Database Doesn't Select A Category From Combo Box

Dec 27, 2010

I am trying to trap an error that would occur if the user in my database does not select a category from a combo box before saving the record.[code] Naturally the example does not work, but would like some help with this.[code]Categoryid is set up as not to allow null.type int

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Display A Message Box If The User Doesn't Select Anything From Combo Box?

Apr 25, 2010

How can I check for my combo box to have a selected item? I want to display a message box if the user doesn't select anything from my combo box.

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Make The Buttons Code Work With The Help Of Combo Box Category

May 17, 2012

The combo box will show the category. Suppose there are 2 categories A and B. When we click on A then the code given inside 4 buttons should work. I tried in this way ,I checked the condition of selecteditem based on that added all 4buttons sub code. But it shows blue underlines.

I did in this way: If ComboBox1.SelectedItem = "A" Then Private Sub Button1_Click....


Like this I have used 3 more buttons. How can it be done?

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Select The Products That Match A Given Category And Group?

Nov 6, 2010

I can't seem to figure out how to write this query properly. I've tried various combinations but nothing's worked yet.Below is the relevant portion of my database model:

I need to select the products that match a given Category and Group, and that match a given Year, Make, Model, submodel. This I've done below: ItemList = From P In gDataContext.Products.Include("Groups").Include("Groups.Category1").Include("LookupYearMakeModels") From G In P.Groups Where G.Category = Cat And G.Grp = Group From Y In P.LookupYearMakeModels Where Y.Year = YMM.Year And Y.Make = YMM.Make And Y.Model = YMM.Model And Y.Submodel = YMM.Submodel Select P


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Combo Box Event To Select Certain Data From An Access Database?

Nov 30, 2010

I am using VB 2008 Express to connect to an Access 2007 database. I have a combo box that is populated by the database. When I used the Access report VBA, I used the AfterUpdate() event to calculate a sum and place the results in a text box. I need to know how to do the same operation in VB 2008 Express using the SelectedIndexChanged event of the combo box.

The combo box is called "cboYearMonth" and is populated by my database, this is working correctly.

The text box that I want the calculated results to appear in is called "ExactPagesTextbox"

I have a query in Access called "JobTypeExact_Query" that contains all the pages that I need. What I need to do is calculate the total number of "Pages" limited to the YEARMONTH selected in the combo box. YEARMONTH is a value in every record in this query.

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.net - Databound Combo SelectedItem Doesn't Seem To Work

Jun 12, 2009

I'm attempting to bind a combo to a collection of objects:

Dim t As New TradeOrderStatus()
Dim ts As List(Of TradeOrderStatus) = t.GetStatuses
With Me.cboTradeStatus


This works fine and I see the list of items in the combo. However when I try to set the SelectedItem of the combo to one of the items:

Me.cboTradeStatus.SelectedItem = Trade.TradeStatus

nothing happens. Trade.TradeStatus is an instance of the class TradeOrderStatus and all the necessart statuses are visible in the drop-down list. The SelectedItem remains as Nothing (or as the first item in the list if I omit the .SelectedItem = Nothing line from the binding code).


also returns false.

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Combo Box On A Tab Control SelectedIndexChanged Event Doesn't Fire Until Tab Is Selected?

Jan 24, 2012

I am using VS2008,, Windows forms project.I have a combo box control on a tab control.The selected value of the combo box is bound to a binding source.The data source of the binding source is a typed dataset.I set the datasource of the binding source when a record is chosen in a data grid control.Since the combo box is bound to the binding source, this should set the selected value of the combo box, and fire the initial SelectedIndexChanged event.Therefore, I remove the SelectedIndexChanged event handler for the combo box before I set the datasource of the binding source, and add the handler again after the datasource is set.

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Select A Firmware In The Combo Box?

Aug 22, 2011

Im trying to make apple iDevice firmware downloader but im having trouble i want it

I want it so i select a firmware in the combo box (Drop Down Box)

Then hit the download button and a box comes up where you can save it to

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Select Case & Combo Box Value?

