Datagrid Bind To Datetimepicker?

Sep 18, 2010

if i press button next then i can see the next datevalue in the datagrid but if i press button back than the value in the datagrid doesn't go back .how can i modifie so that it does work

Sub Dtp1_ValueChanged(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
ByVal e[code]....

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Datagrid Date Filter - Bind The Datetimepicker Control With Datagridview?

Apr 19, 2010

I am using access database to store my datas?I have used a datagridview to present the data to the user.I want to give the date filter option to my users.How can i bind the datetimepicker control with my of my datagridviews coloumn is contains date string.

Private Sub btnViewAll_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnViewAll.Click
'Declaring connection string
Dim objConn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source = D:queDB.mdb")


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Bind Datable To Datagrid?

Dec 29, 2010

maybe this is a strange question

i have two tables
1 datagridview and 1 datatable
the columns in


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Bind Datagrid To Sql Table?

Jun 21, 2010

is there a way to caputre the values in a datagrid and bind them to a sql table? I have a datagrid bound to a sql query with some editable cells and I wanted to know if the updates could be sent back to the sql table. is there a way to set the updated datagrid to a new dataset and bind the new data to the existing sql table?

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Wpf - Bind The Value Of The SelectedItem From The Datagrid

Mar 22, 2012

I need to bind the value of the SelectedItem from the datagrid to: SelectedItem of a combo box on the same page Property in the viewmodel In other words: when I select a row in the datagrid the value in the combobox should change and value of the meant above property should be also set to the value of the selected item of the datagrid. I tried to use multibinding like this:


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Place A Datetimepicker On A Datagrid?

Jun 24, 2010

I trying to place a datetimepicker on a datagrid, code I'm using is below. when I run it I receive an error at the yellow highlight point in the code, "Null reference exception was unhandled by user code." not sure what I'm miss or should be corrected.

Imports System
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Private picker
As DateTimePicker


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Bind Data From Datagrid To Textbox?

Oct 16, 2010

my code below doesn't work Private Sub DataGridView2_CellContentClick_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs)


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Filter A Dataview & Bind It To A Datagrid?

Jun 9, 2009

I'm tryng to filter a Dataview & bind it to a datagrid but when I do the below, there is no effect. The dataview returns the original recordset.

filteredProductSpecs As DataView = Me.ProductSpecifications.DefaultView
filteredProductSpecs.AllowEdit = True
filteredProductSpecs.AllowNew = True


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Forms :: Datagrid Bind Using Objects?

Jan 7, 2010

i created a class i invoke the class as object in vb.forms i want bind object(parameters) to datagrid when return as arraylist from methods in form_load. i want to bind arraylist to datagird in will bind, the grid show all the parameter from arraylist.but i want few columns to bind from arraylist is convert from list from method.

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Forms :: Re-Bind A Combo-box By Other In Same Datagrid?

Oct 24, 2009

I've got this question while i'm searching the web for my problem.It's the same as mine ..I have a datagrid of three columns;

1. Comb-box1 : Employees' Names (DataSource : EmployeeBindingSource)
2. Comb-box2 : Coming Departure. (DataSource : DepartureBindingSource)
3. Text-box : ...............

* How can I filter or re-bind the source of the second one as the first one value changed (Both are in the same datagrid).>> So as I select an Employee I need the second one gives me just the specific departures of the desired employee.Where I have the (Employee_No) field connect the two tables related to each one.

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Wpf - Bind To SelectedItems From DataGrid Or ListBox In MVVM

Mar 26, 2012

SEE MY ANSWER AT THE BOTTOM Just doing some light reading on WPF where I need to bind the selectedItems from a DataGrid but I am unable to come up with anything tangible. I just need the selected objects.


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VS 2010 Bind Different Queries For A Long Set Of Columns In Datagrid?

Feb 29, 2012

This is what i have for my set of columns:


2nd question. How can i bind other queries from different table to these columns. like Column[2]and Column[3] should come from a different query.

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Bind An IEnumarable Collection To A Datagrid (items Of Variable Contents)?

