Get The Newly Started Process' Id?

May 7, 2009

How do you know if a process starts another process?And how to get the newly started process' id?

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Get Process Id Of Process Started With CreateObject In .NET?

Mar 12, 2010

I'm using VB.NET for a web-application that starts some process using CreateObject, like this:

Dim AVObject = CreateObject("avwin.application")

After all is done everything get closed down en stopped using the proper release functions, however, for some reason the process remains.

Is there some way in which I can get the process id of the started process, in order to explicitly kill it just before termination?

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C# - Kill Process Started With System.Diagnostic.Process.Start("FileName")

Oct 2, 2010

I am trying to create an app that will perform actions on specific times (much like the Windows Task Scheduler). I am currently using Process.Start() to lunch the file (or exe) required by the task. I am initiating a process by calling a file (an .mp3) and the process starts WMP (since it is the default application), so far so good. Now I wan't to kill that process. I know that it is normal behavior for the Process.Start(string, string) to return nothing (null in C#) in this case. So I am asking how can i close WMP when I called it through Process.Start(string, string)??


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Get Each New Process What Is Started?

Mar 6, 2010

I want to know if there is a way to get each new process (what has been started) in a real-time manner (instantly). I tried until now something like:

1. Getting the number of opened/running processes

2. If the number is different from the previous check then the program is scanning each process (what is running) using a timer, each process has assigned its "pid" (using array) -- so if there is a new "pid" the process will be scanned -- else the process will be skipped. (scanning: getting its "object" path and creating a md5 signature etc.) This is working but is inefficient(very)...

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IDE :: App Dies With The Started Process?

Nov 11, 2010

whenever i start my app and let it start a process, and the process dies or gets killed my app goes down too. but this only occurs when i'm debugging, not when i run the program

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Test If A Process Can Be Started In Vb?

Jun 24, 2011

I have searched the www but so far cannot see how to do it. Perhaps via a try/catch statement?

How can I test if a process can be started in vb before actually starting it, e.g. when I use process.start("<name>.exe") ....

but before doing that I would like to make sure that it will be callable.. is this possible at all? maybe by using some kind of My.Computer .FileSystem .FileExists ("<name>.exe") statement?

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ProcessWindowStyle.Maximized For An Existing (already Started Process)?

Aug 21, 2011

ProcessWindowStyle.Maximized for an existing (already started process)

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StandardOut Has Not Been Redirected Or The Process Hasn't Started Yet?

Jan 20, 2010

I run a program based on a timer in VB.NET, and it executes just fine when I don't try to retrieve the output. For some reason, though, I constantly get an error on the Dim myOutput line... Can anyone spot my error? output is a string.Error: StandardOut has not been redirected or the process hasn't started yet.

Dim fetch As New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("C:/")
fetch.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden
Dim executable As System.Diagnostics.Process


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Gathering Physical Memory Usage Of A Started Process Tree

Mar 21, 2012

first of all, I'm not 100% sure this is the right forum to post this, as there seems ot be tones and tones of forum branches here, so if I'm not in the right location, i'm creating an IDE for a proamming language and I need a way to monitor the physical memmory usage of a process tree. I'm not talking about the WorkngSet64 of a process, but the WorkingSet64 of the process and any child process started by it.


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Send A Message Or Signal To A Process To Maximize Its Window After It Is Started?

Jul 17, 2010

I tried a variation of the code at the end of this thread.>> [URL] which is the following code using; one Button one Panel

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Interface And Graphics :: Get A Process (wmplayer) Started With A Maximised Main Window?

Apr 4, 2011

I'm trying to get a process (wmplayer) started with a maximised main window. I've tried:

Dim VidPROC As System.Diagnostics.Process
Dim startInfo As New ProcessStartInfo("wmplayer", "C:MyVideo.mpg")
startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Maximized
VidPROC = Process.Start(startInfo)

but the process starts with a standard, small empty mplayer window, NOT maximised. (If I change .Maximised to .Hidden it starts hidden, but seems to ignore it when set to .Maximised).

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Office Automation :: Orphan Excel Process Started Via Automation

Jun 17, 2009

I'm using excel via interop in application.Sometimes users kill application that created excel instance and that results in excel instance sitting in memory without any chance of disposing it.First I tried to tackle this using ROT(running object table) looks like not all instances of excel are registered there.Than I tried to somehow mark excel process after it is started via interop.[code]This works as long as excel is visible but in my case excel window is invisible.All I need is to somehow mark process that started via automation with the parent PID, so that later I can kill it if parent does not exist.

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C# - Detect If Another Process Is Started As "Run As Administrator"

Mar 29, 2011

Our application needs to communicate with another program through a COM interface. The interface will not work if the other program is started with "Run as Administrator". Would like to detect if this other process is in this state and warn the user.

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Detect "OK" Message In An App Started Using Process?

Mar 5, 2011

I have the following


Me.AcceptButton = ExecuteButton
MyProcess = New Process
With MyProcess.StartInfo


When the app is finished it displays an "OK" message box. How can I detect the message box and then how can I trigger an equivalent OK click in the app?

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"The Process Cannot Access The File" When Dealing With A Newly-created File?

