Customer Account Synchronization Between 3 Sql Servers Having Replication

Apr 27, 2011

I don't know if my question is sql server related or or both. so I will ask it here. Let say I have 3 sql servers with replication among them connected together by vpn. let say i have a customer C1 exist on first server S1 and his account is 1000$ which is the same on second server S2 on S1 they enter a new receipt, so the customer C1 on S1 balance became 1100$ while it still 1000$ on S2, and it need 1-2 min for the replication to finished if during this 1-2 min, S2 is entering invoice, C1 balance will show 1000$ while it is actually 1100$ (because the replication did not finished yet) My first idea is to make sql query getting the customer balance from 3 servers and compare them. How I can tell that the customer account are not the same on both servers or check if the replication is finished for that table holding the customer balance?

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Deleting A File Or Folder On Multiple Servers From A List Of Servers?

Sep 29, 2011

I don't really know how to code but am pretty good at tweaking. I'm trying to set up a script that I can run to delete a single file, multiple files, a folder or multiple folders on a list of servers.I was thinking that the script could read the files to be deleted from a .txt file and apply the deletion to a list of servers in another .txt file.Example:

\(insert_server_name_from_list)c$Program FilesBINexample_file.rpt


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LINQ To SQL Query - Select Customer From Dropdownlist And Then Gridview - Load All Items Of All Orders Of That Customer

Oct 4, 2011

I have the following problem: I select a customer from a dropdownlist and then the gridview should load all items of all orders of that customer. I have the following query:

Dim allorders = From ord In db.Orders

Where ord.CustomerID = Convert.ToInt32(CustomerDropDownList.SelectedValue)


I also tried to modify the query as follows:

Dim orderitems = From oi In db.OrderItems

Where oi.OrderNumber = (From From ord In db.Orders


But this does not work. I just started using LINQ.

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Using Microsoft Acres Database - Table Named Customer Info To Store Customer Details When Registering

Oct 5, 2011

A registeration sys using a Microsoft acres database I have a table named customer info to store customer details when registering and I need coding that will add the following to my table customer I'd , firstname, lastname , phonenumber and user also has to make selection between radio buttons male or female.

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Autocomplete Customer Surnames Direct From The Customer Datatable?

Jan 5, 2010

I am trying to autocomplete customer surnames direct from the Customer Datatable, using the code below which I got from another thread, but nothing is happening.


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Best Link For Replication On SQL2005

Mar 24, 2009

Looking for comment about best link to learn about Replication SQL2005.


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How To Avoid Replication Of Data In DataGridView

Jun 30, 2011

I am developing VB.Net application, here I am using DataGridView control to display data from database now it is displaying as follows
Emp no Emp name city Sal Description Salary
54 john NJ HRA 1000
54 john NJ DA 2500
54 john NJ BP 12500

But I need to display as follows
emp no emp name city Sal Description Salary Net Sal
54 john NJ HRA 1000
DA 2500
BP 12500 16000
Since emp no, emp name and city is repeated I need not to display it again and net salary too should be displayed in the third row by adding HRA+DA+BP.

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Run Windows Explorer With An Admin Account While Logged In With A Non Administrative Account?

Sep 12, 2010

Does anyone know how to run windows explorer with an admin account while logged in with a non admnistrative account? i want to be able to open up an admin share on a remote host with windows explorer instead of iexplorer. I tried some code I found on the net to impersonate but it didn't work.

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Creation Of A New Account (sort Of A Personal Account)

May 17, 2012

I am currently working on a stock market monitoring application. how to create a new portfolio(sort of a personal account) for each user that accesses the system such that 2 different users do not have the same portfolio. I am making use of SQL server for my database.

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Carry Out Bidirectional Synchronization?

Dec 15, 2010

I want to carry out bidirectional synchronization.I have implemented the code and procedures in the walkthrough however i have nearly a hundred forms and more than 50 tables how do i go about that

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Synchronization In Multi Threading In .net?

Sep 10, 2010

I have a question regarding the synchronization in multi threading.

I have a function called send which i am calling in a for loop for every data row.

This function creates threads to send emails to different people.

Public Sub send(ByVal Conn As Data.DataRow, ByVal job As Data.DataRow)
MyThread = New Thread(AddressOf Me.start)
End Sub

But every thread created is writing to a log file at different points of time. So, there are very high chances that 2 threads write to the same file at the same time. So, do i need to use any kind of synchronization mechanisms here ? or is it fine without them ?

