Get A Value From JavaSc In Website Via Webbrowsercontrol To Textbox?

Oct 7, 2011

How to get a value from JavaSc in website via webbrowsercontrol to textbox

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Create A Bitmap From A Webbrowsercontrol?

Jun 28, 2010

I'm using the following code to create a bitmap from a webbrowsercontrol that is located just off-screen (not visible to user, but control is "visible") Does the CopyFromScreen method work for something that is not ACTUALLY displayed on the screen?

I checked the values of p.X and p.Y at runtime and they are correct, but my "img" does not reflect the portion of the "Screen" i'm trying to capture.

Not sure what I'm doing wrong here, or if CopyFromScreen will still work if my control is outside of the bounds of the primaryscreen.
'This is set at FormShown time
'Position the browser off-screen
Dim wbPoint As New Point(Me.Location.X + Me.Width - 50, Me.Location.Y)


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Get HTML In Iframe From Webbrowsercontrol

Jun 20, 2010

I am trying to get the HTML in a webbrowsercontrol, the HTML page has IFRAMES.I am able to get the data from the main html, but not the iframe.Here is what i have , i am using Visual Studio 2010/It will prompt and show the correct iframes it found, but then it throws and error saying [code]

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Passing WebBrowserControl URL To Web Service?

Nov 2, 2011

I have created a web service and I am trying to figure out how to take the URL from a WebBrowserControl in windows form and POST it to the web service.The web service will then take that url and create an image which will be turned into a pdf.

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Set Focus On WebBrowserControl Item?

Oct 4, 2010

I have the below code that looks for a textbox on the webbrowsercontrols current webpage, and sets focus on it.

When i run my app, it throws the errro below. if i press "yes" everything works fine, if i put "supress errors" option in the webbrowsercontrol, no errors but dosent work.[code]...

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WebBrowserControl DocumentComplete Not Firing?

Jun 27, 2009

Program was working fine, now all of a sudden it decides it does not want to navigate for me...It doesn't appear that either of my DocumentComplete or DownloadComplete Events are being fired when navigating to a very minimal web page.I even tried deleting the code blocks, and "re-adding" them in the IDE. no dice.This is pretty much the most important part of the whole program. arggh.what could be causing this? I tested by placing a msgbox call in the Document Complete Event. no popup*

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Webbrowsercontrol Not Displaying Vertical Scrollbar

Mar 24, 2011

I have windows application in which I have web browser control. I want to display vertical scrollbar, somehow its not getting displayed. Is there any way of enabling the scrollbar or any property which need to be set. I have already set the ScrollEnabled

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C# - WebBrowserControl: UnauthorizedAccessException When Accessing Property Of A Frame

May 18, 2012

I coded a very small website bot in C# using the default WebBrowser control. Actually almost everything is working the way it is supposed to work, yet I seem to have problems with the very last step of my automation.

The website was built using several iframes. This isn't much of a big deal as I simply access those frames and their elements using


This however does not work when the source of the IFRAME is being hosted on a different domain than the actual website. As I searched the internet for an answer to my problem I stumbled across an MSDN article mentioning this specific problem and they were referring to safety measures against cross site scripting which might be the reason for this error.

I couldn't really find a way of disabling this feature so I moved on and decided to recode everything to work with geckofx-12 instead of the default (IE based) web browser control, yet I ran into similar issues...

My question is: Is there any way I can bypass this annoying behaviour? I don't really care about security concerns or on whether geckofx or the default web browser control is being used, I would just like to programmatically access the elements of a site which is being hosted on a different domain without running into an UnauthorizedAccessException.

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VS 2010 : Delete WebBrowserControl Cache/Cookies?

May 24, 2011

I have a webbrowser control and i wanted to clear cookies / cache in a function, however i cant seem to find the right method.
Now i have a few computers that will be 32bit, 64bit etc. Code I was trying

Function DeleteCookies(ByVal wb As WebBrowser)
wb.Document.Cookie.Remove(0, (wb.Document.Cookie.Count - 1))


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Autofill A Website Textbox?

