Alter A Column In An Access Database From Date To Text Format Using SQL String

Oct 21, 2009

I am trying to alter a column in an Access database in VB2008 from date to text format using the SQL string as follows "ALTER TABLE receipts ALTER COLUMN Date CHAR(10)"but whether I Use TEXT, CHAR, VARCHAR or STRING, I get a Syntax Error when I run ExecuteNonQuery.

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Can't Get Column With Format Date In Dataset To Database

Mar 28, 2012

I've googled but can't find a awnser to a problem. I've made a application in VS2008 with a dataset in it. I want to store a column with format date in the sqlite database.[code]...

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Format Date String In Access?

Oct 17, 2011

I have a where clause in an old dusty application [code]...

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DB/Reporting :: Alter A Column In An Acces Database To A Random AutoNumber?

Mar 3, 2008

I'm wanting to alter a column in an acces database, to a Random AutoNumber I know how to do it for incremental e.g."ALTER TABLE MyField Counter(1,1)"but how do you do it for a Random Autonumber??

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Ensure That Conversion Of A Date To A String And A String To A Date Will Give The Same Date Format?

Jan 16, 2012

how I can ensure that conversion of a date to a string and a string to a date will give me the same date format.

For example:

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim d As Date = Date.Now


I'm actually only interested in the date part as the label text shows so f is more than I want.But also, the day and month are reversed.

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How To Format A Date Column In A Datgridview Where Data Is Double Format

Aug 3, 2009

I have a DGV that is getting data from a sql db. The dates in this db are stored as doubles ie 40025.708681

How do I format this column as Date/Time?

I tried but this doesn't seem to work.

how to do this? DGV1.Columns("HostDate").DefaultCellStyle.Format = "d"

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Convert .NET Date To String In Access Database?

Jul 26, 2010

I am attempting to use the DateTimePicker and then add a day to each iteration in a For/Next loop. That seems to work fine and I can verify with msgbox that it is happening. However, I also need to write the date in string format to an Access database using INSERT INTO. However, when the code is ran, I get a "syntax error (missing operator)". Code is below. Can someone help please? I have tried all I know to do.(Please disregard the additional values in INSERT TO, I have verified they are working properly)


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How To Alter Table Column Name In Microsoft Access Table

Oct 23, 2009

I get a Syntax Error with the following code"ALTER TABLE receipts RENAME COLUMN payees TO payee"what I am doing wrong

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Date Format - Take A String Formatted Like '010711' (DDMMYY) And Put It Into Format '01-Jul-11'?

Jul 1, 2011

I need to take a string formatted like '010711' (DDMMYY) and put it into format '01-Jul-11'. Ive thought about doing something like string.toArray and then having some conditionals that format from there but am looking for an easier way.

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Input A String Into A Access Database Under A Column That Was Originally Setup For Numbers?

Dec 8, 2011

I'm trying to add a string to a access database, for a column that was originally designed for numbers, i have changed the data type under the design view from number to text, yet I still get a error saying that it cannot convert the string expected int32

Input string was not in a correct format.Couldn't store in Parent_ID Column. Expected type is Int32.This is the full exception, i would have put it into code display but the option wasn't there

System.ArgumentException was unhandled
Message=Input string was not in a correct format.Couldn't store <A-238> in Parent_ID Column. Expected type is Int32.


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Date Format In Datagridview Column

Jun 21, 2010

Datagridview column1 has data as follows [code] I want to display it in this format [code] This is datetime data type comes from table1.

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Date Format In Datagridview Column?

Mar 17, 2009

Datagridview column1 has data as follows



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Date Format In Datagridview Column Is Not Changing?

May 29, 2012

I have a datagridview populated using a csv file. I have a column named Date. The csv file has mixup of different date formats. So I need the date column in datagridview to be in standard "MM-dd-yyyy" format. I used below code

Me.dataGridView1.Columns("Date").DefaultCellStyle.Format = "d"It didnot have any impact.
So I used the below shown code Me.dataGridView1.Columns("Date").DefaultCellStyle.Format = "MM-dd-yyyy"Still no effect.

View 22 Replies

Format A Date Column In A DataGrid From Program?

Mar 31, 2011

I have a .aspx file with a datagrid in it[code]...

The .aspx.vb file associated with it fills it in with a datagrid object.[code]...

That all works fine. However I want to format one of the columns with a particular date format. Is there a way of doing that in the vb code? I know I can do it in the .aspx by specifing AutoGenerateColumns="False" and then explicitly defining the columns, but I want to do it in the code as it's more future proof for my application.

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How To Format Datagridview Single Column To Date

Oct 1, 2011

I am filling datagridview with data from SQL server 2008 R2. one column is date which is stored in the data base as yyyy-mm-dd and when i retrieve it displays in the same format. I want to change the display to dd-MMM-yyyy.



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VS 2008 Datagrid Column Format Date?

Dec 14, 2009

I got a datagridview that gets filled from the database. One of the columns OSorderDate needs to be formated like this - "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss" but I don't know how to apply this to the column of a datagrid. The column type is DataGridViewTextBoxColumn.

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C# - Changing Date Format From Date Field In Database?

Dec 14, 2009

I am using ASP.NET with SQL Server 2005.

My date get saved in the database with data type = "smalldatetime".

I am displaying the date value into a text box called txtDate with a Reader......

Dim conn As Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim Comm As Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim reader As Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader


But currently my date get displayed as "2008/06/30 12:00:00 AM" and i want to display it as "30 June 2008".