Jan 10, 2012

I'm using the VB code below to create a file and write to it:

Dim myFileStream As New IO.FileStream(tempFolderLocationLabel.Text & "" & tempFileName, IO.FileMode.Create)

Dim myStreamWriter As New IO.StreamWriter(tempFolderLocationLabel.Text & "" & tempFileName)




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VS 2005 Windows Services - Process Is Listed As A SYSTEM Process Rather Than A Process Under User Name

Jun 4, 2009

I have written a windows service that is meant to launch a notepad when a specific action happens. The problem i have is that even though the service launches notepad, the actual notepad it self is NOT visible. I know that it has been launced because i can see the process in the task manager. By the way the process is listed as a SYSTEM process rather than a process under my user name (i believe that is because my process is a "LocalSystem" one).

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Get The ID For A Newly Inserted SQL Server Row?

Jun 7, 2011

I have a form with multiple tabs that allows the user to insert data into a customer table.The ID is an Identity column. After a row is inserted into the database I would like to retrieve the ID number for that row that was just inserted into the database. Can you tell me the best way to do this?When the user clicks on a Relatives tab the application inserts the customer to the database. If I can get the the newly inserted customer ID then I can use it for the CustomerID column of the Relatives table when inserting a Relative so the 2 tables are properly related. At present the program uses this code to do just that but this code will only be good for a single user system. It's possible that we may sell it as a multi-user system and I think the current way we are doing this will fail because there is not telling whose ID will be returned in that scenario.

Here's the query that we are using:
SqlStatement =
"SELECT Max(ID) " & _


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Add Command To Newly Created Control?

Apr 26, 2009

this is what i have so far:


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How To Get Newly Created Node's ID From Server

Sep 13, 2010

I currently have a JSTree all set up to do the creation and renaming of a new node:[code]The problem is that my success doesn't seem to get hit when I return an integer ID on the create node, thus I can't set it to a global variable. What exactly do I need to return in the function to get back the ID from the server? I'm simply returning a new integer right now.

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How To Monitor Newly Created Files

Jul 26, 2009

I know how to monitor newly created files etc but what i want to do now is monitor firefox and IE when they close. my application is running in the bg and i need it to perform a command when the browser closes.

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Obtain The Primary Key Value Of A Newly Inserted Row?

Dec 18, 2010

How to obtain the primary key value of a newly inserted row?

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Save Gif File With Newly Created Tag?

Feb 15, 2010

I have been working on this for a while and this is what I got so far.[code]...

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Add Command To Newly Added Combobox Items

May 19, 2009

on form1 , i have a combobox and a label. on form 2 , i have a checkbox , a textbox , and a label . in the textbox i input the name to be added to form 1 by combobox checked, and the label has a folder directory.

i can add the new item to the combobox on form 1, from the checked box on form 2. what i can't seem to figure out, is how to get the form1.combobox newly added item to show the folder directory label from form 2 on the form1's directory label when i click on the combobox item..

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Adding Events To Newly Created Controls?

Mar 5, 2010

Im curently writing an app for windows mobile (so its using the compact .net framework)It has a loop which finds out how many images are in a folder, makes a picturebox for each one, then sets the .image property to the appropriate image. It also adds the name, size, location etc.What I dont know how to do is add a mouseclick event to it?I probably would have a subroutine already written in the code which could be used, or would it have to be a new one made for each picturebox?

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Can't Save An Image To A Newly Created Folder

May 24, 2012

I am getting this error trying to save an Image to a newly created Folder.

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Display The Newly Hosted Images Information?

Jul 20, 2009

If you can take a look at the received tab [url] It is meant to display the hosted images full properties. It doesnt at the moment because it completly fills the tab with ugly information.Can any of you think of a better way to display the newly hosted images information.?Im thinking of just killing off the tab. But thats not very professioanl in case the user wants the full picture information?

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Find Newly Selected Text In Combo Box

Sep 17, 2010

How can we Find newly selected text in Combo Box. Whenever I do this, I get the old text instead of the one they just changed to.[code]

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Form Isn't Showing Newly Added Record

Jun 7, 2011

my form isn't showing my newly added records in the database but when i close it and then open again it will show. I want to know how to add refresh button and it will automatically refresh itself..

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Update Newly Added Data In Datatable?

Apr 20, 2012

I have a Datatable where i added data from textbox when i want to edit selected datatable rows from gridview to eidit these values will be showing in their respected fields but when i click update button the only first row in gridview will be updated either i select first row or any other row in gridview for editing whereas i want to update the selected rows data. NOTE: I was design datatable visually under 2008 designer and the datatable have not any primarykey i am using following code under btnupdate event

Dim i As Integer
StoreDBDataSet.Tables("DataTable1").Rows(i).Item("Code") = txtCode.Text
StoreDBDataSet.Tables("DataTable1").Rows(i).Item("Description") = txtDescription.Text


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Updating A Dataset With Newly Created Tables On The Fly?

May 4, 2010

I have made a form that creates a table in a database based off of the text a user inputs into a text box.I would like to then display that table in a DataGridView on the form so that the user can update the data in that table.Is there any way that i can add those tables to the dataset and get them to display in the DataGridView after the user clicks the create table button?

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