Audio Components Are Exposed By The .net Framework - Work With .wav Files?

Aug 18, 2010

About what audio components are exposed by the .net framework?

Can I work with .wav files? What kind of things can I do with .wav files as far as vb .net is concerned? Can I record? What should I look for when looking for info for .net related audio at msdn. Where else can I find info on this?

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Audio Management System - Allow User To Add Audio Files Itself Into Database Together With Audio Information

Jan 28, 2010

I'm developing a standslone system for my school project. I'm developing an audio management system which allow user to add audio files itself into database together with the audio information such as artist name and album year. I just started it few days ago and face some problems.. my song in the playlist wont continue to play after 1 finished and i need some idea on how to store the audio files into database ... in blob types may be?

Heres the screenshot and codes

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bt_add.Click


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Is There Any Slider Bar In Framework Components

Aug 3, 2009

I am upgrading from VB6 and started working with VB.Net (VS2005). One problem I have was controls avilable in VB.Net. I can use a slider bar in VB6, but couldn't find any quivalent in Framework Components)!! I don't know why I can choose one in COM components, but these requires project generated DLL's to run. I want to distribute just the executable.My questions are:

-Is there any slider bar in VB.Net Framework Components?

-If there is none, Can I use COM component and bundle everything into one Executable? Also is it possible a list of controls in .Net as I find in vb6: url....

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What Components Of .Net Framework Should A Professional Developer Typically Avoid

Apr 19, 2009

.Net is a huge framework with some functionality that appears to target beginners or becomes problematic if much customization is involved. So what functionality available in the .Net framework do you feel professional developers should avoid and why? For example, .Net has a wizard for common user management functions. Is using this functionality considered appropriate for professional use or a beginner only? One component/feature/class, etc per answer please so votes are specific to a single item.

View 9 Replies : Get It To Play Other Files Besides Just .wav, Like .mp3. Wave Files?

Sep 13, 2008

how can i get it to play other files besides just .wav, like .mp3. wave files are way too large to be used easily if you want a good quality. why cant i play .mp3 files with it?when i convert a 2.1 mb mp3 file to .wav it turns out to be 36 mb?any other ways besides to play audio files on command?

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C# - Recommended Way To Work With Audio In .NET Applications?

Dec 10, 2009

I'm trying to get started with a simple audio application under .NET 3.5 (preferably in VB.NET, but will happily use C#). What I'd like to do is: Continuously record audio from (the default) Windows audio input device in 8-bits-per-sample PCM format For every N bytes captured, do some analysis on the raw audio (some RMS and/or SPL calculations -- basically what you'd need for a pretty VU bar graph thingy) If the audio fragment is found interesting after analysis, save it using a compressed file format (e.g. MP3)


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Eep Visual Studio From Treating Files As Components Or Forms?

May 25, 2011

Today I noticed that Visual Studio 2008 always treats a file as if it was a component or a form if this file contains a definition of one.This means that it always opens the designer by default. I think this behavior is very annoying, because a file containing a class that derives from form or control does not have to be an actual form or control and I want to edit the source by default.

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Add More Than One Audio Files In A Playlist

Jun 2, 2011

I ve added windows media player in the form. and i can add a audio file in it..but i want to add more than one audio files in a playlist and from tat playlist i want to retreive duration of each n every file and store it seperatly in an array or collection.

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Manipulating Audio Files With .net?

Apr 2, 2012

I need to be able to read audio files and manipulate them from within my own program (similar to how Audacity does it). Now, I'm not asking for something with a thousand effects and such, I just need the minimal as far as audio manipulation for .net goes. I really just need to be able to figure out pitches and frequencies being played at what times and the ability to move them all around.

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Playing MP3 Audio Files (And Not Using WMP)

Sep 27, 2010

Based on a thread earlier today, and in particular an answer that Cor gave wherein he
pointed to this article, I thought that I'd do some investigation. Many times here the question has come up about playing .mp3 audio files and NOT using the Windows Media Player object. In the article referenced above, he shows how this can be done via DirectX.

