Customize The Behavior Of Math.Round In .NET?

Apr 15, 2011

I have to use a round method that follows this behavior:

7.00 -> round -> 7
7.50 -> round -> 7
7.51 -> round -> 8

I tried to use Math.Round, but it works a little bit different.


How can I implement my rounding logic?

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Math - Round Up A Value

Aug 20, 2009

I,m developing a debt calculation program 'my problem is when i have to calculate the months to pay back the debt it comes to 28.04 and i have to get it to 29 my code looks like this:


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Using Math Round

May 8, 2009

I am trying to use Math.round. now my math.round (2.5) converting it to 2. O want to convert it to 3.

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Get Highest Value From Math.Round

Oct 29, 2009

I have tried following coding to get highest value.EX: If I type 4.341111111111, It should get the value 4.35. If I type 9.132222, It should be 9.14 not 9.13.[code]

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VS 2008 Break Down Math.round()?

Sep 5, 2009

I understand the concept of rounding I guess, all I know is math.round(), but I need a break down of it so I can round a number like this: 14.789543 to this: 14.8 because after the 7 there is an 8, which means you would round the seven up. Can anyone tell me how this is done?And some more detail, I need to round to the nearest tenth.

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Math.Round Showing Different Results On Different Computers?

Jun 16, 2009

Recently we have run into an issue with the Math.Round function. We have developed an application in VB.Net 2008. The executable is compiled to use .net framework 2.0. We have deployed the package to our users and at some sites we get a different result in a computation using Math.Round.

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MidpointRounding Enumeration For The Math.Round Function

Apr 3, 2008

I was wondering if someone could explain the logic behind the MidpointRounding enumeration for the Math.Round function. The two enumerations are AwayFromZero and ToEven where, based on the given precision, the former will return the nearest value away from zero toward positive or negative infinity (based on the value's sign) and and letter will provide the nearest even number.


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Prevent Math.Round(95.55555555,2) From Rounding To 95.56?

Mar 30, 2011

If I do Math.Round(95.55555555,2) in VB.NET, the result is 95.56, but I want it the result the be 95.55. Is there a way to do this in VB.NET?

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Rounding Number - Math.round Isn't Working?

Sep 17, 2009

I am writing a program that has 2 text boxes & 1 button in it.The first text box is to enter a number then hit the calculate button and it outputs to the 2nd text box after doing a math problem.I then need it to round to 2 decimal spots.I used to use Visual Basic 6 but don't have access to that any longer.So now I'm using Visual Basic 2008.Here is my code, but the math.round isn't working.[code].....

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VS 2010 Hmwk - Display The Largest And Smallest Using Math.max - Math.min

Mar 5, 2012

well i am having a couple of issues with this particular homework problem and this is my first programming class so there is probably quite a few mistakes well the homework problem is to take three double values entered by a user and display the largest and smallest using math.max and math.min and display the smallest and largest so i thought i could use a listbox and take the values that went to the listbox and assign variables to each so i can try to use each variable in the math.max and min but im not making it to far and i actually might be way off


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Round Up The Numbers - Round Up The "TotalVolume" And "AvgHL" With 2 Decimal Places

Apr 27, 2010

With the following problem which I want to round up the "TotalVolume" and "AvgHL" with 2 decimal places. However, my ListView2 is still showing as the following example.

ID --------- Average H/L ----------- Average Volume
12 --------- 1.230000 ----------- 4251.230000
17 --------- 0.560000 --------- 12345.560000
23 --------- 0.320000 --------- 2345.010000
54 --------- 1.230000 --------- 122.550000

Dim conn As SqlConnection
conn = New SqlConnection(Source)



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Customize An MP3 In An Application?

Feb 28, 2009

How can I customize my MP3 alarm? I want to customize the volume level and choosing the next MP3 that will be play.

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Extension Of Customize Set Up?

Sep 8, 2011

I want more customization then the original VS 2010 set up files. So i decided to code everything. For example, i put all my files in my debug folder into my installer.vb's My.Resources. So i usedSystem.IO.File.WriteAllText ---> to install all my files and the .exe one.Everything was installed it except my Ethup Bolt New Build.exe. It shows up in the folder after installation, but when i click on it, it didnt run at all. (It showed up in the task manger, under process, but it disappeared after like 5secs.) So it didnt
run at all. My question is how do i install my .exe properly. ( I DONT WANT TO USE THE ORIGINAL INSTALLER WITH Visual Studio)

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Way To Customize WinForms

May 7, 2009

I would like to change just a little bit the outlook of the form's top region in my application (the icon, bar, and controbox), is there any way to accomplish this without using third party components ?, I'd like to have my own Winform control that inherits from Windows.Forms.Form.[url]...

View 6 Replies - Customize Dataset To Xml Function?

Sep 22, 2011

When I write

ds.Tables(0).TableName = "items"
str = Server.HtmlEncode(ds.GetXml())

I get below:

<NewDataSet> <items> <id>354</id> <name>HAGI</name> </items> ..

