Gather Information From VB Modules And Then Use Them To Copy Values From A Bunch Of Public Variables?

Oct 17, 2009

Reflection on Objects is quite simple, not so seems to be on static things, like modules ( module1.vb ecc... )My question is HOW to gather information from VB Modules and then use them to copy values from a bunch of Public Variables on Module1 to same-named Variables on Module2.I've tried a thing like this by now :

Dim A As System.Reflection.Assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly


With GetMembers( NO FLAGS ) I manage to get list of members, but If I try to get only my-declared-memebrs ( with any combination of flags ) I get none.Finally, what i'd like to achieve is this :

1. Read all Public Variables form Module1.

2. For each Public Variable in Module1, put same value in Variable on Module2 which has same name and type.

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Gather Information From Excel Spreadsheet?

Mar 11, 2011

I have a spreadsheeet of cities in canada with thier latitude and longitude.

For example:

Vancouver 49.2833 -123.117

On my form I have a combo box, and two text boxes. How can I fill those boxes automatically when a user selects a city from the list?

For example, user selects Vancouver. latitude text box is filled with: 49.2833 and longitude text box is filled with: -123.117

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Forms :: Gather Control Handle Information?

Jan 29, 2010

I have a problem whereby some rubbish code is not releasing its memory (eventually reaches the 10k handle limit and crashes).I'm looking to insert some logging in the application to dump a list of handles present at the point of failure.

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Make My Email Form Gather All Information?

Jan 23, 2012

I'm making this program. and its a matchmaking program for a game, so people enter their xbox live gamertag and more text stuff and check off which game modes they want to play in. and i need to know how to include the checkboxes information and the radio buttons information and the textboxes information into the email. so at the end they click submit and the program automaticlly gets the info and sends it to me. how would i do this? would i have to put EVERYTHING onto a panel or something like that? and i have 4 applications within the program itself. and one of them is the submit button for the email. and another thing. how would I be able to save the information (each and every text box, check box, and radio button) into a text file?[code]...

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Loop Xml To Gather Values?

Sep 12, 2009

I'm having a bit of trouble looping through an xml file and printing the attributes, so far i have[code]...

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Gather Names From Values In SQL, Add Them To Multiline Textbox?

Apr 12, 2010

I would like to add the names of people in a SQL Database to a Multiline textbox if two values in their row do not equal 6. The first name and last name, as well as graduating year need to be added to the textbox, and then a new line needs to be created. The two values are contained in two separate columns in the DB. I'd like to try and stay away from using SQL Queries to accomplish this, so is there any way I can call these values using VB? Keep in mind the number of people that have values under 6 may vary from time to time. The purpose of this will be so that someone can print out a list of members who don't have the required amount of points at any given time.

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VS 2010 - Modules VERSUS Forms For Global Variables

Dec 19, 2010

I was a VB6 programmer. And back in the day global variables, functions and subroutines were put in a module. The program started in the module using a sub named Main(). Now in vb2010 it looks like using sub Main() is possible only for console apps, which is not what I want, I'm still trying to write a windows app but it looks like everything has to go at the top of the starting form?? How is this good coding practice? Shouldn't public vars and functions be in their own module?What is considered best practice?Are there any links that would walk me through the differences between vb6 and vb2010?

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Adding A Bunch Of Values To A List(Of T) Collection At Once?

Mar 12, 2010

I am creating an instance of a Generic List collection and I am surprised to find that I can't add more than one value to it at a time. I was thinking there was going to be something like what you can do with arrays, where you can add a group of values to it at creation. I saw the AddRange method, but that seems to add another collection to the end of this collection, which is not what I want. So my code is:


Dim MyList as New List(Of String)


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Make A Bunch Of 2d Arrays To Access The Independant Values Easily?

Jun 18, 2009

I need to make basically a bunch of 2d arrays, that I can access the independant values easily. Like multiple properties As an example:


Because later I have to access Value1 in a manner that spells out each independantly. I have used some basic Structures to define 1 property and does something with it. But not 2 properties, and I am out of my norm on creating a Class to do something like this.

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IDE :: Windows Forms Classes Appear As Class Modules Not Form Modules In Project Explorer

Jan 7, 2011

Yesterday I opened Visual Studio (2008 v 9.0.30729.1) and all the winform classes in my project display with class module icons with the little 'VB', instead of form module icons with the little form icon!

When I double click on a form module, the form designer doesn't open, just the code module.

When I run the project, it runs fine. There are no errors. The project builds fine.

I did Project --> show all files, and I can see the designer and resx files below the form module which doesn't look or act like a form module.

I can't open my forms to design them!

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Sum\total A Bunch Of Cell Values Of An Unbound Column In A Datagrid To A Textbox String?

