Get A Query String From A Shared Function In A Code-behind Model

Dec 10, 2009

I'm trying to get a query string from a shared function in a code-behind model using VB.NET. You have to use HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString("Query") in order to get it from a shared function, however doing HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString.Count gives back 0, which obviously isn't right in my case as there's many that exist. Is there some sort of issue with using this static call from a shared function?

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Argument Not Specified For Parameter 'test' Of 'Public Shared Function TestThis(test As String)'?

Sep 25, 2010

I don't understand the error, Argument not specified for parameter 'test' of 'Public Shared Function TestThis(test As String)'.

Partial Public Class Form1
Shared Sub ReceiveCallback(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)
Form1.Invoke(TestThis, New Object(){"test"}) 'error


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.net - Value Of 'String' Cannot Be Converted To Type 'T Generic Function For Getting Query Strings?

Jul 21, 2011

I've got this function:

Public Shared Function GetQueryStringValue(Of T As Structure)(ByVal queryStringVariable As String) As T
Dim queryStringObject As Nullable(Of T) = Nothing
If queryStringVariable <> Nothing Then
If HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString(queryStringVariable) IsNot Nothing Then
queryStringObject = DirectCast(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString(queryStringVariable), T)
End If


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How To Model An Array Function To Fit My Script

Oct 26, 2009

I am in the process of using a two-dimensional array to find wind chill factors. My application uses a nudTemp for temperature and nudWind for Wind Velocity. When temp and wind are chosen from the nud list, it is supposed to display the wind chill temp in a text box and then display a message box. Right now it does everything it is supposed to do except that it does not display the proper wind chill factor.

I know it is an issue with my arrays so I was provided with an example but I don't know how to modify it so that it matches my code. I have added all of the array values but it is naming the array variables I am having issues with.

Sample code I was provided:

Private arr1 As Integer() = New Integer() {10, 20, 30}
Private arr2 As Integer() = New Integer() {100, 200, 300}


I have provided my code as I have it thus far, listed below.

Option Strict On
Public Class frmWindChill

Dim intWindChill(7, 5) As Integer


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Mathematical Calculation Model Code?

Jan 7, 2009

i need mathematical calculation model code.

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Place Connection String In Model Or GUI?

Jul 27, 2011

I have a VB.NET 2010 solution, that contains 2 projects, a class library and a Windows Forms Application.The class library basically is a model, used for doing database integration. I currently have the connection string placed in the class library project settings, but they do not seem to be listed anywhere in the config file of the application. What's the best practice for retrieving the connection string in the class library? I don't want to use a singleton. Should it be stored in the application or class library?

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Browser Compatible Code Which Take Values From Hidden Field And Pass It Through Query String On To Other Page

Jun 3, 2011

Right now I am using this code on client side.


The values for the hidden fields are already set. I want these value to open a window, in which the fields will be already filled using the values passed by this page. This code is working fine on Internet Explorer, but not on other browsers. Moreover, when I don't pass any value and just open the required window, it works on all browsers.

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In Entity Framework, We Can Use Model First, DB First, Code First But How Can We Create Table Programmatically?

Jun 9, 2012

In entity framework we can use 3 approaches model first , code first , database first but each one of them needs manual hand touch(means creating database or create model or write the POCO class codes or entity class codes) before proceeding to the next step ( using EF in context ).What if I want to create database and tables and table relationships programatically and still want to have to features of EntityFramework 4.3.

To be more specific ,from this example we can create database , tables and everything using SQL command but we can't have the advantages of entity framework. So if we want to have that what should we do? To give the ability to create dynamic table fields those steps will not be sufficient. In all 3 steps database , table and table columns are fixed. There is no way that a user can create new tables or columns dynamically. http:[url].... in this post , it shows how to create manual db, tables and etc using SQL but it is based on ADO.NET but I want Entity Manager to do that.

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Running A Query On Access From VB, Passing Variable Or Function As Query Parameter

Apr 7, 2012

I am trying to run a query an Access db from VB. The general query which I want to run is

SELECT * FROM Patient WHERE Patient.PatientID = ?
or SELECT * FROM Patient WHERE Patient.PatientLname = ?

I tried using an input box which captured the user input and pass that variable to the query, but that failed. Then I read about writing a function and using that, however, I keep getting an error which says Function not defined, but when stepping through the code, it seems to work. Here is my function: [Code]

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Accessing The Shared Function?

Mar 1, 2011

i have a function that i have in my data access class now i want to access it then declare and assign parameters and then insert data into database?

'the function
Public Shared Function InsertNewRecord(ByVal myStoredProcedure As String) As Boolean
Dim conn As New SqlConnection


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Office 2007/2003 VSTO Shared Add-In Design Query

Apr 29, 2009

I am designing a shared add-in using VB.Net 2008 and VSTO that has to fire up when any MS Office App is started. It has to work for both 2002, 2003 and 2007 applications. I have managed to put together a working add-in that pops up a test message stating the version of Office and the Application name and tested this across all the apps ok.

