Handle The Explorer's Copy Process?

Aug 15, 2011

working on a vb.net project I need to handle the explorer's copy process, take the file list, and put it in my application to complete the copy/move

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How To Handle Windows Explorer

Dec 27, 2008

I have work on vb.net 2005, and want to create a small application for handle windows explorer by my application. In this application my needs are.Open Windows explorer on user define Root folder. For example Root Folder is D:ABC and in this root folder some sub folder are present (Number of folder depend on users). For example in under d:ABC three more subfolder are present 1.NSHARMA 2.APOORE 3.SKHANNA, name of folder is user login name in application.

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How To Handle Windows Explorer By .net

Jun 11, 2009

I have work on vb.net 2005, and want to create a small application for handle windows explorer by my application. In this application my needs are.Open Windows explorer on user define Root folder. For example Root Folder is D:ABC and in this root folder some sub folder are present (Number of folder depend on users).

For example in under d:ABC three more subfolder are present 1.NSHARMA 2.APOORE 3.SKHANNA, name of folder is user login name in application.I need when NSHARMA login in application then in D:ABC folder only show NSHARMA folder and other folder will hide, D:ABC folder are present on Common Path.In this Application one more common Subfolder under D:ABC it's Name is SharedFolder, it will Share between all user , it can access by at same time all login users and only how will be see it how is permission for it. For Example NSHARMA and APPORE have permission for this then only they will see this subfolder. Then APOORE and SKHANNA will be login in application that time APOORE will see it and SKHANNA does not see it.


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Handle Events That Are Thrown By Internet Explorer 8?

Sep 7, 2010

I need to handle events that are thrown by Internet Explorer 8. I am able to handle events associated with the first tab that is created when IE8 launches, but I am unable to handle events if the user creates a new tab or opens a new window. I need to handle events of all tabs (and preferably all new windows as well) that are created by the instance of IE8 that is launched by my application.


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Kill Explorer.exe Process?

Jul 29, 2010

I want to kill explorer.exe process in vb.net

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Server Explorer Adds A Copy Of The Mdf?

Apr 22, 2011

I have a VB2008 application that uses SQL Server 2005 Exspress Edition. I was modifying my application and then decided to add a table to the mdf (named "Pipe.mdf"), which I have don many times before, but I must have messed something up when I made other changes. After I added the new table I opened the Dada Source Configuration Wizard to add the new table to the dataset and I don't see the new table to select it. However, it added a copy of "Pipe.mdf" and named it "Pipe.mdf1" to the Server Explorer.

If I delete this copy of the mdf, it appears again in the Server Explorer when I open the Data Source Configuratuion Wizard.

If I add a Table to the copy of the mdf ("Pipe.mdf1"), it shows up in Dada Source Configuration Wizard.

what to change so that the new table appears in the Data Source Configuration Wizard for the original mdf (Pipe.mdf) and not add the copy of the mdf?

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Terminate A Process Handle?

Aug 24, 2009

I have a DLL that copies an Access database, opens it, reads it, and then closes it. The second time through it is unable to copy the Access DB because the EXE has an open handle to it. The EXE does not reference the Access DB at all, it just has the open handle because it calls my DLL. After I close the DB, I would like to terminate the EXE's handle to the Acess DB. BTS - I wrote the DLL and it is my Access DB. Another company wrote the EXE and I can not make any changes to it.

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Copy Dirs Into New Dir Same Path : Error "process Access Being Used By Another Process"

Jun 25, 2011

Here Is my code

Public Sub MoveAllFolders(ByVal fromPathInfo As DirectoryInfo, ByVal toPath As String)
Dim toPathInfo = New DirectoryInfo(toPath)
If (Not toPathInfo.Exists) Then


My goal is to move all folder inside a folder into a folder named Folders.so If I do it on desktop all the folders in desktop will go to "Folders"but I get an error "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."

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VS 2008 Terminating A Process Handle

Aug 24, 2009

I have a DLL that copies an Access database, opens it, reads it, and then closes it. The second time through it is unable to copy the Access DB because the EXE has an open handle to it. The EXE does not reference the Access DB at all, it just has the open handle because it calls my DLL. After I close the DB, I would like to terminate the EXE's handle to the Acess DB. BTS - I wrote the DLL and it is my Access DB. Another company wrote the EXE and I can not make any changes to it.


