Get A String From An Access Database?

Jun 14, 2011

I've been handed an Access database with 3 columns: Name, category, e-mail. What I'm trying to do is get out, as strings, all of the e-mails that match a given category. I have a slight understanding SQL as I'm in the process of learning it. I've managed to churn out this bit of code, which populates a visual grid with the first names

Dim comm As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0;Data Source=.AddressBook.mdb")
Dim addda As New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT FirstName FROM Contacts", comm)


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Check If String, Which Receive Via A Serial Port Matches To A String In A Database (access)?

Jun 22, 2010

I got an app, which receives data via a R232 port, convert it to a string and on the other side I got a database, where the strings are saved. How can I find a way to compare the string with all strings in one database column and get back the another stringform the same row in this database. I never programmed a database

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.net Connection String For Ms Access Database?

Oct 20, 2011

What is the connection string for connecting MS Access 2010 (.accdb) database in

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C# - Connection String For Ms Access Database?

Sep 3, 2009

My Ms-Access .mdb file is on my website. It is in the App_Data Folder

The current connection string is:

OleDbDataAdapter Da = new OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from SerialNo",
new OleDbConnection(@"provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;
data source="));

Where am I making a mistake in above connection string?

Note: CRs added in the code for better readability

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Connection String To Access Database

Sep 10, 2011

My query is not the straightforward connection to MS Access.I am using a third application that places all data in an Access database BUT recently they changed the database so that it doesn't end in '.mdb', instead in another suffix: '.accdb'.The database is still an Access database but I cannot connect to it using the connection strings:[code]Previously I was able to use the second connection when the database name ended in '.mdb' (Database Name.mdb).

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How To Connect String To An Access Database

Jun 25, 2010

I have been using VB6 for many years and have recenty decided to migrate to .net 2008 im slowly getting the hang of it but the problem i face now is the connection string to an access database, below is the code i used in VB6 is there a way to convert it for .net.[code...]

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Connection String Of Ms Access Database In Sharepoint

Jun 5, 2011

I will be developing a program using visual studio 2008 with ms access 2007 as my database. What I only use is this type of connection string: "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:mydatabase.mdb;Jet OLEDB:System Database=system.mdw;" but i was asked if it is possible to put the database in sharepoint and I haven't even tried it before. The case is like this, the program that i will do would be installed on some computer units of different branches of the company then the database should be accessible through sharepoint so that every users can access the most updated database.


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Convert .NET Date To String In Access Database?

Jul 26, 2010

I am attempting to use the DateTimePicker and then add a day to each iteration in a For/Next loop. That seems to work fine and I can verify with msgbox that it is happening. However, I also need to write the date in string format to an Access database using INSERT INTO. However, when the code is ran, I get a "syntax error (missing operator)". Code is below. Can someone help please? I have tried all I know to do.(Please disregard the additional values in INSERT TO, I have verified they are working properly)


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Passing Values Into Access Database Using String

Nov 2, 2010

I am a total beginner to Visual Basic and have a project to conduct a survey for my company. The Answers of the users need to be populated to the database. So far, all I've managed to do is to define a string which will have the answer to be updated into the access table. How am I supposed to pass the value?

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ADODB Connection String For Microsoft Access Database

Jan 17, 2012

I am newbie in Visual studion 2010. May i know how do i setup the connection for a mdb file. Below is my code and i have encountered an error. the error message is "A first chance exception of type '[URL]' occurred in WindowsApplication1.exe".


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Declare Operator As String And Insert Into Access Database Form

Feb 10, 2011

i have problem using insert into query for values = "Import With Pre.Tariff (Asean,Cept,C'wealth)" it keeps saying

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression ''Import With Pre.Tariff (Asean,Cept,C'wealth'.

it seems is it cannot reads ) and show missing operator but this is a string not operator for "Import With Pre.Tariff (Asean,Cept,C'wealth)" this whole thing is sting from datagridview .. any how to make it insert into database without system prompt missing operator problem ???

which is apostrophere problem i used single quote but system read like dat

''Import With Pre.Tariff (Asean,Cept,C'wealth'.. it drops ')'
G3_select =
"insert into tblrk1stt (JOB_NO, [COUNTER], RES_CODE,
"', '"


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Alter A Column In An Access Database From Date To Text Format Using SQL String

Oct 21, 2009

I am trying to alter a column in an Access database in VB2008 from date to text format using the SQL string as follows "ALTER TABLE receipts ALTER COLUMN Date CHAR(10)"but whether I Use TEXT, CHAR, VARCHAR or STRING, I get a Syntax Error when I run ExecuteNonQuery.

