Determine The The Name Of The Folder That Is Currently Running Through .net?

Feb 11, 2009

How will i be able to determine the the name of the folder that is currently running through Visual Basic .net?

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Determine What OS Is Running?

Sep 17, 2009

I need to change where I save my program and support applications based on which Operating System is running.davidbell

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VS 2008 Determine If Running Under Debugger?

Mar 28, 2009

I am trying to determine how my application is running. There are four (I thinkpossibilities:F5 in the IDECTRL F5 in the IDEPublish and Installed in Debug ConfigurationPublish and Installed in Release Configuration

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VS 2008 Determine What Apps Are Running?

Oct 22, 2010

I would like to determine what apps are running on the computer. Not sure where to start.

While we are at it, is there any event that triggers that indicates that a new application has been started? Basically I am trying to log what applications are running on the application while my VB application is running.

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Way To Determine If Running In Visual Studio?

Apr 21, 2010

We have config files that are created in the Program FilesCommon folder at installationWhen debugging code, I want to look at the config files in the development folder instead.hat is the best way to determine if my code is running from within Visual Studio or from the installed appliation?

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Determine If The Program Is Running For The1st Time?

Jan 18, 2009

i wanted to know if there is a way for the program to determine if its being run for the first time in a computer or in a different user.

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Determine Whether The OS The Program Is Currently Running On Is Either 32bit Or 64bit?

Jun 6, 2011

I just need to be able to determine whether the OS the program is currently running on is either 32bit or 64bit.

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Determine Which Operating System The User Is Currently Running?

Nov 12, 2010

I'm trying to get an application to determine which operating system the user is currently running and use that to decide what to do. For example, a user uses the program and they're using Windows 7. I want it to know that and use predetermined variables throughout the program for Windows 7. Likewise if they're using Vista or XP/Macintosh.

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VS 2008 ClickOnce Vs Install Pkg Determine Which Is Running?

Feb 23, 2011

I have written a program and deployed using clickonce to all desktop users. Additionally, the program is also installed (non clickonce) on a terminal server. (For security reasons, these users cannot install on their desktops). I need to add some code to the current program but only need this code to happen if it's being run as a Non ClickOnce Application. Does anyone know how to determine if the running version is a clickonce or not? Is there something in System.Deployment.Application that identifies?

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Determine When Application Is Running From Remote Desktop Session?

Oct 27, 2009

Is there a way to determine if the application is running from an RDP session or not? Our staff has VPN access and use Microsoft's RDP Client to connect to their computers at the office. They mostly interract with software we've written. I'd like to identify those people that use our applications via RDP as opposed to being physically at their computer.

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Way To Determine Through Code What Is Latest Version Of .net Framework Pc Is Running

Feb 3, 2009

I have developed a small application in VB.NET 2008. It uses .net framework 3.5. But somehow it also runs in computers with .net framework 2 or 2.5. Is there a way to determine thru code what is the latest version of .net framework the pc is running. This way I can give a warning message box that the required framework is not installed.

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C# - Determine Compact Framework Current Folder?

Jul 9, 2009

How do I know wich is the current folder of an App?? I mean... Is there a way to know where is the exe located from the running code?

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Determine If Network Folder Opened Successfully?

Nov 19, 2008

Since it will be run by the user I don't want the user to have to do anything but send the IT department the log file it creates.

What I want to do is see if a folder on the network can be opened successfully. I do not want to ping it, but actually open it and see if it loads. I can do this for a website by retrieving the http status code, but I can't find any references to something similar for explorer.exe. Here is a basic flowchart of this part of the program:

ping server --yes--> access \server_namefolder
--no--> access \server_IPfolder
--no--> Authentication Issue
--yes--> DNS Issue

Note also that just checking authentication won't work because it could also be a DNS problem. I guess I could check them both, but I would rather do it this way if possible (and I don't know how to go about checking either one)

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Determine The Folder WPF(xbap) Application Was Started From?

May 18, 2011

I have been investigating this for several hours. I have found numerous links, including several here on SO which claim to show how to find the startup path, or the application directory. All of the solutions suggested return a location:

C:Users<my user name>AppDataLocalApps2.0XO8PWL8B.5HH1GZX7M0H.N1J<temp location>

When my WPF xbap is run from a remote location. I need to determine the actual folder of the remote location. I am deploying this to an internal server ABCDEF, so in order to run this application I am entering:


I want to programmatically determine the server and folder. My reason for this is that each time you publish a WPF with "automatically increment revision with each publish" turned on. The folder where additional DLL's are located changes, additional programs that this program depends on. I want to be able to dynamically determine the correct folder to look at.

I have tried:

'Dim path As String = Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location
'Dim Path As String = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location)
'System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection. Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.Location)

All of which did not work.These links suggested many of the methods I have tried:


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Get Physical Folder Site Is Running Under?

Jul 11, 2011

I am looking to get the folder that my website is running under. I have used many different methods within HttpContext.Current.Request but none of them were returning what I was looking for. I can easily get the value using substring but it doesn't look very clean and was wondering if there was a shorthand way of getting the folder.


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Close Application Root Folder Or Sub Root Folder At The Time When Application Is In Running Mode?

Oct 8, 2009

how to close application root folder or sub root folder at the time when application is in running mode?

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Make VB Program Look For Files In The Same Folder It Is Running From?

Apr 30, 2010

I need to have my VB program look for two specific programs in the same folder it is running from. How do I do that?Here is the code for when I run my program. I need it to look for the files that are underlined. They are the tpfh20 and tphd20.

