Hide Methods/properties Of Class-library (dll) From Visual Studio's IntelliSense?

Mar 3, 2009

I am writing my first class-library in VB.NET. My idea is to distribute this library so others may use it in their applications.However, perhaps due to my lack of experience in writing and structuring the library and the classes therein, I noted that the methods/properties are ALL being shown in the IntelliSense of Visual Studio.

The thing is that many of them are only used within the library itself and should NOT be used by the developers (could create a disaster) when they incorporate my library in their application - only a few should be visibile i.e. the ones which are needed by the developer.Thus, my question is: is there a way to hide certain methods/properties of my library from Visual Studio's IntelliSense? Maybe something similar to REM?

EDIT: as mentioned - this is my first library and I now understand that my question could be intepreted in two ways:

1) how to hide something from IntelliSense

2) how to prevent a developer from using and calling certain methods/properties

Of course, the end-result that I want is that the developer is not able to access AT ALL certain methods/properties i.e. No. 2 above.

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C# - Does IntelliSense Sometimes Miss-out On Some Framework Class Properties Or Methods

Nov 11, 2010

I came across a DbParameterCollection object, which should have an "Item" property inherited from IList, but IntelliSense does not show this object has the Item property.

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Can't Access Class Library Methods / Properties When Referenced As A DLL

Oct 15, 2009

I've created a class library and built a dll (release build). I've then referenced the DLL in another project (I've tried several). I can see the namespace and classes in Object Browser and I can declare instances of the classes but I cannot use or see any of the methods or properties! there is no IntelliSense whatsoever and calling the methods manualy results in a 'Declaration expected' error.

Within the class library solution I have a unit test project referencing the class library project which works all works fine (and all the tests pass).

Can anyone provide any pointers to what might be going wrong here? I've built plenty of dlls in the past and have had no trouble referencing them at all.[code]...

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Sender As Object IntelliSense Only Lists 5 Methods And No Properties

Feb 3, 2012

When you type sender. IntelliSense lists 5 methods and yet if you type sender.Left or sender.top these will work. Why don't these properties show up as available for use via IntelliSense.

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Distribute A Visual Studio Solution That References A Class Library?

Dec 5, 2011

I have a visual studio solution written using VB.net. The solution contains 4 projects.


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Xml - C# Class Library Method Summaries Not Showing In Intellisense Of .net Project?

Dec 19, 2010

(VS 2008)I'm using a C# library for my VB.NET project. And the method summary/notes or what they are called do not show in intellisense. Is this supposed to be like that? Or is there something I must do to fix it? And if not, will VS 2010 be able to do this?

EDIT: Still unresolved. Now building library dll + xml file, but how to import the xml file in my vb project?
See image: [URL]...

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Multiline XML Comments In .Net And Visual Studio Intellisense?

Aug 15, 2011

I'm trying to put newlines in my XML Comments in VB.Net. I've read two other posts about C#, XML multiline comments in C# - what am I doing wrong? Adding line breaks to comments for Intellisense But the suggested <para> or <br/> tags don't work. This,

''' <summary>
''' <para>Line one</para><br />
''' <para>Line two</para><br />
''' </summary>


Still appears like this:How can I make this work?

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Visual Studio - Disable Common Tab In Intellisense

Mar 6, 2010

When working in a VB.NET project in Visual Studio (2008 specifically, but hopefully the answer applies to any version) is it possible to have intellisense/auto-complete only show the "All" tab instead of the "Common"/"All" tab? Or alternatively, have it default to the "All" tab.


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Intellisense For Enum Types In Visual Studio 2010?

Apr 27, 2011

I am using Visual Studio 2010 Prof. In C# I can create my own Enumerator and use it like this:MyEnum value = Now, Intellisense will suggest a value of MyEnum. In VB, when I write:Dim value As MyEnum = I get a huge list of every types. When starting to write my enumerator value (could be a word like "sunny") it filters out some types but I would like to have it like in C#. Anyway I will use the MyEnum type and no "String nor Objecte nor IntPtr...".

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Intellisense Missing For Projects In Visual Studio 2005

Oct 26, 2010

In Visual Studio 2005, I can't seem to get the Intellisense menu to pop up at all when I click CTRL+Space. This seems to be limited to VB.NET files. I have tried creating new Visual C# and C# web projects, and it works fine there. There also doesn't seem to be a problem in things like CSS files in VB.NET projects. But when I create a new VB.NET web site, CTRL+Space does nothing. I have tried resetting all the Import and Export setting. That didn't work either.

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C# - Change The Order Of Constructors Listed In IntelliSense In Visual Studio?

Aug 2, 2010

I have defined a class with multiple constructors so that the underlying interfaces are immutable once the object is instantiated. I would like one of the constructors to be the "default" constructor for when a user types the following in Visual Studio:

var obj = new MyClass( Dim obj As New MyClass(

Currently when I go to instantiate the object, the constructors aren't listed (in Visual Studio IntelliSense) in the order I declared them in my class. Is there a way to mark up my constructors so that their methods appear in a particular order during instantiation in Visual Studio IntelliSense?

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Visual Studio - .NET IntelliSense : Disable Newline On ENTER Autocomplete?

Jan 23, 2012

When editing C# code in Visual Studio 2010, the ENTER key makes IntelliSense complete the current suggestion, without adding a new line. In VB.NET, the default IntelliSense behavior for the ENTER key is to add a new line after completing the current suggestion.

