Debug All Projects In Vb2008?

Jun 22, 2010

whilst trying to debug all projects in vb2008 i get the following error. Anyone got an idea of what I can do to solve this error?

Error 1
Class 'CLSID_CorSymWriter' could not be created: System Error &H80040154&

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Removing Projects From VB2008 Start Page Recent Projects List?

Mar 15, 2009

Removing projects from VB2008 start page recent projects list. The above list is getting clogged. How do I remove items from this list?

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Debug Across Projects In Program If One Launches Other?

Aug 3, 2010

I have a VS 2008 Solution in VB.Net that has 2 projects - a Launcher and the App. The Launcher is what runs first, checks to make sure the App has all the latest files from the network, etc. and then launches the App. The Launcher allows the user to select their environment (Test, Production) then passes those values into the App.exe as command line arguments.

This works fine when running normally, but when trying to debug this, I'm trying to figure out how to start Debugging from the Launcher, then pass the selected Environment into the other project so it can read them as command line arguments.

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Debug Late Bound Projects In The IDE?

Feb 24, 2011

I've tested it several times because I cannot believe it. If you put a late bound project in the same solution as the calling project, you can debug the late bound project !

You can even put breakpoints in!

@#%ing amazing. Top marks to Microsoft. I don't know if this is by design, or a side effect of how the debugger works, but I don't care because it makes writing late bound projects so much friendlier.

OK Cor, you can go ahead and rubbish late-binding now.

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Eclipse Compile And Debug .net Projects?

Jun 21, 2010

Simple question one would think, but I am having trouble finding the answer. promotes eclipse as being a Java IDE, but has many plugins and extensions. I was wondering if maybe there is a plugin or extension that would allow me to compile/debug projects in eclipse?

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VB Projects Always Building In Debug Mode

Mar 9, 2012

I ran into an issue today where VB is behaving differently from C#. The issue is as follows.

Also note this is for .Net 4.0.

Both projects are set to build in release mode
Both projects are in the same solution
The solution is set to build in release
Both projects output to a Release folder in bin / obj

Everything seems to be okay except for one thing. When inspecting the files with a tool such as the VB projects show as Debug and the C# projects show as Release.

I tracked this down to a setting in the Advanced Compiler Options for the pdb files. If the debug info output for VB is set to anything other than none - then the project builds in debug mode (keep in mind it still outputs to the release folder). C# does not exhibit this behavior.

I did a blog post here to work around the issue - but would love to know the root cause if any one knows.


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Unable To Debug Web Projects On Local Machine

Dec 21, 2010

I am using Visual Studio 2008, .NET Framework 3.5.

Basically what I am trying to do is have my webpage project folder located directly on my local machine (ex. Local #1).Our database is located on a server (ex. Server #1). I am building my web applications on my local machine and then trying to debug them in Visual Studio 2008. Only every single time I click to debug my project I get a "Security Exception" error that looks something like the following.[code]...

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VS 2008 Solution Compiles All Setup Projects On F5 Debug?

Feb 19, 2009

Just got a little quirk with VS2008 on 1 solution.When i press F5 to debug my solution builds the current project but then insists on building all my setup projects...

This only occurs on 1 of my solutions and it has 20 projects within it.

I've checked startup projects and it has no dependancies and is set to selected project.

EDIT: Right click and debug in new instance works fine

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.net - HRESULT 0x80131047 Exception In Microsoft VB2008 Express When Debug?

Sep 23, 2009

i get a HRESULT 0x80131047 exception in Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 express when debug my application. this happens whenever i click "start debugging" and it doesn't matter what application i load. this is a brand new vista x64 bit machine with a fresh install of VB2008 express.

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.net - VB 2010 Express: Debug.WriteLine Optimized Away Completely In Debug Version?

Aug 31, 2011

Simple question that does not seem to be covered: If I use a lot of Debug.WriteLine statements in my code, will they be completely absent in my production version?

I mean: Is the compiler smart enough to not emit any code for those calls? Or would I have to surround them by #if DEBUG..#end if directives?

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Unable To Copy File "obj\Debug\FYP.exe" To "bin\Debug\FYP.exe"

Jan 5, 2009

I have the following codes:


It run smoothly for the first time,but when I execute it for the second time,it occured the following errors:Unable to copy file "obj\Debug\FYP.exe" to "bin\Debug\FYP.exe". The process cannot access the file 'bin\Debug\FYP.exe' because it is being used by another process.

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How To See Sln Projects

Jan 16, 2010

i want to ask that wat is sln? and how to see sln projects...

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Convert Projects From VB6 To .Net?

Mar 22, 2009

I notice you need a wizard to at least start to convert projects from VB6 to .Net

I also see it comes with VS Professional

Is it able to be downloaded and run with VS2008 Express ?

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.net - Use Classes In Several Projects?

Jun 8, 2011

How can I create a namespace and classes in it, then save it, and reuse the namespace in other projects? Do I have to click on Create Class Library in Visual Studio?

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.Net Projects Can Be Used In A Network?

Jun 26, 2009

Im gonna develop an application s/w using VB.Net & Oralce for a small company with 4 employees and a MD.

Each has their own PC connected through a Hub.The task of MD is to check in the employees daily work progress & to calculate their incentives in daily basics...