I want to take like this

<item id="" name=""/>
<item id="" name=""/>

How can I do it?

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C# - Customize When Use The WriteXML Of DataSet

Sep 21, 2011

In VB.NET when I use the WriteXML of DataSet, can I customize it? That is to say; I want to make a structure like this:


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Customize Buttons So That They Look Cool

Mar 24, 2009

How can i costumize my buttons so that they look cool??? (i dont want to put images into them, i want to change their shape)

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Customize PDMS Using The VB 2008?

Oct 25, 2010

how to customize PDMS using the VB 2008?

PDMS = Plant Design Management system

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Customize Template For ContextMenu In App

Jun 11, 2011

I've done a lot of work to customize the template for ContextMenu in my app, and it worked great as a "right-click" popup window.To my enormous surprise, when I wanted to add the same ContextMenu to a button to work as a kind of "drop-down" menu, it reverted back to the default template. It is really, really, weird, considering it's the exact same control I'm using, and when I right-click the button the template is the one I customized, but when I left-click it(and open it with ContextMenu.IsOpen = True) it uses the default template? I'm pretty baffled right now, and hope that this isn't one of the (many) quirks with WPF that will require me to write hundreds of lines of XML code to fix something that shouldn't even be an issue in the first place.

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Customize The Datagrid Contents?

Aug 12, 2009

Presently iam using the following code : -
Dim da As MySqlDataAdapter = New MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT


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Customize The File Dialog?

May 12, 2009

i'd like to customize the left side of the save file dialog boxes' folders. when you open the save file dialog, the folders located on the left. how do i change those since i've seen some programs open the save or open file dialog with their preset much work to do and so many choices to choose from...

View 9 Replies

Possible To Customize The Properties Of A Form?

Sep 28, 2009

is it possible to customize the properties of a form? for instance, i would like to start a new project, and have my form load center screen, not windows default location from the startup location, among many other options.if this is a possibility, from within, which i was not able to find and customize, do advise on how to do so.if i have to hack, i would not know where to start to do so, but how would i begin? what file do i need to modify in the program files folder of this, by any means, i would not find it as a hack to destroy someone's work, but to better the software for the user.if a moderator reads this post , do consider my concern for customizing as customizes for the users..what i mean, is that, if this option is not available, mods, look into providing an update for to allow the customizing of the properties for forms/toolbox items and do reply to this thread w/a link.

unless vb 2o10 provides this option, which i doubt, and if it does and there are skins for 2o1o to change the tab look to the 2oo8 look, do not advise to look toward the 2o1o version.. personally, the 2o1o tabs are ridiculous, the font in the code window could have been the same as 2oo8 also.

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Way To Customize Cursor During Drag

Nov 29, 2011

i have a simple application where a user can drag "text" from a tree view to another there a way to customize the cursor during the drag... i would llike to have a custom image or something that simulates what the user is really dragging [code]

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.net - Customize Windows Form Scrollbar?

Dec 1, 2010

In my Windows Form application, i want to change the width of a scrollbar that belongs to a FlowLayoutPanel.

The Scrollbar is added "automatically" since the content of the Flow Layout Panel is larger the Form.

From what I've found on the web, it seems to be tricky.

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Custom UI - Customize The User Interface In VB

Jan 30, 2009

How can I customize the user interface in Visual Basic .NET and is there stuff you cant do in that you can in higherj level languages usch as Java and C and C++?

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Customize Click Once Publish Page?

Jul 12, 2010

Does anyone has idea to customize publish page when we have used Click once to deploy our application.

AS when we deploy application with Click once, it can be installed by url of deployment.. we want to change UI element of Publish page..

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Customize The Datagridview Headers Format?

Jan 3, 2012

Is it possible to customize the Datagridview headers format? I mean the column and row headers.

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Customize The Default Binding Navigator?

Apr 17, 2010

I am trying to customize the default binding navigator as i inherit it to my own class and add some buttons to it.every thing gos fine and great as i want it, but the problem is when i change any thing in the AddStandardItems() method class dos not reflect to the existing form which has the same class, i have to remove it from the form and put it again to reflect the changes.This is not good solution, i have more than 30 forms using the same Binding navigator class and it is not possible to remove it form all those forms and put it again.the code for the class is:

Public Class Bind2
Inherits BindingNavigator
Private WithEvents DtEditButton As ToolStripItem = Nothing


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Customize The DisplayMember Of A DataBound ComboBox?

Apr 10, 2009

This is what I came up with:

Public Class IndexedDropDownItem
Private _KeyCode, _Display As String
Public Property KeyCode() As String


I want to be able to have the DisplayMember show "key_code - descript", while retaining the value I have set.

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Customize Treeview Hottracking Event?

Oct 19, 2011

I'm facing a problem with Treeview, I'm using it as a menu in a app, but I just can't find anything related on how to change the hottracking event, like the font color, or the background color once an item is selected.

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