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C# - Handle Clipboard Copy On UserControl

May 25, 2010

I have complex UserControl (grid, edit controls for grid, etc...) and I want handle CTRL+C keyboard shortcut, however I don't want disable a native functions by edit controls (textboxes, comboboxes, etc...). If the CTRL+C is not handled by other inner controls I want handle it by myself (copy whole row(s) from grid, etc...). I tried override WndProc method in UserControl and check for WM_COPY and WM_COPYDATA, but it doesn't work. It works only on final target control (TextBox for example).

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Process.start Opens Word 2007 Docx In Internet Explorer

Aug 13, 2010

In my VB.NET 2005 windows winforms application, I use process.start (filename)to open a Word 2007 document.On some computers, the document opens in Internet Explorer instead of Word.These computers have Word 2007 installed.If I double-click a .docx document in Windows Explorer, it opens in Word 2007, not IE, this only happens with process.start.I already tried unchecking the "Browse in same window" checkbox in Folder Options - File Types - Advanced..How can I make the document open in Word 2007, not IE?

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Getting An Alternate Way To Find Diagnostic.Process.handle?

May 18, 2009

I am attempting to make a piece of software that monitors a 3rd party process for injected code. I successfully made a program that uses readprocessmemory from kernel32 to search for strings in a process. My problem is that the process I am attempting to monitor is running as system and provides an access denied message when I attempt to query any information about the process. Including process.handle and process.modules. Are there any ways I can get this process' handle?

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VS 2010 Get Process Windows Handle And Title?

Jan 16, 2011

For an app. I'm making I need to find all the windows that belong to a process.
From all of this windows I want to have the handle and title.

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Dragging ListViewItem To Windows Explorer To Copy File But It Copies To Form

Jan 11, 2012

Dragging ListViewItem To Windows Explorer to copy file but it copies to form


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How To Handle Long Running Process - Hang When It Run Til Half Way

Jul 6, 2012

for example:

dim a as long

for i as integer = 1 to 10000000


It will hang when it run til half way.

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IDE :: "Unable To Copy File The Process Cannot Access The File Because It Is Being Used By Another Process" Visual Studio 2005 Compile

Sep 21, 2007

When I load my solution and compile it after first starting the IDE, everything works as expected. After changing source and recompiling, I get the following compile error:

Error 11 Unable to copy file "objDebugCAMDRS.Library.dll" to "binCAMDRS.Library.dll". The process cannot access the file 'binCAMDRS.Library.dll' because it is being used by another process. CAMDRS.Library.

After closing Visual Studio 2005 and reopening the solution I can compile again successfully. This is an old solution that has been fine for a long time. I just recently changed computers and reinstalled everything.I am running win XP Pro sp2, Visual Studio 2005 sp1.

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Copy All Files On Disk1 To Disk 2 / Copy Files That Are In Use By Another Process?

Mar 18, 2009

I have a backup class it copys every thing but the unmovable files witch in return when i test the dive that i just backed up all files to will not boot up missing win system32 config files??how would i add permission to my code??? or how do i over ride cant copy file because a nother process is useing it?

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File Copy As A Process?

Apr 8, 2009

If it is possible to run the IO.File.Copy as a process. I fooled around with FileWatcher, but it doesn't provide a nice way to validate that a file copy has completed. I have executed applications as processes and have been able to write code to monitor when those processes complete, but I haven't found a "clean" or easy way to execute the .net file copy as a process.

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How To Copy Files As Different Process Without Disturbing App

Nov 24, 2011

I have a process of copying files from one path to other in my application. The problem that I am facing is, when the copy process starts. my application will be busy for that amount of time and cant do any work. So I want to make this copy process to be in background as a separate process without making the application to hang.
(Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate)

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WMI Remote Process To Copy File?

Dec 9, 2010

copy a file to a remote target where UNC connections TO the target might not be possible.However UNC connections FROM the target and BACK to the server will always be possible. So the plan was to use WMI to start a remote command shell (cmd) and use the copy command to grab the file. But this doesn't work. The following command works fine when executed manually from the command line of the target:

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Can Make Tool Bars For Windows Explorers / IE Explorer And To Fire Fox Internet Explorer

Aug 30, 2009

1- I want to know what's the windows service project and how i can use it.

