Get Around Non-exposed MouseClick Event?

Apr 28, 2009

I have an ActiveX component (for mapping) I am using that I need to do an action on a mouse click, but the event isn't exposed. Internally, the class seems to fire an event, as it has a LastPointClicked() method that you can call that returns the map coordinates of the last point you clicked on. I am trying to find a way to center the map on the point clicked. I could fudge it with some kind of timer that just checks to see if the LastPointClicked has changed and center if it did,

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VS 2008 No MouseClick Event With Right Button?

Feb 23, 2011

I've noticed that in VS2008 the Mouse_Click() event is not firing for the right mouse button.I create a standard WinForms button called "btnMouseEvents". Wire up the MouseClick event. The event fires for the left button but not the right.

Private Sub btnMouseEvents_MouseClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles btnMouseEvents.MouseClick
MsgBox("Mouse click. Button = " & e.Button.ToString())


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Which Tab Was Clicked On Tabcontrol MouseClick Event

Feb 12, 2010

I am learning how to develop Windows Forms applications with Visual Basic Express 2008, and my testing/learning application has a TabControl with a few test pages (3, for example, the number isn't relevant here).Now, I am handing the MouseClick event on the Tabcontrol, and I can't seem to be able to figure out how to get which tab was clicked on.I believe that the MouseClick event isn't fired if I click on another place of the tab strip, therefore a tab must have been clicked on. The problem is, which was the tab?

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Mouseclick Event For Dynamically Created Control

Feb 24, 2012

I created controls whith the mouseclick event


It picks up the left mouse key click but none of the others, what did I do wrong?

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Raise A PictureBox.MouseClick Event On Form1 From Form2?

Apr 19, 2009

This seems as though it should be simple to do... Form2 wants to execute Form1's picturebox33 event

Form2 has the following code:'delegate pointer to pass args to form1.picturebox33 event

Public Event ExecuteSpellCorrectionSearch(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)


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VS 2010 List Selection :: Only Call Mouseclick Event If There Is An Item At The Curr Location?

Dec 6, 2010

Currently, when I double click on my current list, even if there isnt an item at the current mouses location, it calls the event and uses the last highlighted item. I know it is possible to fix this by using a selected index change event, but I require the list items to be double clicked

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Structure Being 'Exposed'?

Aug 5, 2010

In my project I have a module called Functions where I have all my functions, suprisingly. I also have in there a few structures that I have made.One of those structures is called Point3D which is just used for storing x,y and z values.It looks like this:

Module Functions
'...More stuff in here...
Public Structure Point3D[code]....

However, apparently I am exposing type 'Functions.Point3D' outside the project through class 'EditBuildings'.But I dont get it because the structure is public the class is public and the constructor is public. If I make the constructor private then I can use it, but then I cant access the constructor from other forms.

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Method For Threading In A COM Exposed Assembly?

Jan 5, 2011

First let me say: I am still very inexperienced with VB.NET so there is probably something simple I am missing, or at least that's what I'm hoping. I've been writing a COM exposed wrapper class to provide access to a web service in a legacy VB6 application. I got everything pretty much working as I wanted - all the COM properties, methods and events are showing up in the VB6 app - but for one minor detail: when I used a method which made a call to the service, it was obviously only working asynchronously, so I couldn't update a progress bar or do anything else while waiting for a corresponding assembly event to fire.


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Call WPF Application And Modify Exposed Properties?

May 25, 2010

I have a WPF Keyboard Application, it is developed in such a way that an application could call it and modify its properties to adapt the Keyboard to do what it needs to. Right now I have a file *.Keys.Set which tells the application (on open) to style itself according to that new style. I know this file could be passed as a command line argument into the application. [code]...

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Raising Events In A Class Library Exposed To COM?

Dec 20, 2010

I'm trying to write a wrapper to a service, which will be used by an existing VB6 project. I've got most of the basic framework working, except for one important aspect: I can reference the wrapper in a VB6 project and subs/function calls etc. work as expected, but events do not. The events are visible in the VB6 app, but they never fire.

VB.NET Code:

Public Event Action_Response(ByVal Status as String)
Public Function TestEvent()
RaiseEvent Action_Response("Test Done")


So, the cmdTest button code prints 'Done' as expected, but the Action_Response event doesn't fire. Is there something else do I need to do to get the event to fire?

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Audio Components Are Exposed By The .net Framework - Work With .wav Files?

Aug 18, 2010

About what audio components are exposed by the .net framework?

Can I work with .wav files? What kind of things can I do with .wav files as far as vb .net is concerned? Can I record? What should I look for when looking for info for .net related audio at msdn. Where else can I find info on this?