Aug 11, 2011

While working with an excel file (.xlsx), the data I get from it is an IEnumerable(of Dictionary). When I bind this to my datagrid, I get the problem that I only see 2 columnsI've been tracing this problem and discovered that in the first row in the excel, there are only 2 values (cell C and D). I think the binding to datagrid looks at this first row to create its headers. This results in my datagrid only showing columns C and D.

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Bind The Selected Value In A List Box To Display In Text Box (to Show Single Value) And Datagrid

Feb 12, 2012

I have list box created and populated data. I need to display the related column in text box and related records from another table. I have attached my code file. But, it's throwing an error.

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Data.OleDb


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Bind The Selected Value In A List Box To Display In Text Box (to Show Single Value) And Datagrid?

Sep 10, 2010

I have list box created and populated data. I need to display the related column in text box and related records from another table. how to do this? I have attached my code file. But, it's throwing an error.

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Data.OleDb
'Imports System.Web.Configuration


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Bind StudentCombobox To The StudentbindingSource Of The Main Form And To Bind StudentDataGridView?

May 7, 2010

I have a form called studentForm which has a studentCombobox, studentTextbox and a studentDatagridView

In the constructor of the studentForm I need to bind studentCombobox to the StudentbindingSource of the main form and to bind studentDataGridView to appropriate binding source in the mainForm.So that this datagrid view displays all the bookings for the studentID currently selected in studentComboBox

studentComboBox.DataSource = MainForm.StudentBindingSource
studentComboBox.DisplayMember = "StudentID"
studentDataGridView.DataSource = MainForm.StudentDataSet
studentDataGridView.DataMember = "Names "

This is the code I wrote in the constructor

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Show Datetimepicker.value Show In Datagrid?

Sep 8, 2010

i allready have date values in a datagridview and datasource is Access table

dim endindex as integer
datagrid.currentcell = nothing
dim table =mydataset.tables("Booking")


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Bind SQL Parameters Query To Bind To A Table?

Feb 28, 2011

I am trying to bind my SQL param's qurey to bind to a table. My problem is i get this error "Fill: SelectCommand.Connection property has not been initialized."

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If RadioButton3.Checked = True Then
Dim connectionGrid As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=BST;Initial Catalog=dsfs;uid=dfsdf; pwd='dsfsf'")
Dim commandgrid As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand()


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DataGridView To Bind Or Not To Bind?

Sep 2, 2010

I'm currently developing an application with a reasonably complex DataGridView that allows the user to build the lines of a sales document: Quantitiy, Description, Price, etc with some additional fields to help calculate price based on cost or discount i'm sure you get the jist - all this means we're not just diplaying data but adding and manipulating it - It also means there's mainly decimal fields, nit just simple text fields

Now, i'm new to, so i've perhaps done things a bit backwards during my learning curve, namely designing and coding my DGV before creating the underlying database table and binding to it - so as i'm sure you can image there's a bit recoding to do to allow for the fact that it's now bound to a datasource.

I'd got the DGV working just how a wanted it to, but now that i've bound it to a datasource i'm hiting multiple problems with: Formating the appearance of figures in the DGV Problems with blank fields while enering data (before the i try to save the data back to the database) How the DGV is functioning - it seems to behave differently when adding lines to a new sales document than it does when adding lines to an existing sales document

And given that when saving edits to an existing line i need to provide a valid update command i'm begining to think that it might be easier to scrap the databinding altogether and just Select, Add and Edit the database with code rather than binding the DGV in the IDE

I've read various threads about avoiding databinding due to it's limitations, but i've also read that it's far better in later versions of Visual Studio and .net. and i'm using VS2010

I'd just like some advise as to whether my gut feeling is right or whether i should persevere with databinding the DGV. i've noticed some quirks of databinding while working with other controls such as text and combo boxes, but i've overcome these and the result seems to be easier than coding the data transfer manually.

But i'm really struggling with databinding the DGV and the fact that i'm dtatbinding to a seperate table to the rest of the controls is leaning me away from databinding

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Filter Records In Datagrid View And Show The Selected Record In The Datagrid?

