Find An Index In A Listbox?

Jan 8, 2012

Whenever I try to find an index in a listbox, i get the answer as's my code.


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Find Selected Index Value Of ListBox?

Oct 10, 2011

I have loaded datatable to listview.Now when i try to do a selected index and retrieve data to display in respective text box. I find some error "input string format incorrect".but when i directly load from folder it works fine.

Data that retrieved from Datatable.Im not able to find the index of the row. But from folder and listed in ListView.Index value is found.

Dim breakfast As ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollection = Me.LOV.SelectedItems
For Each item1 In breakfast
index += Double.Parse(item1.SubItems(1).Text)

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Forms :: Find A Method Of Looping Through A Listbox And Retrieving The Index Number And Values?

Mar 24, 2010

I need to find a method of looping through a listbox and retrieving the index number and values - quite straightforward in asp, but turning out to be something of a nightmare in winforms!Here is the scenario - The user can add values in a textbox, that are in turn added to a DataTable that gives it a unique ID and a row number, this is then bound to the listbox. The user can then move the items up or down the list by adjusting the row number in the datatable and rebinding to the listbox..

The problem that I am hitting is when the user needs to delete an item -the first part is easy - delete from the DataTable and rebind to the listbox. The bit where I hit the proverbial brick wall is needing to loop through the listbox rows and getting both the index number and the ValueMember - that way I can change the row numbers in the DataTable based on the index number against the ID number.

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Sql - Unable To Find Specified Column In Result Set Index Out Of Bounds Index Out Of Range Exception

Apr 23, 2012

i am having trouble putting a value in a textbox. Each time a ticket is sold i put the total price in a textbox, each time a ticket is sold for the same concert it increases by adding its self to the total price. It works at the first sale, but after that it breaks down. here is the code

Private Function DisplayMoneyTaken() As Integer
Dim totalMoney As Integer
'open the database connection


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Pass Listbox Index To Another Listbox To Insert Value Via Inputbox Or Another Form?

Sep 20, 2011

what it does iswhen a user checks an item in the checked list box it transfer it to a listboxso i have a checked list box and a listboxi am planning to put another listboxwhat i would like to be able to do is thatwhen the user checks an item on the checked list box it will transfer the item into the listbox [like the one on my previous thread]and be able to show an messagebox with a textbox [ i read its called an input box ] or another form with a textbox and/or combo box will pop up

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Index Error "InvalidArgument=Value Of '2' Is Not Valid For Index" For ListBox

Oct 16, 2011

Im just going to have to get used to this language for the rest of the semester And smohd, I will get back to you with my problem. That "Me..." control is so random. Not like JAVA Why am I getting an error with totalGrade


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.net - Find Row Index On DataTable?

Feb 6, 2012

Is it possible to get the row index of a DataTable so that you can access the previous and next row? For example I have a DataTable that contains two columns ChapterTitle and PageURL. This is for a table of contents of a book. ChapterTitle is the chapter name and PageURL is an HTML page that contains the chapter (chaptername.html). When going into one chapter of the book I want to be able to tell which is the next and previous chapter.

After finding the chapter that I'm currently in how can get the next and previous rows?

ChapterTable.Select("PageURL = '" & PageURL& "'")

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.NET Cant Find The Index Of An Array?

Apr 15, 2010

This is the code for my array (which is working)

Public numUsers As Integer
Public fNameUsers As String = ("......users.txt")
Public UserRecords As Usersclass() 'note... this line is in a module '

reader = New System.IO.StreamReader(fNameUsers)
numUsers = 0
'Split the array up at each delimiter of "," and add new objects '
Do While reader.Peek <> -1
ReDim Preserve UserRecords(numUsers)
oneline = reader.ReadLine


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C#: Find Index Of A Multidimensional Array?

Mar 16, 2011

if i have a multidimensional array:

dim test(,,) as string

how can i loop through the array to find if another variable is contained in the second dimension of the array

dim x as integer = test.indexof(OtherVariable)

obviously above won't work

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Find Index In List(of String)

Jun 7, 2010

I have an List(of String), i need to find the index of a particular string in that list. I have searched msdn , but i am confused over the predicate methods. I have never used predicates. This i what i have tried

'on button1 click
Dim Heads As List(Of String) = Me.GetSelectedNodes()
Dim tmp As Integer


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Find Index Of Value Member In Combobox?

Aug 11, 2010

How should i find the index of the value member in an combobox?

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Find Index When Connected With Ms-access2007?

Oct 15, 2011

How to find index in when connected with ms-access2007:)

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Find List Index For A Given Property Value?

Aug 15, 2011

Ive got two lists (each representing a table in a DB, so they are related). lstTransaction has t_id, date, and cust_id. lstCustomer has Name, and cust_id.For each item in lstTransaction Id like to find the index in lstCustomer where lstCustomer.cust_id = lstTransaction.cust_id.

