till at some point, when I tried to go to the design view of my form that the control is on, I get this error: Could not load file or assembly 'acdbmgd, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. [code]I can still run my app and see the control that's on the form, but I'm wondering what this error means? If I rem out the code behind my custom control, I can then view the control on the page again when I design the form.

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.net - AddHandler For Custom Controls Error Visual Studio?

May 27, 2012

I have a MouseEnter event which currently handles some custom controls on my form. The program is a card game. I have a collection (handCards) that gets populated when the user draws a card and then it adds the latest card to the form. This collection holds cards of various custom types, all which inherit from picturebox. Drawing the cards from the deck and adding them to the form works fine. The trouble I am having is that at runtime, after a card is drawn and added to the form, I've created an addhandler line of code to have those cards respond to my MouseEnter event, but my addhandler line of code is telling me that MouseEnter is not an event of object. How can I get around this so that after a card is drawn and added to the form, when the mouse enters the new custom control, my MouseEnter event fires? Here's one of the many things I've tried and what I think should be the simplest and easiest that should work.deck.DrawCard()AddHandler handCards(handCards.Count).MouseEnter, AddressOf Cards_MouseEnter

P.S. the MouseEnter event works fine for custom controls that are on the form prior to runtime and all it does is take the image of the control and enlarge it by placing the image to a bigger card on the form.

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.net - Custom Event Handler - Getting The Error: Operator '+' Is Not Defined?

Mar 30, 2011

My job is requiring some visual basic programming and i've only programmed in C#.So i have this code:

Public Custom Event Command As JQDialogEventHandler
AddHandler(ByVal value As JQDialogEventHandler)
commandHandler += value[code].....

I'm getting the error: Operator '+' is not defined for types 'ControlesModificados. ControlesModificados.JQDialogEventHandler' and 'ControlesModificados. ControlesModificados.JQDialogEventHandler'. How can i write this code "commandHandler -= value" in other way so the error goes away! or how can i defined those operators for the eventhandler.

Namespace ControlesModificados
Public Class JQDialogButton
Inherits Button[code]....

As you can see the DialogCommand is using another JQDialogHandler, so i can't just use

Public Custom Event DialogCommand As JQDialogEventHandler

View 3 Replies - Custom HttpHandler Error: Could Not Load Type 'FileProtectionHandler'

Jun 30, 2011

I am trying to implement a Custom HttpHandler (for the first time), I have been given a tutorial to follow but couldn't get it to work. I then found another tutorial but couldn't get that to work, they are both giving me the same error message.

The custom handler is to protect people from downloading certain file types, although i think the error is somekind of configuration problem as I can't get the website to work at all once I add the httpHandlers to the Web.Config file.

Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'FileProtectionHandler'.
Source Error:
Line 47: </compilation>
Line 48: <httpHandlers>


View 3 Replies - Custom Validator Not Firing (No Error Message, But No Validation)?

Jan 17, 2011

I have a custom validator:

<asp:CustomValidator ID="QuestionValidator" runat="server" ErrorMessage="Please select an option" ClientValidationFunction="QuestionValidator_ServerValidate" OnServerValidate="QuestionValidator_ServerValidate" ValidateEmptyText="true"></asp:CustomValidator>

I have a list of questions provided by a datalist, which I need to ensure a user selects an answer to each question. I then have my validation functions:

Protected Sub QuestionValidator_ServerValidate(ByVal source As Object, ByVal args As ServerValidateEventArgs)
Dim SelectedItem As Boolean = False
For Each c As Control In Page.Master.FindControl("form1").Controls
If TypeOf c Is RadioButton Then


When I run the page, there is no validation and no error message. Please can you point out where I am going wrong, I'm suspicious it is at Page.Master.FindControl("form1").Controls.I have previously done such validation by looping through controls via form1.controls but this is unavailable as the page uses a form passed down via the master page.

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Nant Vbc Build Error Loading Custom DLL Reference

Apr 4, 2012

I am having trouble trying to get NAnt to compile my project, which consists of a windows forms application, a utilities library (DLL) and a data classes library (DLL). The problem is that I can't get the main WinEXE application to reference the data classes library, which gets compiled as the second step, before the app is compiled.


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C# - Javascript Textbox Validation Fires Custom Validator Error Regardless Of Value

Oct 24, 2011

I am trying to validate a textbox based on a dropdownlist, e.g. if ddl value is 'Day', textbox value cannot exceed 31. It seems that no matter what I enter triggers my custom validator error, what am I doing wrong,

<asp:TextBox ID="uitxtCamLastVisitDur" runat="server" CssClass="tooltip"
Width="65px" Enabled="False" ToolTip="Indicates a required spending on the member's last visit."></asp:TextBox>


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Error Message - Can't Load (or Register) Custom Control: 'comdlg32.ocx'

Jan 25, 2012

I'm trying to run a Visual Basic (4.0) program that has run on every flavor of Windows so far. Using Windows 7 I get the following error message:

Can't load (or register) custom control: 'comdlg32.ocx'

This file is in the same directories as it is in a WinXP machine where it runs just fine.

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Throwing Exceptions For User ? Or Better To Design Custom Error Message Framework?

Nov 10, 2010

I never got into detailed error processing too much when I played in VBA/VB6 a lot. Mostly then, if you ran into a user error (such as some input of theirs failing a validation test of some kind), you popped a MsgBox() with some error information and the critical (or warning) icon, and safely aborted out of the code

In .NET, my reading basically points to exceptions as the end-all in error handling. It looks to me that if you know a spot of code where a user can screw up, you're supposed to catch it with either try...catch blocks (for things like data conversions), or standard if...the...else constructs for other things, and then throw a new exception if needed.

