Deleted The Old Files From C Dirve

Jul 3, 2009

I had to reinstall visual basic express edition 2008 on my pc.I deleted the old files from c dirve.I tried to install it from the ISO downloaded from the microsofts website but after i specify the drive (drive F) to install it on after about 2-3 minutes it says it failed to install it. [code] Does it have to be installed to drive c or something or is maybe the iso damaged? I just transferred it onto this pc and mounted the iso image using a program MagicIso which i used last time to install it.

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Files Not Being Created / Deleted

Jul 30, 2011

I have an app where a user enters information on a ticket and that ticket is saved off to a file on a share.Later on, when the ticket is closed or resolved, the file is deleted.Pretty straightforward.The below code is used to achieve this but, and this is the odd part, I'm finding that sometimes the app does not write the file and other times it will not delete it.I've confirmed that the user is running the latest version, that the tool isn't in off line mode, that all the appropriate criteria are set to true before entering the routines. It works 99% of the time but every so often it doesn't create/delete the file and there are no errors thrown or anything.Going into this section of code, chkOffline is not checked, "GoNoGo" is set to "Go", "Type" is set to "Live" and all fields have been filled out on the form(and vetted).What's more, there are other actions earlier in the app/sub that rely on these same conditions and those actions are getting carried out.[code]

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Get Files Being Deleted In Windows

Feb 23, 2009

I want to create an application that will save the files being deleted from a flash drive into a part of the flash drive that acts as recycle bin. I want to capture the deletion event of windows so that I can copy the files marked as deleted. Is there a library that would notify my application if the delete event is being executed? If using FileSystemWatcher component, I cannot get the files being deleted because it will only notify after the file is deleted.

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Files Deleted In Windows 7 Still Opened

Jan 12, 2011

I am having a problem with Windows 7, where I delete an xml-file in the programData folder using Windows Explorer(C: ProgramData Documentsdata. xml).The file is removed in windows explorer, but when running my program, the file is still found, and read.I tried to restart the pc, but the file is still found by my program.I recently moved to Windows 7 from Vista, and everything worked fine on Vista.[code]

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Prevent Files From Being Deleted / Modified

Apr 7, 2009

so I know how to protect my data know. But how can I create a file that only I can open/delete/move?

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List Deleted Files And Their Names From NTFS Drive

Mar 22, 2010

I'm trying to make a small app that reads MFT from a NTFS drive and lists deleted files and their names. The code is not ordered since its not finished yet. I made it basing on information a read at and some other examples found on the net. But the problem itself is the following. I have hard disk with to NTFS partitions, the main one having 250 GB and the second one having 1,5 GB. If I execute my code on the smaller drive, (using D as parameter for readfile api), I get the list of all deleted files exactly (I checked it with a recovery file app).

The problem is when I execute it on the other drive (C where Windows is installed, 7 if it matters), the problem is that I cant find any deleted file!!. The code gets all the files from MFT and then saves in a string variable only the deleted ones, I found that after deleting one file, it also disappears from the MFT (at least using my code). So, there may be some other way in which NTFS marks deleted files? As you see in my code, I iterate through the MFT entries and, from those that start with FILE, I take bytes 22 and 23 (0 base) and evaluate, if its value is 0 then its deleted, otherwise, it isn't (its a file or directory I think).

Dim nLength As Integer
Dim lpSecurityDescriptor As Integer
Dim bInheritHandle As Boolean
End Structure
[Code] .....

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Recover Files - Undelete A File (deleted From Recycle Bin)

Jul 30, 2011

Is there a way in to undelete a file (deleted from Recycle Bin) or should i turn to unmanaged code? Write your code as efficient as you can to reduce CPU load, to consume less energy and protect our planet from global warming.

