Bind An IEnumarable Collection To A Datagrid (items Of Variable Contents)?

Aug 11, 2011

While working with an excel file (.xlsx), the data I get from it is an IEnumerable(of Dictionary). When I bind this to my datagrid, I get the problem that I only see 2 columnsI've been tracing this problem and discovered that in the first row in the excel, there are only 2 values (cell C and D). I think the binding to datagrid looks at this first row to create its headers. This results in my datagrid only showing columns C and D.

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Write The Contents From A Datagrid To A File And Back Into The Datagrid Again Later?

Aug 24, 2011

I decided to rewrite my project. Hit another snag. How do I write the contents from a datagrid to a file and back into the datagrid again later? (Actually, I've done the writing ok - but for the life of me can't get the data back into a blank datagrid.

Here's what I done so far:

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text


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Accessing And Adding Items To A Collection That Is In A Collection?

Apr 6, 2012

currently in my application I have a Global Collection that is a Collection of Collections.Currently I am trying to add items/ elements to one of the child collections of the Global Collection but I am unable to use the collections methods of the child.When I assign a variable to the child collection and return the collection it is just an object with the collection inside.

Dim GlobalCollection as New Collection
Dim ChildCollection1 as New Collection
Dim tempCurrentCollection[code]......

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Bind A CollectionContainer To A Collection In A View Model?

Jun 22, 2011

I have a view model with a property that exposes a collection of things.I have a ComboBox whose ItemsSource property is bound to this collection.Now the user can select from the list.I want to allow the user to clear the selection, so I want to add an item (that is Null) to ComboBox. It's pretty straightforward.

I decided to try and use a CompositeCollection for the ItemsSource so that I could add the items in the existing list to the ComboBox as well as the extra Null item.After fighting with this for a while I decided to return to the documentation on the CompositeCollection Class. I copied their example and the modified it to use a view model instead of Static Resources.

I discovered that no items show up in the list when I bind the CollectionContainer to the list exposed by the ViewModel.I'm not sure how to get around this problem and I'm looking for any advice on this topic.

Here is my XAML code:


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Wpf - How To Bind Observable Collection And Save To Database

Feb 1, 2012

I will be doing an MVVM Project soon and I'm working a couple tutorial/examples out. How do I take the following code and connect it to a database. If I were to have a datagrid, how can I change information in the datagrid and have it automatically update? I'll be using MS SQL.


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Error: This Causes Two Bindings In The Collection To Bind To The Same Property - Parameter Name: Binding

Aug 15, 2010

error in binding

Dadapter = New SqlDataAdapter(dat, conn)
bs.DataSource = Me.Table
DgvTire.DataSource = bs
txtserial.DataBindings.Add("text", Table, "serialn")

error: This causes two bindings in the collection to bind to the same property. Parameter name: binding

what should i do with this error?

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Put The Contents Of A Collection (Info) Into A Text Box?

Mar 4, 2012

With this code, I tried to put the contents of a collection (Info) into a text box but it didn't work. I would be glad if someone can examine it and tell me what is wrong. (Visual Studio builds the program fine and runs it, but when I click on Button3, this comes up:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll

Additional information: Argument 'Index' is not a valid value.

Here is the code I used (When the error occurs I made it bold):

Public Class Form1
Dim Info As New Collection()
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click


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Bind Datable To Datagrid?

Dec 29, 2010

maybe this is a strange question

i have two tables
1 datagridview and 1 datatable
the columns in


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Bind Datagrid To Sql Table?

Jun 21, 2010

is there a way to caputre the values in a datagrid and bind them to a sql table? I have a datagrid bound to a sql query with some editable cells and I wanted to know if the updates could be sent back to the sql table. is there a way to set the updated datagrid to a new dataset and bind the new data to the existing sql table?

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Datagrid Bind To Datetimepicker?

Sep 18, 2010

if i press button next then i can see the next datevalue in the datagrid but if i press button back than the value in the datagrid doesn't go back .how can i modifie so that it does work

Sub Dtp1_ValueChanged(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
ByVal e[code]....

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Wpf - Bind The Value Of The SelectedItem From The Datagrid

Mar 22, 2012

I need to bind the value of the SelectedItem from the datagrid to: SelectedItem of a combo box on the same page Property in the viewmodel In other words: when I select a row in the datagrid the value in the combobox should change and value of the meant above property should be also set to the value of the selected item of the datagrid. I tried to use multibinding like this:


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Bind Data From Datagrid To Textbox?

Oct 16, 2010

my code below doesn't work Private Sub DataGridView2_CellContentClick_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs)


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Filter A Dataview & Bind It To A Datagrid?

Jun 9, 2009

I'm tryng to filter a Dataview & bind it to a datagrid but when I do the below, there is no effect. The dataview returns the original recordset.

filteredProductSpecs As DataView = Me.ProductSpecifications.DefaultView
filteredProductSpecs.AllowEdit = True
filteredProductSpecs.AllowNew = True


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Forms :: Datagrid Bind Using Objects?

Jan 7, 2010

i created a class i invoke the class as object in vb.forms i want bind object(parameters) to datagrid when return as arraylist from methods in form_load. i want to bind arraylist to datagird in will bind, the grid show all the parameter from arraylist.but i want few columns to bind from arraylist is convert from list from method.