View 2 Replies - Swapping A Connection String To Access A Test Database For Unit Testing?

Jun 22, 2009

I've set up a test database to begin unit-testing an app that I've recently been added to. It is a 3-tier design (presentation layer, BOL and DAL) and this is my first time writing unit tests. I've decided to start at the BOL and I figure the best way is to swap out the ConnectionString (which has been passed along as a Shared String) with one that points to my new test database. However, I don't wish to change any production code. I simply wish to somehow redirect the app to the test database during unit tests.

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Input A String Into A Access Database Under A Column That Was Originally Setup For Numbers?

Dec 8, 2011

I'm trying to add a string to a access database, for a column that was originally designed for numbers, i have changed the data type under the design view from number to text, yet I still get a error saying that it cannot convert the string expected int32

Input string was not in a correct format.Couldn't store in Parent_ID Column. Expected type is Int32.This is the full exception, i would have put it into code display but the option wasn't there

System.ArgumentException was unhandled
Message=Input string was not in a correct format.Couldn't store <A-238> in Parent_ID Column. Expected type is Int32.


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ODBC Command String For Deleting The 50% Of Data Rows From Access Database

Jun 15, 2010

I have an Access table in which I connect through ODBC commands. I want to delete the 50% of data rows from it. Can anyone knows a string to write for doing that? ALARMLOG is my table. In MS SQL I tryed succesfully the following command :


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VS 2008 Convert Access Database Null Values To String Type?

Jun 7, 2011

i am working in windows appl 08. And i am working in Access DataBase.I have one Table Called "Person" . In this "Person" Table one Column Name Called "OtherName". In this Column binded in one of the Combobox in a Form.But the Problem is "OtherName" Column having the Null Values.Before i bind this Column to Combobox i want to convert this NULL Values to String. Why i need the values in STRING means , In my code i using this Combobox as a filter in SQL Query.If i didn`t change the Null Value to STRING , The Combobox SelectedText or SelectedValue is Showing Nothing. So i am not able to get the Record.

Whn i write a Sql Query to Combobox and apply filter in WHERE statement like Combobox.Selectedtext or Combobox.SelectedValue In "Selected Change Committed Event" then i should get the record in the Output right but unfortunatly i am not getting the Record. The Record Count in DebugPrint showing 0.


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Manipulate A String That Have Selected From A Combo Box That Has Been Upated Dynamically From An MS Access Database Table?

Apr 20, 2010

How do you manipulate a string that you have selected from a Combo Box that has been upated dynamically from an MS Access Database table?I have strings that are "1, Surname, Forename" and need to get both the number, and the surname out to put back into a different database table.

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Can Save Data To Access Database And In Access Database Field Set It To Date / Time

Jun 4, 2011

I can save my data to access database and in the access database field I set it to date/time.But problem is when I get the value out from the database.. the format is always month/day/year hour:minutes:seconds example today: 5/2/2011 12:00:00..How to get the value into listview becoming May/2/2011 without the hour..Here's my code to get it from database ListView1.Items(i).SubItems.Add(dt.Rows(i)(14).ToString).The second problem is.When I would like to edit, how can the datetimepicker get the listview value ? [code] info: using access 2003 (.mdb) the Date of Birth field has been set into Date/Time.

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Running Access - Application That Has An Ms Access 2007 DataBase Which Runns Great If Access Is Installed

Oct 15, 2011

I have an application that has an Ms Access 2007 DataBase which runns great if access is installed. Is there any code that I can use in vb that I would be able to run access with out installing it.

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Export A Table From An Access Database To Other Access Database In VB2k5?