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Limit The Default Events, Properties And Methods Exposed From A UserControl?

May 11, 2010

limit the default events, properties and methods exposed from a UserControl so it only displays to the developer the new events etc that I code myself.What i mean is I have created a UserControl with a panel and 5 buttons, written 1 Public Eventonly at this stage, I have placed an instance of the control on a form in a new project, but in the drop down menu that comes up after say (myUserControl1.), there is a massive list of options, I don't want those to appear.

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VS 2008 Getting Mouseclick?

Jun 21, 2010

What I want to achieve is, getting the current position of the mouse when it's clicked on the form (so also on any object on the form)I can get the position with (this code runs in Timer1)

Dim MousePosition As Point
MousePosition = Cursor.Position
Button4.Text = MousePosition.X & " " & MousePosition.Y

But how do I capture an an overall Click event, so when the mosue is clicked the timer stops?

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Can MDI Parent Handle Mouseclick

Oct 6, 2011

With the following code, I am creating a child form when my main form loads:

Public Class Form1
Dim cForm As New System.Windows.Forms.Form
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


Once it loads, the main form doesn't seem to handle the mouseclick event. Is that because the child fom is showing, and somehow IT has to handle the click event (even though I'm not clicking within the boundaries of the child form)?

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Emulate Mouseclick When Directinput?

Jul 27, 2009

How to emulate a mouse click with directinput?

like ive been searching for this for hours and can't find anything decent for VB 2008

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Global MouseClick Handler?

Apr 17, 2010

I've been trying to write a utility program that enables you to click a certain number of times and having a specified program open up when that happens. Ex: If I consecutively click 5 times it will open explorer, 6 times will open outlook, ect.I have the entire program writen out, the only things thats stopping its completion is that I can only log clicks that happen ON the form, not on the desktop, or within any window (globally detecting mouse clicks, as opposed to only on the forum

Private Sub Form1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Click


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ListBox SelectedIndexChanged Vs MouseClick?

Mar 3, 2009

For some reason I have always used the SelectedIndexChanged property to take action when something is clicked (I guess because this is the default property? ie when you double click the listbox this is what you get). However I have often come across problems when I try to unselect all the items in the listbox by calling

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Change Focus After Mouseclick On Treeview

Jan 7, 2009

I have a treeview, and lets say in the treeview I have the nodes "Textbox1", "Textbox2", and "Textbox3". Also on the form I have 3 textboxes. What I want it to do is when I click "Textbox1" in the tree, to select all text and bring focus to the first textbox. So on the AfterSelect event of the treeview, I find out what node Im on, and what textbox to go to, then I say Textbox1.Focus() : Textbox1.SelectAll().When I use the keyboard and navigate to that node, it works. It jumps the focus off of the treeview and to that textbox, selecting all it's text. Works fine.But when I click on it with my mouse, it doesn't. It does select the text, bring focus to the textbox, but immediately brings focus right back to the treeview. (you have to look really close to see it) I'm thinking there's some mouse event that is bringing the focus back to the treeview, but not sure what.

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Prevent Mouseclick In Multiline Textbox?

Jul 8, 2011

I have spent the last hours trying to make an easy fix for this. Setting it to enabled=false is no good in this case. What I was looking for is a way to prevent the user to place the cursor in a multiline textbox. This is a read only textbox, and the user can't type anything in it, but for some reason he can still place the cursor in it, that is what I try to prevent.

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VS 2008 Detecting Mouseclick Outside The Form?

Apr 7, 2009

how can i detect mouseclick outside the form (for example desktop)

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VS 2008 Send A Mouseclick Via The Code?

Jul 26, 2009

I am trying to send a mouseclick via the code below and it works fine. But I was wondering how would I send a "virtual" mouseclick(It emulates a mouseclick at specified point but does not move the cursor)

Public Class Form1
Public Declare Auto Function SetCursorPos Lib "User32.dll" (ByVal X As Integer, ByVal Y As Integer) As Integer
Public Declare Auto Function GetCursorPos Lib "User32.dll" (ByRef lpPoint As Point) As Integer


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Possible To Detect A Form Mouseclick From A User Control

Jan 12, 2012

I have created a User Control and would like to be able to detect when the user clicks on the Form.I have seen this question which is related but the suggestion to use the the Leave event doesn't always do what I want because the focus doesn't necessarily change when the user clicks the Form (my control could be the only control on the Form in which case focus stays with my control).I want to be able to do something like this from within the User Control:[code]

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VS 2010 Cannot MouseClick On Transparent Form Background?

