Getting Data In A Particular Format?

Dec 18, 2010

in one of my table i use some date which has quantity and unit in it

for eg
"quantity" "unit"
10 pcs


( for both quantity and unit i am using two different columns)now the thing is that i want to the total quantity as per units in one text let say textbox1 in this format

"64 pcs , 27 mtr, 12 sets"

how to get data in this format.

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How To Format A Date Column In A Datgridview Where Data Is Double Format

Aug 3, 2009

I have a DGV that is getting data from a sql db. The dates in this db are stored as doubles ie 40025.708681

How do I format this column as Date/Time?

I tried but this doesn't seem to work.

how to do this? DGV1.Columns("HostDate").DefaultCellStyle.Format = "d"

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Format Datagridview Column Data To The Format Of "hh:mmam/pm"?

May 5, 2009

This the test example.

Dim dt As DataTable = New DataTabledt.Columns.Add("StartTime")dt.Columns(0).DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.TimeSpan")


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Write Code For Application, In Which Data Is Get By User And Entered Data Is To Print In A Particular Format?

Mar 2, 2012

i just write code for application, in which data is get by user and entered data is to print in a particular format?give me a code for button by which after click on it will print entered data?

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Netascii - A Host Which Receives Netascii Mode Data Must Translate The Data To Its Own Format

Aug 8, 2010

I am implementing RFC 1350/TFTP in my application. I've got everything figured out and working as expected except for NetASCII transfer mode.

"A host which receives netascii mode data must translate the data to its own format."

That's the part that has been bugging me for a while now. get NetASCII mode working correctly?

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Exporting Data To CSV Format

Sep 26, 2009

i am doing a VB program using four for loops to generate a set of numbers using the following code.[code]i need to export the output of this program to CSV format.

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Format Data From InputBox?

Feb 17, 2010

I'm playing around with the Select Case structure and have the following code:

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim colour As String = InputBox("Please enter the name of a colour.", "Colours")


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Format Of Data In Text Box?

Jun 7, 2011

my code is working fine, but the output shows for example 12345.000 i would like to only show the data before the .000 is this posible?


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Saving Data In Zip Format?

Sep 8, 2009

does anyone know a simple code that would save data in zip format ?

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Take SQL Data To Txt File In Hl7 Format?

Jun 3, 2009

So what i am trying to do is get what i query to write to a text file i am having trouble getting my variables right so th at i get my "smessage" format to spit out so called data[code]...

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Web Access Of XML Format Data?

Jan 19, 2011

I am wanting to develop a VB program that will access a web page containg XML format data and pick out one number.I have opened the web page and see the number between tags <*> <*> how do I point my search to the web address, I have found XML examples of data being searched when the file is on your hard drive, how to point my program to a http:// web address and then how do I scan or search for my number?

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Format Data In A Large DataTable?

Aug 6, 2010

I have a large data.DataTable and some formatting rules to apply.For example, the LASTNAME column has a value of "Jones" but my formatting rule requires it be 10 characters padded with spaces on the right and uppercase only. Like: "JONES "My initial thought is to loop through each row and generate a string. But, I wonder if I could accomplish this more efficiently with a DataView, LINQ or something else.

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Change The Data Format In The Database?

Aug 15, 2011

I have a label that displays information from my database and I need to format it. It displays a number format like so: (53389) and I just need it to display (53,389)it uses the SQL to COUNT or SUM the data from the datasource. is there a way to have it format like I want when it is displayed, or do I need to change the data format in the database?

here is my code:



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Changing Data Format In DataGridView?

Dec 6, 2010

I am currently reading a table from Access database and displaying it a DataGridView. Here is my

Dim ConnString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source= ....db1.mdb"
Dim SQLString As String = "SELECT Cost, Average, FROM expense_summary"


All the files in my access data base are numeric (database cannot be changed) but I need to change the value formats in the table. I want to convert one particular cell in the table to a percent with one decimal and also display the '%' symbol. Similarly, I want to round and display a '$' symbol in another cell. How would I do that? How would I select a specific cell in this table to change?

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Display Data In Table Format

Jan 23, 2009

I am developing windows application. Now I have got the data in the data set . Now I need that to be displayed in the table format, not in the grid.but in the table format as we get in web applications.Is it possible to achieve it? If so how could it be archived?

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Export Data From A Datagrid Into The CSV Format?

Jun 19, 2010

I'm looking to get the following code converted to working VB.NET code. I need to export data from a datagrid into the CSV format that the user can save off, and the code below from David in Dakota would work great, but it's in C#. This is for a Silverlight 4 site we're working on.

private void exportHistoryButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
string data = ExportDataGrid(true, historyDataGrid);


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Extract The Data In A Standard Format?

