Exitwindowsex: Check Which Options Are Supported On The Users System

Oct 27, 2009

I use ExitWindowsEx to shut down/reboot computers, or log off users.

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Check Which ExitWindowsEx Options Are Supported On Users System

Dec 10, 2009

I need a way to find out which options of ExitWindowsEx are supported by the users system (in Form1_Load).How can I do this?

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System.IO - Multiple Users - Check If File Is In Use

Jun 10, 2012

i have a program where the high scores will be saved in a txt file. of course, if the file is already in use, saving the text file won't work. is there an if statement i can do to check if it is in use? or could i check the last access time, and the last modify time and if the modify time happened after the access, i know its closed, and if the access time happened after the last modify time it is still in use?

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Creating A Logon System To Check Users In SQL2008 Express?

Jun 21, 2010

I am currently creating an application to track timekeeping (a clock in/out system) and I am trying to work out the best way to do this.

I have a Main Form which contains buttons to ;

- Log in
- Out for Break
- In from Break
- Log out

When a user presses the "log in" button the logon form appears, the user then enters their username and password. What happens next is where I would like the help.

Process is as follows:Click Logon Enter Username/Password Check Logon Form for errors (eg no password etc) Check User is in Database (using SQL query) If user is in DB and username and pass are ok then refer back to the main form to perform Stored Procedure for what the user wants to do (eg logon or or out for break etc). Set label on main form to show user as logged on My question is should I be using a public variable and calling the main form again or in the user logon form having 4 options and using an IF ELSE to select the appropriate Stored Procedure?

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Install Options For Users?

Oct 9, 2009

he wants it to install for all users of the PC..do I control that ? or do you just change the install path tonot me the local users when you instal

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ATM System - Check Card Number Matches Up To The Users PIN Number

Mar 13, 2009

I am trying to make a basic ATM system, iv got all the interface done and I have made the link to my SQL database etc. the part i'm stuck on is how I can run a check to see if a bank card number matches up to the users PIN number. To simulate the user putting a card into the machine I've used a combo box, and that lists all the cards, that haven't been flagged as confiscated (there's a column in my ATMCards table that I can set to true or false) then after the user has selected a relevant card there's another text box where they can enter in their PIN number.

Now what I want to do is, if they chose the card number 1234567890123456 in the combo box and they enter in the PIN 1234 into the text box, then, after clicking the check PIN Button if the pin is correct they need to be taken to another from where they can check their balance etc., and if its wrong they got three attempts after which point i want to flag that card as confiscated.

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Method 'System.Object CompareObjectEqual(System.Object, System.Object, Boolean)' Has No Supported Translation To SQL.?

Apr 16, 2010

What do I need to convert?

Dim CEESearchByAppNo = From CEEsearch In dbCEE.tblScanneds _
Where CEEsearch.AppNo = iAppNo


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The Selected Sort Sequence Is Not Supported By Operating System

Nov 16, 2009

I am new in VB NET. I using Microsoft Visual 2005 Professional Edition and Microsoft Office Access 2003 I using Windows XP Home Edition SP2 I have develop a program using VB.Net Here is not problem, when i install and using in my computer. When i send the program to my customer, it have "The selected sort sequence is not supported by operating system" error message. My customer is using Windows XP Pro in German.


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C# - Which Options Are Ther To Set Up Your 3-Tier System

Jul 29, 2010

Which options are there to make your 3-Tier System.Client / Common / Server Now we work with the entityframework and agatha. But are there other options to make a good 3-Tier system?

The agatha framework, makes for us the request/response on the common site. On the server site the response will be filled in. But are there other framework to do all that work for you? Or should you do it without such framework. And call at the server site stored procedure? Or with LINQ? With the agatha we query the repository's with some LINQ queries.

But i am wonna know if there are other ways to do the communication. Maybe there are other and better ways to do it. I hope i get some usefull answer. Where i can read some new things.

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Date / Time Represented By String Is Not Supported In Calendar System

Aug 9, 2011

I have a application which gets info from an external feed where dates are in the format ddMMM. I'm trying to turn them into full date format so I was using DateTime.ParseExact. Which was correctly working out whether it should be 2011 or 2012 . But it is erroring when trying to parse 29FEB (which should be 29 Feb 2012. I can guess why its erroring. But if that correct behaviour is this documented and is there a better alternative? [code]

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VS 2010 : Check If Its The Users First Run Of App?

Jul 5, 2010

how can i tell if its the users first run of the application on there machine?

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VS 2010 Options View Control - Child Options?