I've looked at DirectX before and it seemed ambiguous so I never really dug into it but it turns out to be pretty simple actually! I thought that I'd write this as a step-by-step of what I did so that maybe some of you will find use from it. The whole thing stems around using DirectX and to begin with, you'll need to download and install the SDK for it. If you haven't already,

try this link. Do be aware that it's a large download (about a half gig)! Once that's installed, create a form and add a reference to the class that we need for this. You can do this several ways, but the way I usually do is to right-click on the name in the Solution Explorer, then choose "Add Reference":


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Use Read .mdi (audio) Files ?

Feb 24, 2009

How can i use to read .mdi (audio) files? im planning to use it for a guitar hero game.

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Detect Audio Or Video Files?

Mar 10, 2010

How can I know type of file, music video or something else, in VB 2005 without looking extension.

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Getting Data About Your Audio Files (And Not Using Metadata)?

Jun 10, 2011

Early on the OP was asked "how will you get the data about your music?" and it went into a whole other direction, but that's what I'm here to show: Another way to get the data about your music without dependence on the metadata.The music that I have has fairly extensive tags embedded but as I've discovered, that's not the case with all of them. It's a good starting point I suppose but is there another way? Let me jump to the end, then in the next several posts, we'll dissect the parts of it. My goal was use "only out of the components and methods" and this is what we end up with: Aside from the rudimentary things like song duration, how about if we could get a host of information about the songs, including the cover art? As shown in the example above, some also will have a link to additional information. The additional information may even contain a way to watch a music video for that song like this: Further, some will even contain what I call "Liner Notes" like this:

If this interests you, read on ...This isn't a new thought at all; I've explored this area before. Have a look at this on Code Project. Now before you go thinking that you've found the keys to the kingdom, I should explain a little minor issue about that - it doesn't work! In that, he relies heavily on three web services: Amazon Web Service MusicBrainz LyricWiki Amazon has significantly modified their service such that his methods don't work now. If you follow the posts following the thread, you'll see a few people have tried workarounds but over the years, even those stopped working because apparently they (Amazon) are in a state of flux regarding their API. LyricWiki is still alive and well, but - the music recording industry forced them to no longer offer their service to developers. MusicBrainz is in fact a heck of a resource and if you're at all interested in this topic, I would encourage you to have a look around. It's odd to work with, but it's chock full of good information and they're constantly adding to it or so it seems. All that said, this example won't use any of those but rather a different service all together: Last Dot FM. I can't say that I know much about them, but I happened onto them a few months back when I was first experimenting with all this stuff.

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How Do I Play Audio/video Files

Apr 10, 2009

How do I play audio/video files in VB.NET?

remember to mark the replies as answers.

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Play Xm Audio Files In Background?

Apr 19, 2011

I dont have bass dll or other files...How i play xm audio files in project, and whats the command to Call the function FOR PLAYING.

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Playing Audio Files In The Background?

Jan 29, 2009

I am working on an application in (.NET 2.0) where I need to open a dynamic amount of different audio streams. Normally, for audio files, one would suggest importing the Windows Media Player COM reference and adding a GUI-based element from the toolbox, but since I'll be working with a dynamic amount of these a GUI would be a terrible idea (especially with Tab stops).

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VB2010 Is The Compact Framework Still In Work - It's Not In Beta2

Oct 20, 2009

Is the Compact Framework still in work? It's not in Beta2.

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Work On A .NET Project Built On The 4.0 Framework In MonoDevelop?

Feb 9, 2012

I'm looking around and I "think" I'm reading conflicting statements about MonoDevelop's ability to support a VB.NET project. Some places say it's not possible yet, and other places say that you can with MonoDevelop V2.10... unfortunately I can't seem to find this elusive v2.10.

Do any of you know if this is currently possible (even if I have to install a beta)?

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Running .ivr Audio Files Through Visual Basic

Aug 24, 2008

In VB, i see file format in wav, but how we can run other formats through vb code take wav format is there any other posibility

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Shuffle 10 Audio Files And Play In A Loop?

Dec 11, 2010

I have 1-10 audio files that were selected by the user using an "openFileDialog" (with a button and textbox for each). Now, I want it to play all of the files that they selected in a random order when the user clicks "Button12." After all the files have been played, I want it to start over and play all of them in a random order again. I don't want it to stop until the user clicks "Button13." When the user clicks "Button 12" again, it should start playing them in a random order again.

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Transferring Audio Streaming Files With Sockets

Feb 20, 2009

I am developing a server-client voice streaming chat application with, i am recording wav files by a microphone and using .net.Sockets to transfer the files from a client to the server.