Dec 22, 2010

I was wondering the best method or code to Sum\total a bunch of cell values of an unbound column in a datagrid to a textbox string. this request is 100% not some student trying to get you guys to finish my project, this is purely for educational and personal information for myself. im new to

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Declaring The Public Variables?

Sep 23, 2011

I've created a 30 point wizard. Every step gathers between 1 and 3 variables. I've created a module and publicly declared the variables there. At the end of the wizard, one master form opens, gets all the variables, and displays them on one form. At this point calculations are run too which populates more variables. This works fine for one instance of the process.

the user may want to be running two instances of the wizard at once. Obviously, if the previous wizard is part complete and they start a new one, the variables are going to get crossed or replaced by the new wizard.Is there a way for the variables to be declared publicly but used in multiple instances?

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Public Variables Not Available In Module

Jan 17, 2011

I have a variable declared at Public on a form. But when I try to access it in a module I get an error that its not declared.


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Cant Access Public Variables From Another Form?

Aug 25, 2010

I have a string on my main form called String1. When I open another form, I need access to this value. In the form I open, I have always done something like:Dim NewString as String = Main.String1

This has worked in the past. Well, I ended up renaming my forms (from Form1 to Main) in the property window and it now when I type the above code, it does not list Main as a form. Nothing that I renamed seems to exist now.

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Declaring Public Variables New Hashtable

Dec 8, 2009

recently started converting our project from 1.1 to 2.0

It was fine with the following:

Public ghtAllAppMsgs As New Hashtable(300)

Now it is complaining to change to the following is this the right way:

Public ghtAllAppMsgs As New System.Collections.Hashtable(300)

This is under global.vb class file: here are the imports i already had in this file:

Imports Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls
Imports Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.MultiPage
Imports System.Web


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Dynamically Concatenate Public Variables?

Mar 10, 2012

This seems basic but here's my problem. I am trying to build my connect string as a public variable that will connect to either an express version of SQL Server or a non-express version. The app.config defines it as being express or not and is modified to the user's choosing when it is deployed using the a firstRun routine.

The problem is that even though I'm modifying the value of the variable SQLexpress when the app is initiated which in turn should modify the value of the variable g_strConnectionString it doesn't. The value of g_strConnectionString will always take on the initial value of SQLexpress. I know I can define 2 separate variables for the connection string but I'd prefer not to have to change all of the references throughout each of the various programs in this system as they all have the same issue.

So in the following load event I've traced it and when it sets globals.SQLexpress = "", I then look at the value of g_strConnectionString and it still contains "SQLEXPRESS". It seems I need to somehow force vb to refresh this variable after it's been changed.


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Private / Public - Subtracting Variables

Mar 11, 2010

I am a little new to .NET Developing, and have learned a great deal recently, but I'm stuck with something. I come from an ASP Background, I'm trying to subtract 2 variables, but they don't seem to 'see' one another.


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VS 2010 Public Variables For All Classes?

Mar 30, 2011

I have a MDI application and a very complicated class there which populates its properties from a dataset derived from an external database. Each form, including child forms have to be able to access that class and use its properties thorughout the whole session.I don't know where to 'preserve' these property values within the application. I kmow many books etc. suggest not to use public variables but I really can't find a way to solve this other than to use a public variable (which is a list(of my custom class) in this case.
I have a separate class called PublicItems.vb and declared there my public variable as

Public Shared secuniverse As List(Of myCustomClass)Is there something wrong with the syntax because if I try to use the variable secuniverse in my main application class, I get the following exception:'sectoruniverse' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.

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Accessing Public Class Variables In Without Session?

Feb 15, 2012

I am using this example I found to learn how to load class files and access variables through them. This is in a file called Class1.vb in the App_Code folder (this is not an app project):

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Public Class my_class
Public Shared Sub my_sub()


How could I access the vartest variable without using a session, since if this is accessed by multiple functions at the same time the variable can be overwritten I assume. Is it possible to go the other way, where a variable is sent to a class file?

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Accessing Variables From A Public Shared Subroutine?

Feb 15, 2009

I have created a public shared subroutine in a class file in 2 ( web site app_folder.The subroutine retrives some values from a sql database via an sql query and assigns the datareader field values to several variables The problem is I can't seem to assign the variables from the subroutine to the variables and textbox controls in the page I am calling the subroutine from. The textbox text value just appear blank.By the way, if I response.write the variables in the subroutine they appear populated by the sql data reader.

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Accessing Variables In Partial Public Class?

Apr 10, 2009

I am currently working on a project of "interpreting" C# into VB. The project involves adding images to a database, retrieving images from the database and presenting them in thumbnails. Right now I have the following Public Class with the Variable that needs to be assigned:

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.IO


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Declare Variables In Public Class Form1?