Jan 30, 2012

I have a form, and the background color of the form is set to the transparency key, making the background of the form transparent. The problem I'm having, is that the form cannot recognize the MouseClick event (when I click on the transparent background of the form). I figured out that the transparent background is triggering this problem. When I shut off the transparency, everything works fine.My question is.. Is there any work around? I still need to use the form to be able to access certain objects that are rendering there, so I don't think I could use something like a "Panel" for example, because the objects will render underneath and possibly make them inaccessible.

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Make A Mouseclick According To The Time Inserted Into The Textbox (in Milliseconds)?

Oct 19, 2010

just trying to work out some functions, like time delays and such and autoclickers.What I have is two command buttons and one textbox, and what I want this program to do is make a mouseclick according to the time inserted into the textbox (in milliseconds). e.g say someone types in "500", after button 1("START") is clicked, the mouse will click every 500 milliseconds, and button 2 ("STOP") will halt execution. Also, would this continue execution in the background, if i have other programs open? I've been able to make a program that has a timer which ticks at the specified time, I just can't get it to make the mouse click, i've tried "cmdButton.PerformClick" but thats not working,

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VS 2010 TabControl With DragDrop Not Raising MouseClick Events On Tabs

Aug 29, 2010

I have a custom (inherited) TabControl which adds Drag/Drop functionality to it, so that one can drag the tabs around, either within the same control (to re-order them) or to and from other TabControls. I've noticed some time ago that my TabControl however was not raising its MouseClick and MouseUp events (or actually: it is not calling its OnMouseClick and OnMouseUp methods, which comes down to the same thing). I've been struggling with this problem for a long while and I finally figured out what is happening. I'm no closer to figuring out what to do about it though... The problem seems related to the drag drop functionality. I have this code in the OnMouseDown method (which is raised as usual):


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Control Array - Add New Event - Click Event Code And Calling It A Doubleclick Event

Jul 31, 2010

I've read thru Iceplug's tutorial on control arrays and got it working. I tried to add a new event by basically copying his click event code and calling it a doubleclick event. I used the proper addhandler and assigned the correct name to my sub. I have the click event changing the background color to blue and the doubleclick event changing the background color to green. The background color does not change to green. Why?

Heres the tutorial with my new code encased in asterisks ...


Imports System
Imports System.Windows.Forms

Public Class form1


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C# - Difference Between Load Event,Activate Event And Enter Event In The Form?

Mar 30, 2009

I am using VB.NET for Windows applications. What is the difference between Load event,Activate event and Enter event in the Form and in which order the above event is executed.

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Override An Event - TextChanged Event Not To Be Triggered When The CellClick Event Occurs?

Jul 20, 2010

I'm trying to validate a few things in a form I'm building. It has a datagrid with clients info (taken from an access database) and a few textboxes where the user can type some search criteria. The thing is that those same textboxes are used to add new clients to the database and to modify a client's information if one from the datagrid is selected, so I made it that the buttons to insert and modify clients are disabled on load and thenevery time the text on a textbox changes ("TextChanged" event) they become enabled. So far so good. But then I wanted to make it so when a client from the datagrid is selected both buttons become disabled again until the text on a textbox changes (to make sure they're adding a different client and not the same one that was

I tried using the CellClick event from the datagrid to disable the buttons, but since every time a client is selected from the datagrid the info is shown on the textboxes, this triggers the TextChanged event too, and the buttons become available.So, is there a way I can tell the TextChanged event not to be triggered when the CellClick event occurs?

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.net - Event Handler Is Never Called Because The Original Event Is Raised In Another Event Handler?

Apr 18, 2011

The event handlers in my parent class are never called though the events are raised in the child class.

The Code:

Public Class childForm
Public Event checkboxchangedEvent(ByVal checkbox1 As Boolean, ByVal checkbox2 As Boolean)
Private Sub checkboxchanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged, CheckBox2.CheckedChanged


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Airline Reservation Application - Creat An Event Handler For The FlightBindingSource's PositionChanged Event?

Nov 27, 2010

I'm trying to complete this airline reservation application, but having a problem in this part of the question:Creat an event handler for the FlightBindingSource's PositionChanged event: select FlightBindingSource in the class Name combobox then select position changed in method name combobox to creat the FlightBindingSource's PositionChanged event handler. Write a code to access the currently displayed flight object and pass its flightNumber to method DisplayPassengers as a decimal.This Is my code so far:


Public Class AirlineReservationForm
Private database As New ReservationsDataClassesDataContext()
Private Sub FillAll()[code].....

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