May 7, 2009

I have a string like the following.


Now, I want to extract each of the <td>...</td> group. How shoud I do this?I tried to use xml to do this. However, since xml doesn't support < and & in the content area and I can't guarantee there is no such two characters.

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Format Data In A Bound DataGridView?

Feb 9, 2012

I have a dgvAssetsSummary which holds data queried from the database, it hold's the AssetType column and Total column, it's grouped by AssetType, giving a summary of all the totals and what assettype they belong to.I'd like the Total column to be formatted so that there are no decimals and with commas, at present each total has four decimal places and no commas, this needs to be able to be read easily by clients. I've tried using the following code to format the column after I query the database, but to no avail.

dgvAssetsSummary.Columns("Total").DefaultCellStyle.Format = "#,#"

how to do this, I've had a bit of a look around but I can't find much. I'm currently looking at a couple of pages from the msdn library about it.

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Format Textbox After Data Entry?

Jun 18, 2012

Back on my form with a ton of financial data entry textboxes but I want to have the data formatted at runtime, as I enter the data.I have a format declared as Public Const cFmtCurrency = "##,###,###" ' don't need decimal for the local China currency What would be the least compicated way to have these textboxes (19 of them) format the Long Integer values as I enter the data. I think a Lost Focus event would be silly; there must be a better, more efficient way.Also want to use this format when I retreive records from the db (don't see a reason to mask data in db)

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How To Display Data In Intended Format

May 3, 2011

I am using VB2010 and have a project set up with a DataGridView that is to display a table of data selected from a SQL 2008 database using a pre-defined dataset. My question is simply how to display the data in the intended format as seen in the attachment. I am attempting to merge rows in the first two columns of like-data. Addtionally, if that can be done, I would also like the user to be able to double-click on a name that would open an editing form.

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How To Format Data Display On VB2010

Nov 4, 2011

asking a newbie question. Where is the format properties for changing the data display format in VB2010 Express

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How To Represent Data In A Tabular Format

Feb 8, 2012

i can retrieve the data from the DB and put it in a vector and then, vector in a JTable, to display data in a tabular format in java, all i wanted to know is there any similar way in vb dotnet?

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Pass Json Data In A Particular Format

Oct 8, 2010

I have to pass my Json data in a particular format. My app is coded in vb. The following is my code :


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Saving Form Data Into XML Format?

Sep 20, 2010

I am working on developing a program that needs to keep the data of radiobuttons, textboxes, comboboxes, etc. and it needs to be able to save several files(one for each different user). I found a quick solution from a forum, but it will only save the data from a textbox, or a tabpage. The solution that i have came up with, is to use the data, put it into a textbox, to save,then when it opens the file, it will use the data and put it back into the controls. (EX.)

TextBox30.Text =


This does work but it does reduce some flexibility, and takes alot more programming than what is needed. I am looking for a simple way to save the data, and retrieve it.

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Store Data In Binary Format In VB?

May 22, 2012

I want to store data in binary format in VB. Are there any disadvantages to use the functions fileopen, fileput, and fileclose instead of serialization using binaryformatter object. Using these functions seems to be easier and more compact.

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VS 2008 How To Format Data Label

Sep 23, 2009

This code creates the chart, and extracts the formula from the trendline. The problem is that the trendline "DisplayEquation" label is formatted as General. In Excel it's easy, just right click and select format. But I can't make it from VB. I thought that:

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Writing Data To An ASCII Format?

Feb 16, 2010

I have data that has to be collected from my database and sent to a supplier's edi system. The file has to be in ascii format so their system can read it. I am writing what I see as an ascii format file but they say it's in edibc format when they receive it. I am posting my code and hopefully somebody here can help me out. Funny thing is that I have done this before successfully and am using virtually the same code but to no avail!!

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim filed As String = "Y"
' get records to be transmitted and plop them into an array list
Dim con As VICSClaimDAO = New VICSClaimDAOSQL()


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Convert Datarowview Data To String Format?

Jan 16, 2012

I encountered error message "Conversion from type 'DataRowView' to type 'String' is not valid" when listbox1 item was selected. Listbox1 items were imported/binded from Access.

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Date Format In Data Grid View?

Oct 3, 2011

convert(varchar(11),sDATE,106)with this I am able to get the date from SQL database as dd MMM yyyy.

Is there any method to convert it as dd-MMM-yyyy ie. with a "-" in between

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Export DataGridView Data Into Html Format?

Apr 28, 2012

In my windows application I want to Export the Datagridview data into HTML format

with all coulmn names and rows

and at bottom i am displaying the total values in label

i want to export that totals also at the bottom of related columns

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