Error - The Remote Certificate Is Invalid According To The Validation Procedure

Nov 2, 2011

I am trying to send an email from a windows form application. I get the following error:

Message="The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure."

I do not care if there is a problem with the remote cert. How do I tell my application disregard and send anyway. Here is my

Public Function SendEmail(ByVal strEmailID As String, ByVal strFrom As String, ByVal strTo As String, ByVal strSubject As String, ByVal strBody As String, ByVal strHTML As String) As Boolean
Dim blnSent As Boolean = False


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Remote Certificate Is Invalid According To The Validation Procedure?

Sep 24, 2009

remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure

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Error: Unable To Find Manifest Signing Certificate In The Certificate Store

Dec 15, 2010

I am having an issue getting the below error. This error is in a small mail app using smtpClient. I had this working on this same computer but had to reformat and now I am getting the error. The error does not display anymore info then what is below and do not know where or how to fix it.error: Unable to find manifest signing certificate in the certificate store.

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Run-time Error '5': Invalid Procedure Call Or Argument

Jun 2, 2010

Actually we have a system for doctors in dispensary and when they try to access records for the patients from doctors module they able to do it but when they try to modify records and save it gives an error "Run-time error '5': Invalid Procedure call or argument" We are using oracle 8i as database and vb6 as fronend.

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IDE :: Error "Unable To Find Manifest Signing Certificate In The Certificate Store"

Jan 10, 2007

i m getting problem inh my project, which in VB.NET.Actually i was developing a small software, to be familier with visual basic.NET, as i was coding with Visual Basic.everything was running very fine, day before i installed winXp again ( freash installeation). Then simply VS 2005,with out any error.Now i m able to open, my project, i can edit it, but if i try to build the executable, or compilation. it is giving strange error.below what error IDE is giving Code:

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One Form Information To Be Transferred To Second Form Code Becomes Invalid After Validation Error

Dec 18, 2010

using one form information to be transferred to a second form the code becomes invalid after an validation error has arisen from the first form (ie no adult passengers was selected and the error message was displayed) when corrected the information to be transferred become incorrect as the information is transferred without the correction. [code]

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.net - Validation Not Firing Even When My Form Is Obviously Invalid

Jun 25, 2010

I've got the following View


However I'm not getting any highlighting.

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Error1 Unable To Find Manifest Signing Certificate In The Certificate Store.HexHelperProject

Jun 6, 2010

I went to load an app I was working on before my system died a few days back and I loaded up VB Express 2010 .Net, opened my project and saw this error ...

Error1Unable to find manifest signing certificate in the certificate store.HexHelperProject

If this is related to the Security Certificates stored by XP, then I'm in trouble as they are GONE. Must I start a new project and rebuild this whole app?

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Unable To Find Manifest Signing Certificate In The Certificate Store

Feb 6, 2007

I've got an error: "Unable to find manifest signing certificate in the certificate store"

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IDE :: SignTool Reported An Error 'An Internal Certificate Chaining Error Has Occurred?

Oct 17, 2005

I am new to code signing.After I swtich from the temperary test certificate to a real certificate from a CA, when I publish, I got two errors"Error 1 Cannot publish because a project failed to build.""Error 2 SignTool reported an error 'An internal certificate chaining error has occurred.'."and when I checked "Sign the assembly", when I build, it asks for a password, after I entered password, it says "Cannot find the certificate and private key for decryption"

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Highlight Invalid Data On Gridview If Validation Against A DataTable Is Failed?

May 11, 2012

I tried my best to shrink down the program to the following code. In this example, I have UK and USA as valid countries. If someone lives outside those countries, I wanna show an error message and highlight them on the gridview. For example, John and Chris are from China so they should be highlighted on the gridview. Either just Name or the whole row can be highlighted.

Dim dt As New DataTable


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VS 2005 Text Validation - Check If The Number Entered Is Valid Or Invalid

Nov 18, 2009

I am trying to mkae sure that there has been 16 numeric digits entered into the masked textbox. If not show errror message and if so to call the fucnction ValidateLuhn. When calling Validate Luhn i want the program to tell me if the number entered is valid or invalid using the code in the function:


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.net - Invalid Procedure Call Or Argument

Nov 26, 2010

m getting an error while using Text1.SetFocus the error is invalid procedure call or argument

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Message From Webpage Invalid Postback Or Callback Argument. Event Validation Is Enabled Using?

May 16, 2011

My goal is to have the user be able to click the row and the row will be the selected row almost like having the select button but the entire row clickable to do the same thingthe error i get popups when i click the row, not when the webpage is loaded

this is the onrowdatabound portion i just added that causes the error
If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
' Get reference to button field in the gridview.

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IDE :: SignTool Reported An Error - The Signer's Certificate Is Not Valid For Signing

Feb 14, 2008

I'm having a problem publishing an application written in VB.NET in VS2005 using ClickOnce.I get the error:

Code Snippet

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Remote Execute Of SQL Stored Procedure?

Jan 26, 2012

We are working on a VB.Net project to execute a SQL Stored Procedure and passing it parameters. We have the execution up and working as expected, however the application will only successfully execute once. On the second execution,[code]...