Aug 20, 2011

I am in need of a form that shows various options, exactly like the Options in Visual Studio. Since there are so many options I too want them categorized, with a TreeView to the left taking care of showing the right category.The usual 'easy' approach here would be to just place a TreeView control on the form, add some nodes, and give those nodes a tag or key that corresponds to a panel or UserControl with the options for that category.Since there will be a lot of options however, this is not really feasible design-wise; the form would be cluttered with possibly 50 panels, all of which I would need to select and bring to front from time to time to add controls to them that represent the options.

So I decided to create a custom control that does exactly that. The control is very similar to my Wizard usercontrol, users can add OptionsPanels at design time, which inherit Panel and simply represent one panel of options. When they do, the panel is added to a container panel, and at the same time a TreeNode is added to a TreeView. The control uses a custom ControlDesigner to handle design-time clicks in the Treeview, selecting a different node would select and bring to front the corresponding panel, allowing the user to add the controls he wants.

Due to the design time support the problem of having 50 panels is no longer present, only one panel will be visible at a time and selecting the right panel is as simple as selecting the corresponding TreeNode, just as during run-time. Anyway, I got all this working, but only for a single 'level' of categories. As you can see in the Visual Studio options, there can be multiple levels of categories. For example, the Environment node has a bunch of children, where each child represents one 'options panel'. There can even be deeper nesting, see the Text Editor node for example.Let me begin by drawing out the basics of how my control works so far.

The main control is an OptionsView control, which contains a SplitContainer with a TreeView to the left and a OptionsPanelContainer to the right. The OptionsPanelContainer is merely a Panel to which only OptionsPanel controls can be added, and which raises events when this happens, as well as when OptionsPanels are removed from it. An OptionsPanel also inherits Panel, and these are the actual panels the users will see in the control, one for each option category.For now, each OptionsPanel has exactly one corresponding TreeNode (and vice versa). In the Visual Studio options, each 'parent' category usually has a 'General' node as the first child, and the parent and this General node show the same option panel, but I am ignoring that for the moment.

The OptionsView control has a property Panels that returns the ControlCollection (Controls property) of the OptionsPanelContainer (in other words: it returns a collection of OptionsPanels that are in this container panel).

<Editor(GetType(Designers.OptionsPanelCollectionEditor), GetType(UITypeEditor))> _ <DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)> _ Public ReadOnly Property Panels As Control.ControlCollection Get Return Me.PanelContainer.Controls End Get End Property

A custom CollectionEditor for this property takes care of the designer: even though the property type is ControlCollection, the CollectionEditor knows it should create instances of the OptionsPanel control instead of just Controls.When it does this, a corresponding TreeNode is also created and its Tag property is set to the OptionsPanel. Vice versa, the Node property of the OptionsPanel is set to the node. Hence the node and panel both know their corresponding object.

Public Class OptionsPanelCollectionEditor Inherits System.ComponentModel.Design.CollectionEditor Public Sub New(type As Type) MyBase.New(type) End Sub Protected Overrides Function CreateCollectionItemType() As System.Type


So far so good, this all works fine. I can add Panels via the designer and when I do a new TreeNode appears in the TreeView. I can select this node and the panel becomes visible (comes to the front).Now, I am a little stuck. How do I implement child option panels? And more importantly: how do I let the user add child panels?The most logical choice I think is to let each OptionsPanel have a property (ChildPanels or something) that returns the child OptionsPanels for that panel. Once the user selects an OptionsPanel then, he can look in the property grid to find its ChildPanels property and add child panels to that.

There is a problem though: what would this property return? It must return a ControlCollection of some container (this is, I think, a requirement for the designer features to work, otherwise panels are not added to the Form.Designer.vb file). But there is no container. I cannot add them to the OptionsPanel itself, that would make no sense because the parent OptionsPanel has its own set of controls (the options itself...), there cannot be another (fully docked) Panel on top of those obviously.The container of the main OptionsView then? That is not an option either, its Controls collection holds ALL OptionsPanels, not just the children of the selected panel. I cannot 'select' only the right panels either, that would require me to return a new instance of ControlCollection, it would be impossible to return the actual ControlsCollection that holds merely a small selection of its controls.

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System.Web Missing For End Users?

Sep 11, 2011

I have been getting a lot of crash reports sent from my application that describe System.Web not being found.

I was able to reproduce the problem, and at first it seems that it would be caused by not running .NET 4.0, however, my test machine is running Windows 7 SP1 with .NET 4.0,

How would I go about fixing this problem? Was System.Web deprecated?

