Drop Files Onto And It Makes A Backup "C:Test.txt.bak"?

Dec 15, 2010

I have a ListBox that I drop files onto and it makes a backup "C:Test.txt.bak" I have been trying to do something like this


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Backup Database Test To To A Specific Directory?

Jun 3, 2011

I use Visual studio 2008 I use MYSQL 5.1 I want only to backup database Test to to a specific directory.I use the application settings to determine which directory(see attachment).Green shaded code works perfect.
Red shaded code works not!! This is with My.settings.I can not see the error code, it goes too fast, I can not capture this with:


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IDE :: How To Make Backup Files

Jul 17, 2008

(VS.Net 2005/VB.Net)Why is it that VS.Net does not create LOCAL backup files of edits? Is there a way to make it do that?I accidentally overwrote a day's worth of changes by attempting to do a manual mergeoutside of VS.Net.Is there a way to make VS.Net create backup files of your changes each time you save?Delphi does it using an extension of .~pa for your source files and .~fm for your form files.This way, if your system crashes, which VS.Net is certainly going to do, you wouldn't lose the changes you made since your last save point.I know, I know, I shouldn't have been doing the merge outside of VS.Net but I had my reasons and now I[m paying the price.I just wished VS.Net was a little better IDE than it is because, frankly it sux. I am forever waitingfor something and not very productive using it. Hey, I'm getting good at watching paint dry because that is what developing in this tool seems like.

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Saving Backup Solutions Files

Mar 25, 2009

what is the correct way to archive my work? That sound pretty dumb. Let me try again. I begin a new project and design a form and then start adding code then save my work.Tomorrow I want to make changes to the project an design - how do I save and keep track of my form and code versions?

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Backup Utility - Copy Modified Files

Oct 29, 2009

Im trying to create an incremental backup utility on a web form using vb.net for code behind.

So far i can copy files from directories including sub directories and that part works fine, my main problem is copying only the most recent / modified files to the backup folder, currently it is moving all the files each time.

Below is my code so far.


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Check A Backup Folder Has Files Up To Date?

Apr 27, 2011

what is the best way to check if the files in a backup folder are older than the files in the reference folder?

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Create Automated Backup Files In Application?

Jan 12, 2010

How to create automate (or) schedule backup files in vb.net application using window services

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VS 2005 Make A Scheduled App That Will Backup(copy) Some Files At Specified Time/date?

Mar 18, 2009

How can i make my app execute some code at specified day/time (Day/minutes/secconds)?I need to make a scheduled app that will backup(copy) some files at specified time/date.

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VS 2010 - Build My Project (or Publish) VB 2010 Makes And Exe And A Couple Ddl Files

Jun 6, 2012

The situation: when i build my project (or publish) Visual Basic 2010 makes and exe and a couple ddl files. when i run the project with the .exe and the other files the program works perfectly.

My problem: I want to share it with friends and it is just a verry little program ( a n internet radio) so i want it to be 1 .exe with out any other instalation needed so i can easly share it to anyone who wants it. when i make an even smaller program and Debud->build it, it is only 1 exe and no instalation needed. so is there a way to make my program to 1 exe only?

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Create An Exception That Makes It Skip Files That Are "in Use"?

Apr 17, 2012

I have an application that helps diagnose problems on a users system. one of the options is to clear the temp folder. (using the below code)

#Region "Delete Temp Files"
Private Sub Button8_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button8.Click[code]....

However i get an error everytime it trys to delete a file that is in use.how do i create an exception that makes it skip files that are "in Use"?

View 21 Replies

"Backup Files" In VB 2008 EE - Application Suddenly Became Impossible To Access

Feb 27, 2009

A routinely used application suddenly became impossible to access, with and error code indicating that the "VB Backup\Backup" file cannot be found. When I click File Open, the projects display as always. I select the application, double click the .sln file--and nothing happens. When I try to access the .vb file in Solution Explorer, it says "Cannot find VB Backup\Backup Files."

What are the Backup Files, when are they created, and why would they suddenly be "gone?" Is there any way to rebuild the Backup Files? I used the application last night and it worked fine. Today it can't be opened because the Backup Files cannot be found.