The runtime from the client follows as :
Public Sub sendFile(ByVal file As IO.FileInfo)
Dim BufferSize As Integer = 1024
Dim fs As FileStream = New FileStream(file.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
Dim NoOfPackets As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToDouble(fs.Length) / Convert.ToDouble(BufferSize)))
[Code] ......

The problem that I am having is that the wav file that arrives to the server sounds really bad like interrupting each half-second. Another strange thing is that if the originally file es 46KB big the one that receives the server is 47KB. How I will manage to build a voice chat with good quality using this technology. How I can start sending streaming audio meanwhile une user is speaking.

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VS 2005 Combining Video And Audio Files?

Aug 3, 2009

I have a requirement to combine 2 audio files with a video file is this possible with the user basicly wants to do is select 3 files one video, 2 audio, then click a go button and the files be combined to produce a single file, where do I start?

Am wondering if media encoder can do this or do I need to look in other areas?

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VS 2008 Put Into XML A Folder Full Of Audio Files

Aug 22, 2011

I have searched and found many articles and code that writes a directory structure to an XML file. However, I'm not having much luck finding/altering code that gives each sub folder a different name. I'm trying to put into XML a folder full of audio files. They are music - artist - album - file. Music is the root folder and file are the audio files but every piece of code calls artist and album the same name. eg


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[2005] Unable To Play Some Audio Files

Jan 24, 2009

I am building a music player. I found this class that has worked great for what I need. However, for some reason, it won't play certain audio files. IT just reads it as 0 duration. I have no idea why. Below is the code that plays the file.


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Cut And Save The Audio Files Played In Media Player

Aug 5, 2009

I have created a small media player calling COM component of Windows media player. Now i want to cut and save the audio files played in media player? is it possible with windows media player or i would have to use some other media player object? I can have the files info which i am using in window media player to play..but cant able to get the details which we can finds with our OS( windows) like compression format, bit-rate etc.

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Forms :: Play Audio Files (WAV) When Form Loads?

Apr 19, 2009

How to play an audio file automatically when form loads?

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Looping Audio Files In Tree View With Windows Media Player COM?

Mar 16, 2011

I am attempting to play a set of audio files continuously using a tree view. I am having troubles looping through an array to play one song after another in the selected parent node. It seems to work if I only use one song in the array but it doesn't want to actually loop through and keep playing; it goes through the loop but once the first song is over it stops. I am unsure if looping through an array in the AfterSelect sub routine is the best way of doing this,

Here is the entire Sub routine for the AfterSelect on the tree view.trvMain is the name of the entire tree view.wmpMain is the Windows Media Player COM.trvJazzHancock is the parent node for the two audio files I'm attempting to loop.


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Structure Being 'Exposed'?

Aug 5, 2010

In my project I have a module called Functions where I have all my functions, suprisingly. I also have in there a few structures that I have made.One of those structures is called Point3D which is just used for storing x,y and z values.It looks like this:

Module Functions
'...More stuff in here...
Public Structure Point3D[code]....

However, apparently I am exposing type 'Functions.Point3D' outside the project through class 'EditBuildings'.But I dont get it because the structure is public the class is public and the constructor is public. If I make the constructor private then I can use it, but then I cant access the constructor from other forms.

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Get Around Non-exposed MouseClick Event?

Apr 28, 2009

I have an ActiveX component (for mapping) I am using that I need to do an action on a mouse click, but the event isn't exposed. Internally, the class seems to fire an event, as it has a LastPointClicked() method that you can call that returns the map coordinates of the last point you clicked on. I am trying to find a way to center the map on the point clicked. I could fudge it with some kind of timer that just checks to see if the LastPointClicked has changed and center if it did,

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Method For Threading In A COM Exposed Assembly?

Jan 5, 2011

First let me say: I am still very inexperienced with VB.NET so there is probably something simple I am missing, or at least that's what I'm hoping. I've been writing a COM exposed wrapper class to provide access to a web service in a legacy VB6 application. I got everything pretty much working as I wanted - all the COM properties, methods and events are showing up in the VB6 app - but for one minor detail: when I used a method which made a call to the service, it was obviously only working asynchronously, so I couldn't update a progress bar or do anything else while waiting for a corresponding assembly event to fire.


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