Apr 29, 2012

When and why do you declare variables in the Public Class Form1 section?

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Public Variables - Copying / Pasting Some Lines From Another One

Jan 2, 2012

I'm writing a new app and copying/pasting some lines from another one. In the new app, I get error when I use variables defined as public.


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Copying A Set Of Private Variables Into Corresponding Public ReadOnly Properties?

Oct 18, 2011

I have a bunch of private variables I've typed out and I want to put all of my corresponding Public ReadOnly Properties in a bunch below them.Is there some way of copying ten lines of

Private _myVar As String

and pasting in ten sets of

Public Readonly Property MyVar As String
Return _myVar[code]....

I'm currently copying the whole bunch of variable declarations, Find+Replacing Private _ into Public ReadOnly Property then going line-by-line expanding the definitions and writing return to avoid all this nonsense in the future, as I'm developing on a virtual terminal server, and the input lag on my little copy/paste/type operations on the code is driving me up the wall.

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Declare Public Variables, Constants, Functions In A Proper Way?

Jan 13, 2011

I'd like to get a more refined programming style and I was wondering if any of you might give me a hand...(How to declare public variables, constants, a proper way),is there any useful link or pdf document I could have a look in order to improve my style?

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Difference Between A Private, Public, Shared Functions/Sub/Variables?

Jul 22, 2009

give me a good resource that explains the difference between a Private, Public, Shared Functions/Sub/Variables? I normally use Public for Subs/Functions inside of Modules I call from other parts of the program. But I'd like to get more of an understanding of how and when to use them. I want as little as impact to a system that is running my programs as possible, so i guess the key here is I'm trying to just get more proficient in my coding.

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InfoPath VBScript Access Function Public Variables?

Apr 15, 2009

I have the following code:

Public Function StoreFields()
Dim Lockbox, Cash_Deposit_Date, Batch_Number
Lockbox = Xdocument.DOM.selectSingleNode("dfs:myFields/dfs:dataFields/d:tbl_GC100/@Lockbox").Text


I have tested the variables in the Functions and the are correct.

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Use Instance Or Form Name When Addressing Public Variables Between Forms?

Nov 17, 2009

In, you can address a public variable from another form using the form name along with the variable.
form2.k = 3

However, if you use a form variable to show an instance of the form, you must use that variable name to address the public variable. Two instances of the same form are displayed in the following example. The public variable k is assigned a value of 3 only in the first instance of the form, the one from frm.k can be used to assign a value to the other form.

dim frm as new form2
form2.k = 3

Assuming only one instance of the form is shown in the application, is it reliable to address a public variable using the form name (form2.k), or is it better to show the form with a form variable and use that to refer to the instance of the form (frm.k)? Would the same answer apply to a property as well as a public variable?

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VS 2008 - Comparing Variables In Private Sub With Public Class

Nov 11, 2009

I have these list of RS-232 strings declared in my public class
Public Class TouchInterface
Dim WatchTVbtnCmd As String = "rs232command1"
Dim VolUpbtnCmd As String = "rs232command2"
Dim VolDownbtnCmd As String = "rs232command3"
Dim SystemOffbtnCmd As String = "rs232command4"
Dim RadiobtnCmd As String = "rs232command5"
Dim MusicbtnCmd As String = "rs232command6"

I then have this private sub. For the sake of this thread, what I would like to do is get the name of the label that was clicked which in the code below is already done, convert it to string (not sure if this needs to be done), this is also done in the code below. Next I want to compare the labelnamestring to all the variables in the public class to find out which one it is equal to and then disply that variable which should be my rs232 string in the message box. I have also added "Cmd" to the variable names above so I also need to work out how to add the text "Cmd" to the string to properly compare.

Private Sub Musicbtn_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles WatchTvbtn.Click, VolUpbtn.Click, VolDownbtn.Click, SystemOffbtn.Click, Radiobtn.Click, Musicbtn.Click, GardenVolUpbtn.Click, GardenVolDownbtn.Click, GardenRadiobtn.Click, GardenOffbtn.Click, GardenMusicbtn.Click, GardenMediaCenterbtn.Click
Dim labelname As Label = DirectCast(sender, Label)
[Code] .....

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VS 2010 - Public Variables, Functions Are Not Visible In Form2

Jun 26, 2011

I've got a program that runs from one Windows form, Form1, with stuff declared all in that class: public variables, public functions, subs, etc. I decided that the form was getting cluttered, so I added one button to bring up a new form, Form2, and I put some of the buttons & check boxes for testing over there, so that Form1 can be more visually clean. Problem: when I go to put the code for the tests into the buttons on Form2, none of the public variables or subs or functions that reside in Form1 are visible in Form2. What statement/s do I need to add (and where) so that the public "stuff" that's declared in the class for Form1 is visible within Form2, please?

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