Customgridview Assigning Value?

Nov 30, 2011

In windows forms i trying to bind a cell in the grid a value from resource file. It is not accepting it.

customgridview.col = 5

customgridview.row = 0

customgridview.text = MyResources.ResourceManager.GetString("Help")

How can i bind this value.

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.net 2.0 - .Net Calling New Without Assigning Value?

Jun 10, 2010

In C# I can do this:new SomeObjectType("abc", 10);

In other words, I can call new without assigning the created instance to any variable. However, in VB.Net it seems I cannot do the same thing.New SomeObjectType("abc", 10) ' syntax error

Is there a way to do this in VB.Net?

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Assigning A Control A Value?

Mar 27, 2011

I have a form that contains a lot of textboxes, I want to populate these boxes with values based on a certain criteria. Two integers are required to decide which boxes should be filled. When I added the textboxes to my form I named them with this in mind so my boxes are named textBox11, textBox46 etc where the number part of the name will represent the two integers which decide the box (none are greater than 9). So I basically need to compare the textbox I create in my code to the textboxes on my form to determine the ones to add text to. Here is a shortened version of what I am trying to achieve.


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Assigning A Node Key?

Aug 18, 2009

If nodes are created in a treeview in the "picture way of coding" i can assign a key to the node. I would like to do this by adding the key to the node in the code as i am using a query to extract the key froma database and want to assign each key to each node as they are created.How can i do this?

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Assigning A Value To A Button?

Dec 30, 2011

I am creating a calculator that has many buttons including 0-9. I would like each button to have a value assigned to it, but don't know how to do so?

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Assigning A Value To A DropDownList?

May 19, 2012

I have a VB.Net Windows app that has a form with a ComboBox. It's dropdown style is set to "DropDownList". When I retrieve a record from the DB, I'm trying to assign a value to the "Text" Property of the ComboBox but it's not taking it. I've tried using the "SelectedText", "SelectedItem" properties and they're not working either.

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Assigning A Variable A New Value?

Mar 2, 2010

'm trying to store a new value within a variable and then compare it to the previous value of that variable using the Math.Min method. I have created two seperate variable 1 for the previous and one for the new but I can't seem to store it

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Assigning Value To Array?

Feb 3, 2010

I decided to learn Visual basic because I want to see actual results and I don't see any in C++

when I was following it I get "Declaration expected" I'm going to assume that there is something wrong with the way that I'm assigning the array it's values but I don't know what to do.

Public Class Form1
Dim player(2) As String
player(0) = "Bob"


View 2 Replies - Assigning Textbox Value To A String

Feb 1, 2012


txtlocated is the id of the HTML textbox. I want to assign the value of the textbox to the string loc. When i debug it the loc is shown as null the textbox value is not passed into the string.

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Assigning A Rectangle To This Constructor?

Oct 15, 2010

Im having trouble with assigning a Rectangle to this constructor

fTrainAdmin = New TrainAdmin( )

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Assigning Buttons An Array Value

May 6, 2009

[code] i feel that it is a waste of code and should be shrunk down into some sort of loop. [code] i know i could easily leave it the way i originally had it, but i hate having wasted code!!

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Assigning Buttons An Array Value?

Oct 24, 2009

I still cant work this out!!his is what i started off with:

CurrentButtons(1) = Button1
CurrentButtons(2) = Button2
CurrentButtons(3) = Button3


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Assigning Fixed Value To A Combobox?

Apr 15, 2012

i want to set the default value of a combobox in my edit account module based on the levelofaccesstextbox in my login module but my codes doesn't work here's my code:

Private Sub editaccount_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If login.LevelofAccessTextBox.Text = "Student" Then
With Me.ComboBox1.Items


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Assigning Function To Property?

Jul 18, 2011

Public Class Command
Public Property CFunction as ?Function?
Public Sub CallFunction()


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Assigning New Things To An Image?

May 1, 2010

OK, Well I'm creating a "Card" creating app. The app will let you type in the name you want in the name field and then select a picture. But the problem is, is the saving. I want the card to be transparent like the original. The original is just a blank card. And theres a picturebox on the form that shows the original transparent image, and then a label over the name tag part of the original transparent image, and then another picturebox over the original pictures box for the picture, everything works for designing and it looks great after your done designing the card. But saving will not be transparent and it will not blend with the background.

How do I add onto the image and still keep the transparency of the original and then save it?

This is my code:

Dim Card As New Bitmap(Panel1.Width, Panel1.Height)


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Assigning Objects Of Different Type?

Jul 27, 2010

I am new to VB.Net and I'm a little confused why this line happened to be valid in VB:

DataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables("Customerslist")

DataSource is of type Object while Tables("Customerslist") is of type DataTable. How will I know what types of objects can be assigned to the Datasource property?

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Assigning Value To String Variable

Feb 10, 2011

Using VB.6, I am trying to assigning a value to a string variable but it causes an error. I am doing that in following way:

Dim a As Variant

a = "<div style="width: 400px;"><img title=""

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Assigning Values And Calculations?

Feb 28, 2009

i used this code to assign the brand dbs to a value of 200

[code]Private Sub xModelComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles xModelComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged
If xModelComboBox.Text = "DBS" Then


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Assigning Values Into An Array?

Mar 2, 2009

I have a text file which I open and then read in 1 line at a time and split up. I then takes each component part from the split string and assign it into a variable as I go.

I then want to specific varaibles and put them into an array and build the array.