The next part of the solution is to code the application specific code that needs to run for document auditing and corporate protective marking as well as, for example; in Excel checking that all the Add-Ins are linked to the Network Add-Ins folder.

My approach from now was going to be to late bind against the application object and set one of my typed (e.g. Excel) application object references which exist in the code to this object.

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Finding Basic Shared Function?

May 31, 2009

i am beginner about general programming. Please give me basic shared functions .

I only know few functions such as : Public Shared Function lon(ByVal a As Integer, ByVal c As Integer) As String Public Shared Sub trung()

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Getting Data From Shared Function To Instances

Jan 24, 2011

VB.NET 2010, .NET 4. I am working on an application for controlling an industrial machine composed of many devices attached to the computer. Most if it is reasonable straight forward, but I'm having trouble thinking about the RS-232 devices. One of the RS-232 devices is a fancy power supply with many functions. The ones that are relevant right now are voltage read, voltage write, current read, and current write. The design pattern I'm trying to implement is one in which each attached device is represented by an object that has methods for reading/writing etc and properties for things like COM port etc.

For this power supply, clearly the Port reference should be shared among the instances, so I have a base class (say, PowerSupply) with a Protected Shared Property Port As IO.Ports.SerialPort. Then I have a couple classes that inherit from this class, PowerSupplyVoltage and PowerSupplyCurrent that each define read/write methods and properties for holding the last read/written values. My issue is in parsing the response from the power supply using the Port.DataRecieved event on the shared SerialPort object. The protocol the power supply uses specifies what data it's sending in each response packet.

So, basically, it might say something equivalent to "The voltage is 100V" or "The current is 1A" or "The voltage has been set to 150V" etc. I'm trying to parse this in a shared function. Only during the parsing process would I determine which instance's read/written value to update. I can't access the read/written value properties of the instances from within the shared function. The best I could think of is creating some kind of PowerSupplyCommunicator object that would maintain references to PowerSupplyVoltage and PowerSupplyCurrent instances along with the shared Port and DataRecievedHandler functions.

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LoadControl In Static / Shared Function

Dec 30, 2009

how I can dynamically load a control inside of a shared/static function?The function itself is inside of a mustinherit/abstract class.(It's an ASP.NET project in VB) I want to do something like this:[code]I'm getting "Cannot refer to an instance member of a class from within a shared method or shared member initializer without an explicit instance of the class.",but I don't understand this error.I understand what it means, I just don't understand why calling LoadControl isn't seen by the compiler as being an explicit instance of the class. What's not explicit about using LoadControl to create a new control from a file? I tried creating a new user control and initializing it, then setting it to a different control with LoadControl to no avail.I also don't want to do a DirectCast because I'm trying to put this in a shared, mustinheret (abstract) class, which therefore doesn't have an .aspx file to write in a <%@ Reference Control="~/SomeControlPath.ascx" %>, so the class name is unavailable.What I'm trying to do is write a static function that takes some value and returns a control based only on that control's source file location.The end result is a user-modifiable list of controls.They get a column of controls that they freely add, remove, or reorder based on a static list of available child controls that I specify.

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Make A Shared Function Generic?

Feb 16, 2011

I can create classes that use generics, however I was wondering if it is possible to apply this to a shared method rather than rely on the caller casting to the correct type.This is the method:

Public Shared Function DeserializeObject(ByVal serializedXml As String, ByVal givenType As System.Type) As Object
Dim serializer As New XmlSerializer(givenType)
Return serializer.Deserialize(New IO.StringReader(serializedXml))
End Function

I'm pretty sure this can't be done, but thought I'd check (if so Extra points will be awarded if someone can technically explain why the compiler can't do this)..

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Public Shared Function Continued?

Aug 6, 2009

I made the changes from this:


to this:(the 'End Function' says "Function 'GetFolderPath' doesn't return a value on all code paths. A null reference exception could occur at run time when the result is used."


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Select Case Shared Function?

Mar 29, 2010

xplain to me or give me an example of using a select case in a shared function

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What's Advantage Of Declaring A Function As 'Shared'

Jan 27, 2009

What's the advantage of declaring a function as "Shared"? I've noticed that it doesn't require you to instantiate an object to use the method when it declared as "Shared". Is that the only upside?

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Accessing Public Shared Function From Another Form

Mar 1, 2011


i have a function that i have in my data access class now i want to access it then declare and assign parameters and then insert data into database.

View 4 Replies - Calling Other Functions From A Shared (or Static) Function

Aug 20, 2010

I get this error: Cannot refer to an instance member of a class from within a shared method or shared member initializer without an explicit instance of the class.

Partial Class _Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
<WebMethod()> _


I know it has something to do with the fact that the first function is shared and the second function should probably be Public as well but I don't fully understand the reason behind it. Probably not relevant but I'm calling the web method from some javascript.