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Check A Users Role Before They Are Routed To A Web Forms Page With ASP.net 4.0

Feb 7, 2012

I have an asp.net web forms application that uses asp.net membership and URL Routing.Because of the way Roles work, i cant put an "AND" or "OR", etc. in the allow/deny tags of the web.config file that resides in each folder.This is a business website that that is being ported from a vb.net win forms project that contianed many apps. (The win forms project have a custom authentication system.)The web app is structured in a way to mimic the desktop suites and a folder was created for each app.There are also common folders where any user of any app can generate a report.

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Check The Number Of Records Inserted Into A Particular Table(Users)?

Feb 6, 2012

I have a vb application sitting on sql 2005 database i want a scenario where the application can check the number of records inserted into a particular table(Users) , if the number of records inserted into that table after 1wk since the last insert is less than 100 records it should pop up a warning alert with the total number of records

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Error Message: "This Server Version Is Not Supported Only Servers Up To Microsoft SQL 2005 Are Supported"

Nov 6, 2009

Error Message: "This server version is not supported. Only servers up to Microsoft SQL 2005 are supported VB.NET" I am using VB.NET 2008 and attempting to connect to SQL Server 2008 with XP as the operating system. I have service pack 1 installed in Visual Studio but this error message presists. The articles I have read on this error said to install sp1 as a solution but I have done that and the error persists. FYI, the error does not occur when I am using code to connect to SQL Server but when I attempt to connect using one of the designer wizards this error occure.

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Auto-check For New Version System Update When The System Is Closing

Nov 16, 2011

i would like to auto check for new version system update when the system is closing. When there is the new version system update, will automatically rename the active exe to FileName.old then copy new version of exe into the folder.

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Buffering Using Ftpwebrequest - Allows Users To Login To The System

Mar 15, 2011

This will be my first post on this site, so I thought I would make it a doozy. I have an web application on our site at work that allows users to login to the system, and submit filings for dockets that our state agency governs. Without getting to involve with what that means, they basically upload mostly .pdf files, but there are others that are acceptable to upload as well. The current system that is being used, uses a simple FileUpload and saving it to a folder on the d: drive of the webserver. I ran into a problem that with anyone outside the building/network, the upload is extremely slow and seems to be limited files no larger than about 1.4MB. There have been a few cases where larger file have made it through, but those ar few and far between. I've tried a couple different 3rd party components, but seem to run into the same limits. So, I install the FTP server on the box with the IIS and am trying to go the FTP route using ftpwebrequest.

Below is what I have put together so far:

Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO

Partial Class _Default


This seems to work as it is at the moment, but I know it has a long way to go for catch exeptions, speeding it up...

1.) The first problem I have run into is if you try to upload to large a file, you get Out of memory error. I'm needing to change the buffer so that it is buffering chunks instead of the entire file. I've googled over and over again and seem to find several good options in C#, but can't seem to convert them to VB. So, could some one give me some idea how to take what I have and change the buffering to use smaller chunks.

2.) I need to catch an empty UploadFile field.

3.) I will eventually be changing this so that it handle multiple file uploads like my current system uses. (Did I mention that I'm new to the ASP.NET and have been programming in .ASP)

4.) As you will notice from my list of acceptable file types, I might have a problem with some needing to be upload as Binary and some not. So I'm going to have to come up with a way to test and change the Requested.UseBinary = False as needed.

I'm sure that I'll find other items as I progress or the big bosses will find other things that they want to add, but for now.... I know that given enough time, I will get all of these items worked out.

By the way, we have a network adminstrator that leave a lot to be desired and most IIS and now FTP I'm having to learn, implement and configure. I'm wondering if there is anything else that could be causing these limits in file size. Since I've tried 4 completely different forms of uploads and they all seem to run into the same limits, I thought there might be something in a router, firewall, server configuration.... that I might need to look into as well.

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Creating A Tool To Log Encountered By Users Of System

Jan 14, 2009

I haven't been doing a programming for awhile now. But, I was a VB programmer before. I will be creating a tool to log issues encountered by the users of our system. It will be a web based. I'm planning to create it in VB.Net. Any resources that you could share is greatly appreciated. I'm looking for a ready program that I could start with to speed up my programming.

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Get The Decimal Separation Sign On The Users System?

Dec 1, 2009

How to get the sign that is used to indicate decimal digits?

For example: in England a number would look like 4,000,000.04 In The Netherlands however the same number would be 4.000.000,04

How can I find out if the users system uses the . or the , to specify decimals?