Isn't throwing an exception essentially a forced crash of a program in a sense (granted, you get the option of continuing)? Or are exceptions geared specifically for things like data conversion errors and other "things that shouldn't happen", and resume use of MsgBox() and friends for minor user screwups?

Consider the case of where you have a TextBox that is only supposed to accept numeric data (or heck, just a specific set of characters). Barring some other trick that lets you restrict that field (let's just assume it's freeform, programatically), it would seem a bit of a waste to throw new exceptions everytime they type in an invalid character, or even if the error checking doesn't happen until they press a submit button (like on a webpage). Popping a MsgBox() seems more sane in that case.

So what's the straight dope on exceptions and throwing new ones on user errors? How about if your program also exposes a programmatic framework? Bad usage of one of the programmatic functions definitely seems like new exception territory to me.

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.net - Custom Code In Reporting Services 2008 Makes Cell Show #Error?

Dec 6, 2011

I have the following code in "Custom Code" in SSRS 2008. It works fine in VS2008 but it won't run on the server:

Public Shared Function Ns(ByVal num as Object, ByVal def as Object) as Object
if IsNothing(num) OrElse Not IsNumeric(num) OrElse System.Double.IsNaN(num) then
return def


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Make The Custom Exception Thrown In BackGroundWorker DoWork Event The Error In RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs?

Oct 6, 2010

Let's say a custom exception is thrown in the DoWork event for a backgroundworker. How do I pass the custom exception to the backgroundworker so that it ends up being the e.Error in the RunWorkedCompletedEventArgs?

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Custom DataGridViewColumn - Error: 'Public Event ItemCheck(sender As Object, E As System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckEventArgs)'

Jan 19, 2012

following code from c# to visual basic, and I'm coming up with the following error: 'Public Event ItemCheck(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckEventArgs)' as an event, and cannot be called directly. Use a 'RaiseEvent' statement to raise an event.


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Create A Custom Messagebox, With Varying Number Of Buttons With Custom .Text Descriptions?

Feb 6, 2009

This is what I would like to achieve:To create a custom messagebox, with varying number of buttons with custom .Text descriptions, and other features. I intended to have a property array that would be redim-ed and have values (.Text values) set by the calling class:


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Apply Percentage Format To Custom Cell In Custom Column In DataGridView?

Jun 25, 2009

I came across this great article on creating a custom datagridview column which creates a graph-like effect in the cells of a custom datagridview column:[URL]..Does anyone know how you would edit this to format the number in the cell as a percentage? And does anyone know how you would set this up to take 0 values which do not create any graph effects at all.I have been trying to do this but keep getting errors.

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Avoid Closing Of A Custom Combo Box Popup Window In A Custom Datagrid?

Jan 31, 2012

I was trying to block the closing of a custom combo box popup window in my custom DataGrid. The popup window comes by pressing F4 or ALT+DOWN keys in my datagrid which is getting closed if I press the down arrow for the first time, after showing the first value in the combo box as selected. Next time onwards, if I press the F4 key and down arrow, I can move to any item in the popup window and select the item using keyboard and in that case, the popup window is not getting closed till I press the ENTER key or selection using the Mouse. Is there any specific reason for this behaviour or something is missing in my code part? [code]...

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Avoid The Closing Of A Custom Combo Box Popup Window In A Custom Datagrid?

Sep 2, 2010

I was trying to block the closing of a custom combo box popup window in my custom DataGrid. The popup window comes by pressing F4 or ALT+DOWN keys which is getting closed if I press the down arrow for the first time after showing the first value in the combo box as selected. Next time onwards, if I press the F4 key and down arrow, I can move to any item in the popup window and select the item using keyboard and in that case, the popup window is not getting closed till I press the ENTER key or selection using the Mouse.

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Specify A Custom Icon For Display In The Toolbox Window When Create Own Custom Control?

Dec 29, 2011

how to specify a custom icon for display in the toolbox window when you create your own custom control? Something other than the dreaded "gearbox" icon.

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Custom Checkbox List Control Error In "startIndex Cannot Be Larger Than Length Of String"

Jun 25, 2009

I am creating a custom checkbox control to add a div after each checkbox in a checkboxlist.The class is below.

Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Globalization


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Custom Control Error "not Marked As Serializable"

Sep 8, 2010

The problem is, having converted from VS 2002 to VS 2008 the designer can't seem to handle the custom controls on "my" (not original designer) app. Any time I try to copy, in particular, the custom derived comboBox control I get this error initially:

Type '' in Assembly Corporate.Controls, ... is not marked as serializable.

I chased this error down, marking classes Serializable and private variables therein as NonSerialized when they caused a problem (which might or might not be the smartest way to attack this problem...) but I've hit a brick wall. The most base corporate derived ComboBox class is:

Namespace Corporate.Controls
Public Class comboBox
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
End Class

It's unrealistic to post all of the relevant code (I believe). The short of it is:

System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox <- Corporate.Controls.comboBox <-

I just kept backtracking through the errors.At this point I can't set System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox to Serializable. I've tried marking the Inherits System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox clause with <NonSerialized()> and while that doesn't cause a build error it doesn't seem to fix the designer-generated error in the other libraries when I go to actually add, copy or even delete the control in WYSIWYG. And that is the only reference to System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox in that (or any other) corporate library.

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