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Invalid Resx File / Deleted Unused Image Files

Apr 1, 2010

I deleted the images that I thought I will not need but the program would not run. Error 1 Invalid Resx file. Could not find a part of the path 'E:Code6 04-01-2010 evening Code5 ResourcesIMG_3514.JPG'. Line 123, position 5. E:Code6 04-01-2010 eveningCode5My Project Resources.resx 123 5 Code5.I even deleted the folder to make it worse.The project is code5 but it is running inside the folder of code6.

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Deleted Records Not Deleted?

Feb 8, 2012

I really am stuck. I can add records to a table ok . when i close and restart my code the new records are still there but deleteing does not work. I delete the records, they disappear. I close and restart the code agian but the deleted records return. this is my code.


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How To Commit The Deleted Row

Feb 20, 2009

i am deleting the row from the datagridview using following codedatagridview1.rows.remove(datagridview1.currentrow)but it is not i can commit?

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Know When A Line From A RTB Has Been Deleted?

Jan 9, 2010

I would like to track when a line is deleted from a RTB. What I try to do is capture backspace and if current length of that line = 0 then it means the line has been deleted.


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.net - C# DataGridView Capturing Deleted Row?

Jun 16, 2010

I am using a DataGridView, which is bound to a dataset. There is a bindingNavigator as well.

when a user deletes a row by clicking "bindingNavigatorDeleteItem" button, I am trying to get the row being deleted.

private void bindingNavigatorDeleteItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int crow = gridEventType.CurrentCell.RowIndex;

but it returns the newly selected row AFTER deletion of a selected row.
so, If I have two rows

and I delete 2

crow is 1, not 2.

Am I missing something here?

2. How do I know whether certain rows are modified in datagridview?

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After Deleted Record, Will Add To Another Table?

Jun 21, 2010

After Deleted Record, Will Add To Another Table

View 2 Replies - Grab The ID Of The Just Deleted Record?

Oct 27, 2011

This code is intended to grab the ID of the deleted record, the user who deleted the record, and the date and time the record was deleted and insert it into a hostical table.So far, once a record is deleted, the code grabs more than one deleted record.

Protected Sub GridView1_RowDeleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewDeletedEventArgs) Handles GridView1.RowDeleted
Dim connStr As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Constr").ConnectionString
Dim cnn As SqlConnection


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Check Whether A Record Has Been Deleted?

Dec 13, 2011

I have written a method which deletes a record from the database. Public Overrides Sub Delete(ByVal intDeletingUserID As Integer, Optional ByVal blnLogChanges As Boolean = True)


I need to display to the user whether the record can be deleted or not when I implement this method.

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Deleted Record, Will Add To Another Table?

Oct 9, 2011

i delete the row ID 3,paper,20 then the qty of paper will add to another table2 total to write the code after delete record will add the qty field to another table2 ?


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Deleted Row Information Cannot Be Accessed Through The Row?

Dec 1, 2007

I'm getting an exception with the message "Deleted row information cannot be accessed through the row".

I already searched from similar questions but so far i wasn't able to find the solution for my problem.

The exception happens in the line

Code Block

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Detect If A File Is Being Deleted?

May 7, 2012

Is there a way to identify a file is being deleted and prevent the action. It should ignore moving a file and renaming a file. Is it possible to code this in VB.NET.

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How To Retrieve Deleted Module

May 21, 2011

I inadvertently deleted Home.vb from the Solution Explorer and it is no longer listed. When I click on "Show All Files", it is listed but it has a different icon than the other modules. When I double click on it, the code for Home.vb is displayed in the IDE. I tried to add a new form and name it "Home", it said I already have a form by that name. How can I get the original Home.vb back into the Solution Explorer?

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Recover Deleted Form?

Sep 23, 2011

While testing my "nearly" completed application I deleted one of the primary forms.The code is intact, and the designer code is there byt the form is gone.

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Reset File When Deleted

May 6, 2011

I developed an application wich places some files in the programsfolder. If i manualy delete one of these files wich are not realy important for the application then when i restart the application i see that somthing like an installer places the original file back again in the folder. Someone can explain why and how i can stop this from happening? I would rather create the file during installation but i still cant find out how.