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Make Only The Administrator That Can Add Or Edit Users To System

Jan 3, 2012

I have written a program and everything works fine, but I want to make sure that only the administrator can add or edit users to the system. As I see it, I need to add an argument (if statement) to my login button code to disable the add / edit users button on the main form if the user is not Administrator. [Code] I have tried putting my If statement in but it doesn't happen the button is still active even when I login as admin.

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Forms :: Use A Splash Screen To Check The Logged On Users Rights

Oct 27, 2011

I'm trying to use a splash screen to check the logged on users rights and if all meets criteria it loads the default form. Currently in my load event of the spash form i had some code along the lines


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VS 2008 Make A Program Which Would Check For Users From Text File On A Certain Website?

Jul 5, 2010

Im trying to make a program which would check for users from text file on a certain website I can populate the list box, and loop through it's items here is the code i came up with so far and it doesnt work properly, it pops out first item in the listbox, and last item only, even though that they shouldnt be popped out

Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted
If Not ListBox1.Items.Count < 2 Then


(this is supposed to check every user, and if user doesnt exist, website will return page not found, else user exists and his name is added to listbox2)

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Make A VBulletin System That Checks What Users Are Online And Displays Them?

Dec 25, 2011

I've been wondering, how would you make a vBulletin system that checks what users are online and displays them?

I already know how to make a login system, but can't figure this out.

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Or Keyword - Does Options = Options Or Does It Set RegexOptions.none

Feb 28, 2010

With the following piece of code


The Or keyword is confusing me. So in the above example which variable gets set. Does options = options or does it set RegexOptions.none.

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Hypothetical Controls - Options Checked As Enabled In FrmConfig Effects - Controls (like Buttons/menu Options) Are Enabled In FrmMain

Nov 26, 2010

As i'm learning more and more about developing ive just got my head around creating classes and modules, i started wondering about something to do with configuration of applications where deployment is in a more diverse environment say in a company where different branches dont need access to all parts of a program, so i thought id throw the question out there in a basic sense and get some feedback. so i can go off and do some more reading and learning.

So the scenario in my head is like this.

So we have for arguments sake FrmConfig which is the master configuration form, then we have FrmMain which is the root menu our application general user interfaces with. So here based on what options are checked as enabled in FrmConfig effects what controls (like buttons/menu options) are enabled in FrmMain.

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Administer Website (create New Users, Assign Users To Roles) From A Windows App?

Feb 9, 2010

I have an asp.net web app that uses forms-based authentication, a SqlMembershipProvider (using an encrypted password format), and a SqlRoleProvider. I need to know if it's possible to administer the users (create new users, assign them to roles, etc.) from a windows application - the powers that be don't want any administrative functionality in the web app itself.Here is the membership provider definition from web.config:

<membership defaultProvider="MyProvider">
<add name="MyProvider"


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VS 2008 Database Search - Using SQLClient That Loops Though All Users In A Users Table

Dec 29, 2010

I've got a code using SQLClient that loops though all users in a Users table inside each loop i want to preform another search in the UserOrders table, thus doing a count of all orders.

I get this error


There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first.

Here is my code

vb.net UserLists.Items.Clear()
Dim connection As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(My.Settings.ConnectString)
Dim command As New SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Users ORDER BY PersonName",


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.net Desktop App : Log Users Application's Usage By Users After Remote Deployment?

Apr 3, 2012

1.I�d like to publish a free vb.net desktop application for the users to download and use meanwhile I�d like to collect usage information ex: user ip address, user�s registration information, used features, time spent� if the user allows the report to be sent back.

2.Also , in order for the user to be able to use the application, he�ll have to register it then, everytime, before the application loads, it gets verified online that it was registered, maybe validate the registration information or a valid user name and password, no critical personal information. The target of this step is for the application to be used exclusively by the registered user and maybe on his computer only.

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Vb.net Desktop App : Log Users Application's Usage By Users After Remote Deployment

Apr 4, 2012

1. I�d like to publish a free vb.net desktop application for the users to download and use meanwhile I�d like to collect usage information ex: user ip address, user�s registration information, used features, time spent� if the user allows the report to be sent back. 2. Also , in order for the user to be able to use the application, he�ll have to register it then, everytime, before the application loads, it gets verified online that it was registered, maybe validate the registration information or a valid user name and password, no critical personal information. The target of this step is for the application to be used exclusively by the registered user and maybe on his computer only. Any alternative way to achive the target is just fine.

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