Find Dataset Index Of A Row When Navigating Datatable
Sep 27, 2010
When i load my database i load it into a DataSet.When i search the database i load the results in to a DataTable.I want to find what index a search result has in the DataSet.When navigating the dataset i can use this code to get the index ds.Tables"Filmer").Rows.IndexOf(ds.Tables ("Filmer"). Rows(inc))But i can't make i get the dataset index of a search result from the DataTable.I thought that i could use the same code when navigating the DataTable, but it only returns.
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Feb 6, 2012
Is it possible to get the row index of a DataTable so that you can access the previous and next row? For example I have a DataTable that contains two columns ChapterTitle and PageURL. This is for a table of contents of a book. ChapterTitle is the chapter name and PageURL is an HTML page that contains the chapter (chaptername.html). When going into one chapter of the book I want to be able to tell which is the next and previous chapter.
After finding the chapter that I'm currently in how can get the next and previous rows?
ChapterTable.Select("PageURL = '" & PageURL& "'")
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Dec 27, 2009
I am having nearly 20-25 textboxes on the form. I had already given tab index to those textboxes. So when i press enter, the textbox tab index must be navigated instead of tab. After entering text in TextBox1, when i press enter, it must goes to the TextBox2.How to do this?
View 3 Replies
Nov 18, 2008
What is the best place (event/procedure) to use the newest record when navigating from record to record on a form.
For example, I want to do a calculation on 2 text boxes that are bound to a dataset. This calculation will be done each time a new record is navigated to.
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Dec 26, 2009
how can i navigate the datatable with the help of a BindingSource?
here lies the
con = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0;Data Source=db1.mdb")
cmd = New OleDbCommand("Select * from Table1", con)
View 26 Replies
Jul 21, 2010
How do i search a dataset or datatable for a record by entering 3 values in the search. If the row exists, I want to amend some of the data in that row?
View 1 Replies
Apr 23, 2012
i am having trouble putting a value in a textbox. Each time a ticket is sold i put the total price in a textbox, each time a ticket is sold for the same concert it increases by adding its self to the total price. It works at the first sale, but after that it breaks down. here is the code
Private Function DisplayMoneyTaken() As Integer
Dim totalMoney As Integer
'open the database connection
View 1 Replies
Mar 15, 2010
When the user clicks an "Edit" button on my form, I want a box to come up which allows the user to edit a DataTable in a strongly-typed DataSet. What's the best way to do this?
View 2 Replies
Jan 28, 2010
I have code running in the Datatable.ColumnChanging event in my dataset. This dataset underlies a form and conventional drag/drop controls are in place for data entry.when the event triggers and runs, I am running code in the form that checks the dataset.HasChanges property. It is showing False. But this is immediately after the ColumnChanging event has been triggered.Okay, I see by others posts and MSDN that .HasChanges will only be true after moving off the row with the changed column. I have also noted lots of discussion about the advanced binding property of DataSourceUpdate Mode, but that does not address this issue.I guess I can do this by checking the state of the row for the binding source. Just seems odd that the event behind the dataset can be triggered and that does not change the dataset.HasChanges property.
View 3 Replies
Oct 31, 2010
how to copy data from datatable to table in dataset i ry this but its readonly property
View 1 Replies
Apr 11, 2010
How can i get the index of an element in datatable which i got using the select method of datatable as
dim d as new datatable= 'some data source'
dim dr() as datarow"some condition")
now i want to find the index of first or second item which i have retrieved in data row. i mean there index in data table with out use of loops as loops take a lot of time when there is huge data in data table.
View 7 Replies
Sep 12, 2011
I am wanting to update a datatable which is been created dynamically. Each row has a unique Id column. How can I retreive the row and update a column in it using the Id column
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Dec 28, 2011
I've got two data tables with store numbers. I need to find out what store numbers are in one data table that arent in another.say one table A might look like:
34, 35, 39
the other table B may be
34, 35, 39, 45
I need to find the 45 If I use nested For Next I can get matches but anything not a match would show up not just the 45 value as the next progresses.
View 4 Replies
Feb 21, 2012
I know this is old hat, but when you're faced with a problem you cannot solve yourself, you need to find someone with the correct answer.In short, go to the wise.
I am working on an application that has a lot of records, and it uses a listbox control bound to a binding source attached to a table in a data source.A new record with data is added to the binding source's attached table, and, of course, to the underlying sqlServer database table:
View 5 Replies
Apr 29, 2011
I have a data set in the User control . It was working fine but now when I started using another copy of the user control it started showing error DataTable internal index is corrupted: '5'.
dim dv as dataview
dv = new dataview(ds.tables("Names")
dv.rowFilter ="CatNum ='"& val&"'" 'This will always give one row only
dv.item(0)("Names") = myvalue ' here the exception is occurring
View 2 Replies
Mar 20, 2009
I understand that DataTable.Select() returns an array of rows. I just want to know whether these is a way to get the row indexes as well.