2- I want to know how i can making tool bars for my windows explorers , IE explorer and to fire fox internet explorer.

3- I want to know how i can making add-ons for my VS 2005.

4-Can i change my Form Opacity Without Changing My controls Opacity

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Creating A File Explorer Similar To Windows Explorer?

Aug 1, 2010

I want to make a program that is similar to Windows Explorer. It will have a button that when you click it it opens a FolderBrowserDialog and it will have an area that displays the contents of the selected folder. I want to have a label that displays the current folder path (i.e. 'USERDocuments...') and I also would like a feature to search all files on the computer.Also, is it possible that when I click on a file in the contents of the selected folder it displays its information (i.e. Name, Size, etc.)? And can I also make it so that if you double click on another folder in the current folder's display it opens that folder? And can I have a button to go up one directory?

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VS 2005 Windows Services - Process Is Listed As A SYSTEM Process Rather Than A Process Under User Name

Jun 4, 2009

I have written a windows service that is meant to launch a notepad when a specific action happens. The problem i have is that even though the service launches notepad, the actual notepad it self is NOT visible. I know that it has been launced because i can see the process in the task manager. By the way the process is listed as a SYSTEM process rather than a process under my user name (i believe that is because my process is a "LocalSystem" one).

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Open Explorer To A Specific Destination But Shell("explorer") Doesn't Work

Jun 2, 2010

I want to open explorer to a specific destination but both shell() and process.start() are not opening explorer. They both open other applications like calc and notepad though. It works fine when debugging but not after I publish.

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Joystick Handle - Use Only The Handle Of The Component?

Mar 23, 2009

I wrote an application to handle a joystick with directinput. It works fine if it uses the handle of the main window but it doesnt happen the same if the handle is the one of the component that contains the joystick's operation.

I mean:

main form handle: 15

component handle (which is inside the window and the joystick needs the focus of this component to work): 25

It always work if the handle i initilizate the device is the main form (15).How can i use only the handle of the component?

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Unable To Copy File "objelease" To "binelease". The Process Cannot Access The File?

Aug 15, 2011

i'm having problem with rebuilding my program. Everything went fine when I run my application but when I stopped and made some changes to it and re-run it again this error message kept on displaying "unable to copy file "objelease" to "binelease". the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process"And when i run task manager to kill the process and re-run the application it went fine b

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C++ - In What Form An Void Pointer Can Be Sent Via Pipe To Another Process In A Different Process Address Space

Mar 23, 2012

I want my vb.net dll to get the data sent from c++ project(exe).Can any body help on in what form this void pointer can be sent via pipe. The void pointer corresponds to enums or structures. I have to get this structures/enums on the vb.net dll end. I have mentioned about using pipe. My question is as what type the pointed to data can be send over the pipe so that I can easily handle the received data at the vb.net dll end.

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Write A Little Program That Checks For A Process - ,,Cheat Engine" Is Running The Process Is Getting Killed?

Oct 13, 2009

i am trying to write a little program that checks for a process and kills is.here is the

Dim p As Process = Process.GetProcessesByName("Cheat Engine")(0)

My problem is it�s woking ,yes if the programm ,,Cheat Engine" is running the process is getting killed.But if the program is not running my program crashes.

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C# - System.Diagnostics.Process From ManagementBaseObject - Executing A Remote Process Using WMI

Sep 9, 2011

I'm executing a remote process using WMI and would like to redirect the StandardOutput of that process back to my program. I have found these code examples:


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Error - The Process Cannot Access The File 'C:UsersdavidDesktopTest Folderdavid 2.xml' Because It Is Being Used By Another Process

Sep 1, 2009

I am getting an error with this code.

The process cannot access the file 'C:UsersdavidDesktopTest Folderdavid 2.xml' because it is being used by another process.

how do i end the prosess after I create the file? Or am I creating it in the wrong manner.The underlined line is where the error ocures.

Public Sub AddDTData(ByVal value1 As String, ByVal value2 As String, ByVal filename As String)
dtUser.Rows.Add(value1, value2, Now.Date)
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(filename) Then


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