Private Sub btnRunRelap5_Click(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, ByVal eventArgs As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRunRelap5.Click

Dim pathString As String = String.Format("relap5 -i {0} -o {1} -r {2}", txtInput.Text, txtOutput.Text, txtRestart.Text)Dim stripString As String = String.Format(" -s {0}", tbStripFile.Text)
Dim guiString As String = " -n gui"
Dim waterprop As String = " -w tpfh20 -d tphd20"
If Not lblChangeStripFile.Visible Then


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Copy The File To Destination Folder From Running Application?

Feb 26, 2011

I have created an application in VB.NET 2008 with SQL Server 2005 edition and having a probelm to take the backup of database namely Burakhe.mdf I want to copy the file Burakhe.mdf to the selected folder when this file is still used by other application ie.during running the program ..

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Open Folder And Highlight File (WITHOUT Having Multiple Explore.exe's Running In The Background)?

Mar 31, 2011

By using the code below i was able to open the folder and highlight the file that I wanted.The only problem is that I had multiple Explorer.exe's in my task manager.o my question is How can I open a folder and select the file within without Running a new explorer process? or Highlight a file in a folder that is already been opened previously

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Multiple Runtime Exceptions When Clicking Run From Task Scheduler / Works Fine Running Application From Project Folder

Jun 3, 2011

So I wrote a project in Visual studio.I have a scheduled task that is set to run the program every morning at 10AM. If I use windows explorer and double click the application, it runs fine.If I open task scheduler, open the task properties, and browse to the application, then choose run, the program fails, due to Runtime exceptions.I know I have the path entered correctly, since I can debug the instance when it crashes from the task scheduler. VS2010 pulls up my source code.The exception is System.IO.FileNotFoundException, remember, it works fine when I double click the app. If attach a debugger to the process after it is executed from the task scheduler, I can then restart the debugger, and Voila!, The application runs fine.

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Shortcut On Desktop Takes To Application Folder Not Running The Application?

Oct 21, 2010

I am trying to use Setup project. Want my setup to create a desktop shortcut with my application.I donot understand how to do it. Clicked on User's desktop, I created Shortcut to User's desktop, changed the properties Target and Working Folder as 'Application Folder'But it does not connect with MyApplication.exe When I ran the setup and tested Desktop short cut, it took me to the folder where application was installed, instead of running the application.How to make the application run using this shortcut?

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Application Running Fine On XP But Same Exe Not Running In Vista?

Apr 24, 2010

I had done one application using api which send the message to given number. The working of software is very fine without any error working on windows XP SP2. I heard that vista already contain the .net frame work so didnt installed .net frame work in machine. I checked in vista it shows .net frame work is in machine. But when same code i tried to run on Vista it gives the error. Error is as follows

See the end of this message for details on invoking

just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
at SmsSendingApplication.frmSingleMessage.InternetOpenUrl(Int64 hInternetSession, String& lpszUrl, String& lpszHeaders, Int64 dwHeadersLength, Int64 dwFlags, Int64


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IDE :: VS 2008 - Setup Project : Adding Folder Structure To The Program Files Folder?

May 13, 2009

I am using Visual Studio 2008 Setup project. I need to copy one folder and the sub folders into the program files but when I tried to copy or add the folder to "Application Folder" in File System editor, I am able to add only files and not folders.

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VS 2010 Creating A Folder Inside Temp Then / Extracting File + Opening Folder

Dec 12, 2011

How would I create a dir Inside %temp%? Then extract the file to it and Open a That folder. So far this is my code.


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Change Appliaction Folder Path From Program Files To Public Folder

Sep 27, 2011

how to change the install folder path in a setup and deployment project/Installer class from program files to C:usersPublic in windows 7 and allusers folder in xp.Want to add MVP with my name.

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Create Exe In Build Output Target Folder Instead Of Default Bindebug Folder

Nov 21, 2010

I installed the new one. I then imported an old project made using vb 2008 EE.I found that a few errors were reported.In the project I addressed some function from a dll called "rsource.dll". I used the following function call:Public Declare Function rs_init Lib "rsource.dll" Alias "init" () As Double.The other different thing is the projevt was developed on a 32 bit OS but since then I have upgraded to 64bit (if this makes any difference). he other thing is where is the debugger PAUSE button. has it been removed from vb 2010?Also when i run debug it seems to create the exe in the Build output target folder instead of the default bindebug folder why is this?

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How To Put A Text File From The Resources Folder Of Vb2008 To A Folder That Was Just Created Using Mkdir

Mar 10, 2009

Private Sub Button21_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button21.Click

If TextBox11.Text = "" Then Exit Sub
MkDir(Dir1.Path + "" + TextBox11.Text)
MsgBox("Folder Created:")
TextBox11.Text = ""

End Subok now the file i have is from my.resources.test1 put this file into the folder that wascreated after mkdir line of code i have tried differnt ways of doing it but dose not work. it seams that this whould be so easy i dont if its me getting a mind block or something

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VB 2008/2010 - Save Page As, Create A Folder, Upload The Folder?

Mar 15, 2012

Visual Basic 2008/2010 - Save Page As, create a Folder, upload the folder to a specific ftp site I am working on this vb app that will goto a specific site, click on a button(i am still working on the button process) do a save page as, create a folder, save those files to a folder and then upload that folder to a ftp site.


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The Last Change Wasn't Successfully Persisted.Please Shut Down The Running Application. Sending Message To Designer Failed.Designer May Not Be Running.''?

Jun 4, 2011

what account for this error message in ls beta 2?'' The last change wasn't successfully persisted.Please shot down the running application.

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Create A Authentication Rule If I Use Separate Login For Two Folders Say Admin Folder And Vendor Folder

Feb 9, 2011

I have the following directory structure in my webdirectory i want when any body access anypage inside my admin folder then it auto redirect to login page of admin folder until they login

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