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May 7, 2006
I have a datatable with 10 records linked to a datagridview. When I initially load the datagridview, row 0 in the datagridview = row 0 in the datatable - based purely on the order they load, and the datatable's default sort order. I then filter my datagridview and am left with 5 records. Is there a way of determining programatically, the actual datatable row number of a row displayed in a datagridview, considering that row 0 in the datagridview is now not necessarily row 0 in the datatable?
View 6 Replies
Apr 13, 2010
In a DataTable object, is there added overhead to looking up a column value by name thisRow("ColumnA") rather than by the column index thisRow(0)? In which scenarios might this be an issue. I work on a team that has lots of experience writing VB6 code and I noticed that didn't do column lookups by name for DataTable objects or data grids. Even in .NET code, we use a set of integer constants to reference column names in these types of objects. I asked our team lead why this was so, and he mentioned that in VB6, there was a lot of overhead in looking up data by column name rather than by index. Is this still true for .NET?
View 5 Replies
Dec 30, 2011
I have a question related with VB.Net Code. I see that the DataTable we can use: DataTable(0)'This return a DataRow with the selected index In the intellisense I see that this functionality can achieve with a extension... but, If I create a extension, always I need refer the Extension before to use it
View 1 Replies
Mar 23, 2012
I need to sort a datatable. I do it with linq this an example
Dim query = From c In dt.AsEnumerable _
Order By c.Field(Of DateTime?)("LastPurchaseDate"), _
c.Field(Of String)("LastName") Descending
Dim dv As DataView = query.AsDataView
But my problem is that i need to sort the fields not by passing the name of the column but the index of that.
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May 16, 2012
i have two datragridviewcomboboxcolumn,and two textbox column in a datagridview.each combobox column is binded to separate binding source.
column names are sl_no,col_empname,col_empworktype,Col_Hours etc.and
displaymember,datapropertyname,valuemember and for comboxcolumn are
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Jul 8, 2010
I'm loading a table from a MySQL-server, which loads fine, but I also get the following error:
Error 5: Index was out of range, Must be non-negatives and less then the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
This is how I load the database:
mysqlAdapter.SelectCommand = mysqlComm
mysqlReader = mysqlComm.ExecuteReader
While mysqlReader.Read
sbar_progress.Value += 1
beslag_dg_beslag.DataSource = mysqlTable
End While
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Apr 15, 2010
This is the code for my array (which is working)
Public numUsers As Integer
Public fNameUsers As String = ("......users.txt")
Public UserRecords As Usersclass() 'note... this line is in a module '
reader = New System.IO.StreamReader(fNameUsers)
numUsers = 0
'Split the array up at each delimiter of "," and add new objects '
Do While reader.Peek <> -1
ReDim Preserve UserRecords(numUsers)
oneline = reader.ReadLine
View 4 Replies
Jan 8, 2012
Whenever I try to find an index in a listbox, i get the answer as's my code.
View 8 Replies
Jul 29, 2010
I have build a datatable in vb
dim Booking_table as datatable
Is it possible to add this datatable to a dataset or do I have to build in acces2007 and import in VB.
View 1 Replies
Nov 4, 2010
I have a strongly typed dataset and datatable and I am trying to do an add row.
Dim newDT As New hdar.AccessRequestsDataTable
Dim newRow As hdar.AccessRequestsRow = newDT.NewAccessRequestsRow
newRow.Number = nextNumber
newRow.RequestedByID = Me.cboUser.SelectedValue
newRow.RequestedOn = Date.Now.ToShortDateString
[Code] .....
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Apr 27, 2012
i am using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel to read the data from excel,
id_S | Name | Sex
12 john M
-----the table where uploaded excel file saved--
id_u | id-S | Scor |
1 12 30
i want to get the Id_S from "John"(excel file), i tried using the dataset with query
select Id_P from Students_Table where (Name =: Name)
and then check fillBy & GetBy my vb code :
Dim ta As New Students_TableAdapters.StudentsTableAdapter
Dim DataID as Integer
if ta.fillBy(ExlRead.Value) <> 0 then
i use breakpoint to check those and i found an error message
"ORA-01722: invalid number"
(i'm using oracle database)if i pointed my cursor to the ta.fillBy it shows Public Overridalle Overload Function FillBy(Name as string) as decimal?
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Mar 16, 2011
if i have a multidimensional array:
dim test(,,) as string
how can i loop through the array to find if another variable is contained in the second dimension of the array
dim x as integer = test.indexof(OtherVariable)
obviously above won't work
View 4 Replies
Jun 7, 2010
I have an List(of String), i need to find the index of a particular string in that list. I have searched msdn , but i am confused over the predicate methods. I have never used predicates. This i what i have tried
'on button1 click
Dim Heads As List(Of String) = Me.GetSelectedNodes()
Dim tmp As Integer
View 1 Replies
Aug 11, 2010
How should i find the index of the value member in an combobox?
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