Mar 30, 2009

I have two Access database, say database One.mdb and Two.mdb. I want to use VB2005 to export tblCustomer from One.mdb to Two.mdb, and replace the existing tblCustomer in Two.mdb, during run time. I basically want to simulate the export function that is available in MS Access (which can export one table from one Access database to another) with VB2005 during run time. I can think of a way by querying the table to a dataset and then delete everything on the other database before filling the table in that database with the dataset

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VS 2010 - Import Data From An Access Database To Other Access Database

Jun 22, 2010

I am trying to import data from an access database to a access database that my project uses I am having problems with combo box fields in the database with the data. I want to import what is displayed instead of the numerical key value. Example: The combo box displays employee names but the value stored is the key value from the employee table so instead of importing John Doe it imports 2 is there a way to make the actual name instead of the number?

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VB - Access - Registration Form That Connects To Access Database And Inserts Values In Table

Mar 14, 2011

I'm writing an page with a simple registration form that connects to my access database and inserts the values in the table. So I have my database, my registration page, everything looks fine in my code, but there's a syntax error I can't seem to figure out. When I go on my webpage and click submit, it says : Syntax error in INSERT INTO instruction.

Here's my code:

<%@Page language="vb" explicit="true" debug="true"%>
<%@Import Namespace="System.Data"%>
<%@Import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb"%>


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Compare Two Access Databases With Two Fields Each And Write The Results To A Third Access Database?

Apr 22, 2010

I am using the code shown below to compare two Access databases with two fields each and write the results to a third Access database. I am getting an error at the "Do While DMReader02.Read = True" line: "Invalid attempt to call Read when reader is closed." Why would the reader be closed at this point if I am using different DataReaders in the two loops?

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Class Form1


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Project Using VB And A Database In Access - Check If My Application Requires Access To Be Installed Or Not?

Feb 16, 2012

I'm using VS 2010, and I did a project using VB and a database in Access. The problem is that when I try to put that "application" on other computers, sometimes, is not working. I thought it can be because on these computers they don't have access, but on one computer, is running another app which is using Access and there is no Access installed. How can I check if my application requires Access to be installed or not?

Here is a example of how I did the connection:

Public AccessOLEDBConnString= "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & myfullpath & ";Jet OLEDB:Database Password=password"

Function getConnection() As OleDb.OleDbConnection


And when I want to have access at the data I'm doing like this:

dim conn as Oledb.OledbConnection

dim sql as string

dim ds as Dataset


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Automate Access Error - Open Up An Access Database ?

Mar 16, 2011

(using VB2008) I am trying to automate Access from VB.Net. To do this, I added two libraries to my project, Microsoft.Office Interop.Access v12.0.0.0, and dao v10.0.4504.0. This seems to give me all the necessary commands, yet when I tried to open up an Access database via the following code:


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Example Code To Work To Access An Access Database Through Automation?

Oct 13, 2010

I have a similar problem posted in the forum similar to this : started learning VB. I am not able to get my example code to work to access an Access database through automation. The author of my book suggested that I might not have the correct Jet 4.0 engine. The specs I have are: MSJet40.dll, Dated 7/14/2009, Prod Ver 4.00.9756.0.

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Export A Table From An Access Database To Another Access Db Using VB 2005

Mar 31, 2009

I have two Access database, say database One.mdb and Two.mdb. I want to use VB2005 to export tblCustomer from One.mdb to Two.mdb, and replace the existing tblCustomer in Two.mdb, during run time. I basically want to simulate the export function that is available in MS Access (which can export one table from one Access database to another) with VB2005 during run time. I can think of a way by querying the table to a dataset and then delete everything on the other database before filling the table in that database with the dataset. However, there should be something simpler and faster than that, shouldn't it? Any idea?

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Prevent Direct Access To The Back-end Ms Access Database?

Nov 5, 2010

I have this problem, I can create a setup for my app/database but everyone can open the backend file which is an MS Access database. I want it so we can only access the database using the frontend app.

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Program To Access A Microsoft Access 2010 Database?

Sep 9, 2010

I coded a program to access a Microsoft Access 2010 database. The program is written using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. I get the error message that the database I'm trying to access is in an invalid format. look at the code below to see what I missed. The error is in the datasource statement.


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Update A 2007 Access Database Based On Another 2007 Access Database?

Aug 14, 2011

I have 2 access databases in access 2007 I want to be able to up date one from the other.

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