I have backups of the application folders, but get the same error message. Cannot be opened because the Backup FIles cannot be found.

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Add Folder Files To A Drop Down?

Apr 20, 2010

How would I get the full name of a file(s) and put them all into a drop down list. Essentially what i'm trying to do is have a list of temples that are in a folder and a user can pick which ever one.

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File I/O And Registry :: File Stream - Backup Program That Zips Files ?

Feb 9, 2009

I am writing a backup program that zips files. Using some sample code I have the following that creates a zip file. Problem is it does not get any subdirectories or files. Where am i going wrong?

Dim azFileNames() As String = Directory.GetFiles(SourceFolder)
Dim objCrc32 As New Crc32()
Dim zipStream As ZipOutputStream


Alternativley, there is another component to the zipping dll that I could probably bypass the above altogether. It is: FZ.CreateZip(DestFile, SourceFolder, True, "", "") Where DestFile is (Output stream as system.io.stream). I'm trying to read all the files, directories, sub dir and files, etc from a specific location, let's say 'My Documents' into Destfile in which the FZ.CreateZip zips the file. FZ is FastZip which is from icsharpcode.net. They have c# examples, but that's greek to me. I'm trying to just learn VB!

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VS 2008 My.Computer.Network.Downloadfile - Test A Files Date Modified Before Downloading It

Oct 18, 2009

I have read about Network.Downloadfile and I think I understand it! I want to know if there is an easy way to test a files date modified before downloading it. I have a lot of files in the folder. I really want to "sync" the folder. I don't want to copy every file every time I want to only download the file if I don't have the file in the destination location or if I have an Old copy.

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Drag & Drop Files To ComboBox?

Oct 6, 2008

1. Although I have enabled AllowDrop property of ComboBox it does not allow me to drag and drop files into ComboBox. Why?

2. Then should I process incoming files in the _DragDrop event, yes?

3. How can I get the Files.Count to get the number of dropped files?

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Drag And Drop - Moving Files?

Nov 9, 2010

I am working on some software to work along side our client database and I am basaically trying to add in a basic form of File Management. I have a listbox now that displays the current contents of the clients electronic file. I am wanting to set it up so that people can drag files from anywhere onto this Listbox and move that file to the clients electronic file.

For refrence the clients folder is always situated in same place which is client filesclientID where clientID is the clients unique Id on the database.

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Drag And Drop To Cut Files/folders?

Jun 21, 2010

how to Drag and Drop to cut files/folders and it opens a folderdialog for the destination:(

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Freeing Files After Drag & Drop?

Jul 11, 2010

ive come back to working on this and have got 3 large drag/drop ares of my project done, but im having a little trouble on the last part, which is freeing the files back up.If i drag/drop for instance a zip into my app and it extracts then finishes, in explorer im unable to delete the zip whilst my app is still running, the file in use error come sup. So how do i go about releasing the resources after the drag/drop events done

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Close Locked Files That Are Dropped On A Drop Box?

Feb 9, 2012

I have a PictureBox control (in Form3) that is used is used as a drop box where the user can drag and drop one or more image files at a time. When the user imports files, the form (Form3) will close itself.Meanwhile,the application stores file data in Form1.ListView1.The following is the code that I use for PictureBox's DragDrop event.

Dim s As Array = e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop)
For i = 0 To s.Length - 1[code]....

Onion is a recent refuge from Mac OS X and hates Mac App Store. System: Windows 7 x64

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Disable Drag&Drop Of Files In Richtextbox In .NET?

Mar 17, 2010

I use a .NET richtextbox and I want to have the EnableAutoDragDrop property set to True. This allows user to drag&drop text, rtf and images around etc. However, I need to process files dropped into the richtextbox myself - I do not want them to be embedded as OLE objects when they are dropped.

How can I overcome this? Is there any way to delete embedded files from richtextbox?

(I've found API DragAcceptFiles which doesn't work for some reason.)

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Simulate Drop Files With SendMessage WM_DROPFILES?

Nov 11, 2010

Do anyone has any idea of how can I drop files to another app? I have found that it can be done with SendMessage WM_DROPFILEs, but I don't know how to structure the wParam.