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How To Call Function Inside Private Shared Sub

Jan 24, 2012

I have as sub that is triggered from the file system watcher when the new file is created in spec. directory.I need to call some function to do something with that file. [code]

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Shared Function And Mysql Stored Procedure?

May 11, 2012

i created a dll file using then it has a shared function that will execute a stored procedure of mysql but my code is something long and when accessing it, it has a big risk that it can produce an error if there is an incorrect string input, i am asking an advice how i can make it much better or can point me something much better than my code as my is my codefirst i created a function named mysqlParamDatatype wiith 1 parameter, this function will detect the mysqldatatype of the mysql sproc parameter so it can pass the value with the correct datatype. but it is to long.

Shared Function mysqlParamDataType(ByVal i As Integer) As MySqlDbType
If i = 1 Then
Return MySqlDbType.Binary


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.NET Shared Function If Called Multiple Times Simultaneously?

Mar 25, 2010

Consider I have a shared function:Public Shared Function CalculateAreaFromRadius(ByVal radius As Double) As Double


If I have two or more threads in the same vb .net app and each of them calls the shared function at the same time with different RADIUS, will they each get their own AREA? I want to know for each call to the function if it is using same local variables or each call creates new instances of local variables?Will the answers to above questions be same If I have multiple (2+) single threaded apps and they all call the function at the same time with different RADIUS value?

View 2 Replies - Accessing Httpcontext In Shared Function Thread Safe?

Jan 5, 2012

Im having a problem understanding if accessing httpcontext inside a shared function, without passing in the httpcontext as a parameter is thread safe?

Are the 2 functions in the util class equally thread safe?

Class foo
Sub main()
Dim qs1 = util.getQS(HttpContext.Current)


View 2 Replies - AutoCompleteExtender WebService Fail To Be Called When Function Is Shared?

Oct 25, 2011

I had a problem (which is now fixed) but I've no idea why.I have an Ajax AutoCompleteExtender with a WebService method to populate like <WebMethod()> _
Public Shared Function populateACE(prefixText As String) As List(Of String) However this didn't work - I put a breakpoint in, and it didn't even get hit. However... <WebMethod()> _ Public Function populateACE(prefixText As String) As List(Of String) does work (the only difference being not Shared).

Fair enough, but why? If you have an instance of a class then you can access Shared methods of it; if you don't have an instance of a class then you can access Shared methods of it. So what is going on behind the scenes?

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Passing/Infering Type Through Shared Function Calls?

Dec 6, 2010

how to pass system.type or a generic without much luck. I have two functions below one that works and the other that doesn't. I can't seem to make heads or tails of the VB syntax required for doing what I want to do.

' This function does not
' Also attempted it like this

' Public Shared Function UnserializeFromJSON(ByVal obj As String, ByRef ty As System.type)[code].......

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Sql Server - Access A Shared Function From An Instance Of An Object?

Dec 28, 2010

The context of this question is that I am trying to debug performance issues (apart from the obvious ones I already know about and can find).I inherited a code base (VB.NET) for an ASP.NET app. This is an app that was developed way back in .NET 1.1 days, and was the first .NET app for a lot of the developers who worked on it.

In this code base is a class called DatabaseUtility that contains several Shared Public methods as well as non-Shared Public Functions and Subs for CRUD operations to the database (SQL Server).

It is common in my "BL" that a method creates an instance of the DatabaseUtility which essentially figures out what the connection string should be and opens a connection, as well as giving the developer a handle to the other methods contained within it.Dim utility as New DatabaseUtility()

Once I have that, I start to create parameters that I am going to pass to one of the methods in DatabaseUtility (like GetDataSet). There is a Shared method in my DatabaseUtility called CreateParameter which does essentially that. It creates a SqlParameter object so I can add it to a Parameters collection.

Now, the code base is littered with a lot of this:

utility.CreateParameter(...)However, because CreateParameter is a Shared method, I am not sure what is going on behind the scenes. I know because it is a Shared member that an instance of the DatabaseUtility is not created when I call it like this:DatabaseUtility.CreateParameter(...)

However, because I am calling it from an instance (utility), does that change the behavior at all?

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Threading In Shared Function GetCurrentThreadId Obsolete/deprecated?

Aug 13, 2007

Here is a VB.NET Console module I'm testing to understand how Multi-Threading/Threads work.

Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Module Module1
Public Class SimpleThread
Public Sub SimpleMethod()


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API Function To Find Username Of Shared Files Or Folders On Network In C# Or .net?

Nov 19, 2010

With the help of NetFileEnum or Openfiles.exe of system32, we can get the username who has opened the shared files. Is there any API function or any exe files in any programming language like c#,, visual c++ to find out who is the user to create, rename, or delete shared files or folders on the network?

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Windows - Difference Between (Protected / Partial) And (Friend / Shared) And (Sub / Function) On .NET?

Jun 4, 2012

When I find examples online of VB.NET watch some functions use:

(Protected / Partial) & (Friend / Shared) & (Sub / Function) exp()
End (Sub / Function)

what is the difference?

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