Dec 5, 2011

I have my dataset filled with addresses and I want to search them on google maps or mapquest or something. I know how to open a website using the system.diagnostics.process.start, however, I dont know how to set the address textbox = the search textbox in googlemaps or w/e.

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Website Text To Textbox

Jan 3, 2011

I making visual basic program and i need help to get text from website to textbox soo url...and i need this TEXT55555 in mine program textbox.My app have webbrowser1 its navigated to that page with that source but i just don't know how to get that text...

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VS 2010 Getting The Class Attribute Of An HTML Element In WebbrowserControl

Apr 30, 2011

I have a webbrowser control with a static HTML page in it, i wanted to loop through each of the DIV items, and look at the class attribute within them. When i run my test, the class attribute is always blank? I know they have a class attribute i checked in my HTML


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Enter Information Into Textbox On Website?

Apr 1, 2011

how can i enter information into textbox on website

WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("username").SetAttribute("value", "TextBox1")

keeps on telling me nullrefrence unhandlded?here is the source of my page

<input type="text" class="login_textbox" name="username" id="username" tabindex="1">

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Get The Text From A Specific Textbox From A Website?

Dec 9, 2010

what I want to do is get the text from a specific textbox from a website then copy it and paste it into an textbox(into my.exe) .

*With those code i get alway and error that clipboard is not supported ! *

my codes :

Private Sub Timer2_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick


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How To Go To Website Address Entered In Textbox

Sep 14, 2009

I have a text box and I would like to type in a website address and make it go to the given website by clicking a button..I already created a button and a text box. How to go to the entered website address.

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Forms :: Input Information From Textbox Into A Website

Jan 13, 2011

I have a form that has 5 text fields.I need to automatically input those fields into a website via a button.

-Next i have to click login
-enter a password Admin00 and select ok
-Click on Basic
-Click on Address Box
-Click on Add Contact
-Enter textfields into this page
-TextField1 goes into Registration
-TextField2 goes into Hostname
-TextField3 goes into Path
-TextField4 goes into Username
-TextField5 goes into password

Scroll to the bottom and hit registration

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Get The Text On A Website In A String / Textbox / Msgbox

Apr 6, 2009

I try to get the text on a website in a string/textbox/msgbox. The characters cannot be read somehow. I know the website is encoded in ISO-8859-1 (windows-1252). My current code is...


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VB 2008 Input Information From Textbox Into A Website?

Jun 12, 2011

I have a form that has 5 text fields...


I need to automatically input those fields into a website via a button. The Website link is

-Next i have to click login
-enter a password Admin00 and select ok
-Click on Basic


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Search A Multi-line Textbox That Contains The Source Of A Particular Website?

Nov 26, 2009

What I am trying to do here is search a multi-line textbox that contains the source of a particular website.what I would like is something like this but i do not know how to right it like i need

Dim MyString, FirstWord, LastWord, MidWords As String MyString = "Mid Function Demo" ' would be the textbox FirstWord = Mid(MyString, 1, 3) ' Returns "Mid". LastWord = Mid(MyString, 14, 4) ' Returns "Demo". MidWords = Mid(MyString, 5) ' Returns "Function Demo".

this function works fine only when you define len.what I need is a function that will do something like this, "note obviously interpreted code"

Dim text, A,B,C as string text = textbox1 A = "<body>" B = "information between A and C being of variable len" C = "</body>" textbox2 = B

I do not want anything like,

remove "<>?|?()}{][" etc.

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Loading Content Of A Text File Located On A Website Into A Textbox / Combobox

Feb 6, 2011

Is it possible to load the content of a text file (.txt) into a listbox or combobox if the text file is located in a webpage?let's suppose that the file is located at would i load the content of the text file into my listbox/combobox?

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Use The WebBrowserControl To Download A Program Generated PDF File Without The File Save As Dialog

Sep 15, 2011

I am writing a Windows Form program to automatically download and store generated PDF reports from a web site using the WebBrowser Control. The web site uses Ajax to link an icon back to the source aspx file which then returns a PDF file.

