Get WebPage MessageBox Button Id?

Aug 18, 2011

I am using webbrowser control and i am trying to login website automatically login is done but i want to addcontainer button when i click this button on webpage then showed one poppup window named add container he has two buttons ADD CONTAINER and CANCLE one texarea when i type containers in textarea and click on ADD CONTAINER he showed MessageBox Container add successfully.actually i want click this MessageBox OK button directly by coding so how can i do this i am giving my some code

If i = 1 Then

If WebBrowser1.ReadyState = WebBrowserReadyState.Complete Then

Dim JS As HtmlElement = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("login")[code]........

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VS 2010 - Webpage Source Downloading - Displays The Messagebox "Still Looping"

Jun 22, 2010

The following code is giving me a headache. As you can see there are message boxes in there for a quick debugging tool. It displays the messagebox "Still looping" once, and then shows the form. No other code runs. Doesnt matter what I put it it just doesnt run. I can't see a problem anywhere....


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Messagebox Triggered By A Button?

Aug 21, 2009

is there a way to trigger a MsgBox by clicking a button within a If and End If paragraph?

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


View 19 Replies

Button Cancel Not Show In Messagebox

Feb 17, 2012

When i run this project, only messagebox button ok appear, but button cancel do not show. i'm using visual basic express edition 2008. and this is my codding.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click[code]...

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Change Text On Messagebox Button?

Aug 26, 2010

how to change the text on the messagebox buttons.

For example, Yes and No buttons to Do and Don't etc.

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MessageBox : Tell Which Button The User Pushed?

Mar 13, 2012

I have a messagebox.MessageBox.Show( "All seats are taken in first class. Would you like to switch to economy", "Section Full", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)How do I tell which button the user pushed?

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Messagebox Comes Twice Times If Ok Button Click

Mar 28, 2009

I Have a little problem i have 2 date timepickers on my form

the following code i have[code]...

if i press oke button in the messagebox the mesagebox comes twice timesi just want to show it only oncewhat can i do about it

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Overriding MessageBox Button Language?

Dec 13, 2009

I would like to use the windows messagebox with for exampleyes' and 'no' buttons on it, but I want to be free to choose the lanuage on the buttons.I mean 'Ja' and 'Nein' or 'Oui' and 'Non' instead of the systems default language.

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Webbrowser : Click Webpage Button Through Form Button?

Apr 16, 2012

i want to know how click webpage button through form button i used this code

Me.WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("'here i dont know name").InvokeMember("click")

here is script anybody tell me in below script which one is works to click

<div class="form_botton_container">
<div class="form_orange_button">
<span class="left"></span>


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Button - .NET: MessageBox With YesNoCancel - No & Cancel Triggers Same Event?

Feb 13, 2010

I have a message box with YesNoCancel button..

Pressing Yes will do some action and close the app - works fine,
Pressing No will do nothing and close the app - (see below),
Pressing Cancel will Do nothing and keep the app open - (see below).

I'm using DialogResult.No for No button and DialogResult.Cancel for cancel button. But pressing either of them triggers DialogResult.Cancel event. Whats the problem?

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Code If User Doesn't Select Messagebox Button

Feb 26, 2009

I have an application that has a timer. Every hour, the application will see what time it is. If it is after 5 P.M., then the application will shut the computer off. (For power saving purposes)I have a messagebox pop up warning the user. I want the user to be able to hit "Cancel" on a dialog box if he/she is still working on the computer and reset the timer to ask again in about an hour. If the user isn't there to select a button on the messagebox, I want the computer to turn itself off. But I can't get the code to skip the dialog box after so many seconds. [Code]

View 12 Replies

MessageBox In Visual Basic Express 2010 Open Form3 From MessageBox?

Mar 28, 2011

From my login form, and when a correct Username and Password has been succesfull and I get a messageBox saying "welcome to your System" (Picture Below) and when I press the OK button in that MessageBox, I want to open I add code to the Underlined code (below Picture), or Do I write a completley different code after the messageBox code.


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Display A Picture(like A JPG File) Inside A Messagebox Along With Text When A Button Is Clicked?

Jun 6, 2011

I am here by to ask help on enhancing messageboxs. How is the way to Display a picture(like a JPG file) inside a messagebox along with text when a button is clicked?

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Messagebox Which Has 2 Buttons (MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) Can't Change Focus With Tab Key And Can't Trigger Button With Enter Key

Jun 14, 2009

I have 1 messagebox which has 2 buttons (MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) usually we can change the focus of the button(yes and No) with tab key and we also can trigger the button with enter key.. but sometimes, i can't change the focus with tab key and can't trigger the button with enter key.i think the messagebox lost its focus..i have to click the form, so the messagebox will regain its focus how to set focus for messagebox?

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Click A Button On A Webpage?

Apr 11, 2012

So basically there is a button so say a button that says 'GO' and i want a program that clicks it and then waits 5 seconds and then clicks it again.. the button may move around on the web page

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Click Button On A Webpage?