Oct 16, 2011

I have a datagridview with transaction bindingsource I want the datagrid to show the sorted rows only not all the records when i enter a value into a textbox and click button sort.

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DB/Reporting :: Open An Access Query In A Datagrid View And Then Be Able To Make Changes To The Datagrid And Then Save It Back To The Database?

Apr 15, 2008

What I am trying to do basically is open an access query in a datagrid view and then be able to make changes to the datagrid and then save it back to the database.When I try to save:


It says that update is not a member of the tableadapter... Why is that?

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Datagrid Item - Searches The Selected Year Or Month In A Datagrid?

Dec 13, 2009

now i use acces as datasource to view the agenda in a datagrid and a combo box to select a year or month so i can find the selected month or year in the datagrid .how do i program it so that it searches the selected year or month in a datagrid

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.net - Datagrid Update Checkbox IsChecked On DataGrid.Refresh()?

Mar 20, 2012

I have a datagrid who's ItemsSource is a strongly typed IEnumerable object In this datagrid, I have a checkbox column, a price column, a part name column, and a 'total selling for' column. On checking the checkbox I need to update the total selling for column with the value in the price column. This part I have working, however, how can I get the checkbox to remain checked when this happens?

Private Sub UpdateSellFor(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)
Dim _CB As CheckBox = DirectCast(sender, CheckBox)
Dim _ID As Integer = _CB.Tag
Dim _PP = DirectCast(DG_PartsToSelect.CurrentItem, PartTyping).PartPrice


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Datagrid Expansion - Datagrid In Form - Retrieve Data From My Sql

Jan 22, 2009

I placed a datagrid in my form which l retrive data from my sql. i am using oledb connection. if i run the form i can retrive the data but i am not getting the data in the grid at first ,there is a "+" sign, i have to clik that then it shows the table name and after clicking the table name i can view the data displays in the grid..

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Over Datagrid Erasing Entries And General Datagrid Access

May 9, 2009

I have a datagrid which I am using LINQ to fill, I then add some custom columns and fill them in programmatically - if the users clicks on the column header to re-sort, all the data in the added columns disappears. I am obviously missing something very basic here but can't seem to see the forest for the trees. I also have a couple of other questions about how I am doing things:


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Read XML Into Datagrid But Get Error Writing From Datagrid To XML File?

Oct 16, 2011

I am trying to create an xml editor that read and write xml. my code reads the xml with no problem and allows me to create new rows but when I try to "write" it over I get the following error: "Token StartElement in state Epilog would result in an invalid XML document"

here is my xml:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<MacroList identifier="test">


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Write The Contents From A Datagrid To A File And Back Into The Datagrid Again Later?

Aug 24, 2011

I decided to rewrite my project. Hit another snag. How do I write the contents from a datagrid to a file and back into the datagrid again later? (Actually, I've done the writing ok - but for the life of me can't get the data back into a blank datagrid.

Here's what I done so far:

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text


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Cursor From One Datagrid To Another Datagrid With Have The Same Number Rows?

Jul 29, 2010

how to do cursor moving from one grid it effect to another grid.example Grid A and Grid B have the same number of rows. when I click current row on data grid A, the selected row on data Grid B also follow data grid A..

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Datagrid Checkbox - Print Row That Are Not Checked In Datagrid?

Mar 2, 2011

I am printing a files that are shown in datagrid.. But I want to choose a file that I don't want to print by checking the checkbox that I added in datagrid..

I have here the code for printing.. Anyone can edit my code that will print those file that is not checked.


Dim sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dummydisconnectionorder"


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Datagrid Control - Fill And Use Each Datagrid Indepentent From Each Other?

Jul 22, 2009

I have on my form two datagridviews that correspond to the same table. They are both databound. They have been created automatically through dragging them from the datasources windows.One is datagridview and the other datagridview1. When ever I navigate through a datagrid the corresponding row on the other grid changes as well. I do not want this. Also I want to be able to fill and use each datagrid indepentent from each other. To fill a datagridview on load I use this code

Me.AllServicesTableAdapter.workstation(Me.Database2DataSet.AllServices)This code does not let me choose which datagrid to fill.

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