The problem I have is that the WebBrowser control brings up the File Save As dialog box when the PDF file is returned and I can find no way of handling this to cature and save the returned file. I have found other examples of how to manage this using the Navagating event to validate the extension of the file that is being accessed (e.g. [URL] and, if not an HTM, file then use the HTTP Web control to directly download the file. Unfortunately this will not work as the call references a .aspx page.

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WebBrowserControl + Progress Bar - "minimum Value Is Out Of Bounds Error"

Jun 24, 2010

Ive tried a few methods and most throw the "minimum value is out of bounds error" so i tried this method, but it seems, i cant get it to work right, says me.pageloadProgress and lastMaxiumProgess is invalid.


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VS 2008 Select Website In Combobox Open Form2 With Website Preview?

Feb 19, 2010

What Im making is like a face book and tagged login from my app

1. I have Combobox with 3 urls in there ( and )
2. I have a Form2 with webbrowser
3. I have a Button when clicked it should open up my form 2 and preview of the website which I selected in my combobox in form1

All I'm trying to do is when I select lets say facebook in my form 1 and click load it should open up my form 2 with facebook website in it.[code]Now when I click my button in form 1 it will load Form2 ( named Explorer1) but my form2 is not showing me facebook or tagged page for some reason

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Creating A Website That Allows People To Upload Images To The Website In A Folder?

Feb 26, 2011

i'm creating a website that allows people to upload images to the website in a folder called images on the Site. But I don't know how to upload a file and I'v searched everywhere Please Note: In this Website were not Using the asp:fileupload, were developing our own interface

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VS 2008 - Website Scanner - Scan A Website Every 15 Mins

Apr 6, 2009

What I want is: To scan a website every 15 mins or so, (craigslist in this case), and email myself any new posts that come up. I know I need to use WebClient, but I never used that before. Another question would be how to only email when a new post is up and not receive the same email every 15 mins.

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Disable Mouse While Mouse Is Over WebBrowserControl?

Jun 11, 2009

I have a WebBrowserControl on my main form and it auto navigates and all that just fine! What I would like to do is not allow the user to click anywhere within the WebBrowserControl while the program is running. Reason for this is that the browser self-navigates to a view of cameras and this shows scrollbars. My program then takes screenshots of specific coordinates on the screen so I do not want the user to use the scrollbars or highlight or do ANYTHING to the page once the program starts. I would like to change the cursor icon to like a red X or something similar to indicate no user functionality.

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Integrating ASP.NET C# Website As Subsite To A VB Website?

Jan 25, 2011

I have a ASP.NET 2.0 website created in C# that acts as a completely independent site and I am looking to integrate this into an existing ASP.NET 2.0 website created in VB.NET. Unfortunately I just don't know much about the server management side of ASP.NET yet so too much I'm unaware of when it comes to IIS configuration etc. Does anyone have any advice as to how I can go about integrating this? Basically I want to host it in a subdirectory from root so when you hit it will pull up my C# site.

One possible solution I came across mentioned just dropping the project folder into the root directory and setting up that directory as an application virtual directory in IIS? A few other random questions were small things like would my application relative links (~/for-example.aspx) stay relative to my root subdirectory if it's made into an application virtual directory? Just trying to get this running on their site but like I said it's completely independent so want to preserve my websites environment.

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Log Into Website Without Website Open?

Sep 9, 2011

I want to create a program to fetch information from a website (that's fine). However, you need to be logged in to get this information. I just want two simple textbox controls that I would type my username and password into and hit submit and the information would be returned to me so I can use it. (I don't want to use a webbrowser control)

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Security - Textbox On Form - User Inputs Data ( During Runtime ) Data Remains In Textbox For Good And Textbox Becomes Read Only ?

Jan 8, 2010

Is it possible to have a Textbox on a form that when the user inputs data, ( during Runtime )that data remains in the Textbox for good and the Textbox then becomes read only ? Is it also possible to make it so that the CD with the programme on, is in the PC when the programme is being used. Perhaps writing the Textbox data back onto the CD ?

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Get XML Of Website?

Dec 9, 2009

I have a program that needs to obtain a page's XML Source and then it reads and graphs data from it. I have built the program around just one sample of the xml but now i would like the program to get the xml source every time it loads/press a button ext... But i'm not sure where to start on getting the XML page source of a website.

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