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Save A File Before It Is Deleted?

Mar 3, 2009

How do you save a file right before it's deleted, relying on an event? (Preferably from a FileSystemWatcher.)

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Why Is It That Cookie Is Not Getting Deleted / Unset

Mar 12, 2009

I have a login link that fires a javascript function that calls a logout page.This is what the logout page consists of:[code]Originally I just had cookies.clear in there, but that wasn't working.The jQuery function $.cookie does not work either. The cookie is set by ASP.NET, so I figured I could unset it with ASP.NET too but apparently not.

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Access The Dataset Items That Have Been Deleted?

Sep 11, 2009

I have written my main program which uses a datagridview however I seem to be struggling when trying to access the dataset items that have been deleted. Just before I commit the changes I want to record the user that deleted the items.

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.net - Getting The Index Of Deleted Item From Bindinglist?

Aug 7, 2009

I am able to get the index of items added to the BindingList. When I try to get the index if the deleted item I get the error Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index

Here is my code

Private Sub cmdRemove_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdRemove.Click

For i As Integer = 0 To _assignedSelection.SelectedCount - 1
Dim item As Jurisdiction = CType(_assignedSelection.GetSelectedRow(i), Jurisdiction)
End Sub

Private Sub list_Change(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ListChangedEventArgs) Handles _list.ListChanged


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Add Code For Datarow.state Deleted?

Jun 11, 2012

For each change, I have to add some codes (fill an application Audit Table).I have add a button to do all the update (iterating a datatable procuced witha .getChanges function ),but when I will use the value of ID (first collumn (hidden) of the datagridview) , Ireceive an error : DeletedRowInaccessibleException.

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After Deleted Record From Table 1 Then Will Add To Another Table2 ?

Oct 9, 2011

Does anyone know how to delete the record then the deleted record will add to another table.let said i want to delete record from table1 ID '3', description 'monitor', Qty '2'after deleted the Qty, will auto add 2 to the Table2 Total field.[code]

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Check If Registry Folder Is Deleted Or Not?

Dec 26, 2011

I have created a folder and a sub folder within it and trying to check if the folder exists or not in the registry editor.This is how I have Created:

Dim kstrRegSubKeyName As String = "CompanyName\SoftwareName"
Dim oReg As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey
oReg = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software", True)[code]....

Now I need to check if that CompanyName Folder is deleted or not and display a message.

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Cookie Being Deleted Unexpectedly By Application

Jan 26, 2010

I am having an issue with a cookie that keeps getting deleted by the application. When you go into the application, if the cookie does not exist, it gets created. This works fine and everything in the cookie is stored correctly. When I click on a link to go to another page, once everything loads completely, the cookie gets deleted from the file system. Even stranger than that, the values from the cookie remain until the browser is closed. That is the application appears to be retaining the values even though the cookie does not exist on the local file system. The next time you enter the application, the cookie is recreated so any values stored are lost.Now, I have done some tweaking on the code to see what could be causing it. I found that I am adding the cookie to the Response object any time I make a change to the cookie. The cookie is also being added to the Response object when the page load is completed. My initial thought was that adding the cookie multiple times to the Response object could be causing the issue. I commented out the code in the page load complete event and the cookie hung around until the next postback. Then I put in some logic to keep the application from putting the cookie into the Response object more than once, and then I lost the cookie again at the same point as before.All of the code for handling cookies is in my "base page" that all pages inherit from. The page that seems to be loosing the cookie is my search page. I am including the code from both of those pages.[code]

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Data Gets Deleted Automatically From Database?

Sep 9, 2011

I am facing a strange situation. I am having a database inside my my application and having various table in it. when I am saving data in my database, the data got saved in it but and every thing works very nicely but after some times means after 5 to 10 minutes the data gets deleted automatically from my database.

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