And each emp should be able to check their daily incentives from their PC using the passwords provided by the s/w Now my doubt is. how should I show the daily incentives updates to all emps PC from MD pc?(i.e) if i install the s/w in all PCs, will they'll get the updates automatically? DOES VB.NET can be used here or should we use ASP.NET?

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.Net Solution With C# And VB Projects

Aug 30, 2011

I have a .Net solution with 5 projects in c# and one in visual basic. I want to know whether there would be a gain of performance to convert my visual basic project to C# in the day to day while I compile my solution.

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Add Menus To Projects?

Jan 28, 2010

I want to start learning how to add menus to my projects. how to code and design them.

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Add New Ocx Files So They Can Be Used In Projects?

Sep 13, 2010

How do you add new ocx files so they can be used in your projects? I download some free ocx files and cant use them right now cause I can't get them in the side bar thing.

View 2 Replies - How To Connect Two Projects

May 4, 2009

I have a project named "slnAllForKids" in Visual Studio 2005. I have another project named "AFKLogin." There is a page called index.aspx in slnAllForKids. I want to redirect from index.aspx to home.aspx in AFKLogin when I click submit button in index.aspx.

View 1 Replies - Linking Two Projects?

May 4, 2009

I am currently doing a project which is to be linked with another project. I.e., when I click on some button in my current project's page I should get a page from the other project..

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C# - Protect DLL From Use In Other Projects Other Than Own?

Apr 14, 2011

I'm going to build a large project and want to create several libraries (DLL) for it. I don't want to merge them all in one EXE, but want to use seperate DLL files.I don't want those DLL's to be used by others, so these DLL's should be protected so that they can only be used in my own project.I was thinking of using some sort of password in the New() proc, but that doesn't work for shared classes.

Other solution I was thinking of: is it possible to check if the calling assembly has the same strong name as the DLL?These solutions are just one of my ideas. I don't know if those will work and am not saying that one of them is the way to go.What is the best approach to accomplish this?

BTW: I also use a obfuscator to protect my code.

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Edit Two Different Projects At Once?

Dec 19, 2010

Every time I open a project, it closes the project I had open. I would like to have two or more projects open at a time. I like to do this so that I can reference old code, etc. The projects are not related in any way, so I don't want them linked in any way.

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Have Two .NET Projects In The Same Domain?

Sep 8, 2009

I have two .NET projects in the same domain. The first project I create long time ago in VB.NET. Now I create another project that I built in C#. How can I set up my new project in the same domain so I can access the new forms that I built in C#. Do I need to submit the whole folder from the project? Do I need to change anything in the web.config? Right now I am getting this error. [PhoneControl] is the new project in C#. [URL]

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How To Integrate Two Projects

Mar 20, 2009

can anyone of u tell me how should i integrate three different modules of my project into one.specifically which all files i need to alter

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Load The Dll Into Other Projects?

Oct 20, 2009

I have made a class library for visual basic, now I have a dll. How can I now load the dll into other projects?

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Odd To Post 2 Different Projects In A Day?

Mar 18, 2012

I know its odd to post 2 different projects in a day but hence the lecturer asked us to do 2 in 1 week what else can I do so here is the problem he wants us to make a tic tac toe game that will ask for player 1 and 2 name then generate a random number for who will play 1st ok.. I though of a solution for that but it seems that player 2 always plays 1st also amm when I click on new game that recalls the code that you will see bellow the lblplayer1.text and lblplayer2.text don't reset to the new values untill I re-use the new game command what seems to be the problem? sorry for the bad explanation my English aint the best

count_turn = 0
score1 = 0
score2 = 0
lblscorep1.Text = 0


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Opening Old Projects?

Aug 16, 2009

Well on VS it has the most recent projects which is only like four. WHen I want to access an older one I click open then click on the folder. I don't know what to click after that but whatever I click never brings the form up but it has it's name in the solution explorer in the top right.

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Reference Other Projects Using .exe?

Nov 17, 2009

I'm currently writting an class for importing data into application database from various formats. Basically, I want to pass a file path and the class would give back an class objects and from those objects I'll insert data into database. The problem is that I already have classes for containing data and classes that insert data from data-classes into database ready in the main application. But at the moment I cant Access the source of main application (Im at home and remote connection is down is what im trying to sayJ ). I only have setup.exe of application and the application is already instaled on my home pc (I have .exe in program files).

Is there any way I can add a reference of this application into my current Project so that i can use the classes that are defined in main application?

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Using Enumeration Across Projects?

Dec 4, 2009

I have a Windows Forms UI, a Class Library, and a WebService. I need to be able to pass an Enumerated type through each of these layers (SystemType). For instance, the UI passes the type to the class library, which then passes the type to the Web Service.My question is, where do I define this enumeration type so they all know about it.

Options so far:

- Each project contains the exact same enumeration.

- Put the enumeration in its own project and reference this assembly from each of the other projects.

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.net - Referencing My.Settings Across Projects?

Apr 19, 2011

I've been poking around in some projects written by one of our contractors, and he seems to be storing a lot of settings in the main "app.config" file for the application, using, for example:

<add key="SomeClass/SomeValue" value="False"/>
And then referencing the key value in the "SomeClass" class in "SomeProjectLibrary" using

While this works, I guess, it also pretty much sucks. I was wondering if anyone knew of some more elegant way of creating variables in the "app.config" file, which could then be used across various applications within a Solution?

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