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Find The Index Of A Char In String?

Aug 20, 2011

I have a string that goes like "abcdefg..."

I would like to find the index where the letter d is at, so I can get the number 3.

I managed to do it by looping through each letter in the string, but that doesn't sound very convenient.

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Find The Location Of Element By Index?

Jan 19, 2010

i need to find the location of element by index

example i enter 5 numbers

1 2 3 4 5

search a number, i search 3 it should display the lindex location? for me to understand more about vb,,more on arrays..

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How To Find Index For ListView Items

Jun 1, 2012

How I can find the index for the listview on a listview click event to something like this:
Private Sub listView1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckEventArgs)
End Sub

I don't want to use for each integer in the listview as i would keep getting the loops which I would hate to use it. I only want to use something like e.Index. I know that the index is not a member in e, but I don't want to use listview item check event due to loops. How I can find the index for the listview items without using for each integer as only using e.index?

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How To Find Index Of Item In A Stack

May 26, 2009

I am using the stack class to store a collection of lines. <code>Dim myStack As New Stack(Of Line)</code> I want to find out what the index is of one of the lines that are in the collection and I'm not sure how to do this. i tried to use array.indexOf:


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VS 2005 How To Find Listview Index

Jun 1, 2012

How I can find the index for the listview on a listview click event to something like this:

Private Sub listView1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckEventArgs)
End Sub

I don't want to use for each integer in the listview as i would keep getting the loops which I would hate to use it. I only want to use something like e.Index.

I know that the index is not a member in e, but I don't want to use listview item check event due to loops.

how I can find the index for the listview items without using for each integer as only using e.index?

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Keep Listbox.index At 0 When Not Being Used?

Oct 17, 2011

This is my first post, but I plan on becoming part of the community now that i'm in a Class. I've been searching through all of my notes and power-points to try and answer this simple question I have a program that contains two radio buttons ( Residential and Business) and two list boxes (Premium Channels and Connections) I need to make it so that when the radio button Residential (radResidential) is selected the listbox selectedindex (lstConnections) stays at 0 ?


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Way To Set Index Of A Listbox To A New Value

Mar 11, 2010

I have been looking over some old vb 6 code and I noticed that there was a way to set the index of a listbox to a new value. For instance, if you wanted to populate a listbox with items from a database you could assign an id value from the table as the index value so that it is easier to relate back to the database. Does anyone know if and how to do this in

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Listbox Find Character Then Change Listbox

Jan 20, 2012

My project is scanner for example. Then This is my code...


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Find Dataset Index Of A Row When Navigating Datatable

Sep 27, 2010

When i load my database i load it into a DataSet.When i search the database i load the results in to a DataTable.I want to find what index a search result has in the DataSet.When navigating the dataset i can use this code to get the index ds.Tables"Filmer").Rows.IndexOf(ds.Tables ("Filmer"). Rows(inc))But i can't make i get the dataset index of a search result from the DataTable.I thought that i could use the same code when navigating the DataTable, but it only returns.

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Find Index Of An Object From List In Program?

Oct 13, 2011

Say I have a list and I have an object. I want to find the index of that object in the list.

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Find Selected Index Of Row In Data Grid?

Feb 29, 2012

I have one datagrid with bound items and Radio button.

I want a index of the row which i selected by chacked the

the radio button.

i used Datagrid.selectedindex

but it gives -1 every time.

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Find The Index Number Of Child Node?

May 31, 2012

Is there any way to find the index number of Child above shown example is it possible to find Node index of -Node32

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Find The Sender's Control Array Index?

May 14, 2009

Private Sub minschanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtAct1.TextChanged, txtAct2.TextChanged, txtact3.TextChanged, txtact4.TextChanged, txtact5.TextChanged


When one of the boxes is changed, I would like to find the index of the sender object that was changed in the txtmins() array.

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VS 2010 SelectedIndexChanged On ListView - Find The Index

Aug 12, 2011

I have a list view, of which I want to find the index of... Using the click event, I have no problems at all with this code, but SelectedIndexChanged throws this at me:


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Get Item Of Specified Index From ListBox

Mar 18, 2011

How can I get an item of a specified index form listbox in a messagebox without selecting any item in listbox.

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Find Selected Row Index Of Datagridview Coding Required?

Jun 7, 2011

How to find the seleted row index of datagridview

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Index Of Search - Display First Result Of Text Find

Oct 30, 2011

I have the following code:
indexOfSearchText = TextBox1.Find(item, start, TextBox1.TextLength, RichTextBoxFinds.WholeWord)
If indexOfSearchText <> -1 Then
startindex = indexOfSearchText
End If
But I want just the first result, if I have an example text:
then it searches twice "is", I just want the first "is".

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