I also found this on MSDN [URL]..But I still don't have any idea of how to do it,I also found this code, but is for Delphi:procedure DoDropFiles(Wnd: HWND; Files: TStringList);


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VS 2005 Drag And Drop From Files On My Computer

Jul 8, 2009

I am trying to do drag and drop from files on my computer.Say the user has a file on the desktop, and he/she drags it onto the open application, I would like it to read the file path of the file and put that in the first column of my DataGridViewI have tried this but get no luck, I have DataGridView AllowDrop equal to True, but when I drag a file to it I get the "Circle with a line through it" action meaning it can't be done.How do I drag and drop?

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VS 2008 Drag & Drop Into Closed Publisehd VB EXE Files?

Nov 16, 2009

I want to drag files & Folders into my published VB EXE to list it How ?( info: i want it when my program is not running in the processes )Like when you drag text files into closed notepad.exe notepad.exe will open the dropped textI want like that exactly.And also in the shell windows explorer context menu. (open with...)

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VS 2008 Drag And Drop Music/video Files?

Dec 31, 2011

I have a doubt. I'd like to make a program where you can drag music files (mp3, flac, wav, wma..) and video files (avi, mpeg, mp4, vob, mov) and get the property values of this ones... For example, bitrate, KBps, size, etc, to put them in textbox or listboxes.

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VS 2010 Drag Drop Get Filename & Restrict Files?

Jan 28, 2011

1) I'm dragging a file (.txt) into a rtb which works fine, but how do I get the filename? (messagebox whatever)

2) How do I restrict files to drop? (like a .exe)

If e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop) Then
Dim Files() As String
Files = e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop)
Dim sReader As New StreamReader(Files(0))

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Can A Full File Manager Be Built To Drag And Drop Files

Feb 17, 2011

I am working on a vb forms application in VS2008.What I am looking to do is have 3 file managers on the form.The top is the source where files can be copied to the 2 other file managers.What I have been looking for is an example of the file explorer so I can modify it.So far I have been unsuccessful in finding a good example so I am here to ask the experts.So the gist is the first file explorer will allow a user to connect to thier local hard drive.The other two file explorers would allow the user to connect to two different servers through entering the path they want to view those file trees.After that the user could click on the file they want to copy and then hit a button for example and the file would be copied from the local to the two other areas.Would it be easier to just use text boxes with a confirmation that the files are being copied?Or can a full file manager be built to drag and drop files?

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Winforms - Uploading Multiple Files By Drag And Drop To FTP Server Using .net?

Jul 30, 2011

I am trying to add multiple files to FTP server by dragging and dropping and I am able to do that using try catch block and if we give the ftp settings correctly it takes 1 sec to upload them but when we give wrong details it hangs up and dosen't give me any error message though If I give an exceptional message.

Now I am getting error message as well as success message for every file I add.I do not want that to be happen.where should I give messages for success and failure so that it should take few seconds for uploading and if not should give me a message immediately.

Here is my code:

Private Sub uploadFile(ByVal FTPAddress As String, ByVal filePath As String, ByVal username As String, ByVal password As String) 'Create FTP request


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Argument Not Specified For Parameter 'test' Of 'Public Shared Function TestThis(test As String)'?

Sep 25, 2010

I don't understand the error, Argument not specified for parameter 'test' of 'Public Shared Function TestThis(test As String)'.

Partial Public Class Form1
Shared Sub ReceiveCallback(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)
Form1.Invoke(TestThis, New Object(){"test"}) 'error


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Application Which Takes Input From Drop Down List / Creates Files When Click On That Button For Specified Value In Dropdownlist

Jul 27, 2011

i developed an application which takes input from drop down list and then creates files when we click on that button for specified value in dropdownlist.And if we click on send button it sends to remote database.All the application is working fine. Can any one suggest me how to run this application without user interaction.I dont have any idea about task scheduler, people said it can be done with task scheduler.

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How To Total Folders And Including Files From Windows Explorer Into Listview Using Drag And Drop Method At .net

Aug 10, 2009

how to Total Folders and including files from Windows explorer into listview using drag & drop method at vb.net

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