Jan 26, 2009

I am using visual basic in VS 2008 and trying to learn how to assign a value to a word in a combo box using case select, this is my first attempt at programing and i just can't work out what to do next. So far i have two combo boxes a label and a button, i want the word, first to = 11, second = 9, third =7, fourth = 5. All it is doing at the moment is adding the list index value and displaying that total in the label. I want it to display for eg: if (first=11) and (second=9) are selected a total of 20 in the label,and so on for what ever combination is selected.


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Display Others Data After Select From Combo Box?

Nov 22, 2011

Sub CboSO_DropDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CboSO.DropDown[code]...

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Form Show After Select Combo Box Value?

May 13, 2012

when i select 1 week so this frm show after 1 week to the current date

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Set Value To The Combo Box Using Select Case Or If Statement In?

Sep 1, 2010

in combo box string is xxx and yyy and zzz.we have to store the value to each string like xxx=10, yyy=20 and zzz=30. formula is string(xxx)/1.71^(1/2).. if we select xxx formula have to take value 10 or yyy means formula have to take value 20.

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Use Combo Box In Select Case Statement?

Nov 21, 2009

I am a noob and I am trying to make a simple resistance calculator for practice. I use text boxes to let the user input the current and voltage, and then a combo box for the units and then a list box to display the results. For some reason no matter which units I select it doesn't convert at all. For example 1/2 will always show up as 0.5 in the list box no matter which units are selected from the combo box. Here is my code.....I know that there is more cases but I only put one to see if it

Public Class Form1
Dim unitsA As String
Dim unitsV As String


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Forms :: Select The 1st. Combo Box Item In Code?

Sep 1, 2010

I'm trying to use:

SelectedIndex = 0 to select the 1st. item of a combo box. Instead of displaying a customer name the combo box shows "System.Data.DataRow"

It works if the user actually selects something in the combo box but I would like to do this in code.

get the customer name to display in the combo box?

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Make The User To Be Able To Select A State From A Combo Box?

Feb 8, 2009

I'm setting up a program where I would like the user to be able to select a state from a combo box. I can not figure out how to allow to select the abbreviation from the drop down list and also allow them to type a letter and it will select the state from the state or just allow them to type the full abbreviation that would match what is already in the list. It is supposed to be in the drop down list style. I would also like to confirm that the user has chosen a state before allowing them to click a submit button but I'm not sure how to go about confirming it.

Private Sub FrmMain_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
' Inserts state abbreviations in combo box
cboState.SelectedItem = " "
cboState.Items.Add(" ")


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VS 2008 Combo Box Select Index Error?

Oct 29, 2009

I have a combobox the has12345in it, Does a function, Then changes to the next one

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When User Clicks Dropdown / Doesn't Select Anything

Mar 25, 2009

I currently have a few comboboxes in my project that on the 'Dropdown' event, I have them show items from a database that I have bound to the Combobox, I have tried this on several other events too with the same result.The problem i'm having is when the user clicks the dropdown but doesn't select anything, it automatically defaults the first item in the combobox although nothing was ever really selected so what I want is the combobox to remain blank UNTIL they click on an item in the dropdown, is there a way to avoid this? Is there some code I can place in the combobox's selected indexchange to prevent the first item in the list from appearing unless it was actually physically clicked?

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Select Next Radio Button Combo Box In Next Form Does Not Populate

Apr 15, 2012

i am developing a simple application. i have three forms in my app. the first form has 2 radio buttons from which i need to select one. based on the selection made in my next form a combobox ll be far so good.there is a back button on my 2nd form which when clicked redirects me to the first form. here when i select the next radio button the combo box in the next form does not populate accordingly. it still holds the old values. \[code]

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Code If User Doesn't Select Messagebox Button

Feb 26, 2009

I have an application that has a timer. Every hour, the application will see what time it is. If it is after 5 P.M., then the application will shut the computer off. (For power saving purposes)I have a messagebox pop up warning the user. I want the user to be able to hit "Cancel" on a dialog box if he/she is still working on the computer and reset the timer to ask again in about an hour. If the user isn't there to select a button on the messagebox, I want the computer to turn itself off. But I can't get the code to skip the dialog box after so many seconds. [Code]

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When Select Fruit Form The Combo Box It Will Search The Price But Can't Seem To Multiply It

Jun 13, 2011

My problem is, the data that I pull from the database, when try to multiply it, it didn't multiply.