Dec 25, 2011

I'm using getelementbyid, and basically I want to click a button but I can't find the name of the button so I can use invokemember("click")

So what I was thinking was, if someone can tell me how you click a textbox on a webpage automatically, and then you could senkey the enter button so it submits it.[url]...

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Clicking A Button On A WebPage?

Jan 22, 2011

I've been trying to automate clicking of a few buttons in a website but although i have achieved success in most of the web pages but on one such page i haven't been able to click it.I've been using this syntax to click:

Dim ele As Object
For Each ele In WebBrowser1.document.getElementsByTagName("input")
If ele.Value = "Attack!" Then ele.Click:


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Invoking A Button On A Webpage?

May 30, 2009

I am creating a bot ( for personal use ) to automate posting to my website . I have used the webbrowser control and i have managed to send data to the webform using the follwing code :

Dim elm As System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement
For i As Integer = 0 To WebBrowser1.Document.All.Count - 1
elm = WebBrowser1.Document.All.Item(i)
If elm.TagName.ToUpper() = "INPUT" Then
If CType(elm,System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement).Name="login_name" Then 'Get User ID Element
CType(elm, System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement).InnerText = "username"


The code is supposed to fill to textfield on the form ,username and password . The webform also has a Button ,when clicked will LOGIN to the website .The problem is that i don't know how to invoke the login button on the webpage

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Set One Of The Button To Link To A Webpage?

Aug 27, 2009

ive created a new form , its not a web browser , but i need to set one of the button to link to a webpage , what code shall i use ?

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Auto-Click A Button On A WebPage?

Aug 28, 2009

I need to auto login into a phpBB forum.I tried the following code out but though the username and password fields gets copied nothing else happens.The form doesnt get submitted.

Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load WebBrowser1.Navigate("") End Sub

Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted
' WebBrowser1.document.Body.InnerHtml.ToString()


Though I am using a webbrowser control at present but I want to remotely login without opening any browser nor a webbrowser control.Now I could hide the webbrowser control but then I wont know whether the site loading operation was successful or not (in case the site was down or so) Is there a function or a value that is returned after successfully loading a website via which I could check (without opening anything) whether my operation was successful or not

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Auto-click A Webpage Button?

Mar 16, 2010

I am having a problem clicking this button. Using the buttons Id doesn't work can anyone tell me how to click this button? here is my


Dim theWElementCollection As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("Input")
For Each curElement As HtmlElement In theWElementCollection


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Clicking Login Button On A Webpage

Mar 5, 2010

I'm having no luck at all clicking the login button of a websiteI frequently spend time on. The login button has no "name or "ID" and I just cannot get it to login. I have my username & password entered in into the sites textboxes and I can see them there but , thats where it sits. my program will not click the button.


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Clicking Login Button On A Webpage?

Feb 28, 2010

I am having trouble getting my form to click the login button on a website. I can get my username and password to load into the sites text boxes but I auto click the button . I have been trying different code for weeks and I have let that button whoop-me. Please Help. This is my main form and my code as of now.

>Private Sub lblPass_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub
Private Sub btnGet_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGet.Click


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Enable Use Of A Button Only When A Webpage Has Loaded?

Nov 11, 2009

i want to enable the use of a button only when the webpage has finished loading?

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How To Activate Button On Yahoo Webpage

Sep 26, 2011

I want to activate a button on a yahoo group web page. It is in the members database and it is the export button. When the button is pressed it will export the list of members. I want my program to navigate to this page and press the button programmatically. I am using vb2008. I am not using this to spam anyone. I am an administrator there and want to get the data for tracking messages.

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Pressing Button On A Webpage Form?

Nov 29, 2006

How would I press a button on a web page form that is on the browser that is in my app. Wear is a good place to start learning about interacting with web pages that are in my app.

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Program To Click The Next Button On The Webpage?

Nov 11, 2009

I am making a simple application and im using a browser embedded on a form im able to tell the nrowser what address i want it to open i would now like to enter some text into a text box and then have the program enter it onto the web page and then i want the program to click the next button on the web page[URL}..that is the site i want opened and then i want the user to have entered the postcode in a textbox in the application and then click a button which opens the page enters the postcode and clicks next

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VS 2008 Click A Button On A Webpage?

Dec 24, 2010

i'm trying to click this button

<button type="submit" value="">Log in</button>or in a webbrowser control using a button... can't get it to work

View 8 Replies Webpage DefaultDocument Button Click Not Firing?

Oct 20, 2010

I have developed an website in VS2010. The defaultDocument is set to default.aspx in the root directory, as I have dome many times before.For reasons unknown an asp:button in default.aspx is not firing correctly when the url is typed in without the file extension. For example, if I type the url the default.aspx page will load as expected, however, the button will not fire (it does postback but doesn't fire the server click event).If i type in the url it works as expected.The problem I'm having only occurs in a live environment (I cannot recreate the error on the localhost).

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Forms :: Click A Javascripted Button On A Webpage?

Oct 12, 2011

in how would I click a javascripted button on a webpage?the standard Document.GetElementById doesn't seem to work.


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