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How Dropbox Synchronization (Algorithm) Works

Aug 15, 2011

I want to know how dropBox is able to synchronize the large data files without replacing or re-uploading the files again to the dropbox server
Example: an encrypted zip archive
Suppose I've a 1GB encrypted zip archive file Fully synchronized on my computer and on the dropbox servers. On my computer I added to that zip archive file a file of size about 5MB then saved the file on my computer. Dropbox is able to synchronize zip archive file without re-uploading the whole file again instead it just update it with the small change I've done. Also TrueCrypt containers works in that manner.

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Inherited Form Trackbar Synchronization

Jun 18, 2010

MainForm having a few buttons, VolForm is inheriting MainForm. I can see this perfectly in the designer.VolForm itself contains a trackbar. Now have 2 forms. Form1 and Form2 both inherit VolForm. If I change the trackbar from Form1, and then show Form2, the trackbar is not having the same value. Is there any way to keep this trackbar the same in every form that inherits VolForm?

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SQL Server Synchronization Of Occasionally Connected App?

Mar 11, 2010

Beginning development with SQL Server 2008, VB - Visual Studio 2008 on an application that will deploy laptops remotely for 6 months or more. The laptops will have no network or internet connection. There is a requirement to sync DB changes via shipment of USB flash drives.

The remote app will have a subset of the home database data. Some tables need to be synced bi-directionally, some uni-directionally. When the laptop comes home, it will do one last sync, the local DB will be wiped, and it will connect to the home DB.

Being that there are some identity key columns and the remote is only a subset of the the home, I am not sure that SQL Server replication or synchronization functions can be utilized.

Should I Create SQL Server Compact DB's on the remote system when it is deployed and do a table by table compare (in code) to another compact DB created on the flash drive when a sync is needed?

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Synchronization - Best Method For Online Update

Apr 21, 2011

I was trying to work out the best method of synchronising an update of files via I want to automatically update some files in a few folders from an FTP site to a local drive. This would ideally be the same folder structure, but on a specified local folder. I have looked at the FTP methods in .net and am able to transfer individual files successfully, but wondered if there was an elegant method to collecting the entire folder from the FTP and it's contents to be re-created locally. I have established the reading of an XML via linq from the ftp to establish an update single and decide whether the local machine is up-to-date or not, it's just the transfer of the folders that I'm stuck on as it's different to using a IO method.

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Synchronization On Deleted And Recovered Objects?

Jul 28, 2011

I need to develop a synchronization mechanism for 2 or more containers tha contains objects (generic classes) In each container the origin of the object can be:

1) Created New

2) Imported

3) Recovered from the bin (they have been previously deleted)

The main problem that I am facing is this one If One object has been deleted in Container A it should be Deleted in Container B as well during synchronization If one object has been DELETED in Container A (1 hour ago ) and teh same object has been DELETED and RECOVERED in Container B ( 1 hour and 1 second ago) what should i do? keeping in consideration that between the 2 computer the time is surely not identical?

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VS 2008 - Test If My Synchronization Mechanism Is Set Well?

Aug 20, 2009

I am trying to test if my synchronization mechanism is set well and so for debug purposes, inserting a deliberate deadlock as under


but when i step through the code in the debugger, it runs fine without getting stuck here. I am sure there is no other thread doing a release on the mutex mtx

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Windows Service Running Under A Network Account Is Calling An EXE And Running It Under System Account?

Aug 27, 2010

We have a windows service running under a network account that calls and runs an ActiveX exe. The exe is running under the local system account, not the network account of the service.

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Add Each Account Number To List1 So Now The Account Number Is Associated With The ListBox?

Apr 26, 2009

Ok this is what I'm stuck on:I have 2 ListBoxes and 2 Lists, let's call them ListBox1, ListBox2, List1 and List2.List1 needs to be associated with ListBox 1, and List2 with ListBox2 I loop through a bunch of accounts, add them to LixBox1 at run-time.During that loop I add each account number to List1 so now the account number is associated with the ListBox index number which is right.Now when I double click one of the accounts in ListBox1 it is added to ListBox2 (but it still remains in ListBox1), and the same index of List1 added to List 2, now the account in ListBox2 is associated with the account number at the same index in List2 you see where I'm going with this?The issue wtarts here.When I double click an account (let's say the account at the first index) in ListBox2 it should be removed from the list, so now I remove the index from List2 since it's no longer needed, but now you know what's happened right? ListBox2's List indexes have all decremented by 1 because I just removed an item from the beginning of the list, but List2's indexes have stayed the same (at least that's how it appeared when I tested it).

So basically whats the best method for keeping things in reference? I was told about list boxes in another thread of mine, but is it really the best way to go about this, I can't seem to keep everything linked together reliably.

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Get All Possible Servers On A LAN Network?