The database has Fruit and FruitPrice column. When select fruit form the combo box, it will search the price. But I can't seem to multiply it. The price is display at PriceTextBox but when multiply it, it shows 0 in the TotalTextBox. It is a simple problem but I've tried everything I know but it still didn't multiply.

This is my search coding:


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Select Correct Item - Anim-times Doesn't Contain Any Dublicated Items?

Oct 10, 2009

I have the following code

Private Sub Switches_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Switches.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim index_c As Integer = Switches.SelectedIndex[code]......

End SubIt works fine as long as Anim-times doesn't contain any dublicated items. Is there any way to work around this?

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Application That Allows User To Select Or Enter Into A Combo Box Number Of Days A Person Will Work

Oct 28, 2009

Create an application that allows the user to select or enter into a combo box the number of days a person will work, and calculates the total amount of pay she will receive over that period of time. Salary is one penny the first day, two pennies the second day, four pennies the third say, and continuing to double each day.

The combo box must list the following items: 30, 180, 365, and 1000. Must be the default drop down box. Use a validating event procedure on the combo box.

The program should go through a loop once for each day, doubling the number of pennies with each iteration of the loop. You will need a running totl of the number of pennies that you add to with each iteration. To calculate the total amount of pay, multiply the total number of pennies by .01 and show the result in currency format.

Public Class Form1

Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged


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Database Error - Application When Installed, Doesn't Read Values From Database?

Jul 20, 2011

When I install my application, some forms are unable to connect to the database.

I say some because, when my login form works totally fine. Authentication happens.

But once I go into the main application, and open other windows, I start to get these error mesages:


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Database - ID Select ,select Statement?

Mar 23, 2012

have a table with following fields

Emp_id varchar(50)
Emp_Name varchar(50)
Emp_surname varchar(50)


View 1 Replies Datalist: Getting Category Name

Jun 6, 2011

I am using an Datalist control. I have a table titled 'Category' with two columns 'Category Id and Description'. When I display the results on my webpage the 'CategoryId' number comes up and not the Description. I want the Description that corresponds to the number. I want to write it to my label control 'lblCategory'. Using ADO.NET I am having trouble with what to put between:


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Category And Subcategory In .net?

Jun 4, 2011

how to create a sub category in well I'm thinking of building a sales and inventory system of computer parts and peripherals and here's the logic. I'll be assigning each of them category like for example:

Componenets[INDENT]Peripherals[/INDENT][INDENT]Networking[/INDENT] - Processor[INDENT]- Chasis[/INDENT][INDENT] - Router[/INDENT] - Memory[INDENT]- keyboards[/INDENT][INDENT] - Bridge[/INDENT] - Storage[INDENT]- Speakers[/INDENT][INDENT] -Hub[/INDENT] - Optical Drive[INDENT]- Flash Drives[/INDENT][INDENT] - Switch[/INDENT] - Graphics Card

There you go. and the main categories are: Componenets, Peripherals, Networking and the Subcategories are with the -(dash) on their names if you have an idea also on the database structure please give me also some tips about how to construct the database tables.

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Database - Compare Two Fields In An SQL SELECT Statement To Then Select Other Fields Based On This Result?

Apr 8, 2012

I have a table which contains a list of products for a company. They input data about how much stock they have and also the level at which they want to be reminded that they need to order new stock.


I want to list all the true results in a form which the user is then able to navigate through. What would be the best way to go about doing this?

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Fill A Combo Box With The Results Of "select Title From Dbm.companies" ?

Jun 10, 2010

having come from a PHP background... I'm trying to fill a combo box with the results of "select Title from dbm.companies" (ps dbm is intentional,not a typo as I was playing with database owners".My connection string ect is fine but..

Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim strconn As String = "Integrated Security=False;" & _
"Persist Security Info=False;" & _[code]....

Gives me a empty drop down box

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Set A Category To All Mail In A Folder?

May 13, 2010

I need to set automatically a category to alll email in a IMAP folder. (and

for every new incoming email in this folder)

I've found this code in VBA but it give a category only to the selected[code]...

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XML Path - Replacing The Name Of A Category With A New Name

Oct 23, 2011

I'm trying to write a statement where I'll be replacing the name of a category with a new name, but when it comes to executing the command I'm getting an error that says;


Heres my command statement


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