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Use An Excel VBA Variable That Contains A Field Name To Be Used In A DAO SQL "ALTER TABLE" Statement For An Access Database?

Jun 23, 2009

As you can see below in the code the " & tblName & " will work fine but instead of using the BankName (which the user cannot change because it is in the code) I would like to do the same as I did with the Table name and use a variable that gets its name from an excel spreadsheet rather that an actual name hard coded in a VBA module. I would like the variable field name entered in the Excel Spreadsheet by the user just like the table name is filled in by the user. The problem is getting the ADO SQL string ( cmd.CommandText = "ALTER TABLE " & tblName & " Add Column BankName Char(25)" ) to recognize that the value in the Variable " & fldName & " is the field name to be used.

Sub AddFieldToAccess()
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command


'If I do this I end up with a field named BankName what I need is the name in the variable " & fldName & "

cmd.CommandText = "ALTER TABLE " & tblName & " Add Column BankName Char(25)"
cmd.Execute , , adCmdText
Set cmd = Nothing


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Setting A DataTable Column To A Date Format To Sort Correctly

Dec 1, 2011

First off a great piece of code [URL] you saved me soooo much time. I am a somewhat newbee to VB2010 and was wondering how would i go about setting lets say setting column(4) to a date format so that i can get it to sort in the correct order.

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Date Format In Access And Vb 2008?

Oct 3, 2010

The purpose of my system is to calculate the number of motors (stored in a microsoft access table) that is being sent for repair according to the months. This information will then have to be displayed in a form developed in vb2008.

Below are the coding used:

Public Class FormReportMonthlyOverhaul
Dim connstr As String = "Provider= ..Database.mdb"
Dim rowIndex As Integer = 0


The Start_Date column in the MotorTable db is of 'Text' format. I have a feeling that the there's something wrong with the sql. That is why it returns 0 value.

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Load Date Into Access In UK Format?

Feb 16, 2010

I am struggling with loading data into Access as I need to input it in a UK date format but I keep getting different results.[code]...

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Can Save Data To Access Database And In Access Database Field Set It To Date / Time

Jun 4, 2011

I can save my data to access database and in the access database field I set it to date/time.But problem is when I get the value out from the database.. the format is always month/day/year hour:minutes:seconds example today: 5/2/2011 12:00:00..How to get the value into listview becoming May/2/2011 without the hour..Here's my code to get it from database ListView1.Items(i).SubItems.Add(dt.Rows(i)(14).ToString).The second problem is.When I would like to edit, how can the datetimepicker get the listview value ? [code] info: using access 2003 (.mdb) the Date of Birth field has been set into Date/Time.

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Alter A Specific Row To Column?

Dec 8, 2009

Is there a way to alter a specific row to a column?

Like i want to alter a row but not the whole thing only one column?

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Access Db Date Format, How To Strip Off First Digit

Mar 8, 2011

I have a strange issue here. I am working with an access DB that has a field called CompleteDate. Here is my problem; There is a leading 1 in the dates. For instance, today's date format should be 110308 however, in the database the format is 1110308. How can I strip off that leading 1? Can I do this in access or, must I deal with this in my VB program?

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Convert A "YYYYMMDD" String To A Date Format Like 'dd Mmm Yy' (or Any Format)?

Sep 4, 2009

MyRow = MyDT.NewRow()
MyRow(1) = rs2.Fields("Field29").Value.ToString

rs2.Fields("Field29").Value has values like "YYYYMMDD" in a can i convert a "YYYYMMDD" string to a needed date format like 'dd mmm yy' (or any format)

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Convert String To Date Format?

Dec 16, 2009

I taken dtp value into date object but the date is displaying like this #12/16/2009#, how to get the date value should be 12/16/2009. Or suppose i took dtp text into a string then i convert string to date like this Date.Parse(string) but it's also showing the date value like this #12/16/2009# but i want date value should be 12/16/2009. How to do this in the Best

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Date String Format For Filename?

Apr 1, 2009

I am trying to make a filename something like this:

dim Test as string = "name_" + now.toshortdatestring() + ".pdf"

The datestring is like MM/DD/YYYY, which is a particularly bad filename (who want slashes in their file names??)Is there a way to format the date string differently (ie MM-DD-YYYY)?What I was trying to do is tag the file with a date so I could tell when the last time that file was generated, and also keep multiple copies around for archive purposes. Maybe there is a better way and then I dont even need this differently formatted string?

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VS 2008 Short Date Format From Access Db Field?

Oct 7, 2009

I have a textbox pulling an 'entryDate' field from my table using databinding. The field in the database is set to a 'Short Date', however when I bind that field to a text box and run the app it appends "12:00 AM" to the short date from the Db.

How do I get my databound textbox to simply display the short date which exists in the table?

View 8 Replies - Converting Date String To DateTime Format .net?

Dec 1, 2010

I have this example and it gives me exception "Conversion from string x to dateTime is invalid"

here is my method to validate Datetime. Example Date string : "27/03/1985"

Public Function validateDateColumn(ByRef FieldName As String) As Boolean


View 3 Replies - Format - Convert A String Variable To A Date

Dec 27, 2011

I am using the following function to Convert a String variable to a Date. Subtract a day from it and convert the date back to a String. The code goes as follows


If edate has a value 29/12/2011 than the value in expenddt gets changed to a different format and the value in expenddt comes to 12/29/2011 and later after subtracting a day expenddt is 12/28/2011 and than when i convert it back to a String i get the value in asd as "12/28/2012 12:00:00 AM"


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