Aug 30, 2011

I'm using the details on connecting to a server from a client here: [URL]

It's quite out dated but I just need it for a quick project. I need the client to auto-connect. This program will be running on the LAN only, is there a way to find on what computer the server is running on (i.e. all computers hosting the specific server on port x). I've seen it on a couple of games that run on LAN. Without access to the internet, they manage to display all available games on the local LAN. I'm doing this with

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Get The Disk I/O On Various Servers?

May 22, 2012

I am using the following code to get the Disk I/O on various servers. For now I am just retrieving the DiskReadsPerSec to get a feel for it. The return data gives a uint32 for each drive on the server and a total. My questions is what is the time frame that this represents? Is this at the second that my code polls the drive or is this over the last few seconds or do I need to do multiple runs to get an average.

My intention is to build a graph for each drive so I wonder how often I need to poll the drive to get a acurate value.

Public Shared Function GetDriveIO(ByVal strip As String) As Boolean
Dim oConn As New ConnectionOptions()
Dim lnglist As New List(Of Long)


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Connecting To 10 Mysql Servers

Nov 15, 2010

i am trying to connect to 10 mysql servers and get aprox. 5000 rows. If i make the test from local network it works but if i take the test using mysql servers (same version) from different city it shows me the error "Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding".[code]

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App That Basically Gets Paths To Servers

Oct 12, 2007

I designed an app that basically gets paths to servers I have admin rights to, I am doing such things such as checking available space on the servers etc., the problem I am having is my app only works if I manually login via something like (start, run, \server) and supply my admin username and password just to store that authentication.How do I code this so it prompts the user in my program ONE time for all 5 servers (they all use the same username and password)

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Click Once With Terminal Servers

May 27, 2010

Can ClickOnce software be ran on a terminal server?

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Get All Servers From AD And Ping Check?

Feb 1, 2012

A little background, the client that I am working with has an enterprise AD that is a mess. They have no containers for servers or any organization what-so-ever. They also shutdown servers and did not remove them properly from AD. So I needed to come up with a program that would find all the windows server, identify them by OS, and then check to see if they would actually respond to a ping. (I am aware that this is not a perfect method if they are refusing ICMP's but its good enough for my purposes). The completion of the program will display all the information and then allow the user to save the excel workbook in a location that they choose.
Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click


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Get The List Of All Sql Servers On Machine

Apr 12, 2012

how can i get the list of all sql servers on my machine i am trying this code i have vs 2010 and sqlexpress 2008 r2 i put breakpoints seems everything working fine but its not getting any server i don't know whats wrong with it here is the code on button click this suppose to work to get all servers and list them in the combobox cmbServer [Code]

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Time - Using .NET To Query NTP Servers?

Jan 15, 2012

As the title describes I am looking for a way to query for the UTC time from NTP/SNTP Servers from 'VB.NET'The only libraries I have found for VB.NET to such tasks appear require a fairly large sum of different forms of currency.

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Transfer File Between Two Servers?

Mar 11, 2010

How I can send file from server to another server in network??

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Transferring Data Between Two SQL Servers Using VB?

Jun 12, 2011

The title of this thread perhaps does not explain my problem correctly.Actually i am developing a financial software for a company.The software is similar to a banking system. The software is being developed using VB 2008 and SQL Server 2008.The company has its branches located at different locations. They are having a centralized SQL Server at their Head Office.The branches are connected to Head Office using a VPN.Now what we are worried about is when the VPN gets disconnected.For that we will be having a SQL server installed at each of the branches.When VPN is connected the the details entered will be directly at the Head Office database,Meanwhile a program will be executed which will get details from the Head Office database at each of the branches in a XML file.When a branch gets disconnected from the VPN another program will get the XML details into the Sql Server installed at the branch. When the branch is connected again Another application will create a xml file from the local server and insert its details into the HO server.The sizes of the XML are reaching upto around 150 to 200 mb. I am using Dataset.WriteXML and Dataset.ReadXMl. I have tested this on my local machine it is taking upto 30-40 secs.I dont know how much it will take when the actual application is installed. How can i speed things up ? Does anyone have any idea on how i can do the whole process more smoothly and faster?

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Use The WTSEnumerateServers API To Get A List Of Servers?

Apr 7, 2011

show me how to use the WTSEnumerateServers API to get a list of servers?

Here is the MSDN page: [URL]

...but I can't figure out the last 2 parameters:

ppServerInfo - Points to an array of WTS_SERVER_INFO structures, which contains the returned results of the enumeration.

pCount - Pointer to a variable that receives the number of WTS_SERVER_INFO structures returned in the ppServerInfo buffer.

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