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Forms :: Re-Bind A Combo-box By Other In Same Datagrid?

Oct 24, 2009

I've got this question while i'm searching the web for my problem.It's the same as mine ..I have a datagrid of three columns;

1. Comb-box1 : Employees' Names (DataSource : EmployeeBindingSource)
2. Comb-box2 : Coming Departure. (DataSource : DepartureBindingSource)
3. Text-box : ...............

* How can I filter or re-bind the source of the second one as the first one value changed (Both are in the same datagrid).>> So as I select an Employee I need the second one gives me just the specific departures of the desired employee.Where I have the (Employee_No) field connect the two tables related to each one.

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Wpf - Bind To SelectedItems From DataGrid Or ListBox In MVVM

Mar 26, 2012

SEE MY ANSWER AT THE BOTTOM Just doing some light reading on WPF where I need to bind the selectedItems from a DataGrid but I am unable to come up with anything tangible. I just need the selected objects.


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Bind A Variable To Dataset?

Apr 28, 2009

In my vb6 I bound my data directly to the database but I think it might be better to use the the dataset in the updated version.[code]...

I can do a for each statement on the quary now but how can I set it to a variable as to use the move first, next ect. Also, does anything need to be closed/dumped after the execution of the quary?

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VS 2010 Bind Different Queries For A Long Set Of Columns In Datagrid?

Feb 29, 2012

This is what i have for my set of columns:


2nd question. How can i bind other queries from different table to these columns. like Column[2]and Column[3] should come from a different query.

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Datagrid Date Filter - Bind The Datetimepicker Control With Datagridview?

Apr 19, 2010

I am using access database to store my datas?I have used a datagridview to present the data to the user.I want to give the date filter option to my users.How can i bind the datetimepicker control with my of my datagridviews coloumn is contains date string.

Private Sub btnViewAll_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnViewAll.Click
'Declaring connection string
Dim objConn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source = D:queDB.mdb")


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Bind Selected Listbox Items To A Table?

Jan 6, 2010

I have a listbox with several items in the list. I would like to bind the selected list item to a field in a table. How do I do this?

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Customize The Datagrid Contents?

Aug 12, 2009

Presently iam using the following code : -
Dim da As MySqlDataAdapter = New MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT


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Datagrid Contents To CSV File?

Jun 5, 2011

I have a datagrid table with 5 columns and as many rows as the user enters. Is there a simple way to export the contents of the table to a CSV file?

The columns are named; a,b,c,d and e Im using VB 2005.

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How To Take Datagrid Contents Print

Aug 8, 2011

How can i print all the contents of data grid including headings in VB.NET

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Bind The Selected Value In A List Box To Display In Text Box (to Show Single Value) And Datagrid

Feb 12, 2012

I have list box created and populated data. I need to display the related column in text box and related records from another table. I have attached my code file. But, it's throwing an error.

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Data.OleDb


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Bind The Selected Value In A List Box To Display In Text Box (to Show Single Value) And Datagrid?

Sep 10, 2010

I have list box created and populated data. I need to display the related column in text box and related records from another table. how to do this? I have attached my code file. But, it's throwing an error.

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Data.OleDb
'Imports System.Web.Configuration


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Dynamic Bind Variable Queries Using Properties Looping?

Feb 8, 2012

I have a class with properties in it . The properties in it are all named the same with the columns names in the database.The reason for that is that i want to loop through all the properties within the class and dynamically create an sql query with the parameters in it . Then dynamically create the parameters and add them into the oraclecommand , everything works well until one of the properties ( QTY ) is set to 0 . When it is set to 0 , during the properties loop ,it will check it as nothing and bypasses the QTY property , with that i am missing one of the columns.class with properties , Notice the property Qty it is Nullable(Of Integer) , it is because when inserting data into the database , sometimes i would want it to be null instead of default 0 .

Public Class HDB
Public Property BONum() As String
Public Property Owner() As String
Public Property Qty() As Nullable(Of Integer)


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Transfer The Contents Of A Row In A Datagrid To A Textbox?

Jan 16, 2010

Is it possible to transfer the contents of a row in a datagrid to a textbox? (Like, when I click row 3, the contents of that row will be transferred to the textboxes) If it is, can anyone guide me to a tutorial? Or is this technique applicable only to the ListView object?

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Using A Checkbox Outside Of A Datagrid To Affect Its Contents?

May 21, 2012

I am using a Checkbox outside of a datagrid. When i select the check box autopostback is true, and this would then show the image, but i cant access the images within the datagrid with that script. If i use a seperate image outside of the datagrid the script works. How can i get this script to work finding when the checkbox out side of the datagrid is checked to then show the image within the datagrid?

The script i am using is
<script runat="server">
Sub Check(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)


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Validate The Contents Of A Datagrid Per Row, Per Column?

Dec 15, 2011

How to validate the contents of a datagrid per row, per column in have a specific coloumn PlotNo in which values shld nt get is an unbound table..

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VS 2010 - How To Print Contents Of DataGrid

Jul 2, 2011

How to easily print the contents of a datagrid. I have searched and found some examples, but cant get any working in vb2010.

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