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Remote Execution Of SQL Stored Procedure

Jan 26, 2012

We are working on a VB.Net project to execute a SQL Stored Procedure and passing it parameters. We have the execution up and working as expected, however the application will only successfully execute once. On the second execution, it throws the following error: Login failed for user NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON..For readability I have broken the code down into relevant 'chunks'.[code]As mentioned, on first run - this works without issue. However future executions fail with the error noted above. To clear the error we have to open the stored procedure in Ms SQL Management Studio, click to modify it, then chose execute from the tool bar. Obviously this doesn't actually execute the stored procedure or return results, but for some reason seems to clear the error.the stored procedure does collate data across several SQL servers, so I am guessing its the 'hop' between them that's causing the issue.

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Skip Declaration Of Varibles From Remote Procedure?

Jun 30, 2011

Don't know if I phrased the question right, but Say if you had a form named Form1, and on that form you declared a varible like Dim s as Integer = 0, how do you not refer to that varible when you reference a public sub on that form.

Reason for asking, I stepped through my code and noticed if I call Form1.CalculateField() to calculate some values, my calculations where wrong because the value of s was set to lets say 10 before I launched the second form which I call the above from, any how long story short, when the formm is referenced from another form, it evaluates all varibles declared, which means s was set back to 0.

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The Remote Server Returned An Error: (501) Syntax Error In Parameters Or Arguments?

Sep 2, 2009

I am trying to upload a file to Mainframe machine from my application. I am getting the following error.The remote server returned an error: (501) Syntax error in parameters or arguments


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Using .net 2005 - FtpWebRequest For ListDirectory Always Gets 550 Error The Remote Server Returned An Error: (550) File Unavailable

Jan 11, 2011

Using 2005 - FtpWebRequest for ListDirectory always gets 550 error The remote server returned an error: (550) File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access).

On both FTPListDirRequest.Method = System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectory

FTPListDirRequest.Method = System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectoryDetails


View 1 Replies - .Net Oracle ORA-24338 'statement Handle Not Executed' Error And Some Error In One Stored Procedure

Dec 8, 2009

I have the following Stored Procedures create or replace PROCEDURE WEB_AC


First one: At some point in the application I have the valor parameter (of the visual Basic Function) as a string with spaces that is something like "some string with spaces". When this happens, the stored procedure don't update the table. If I execute the SP directly in the DB (with SQL Developer) all works fine. I know it has something to do with the string missing some quotes(') but I haven't make it work yet. Some ideas on this?

Second problem: Sometimes, when debuging the application, if I interrupt the execution, I start getting the ORA-24338 'statement handle not executed' error for hours every time I try to execute it again. I believe it has something to do with an open transaction. But honestly, as I'm new in working with Oracle, I really have no idea what the problem could be.


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IDE :: Error - The Remote Server Returned An Error: (406) Not Acceptable

Jun 17, 2010

When I tried to read the data of a http link using, an error occur. The error is:The remote server returned an error: (406) Not Acceptable.This error is only occur for some links.

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Invalid Argument Error?

Apr 19, 2010

Private Sub lVW_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LVW.Click
With LVW 'LVW=ListVew Name
LVW.Text = .SelectedItems.Item(0).Text


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Invalid Conversion Error?

May 25, 2011

I recently upgraded a VB 6 project to .net. I'm having a problem with this block of code:

Dim CtrlName As System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem
For Each CtrlName In Form1.Controls
'Some code here


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Error Validation With Structure's?

Feb 23, 2010

I am writing a program using a structure for the first time. The structure has 10 string variables declared inside each equal to a individual textbox on a form. I need the program to be setup so that if one or all of those textboxes are empty at the time of the event being activated a messagebox is displayed telling the user one of their textboxes is blank. Now i could do this in a series of 10 if then statements im sure but using a structure theirs got to be an easier way.

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Properties Validation Error ?

Oct 16, 2009

I have a user control which exposes three properties that the user can change - ValuesStart, ValuesEnd, ValuesIncrement. The default values of these are 0, 100, 10 respectively. These are conditional in that ValueStart needs to be less than ValueEnd, ValueEnd less than ValueStart and ValueIncrement greater than 0. I have put this logic into the property setter and have been testing the functionality of this through the designer and in code but when I do the following I get an error saying that ValuesStart has to be less than ValuesEnd:


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Compile Error Invalid Qualifier

Mar 2, 2010

i am using vb6 and sql express. came to this error when i press the update button it says "compile error invalid qualifier". the error is at " live.tostring("dd/mm/yy") "

private Sub cmd_update_Click()
Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection 'ADODB Connection Object
Dim recset As New ADODB.Recordset 'Recordset Object
Dim sql As String ' String variable to store sql command


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Error 481 Invalid Picture In Using Vb6 App In Win7

Jun 11, 2010

I've had developing an old vb6 (sp6) app in my pc with winxp and running it in other with win7.

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Run-time Error 94 Invalid Use Of Null

Apr 16, 2009

Run-time error 94 invalid use of Null

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Runtime Error '380':Invalid Property Value

May 2, 2006

A VB5 program I wrote years ago stopped working and is now giving me this error:

Run-time error '380':Invalid property value

I cannot figure out what has changed, since I run that program almost daily. It was working fine, then stopped (without any changes to the program). I suspect I may have uninstalled something it uses, but cannot figure out what.When I open the VB5 IDE, I get an error saying:

'c:program filesdevstudiovbComct232.ocx' could not be loaded--Continue Loading Project?

If I say no, it does not load and I cannot see the source code.If I say yes, it does load and I can see the source code but I get weird compiler errors.

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