Can I read in each element and assign it directly into an array or is this was best.


I seem to be getting an error when I try and directly add items into an array

' myCarrier(98).EZY_Both = myCarrier(98).EZY_Both + 1 '
Structure Carriers
Public BA As Long
Public BA_Lev3 As Long


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Assigning Values To Cards?

Apr 27, 2009

basically i've gotten myself into a mess with some last minute project work. shame on me and all that but thats college students for ya. basically i seem to be having problems assiging a simple integer to some pictures in an array. now. basically its a card deck. i've looked this up so many times yet nothing comes to me that fits my code or the way i've been taught. in any case i've got an imagelist and put it into an array to symbolize a deck. now. as i'm doing blackjack i need each card to have its own value. so obviously 2 of hearts value = 2, king = 10 what i've done is created a function that calls on a string. and used a select case to give a value based on the filepath of the image. however it failed hoplessly. heres a piece of the code:

Sub getcardvalues(ByVal card As String)
Select Case card
Case "decklist.images.item(2club.png)"
value = 2


despite this seemingly simple solution i can't seem to pull out the path of these cards as a string. the array simply gives me a number and the actual picture dosnt want to be a string. so my question is this. how can i pull the image path out of the array (eg: deck(1) = decklist.images.item(3club.png)) and turn that into a useable string?

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Creating Object And Assigning The Value To It?

Jun 1, 2012

I have a class defined as follows. How to create Product object with part1 and part2 values in Component Field

Partial Public Class Product
Private ComponentField() As Component
Public Property ComponentProperty() As Component()


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Does Assigning To Nothing Cause Dispose To Be Invoked

Jul 20, 2009

I recently saw some VB .NET code as follows:[code]Does assigning Nothing to service do anything? If it is a garbage collection issue, I am assuming that when "service" went out of scope the referenced object would be garbage collected and the dispose method called on the object.It seems to me that assigning this variable Nothing can't really do anything, as there could be another reference to the object around so the reference counts haev to be checked anyways.

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Error In Assigning Worksheet?

Jan 15, 2012

I'm trying to execute a vbscript programme, on execution I'm getting following errorme in coming out of the problem."Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: wsh"

CODE snippet:
Set xl=createobject("excel.application")


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Improving The Assigning Operations Of .NET?

Dec 10, 2009

I have an idea about improving the assigning operations of VB.NET (maybe other .NET languages too.) It is similar with "With ... End With" block:


So we don't type "Some Text" every time. Do you think does this idea work? Maybe in the future we can see something like that?

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Multiple Hot Keys Instead Of Assigning One

Jan 13, 2012

I'm creating a project that involves hot keys, but it requires multiple hot keys instead of assigning one. I'm going to make it so if a user presses for example CTRL + T on they keyboard while a textbox is selected, it'll show CTRL+T in the textbox and assign the key to do something. How do I do these though? Here's the code I've used for single hot keys:


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VS 2005 Assigning Rtf To RichTextBox?

Nov 29, 2009

I'm making a newsletter sending program and I save the RTF from a RichTextBox to a file. Another program reads it back, and assigns it to the Rtf property of another RichTextBox. I get an ArgumentException saying "File Format is not valid". Is there an extra step to assign RTF? Here's the important part of the code (mostly the last part that reads it back):

Private Sub lnkNew_LinkClicked(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs) Handles lnkNew.LinkClicked
Dim f As New NewNewsletter()


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Add Assigning Value To TextBox In Local Reprt ?

Oct 17, 2010

How To Add Assigning Value to TextBox. In Local Report. using Visual Studio 2010 ( VB )

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Array Of Objects - Assigning Values?

Dec 26, 2009

I am having a problem with objects and arrays of objects. Basically obj_stored holds how many objects I have stored in my text file, in this case t shirts. line(y) is an array that holds each line that has been read from the text file. I then use this to assign values to my array objects properties. For example I know the first line is the color of the first t shirt, second size, third price etc. Then I know the next line will be the color of a new t shirt. There are 6 t shirts in the file.

Dim t_shirt(5) As Clothing.t_shirt
Dim t_shirt_purchased As New Clothing.t_shirt
For x = 0 To obj_stored
t_shirt(x) = Clothing
t_shirt(x).color = line(y)
y = y + 1
t_shirt(x).size = line(y)
y = y + 1
t_shirt(x).price = line(y)
y = y + 1
MsgBox (t_shirt(4).size)

My problem is it seems to be resetting these values after it has finished. Im creating the object each time and assigning values to it's properties but when it's finished it all resets and says 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object'. I'm new to OOP and was wondering what sort of approach i would take to doing this, if the one i am taking is wrong.

So I am aiming to:
Read everything in from the text file.
Create new instances of the objects depending on how many t shirts are stored, (5 t shirts = 5 objects)
Assign the values to my objects properties.

View 2 Replies - Assigning Multiple Tables To One DataView?

Oct 31, 2009

i have DataSet with 3 tables in it and i want to asign all 3 tables into one DataView.i know its possible to assign each table seperatly by doing this:

Dim dv as New DataView(ds.Tables(i)).DefaultView

but i need all the tables in the dataset and not only the i based index table i also thought about using DataViewManager which can be assigned to the whole Dataset, but it doesn't have the RowFilter prophety which i am using Later on my code.

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Assigning 'Author' Property Of A Document

Mar 12, 2009

I am having trouble assigning the "Author" property of a document.All other properties function as expected.No error occurs and the author is not assigned.[code]

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