How can I configure IntelliSense to change the VB.NET behavior to the C# one?I already know that I could press TAB or SPACE, but out of habit I always end up hitting ENTER (and changing line).

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Calling Shared Methods From .NET Class Library In VB6

Jan 25, 2010

I have the following class in a .NET class library:

Public Class JasonTest
Sub New()
End Sub


The .AddNumbers call works fine, but the AddStrings call yields the error 'Object doesn't support this property or method'.

Is there any way to call a shared method from .NET in VB6? I was unable to find any documentation on this.

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.net - Class Definition Properties Or Methods?

Aug 4, 2010

I have a class definition that I've seen other define properties that return collections of objects.

Public Property GetAllAdults() as Adults End Property I made the argument that this should be a method in the class, because it doesn't define an attribute of the class, and could not be extended with parameters. Is/Are there reasons why this should be defined as a property vs. a function?

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Get Properties And Methods For Custom Class?

Oct 29, 2009

Is it possible to iterate through the properties and methods of a custom class, getting the details about those properties and methods in the process.[code]....

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VS 2005 - How To Hide URL String In Class Library

Jun 2, 2010

I am going to write a long code in the class library to make the source code shorter for my project. And I willing to store the url strings in the class library, but I do not know how to keep them to be more visible from people who open the dll by using with hex editor. I would like to know in which method that I should use to protected the url strings in the class library and set them more visible so no one would know what url strings that I would store in the class library if people using hex editor?

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Nested Class Access Methods For Properties In .NET

Jan 20, 2011

I am trying to figure out the best approach for setting and getting properties in a nested class I am creating. I have a class, Car which has a nested class ControlPanel and want to make the properties of the Control Panel only accessible to the Car and Control Panel class.


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Visual Studio Shortcut To Auto-Add Event Delegate Methods

Sep 2, 2009

In C# adding event handler methods is very easy. You just type "object.event +=" and then press tab twice. Is there anything like this for VB projects? Note: This is for dynamically created controls or controls that are not declared WithEvents.

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Msdn Library For Visual Studio 2010 For Download?

Apr 15, 2010

is there any msdn library for visual studio 2010 for download?I am talking about the offline library

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Visual Studio 2008 - Assembly To Import DLL Library In .NET?

Feb 17, 2012

I am trying to import the GetWindowText in a VB.NET application.So based on other sites you just have to import the interopt service and add a DLLImport statement similar to C#. But somehow it is not recognizing the statement and getting a BC30001 (Statement is not valid in a namespace) compile error.

Here is the code I used.Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

<DllImport("user32", CharSet:=CharSet.Auto, SetLastError:=True)> _Public Shared Function GetWindowText(ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, <Out(), MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)> ByVal lpString As StringBuilder, ByVal nMaxCount As Integer) As Integer End Function

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Hide A Control From The Form While Designing In Visual Studio?

Apr 6, 2012

I am designing a settings form for my application as shown below: A tree view with multiple nodes at the left and I want to have one GroupBox for each node to be displayed at the right whenever a node is selected. I have designed my group box with necessary controls for the first node. The question is, how do I design an another group box in the same place when another item is already there. Is there a way to hide a control from a form during design time?

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IDE :: Visual Studio 2010 Intellisense Default To "all" Tab

May 4, 2010

Is there a way to have the VB-Intellisense default to the All tab?

When I use the following:

It shows BadImageFormatException, when I want For Each

When I have to specify a parameter value which is of an predefined enumeration type, all I want is a list of possible values within this enumeration.

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Get Custom Properties For A Custom Control Into The Visual Studio Properties List?

Nov 25, 2009

What I've done is create a User Control Library (Project) and I've added a single User Control to that project. The control contains a single FlowLayoutPanel, and I created a Property on the control itself to pass the FlowDirection from the Control to its FlowLayoutPanel child.

Build, reference, component appears in the Toolbox and everything works fine, but the property on the control does not appear in the Properties window when I go to edit it at design time.

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.net - Visual Studio Setting: Invoke Directly Sub/nested Class (omit Parent Class)?

Feb 5, 2011

E.g. I have a class:

Namespace Common
Public Class AClass
Public Class BClass


How can I use BClass without saying AClass.BClass, I've see some existing code using this format, but I can't find the setting.

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Visual Studio 2008 - ReadOnly Properties/Functions In .Net?

Sep 28, 2010

I'm working on rewriting something in VB that was previously in C# and while I was doing so, I came across a "dilemna." I can have a ReadOnly Property:

Public ReadOnly Property MaximumIndenture()
'If the connection is closed, open it.'


They both essentially do the same thing, but I'm not sure which would be more accepted in the community.

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VS 2010 Updating The Visual Studio Properties Window?

May 31, 2010

I'm designing a custom toolbox component. Some of the public properties are interdependent. At present, when the user changes one of these values in the Designer, the dependent value doesn't update until the user clicks on it. Does anyone know how I can "refresh" the Properties window to show the new value of the dependent property?

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Create A DLL From A Class Library In Visual Basic?

Aug 11, 2010

I am trying to create a DLL from a class library in Visual Basic.

First I created a new Project in Visual Basic Express 2010 as a class library. Then I added a class which contains a function that I want to access in another program. This is why I want to export the class library as a DLL. In visual studio I am compiling the project which refreshes the saved dll in the bin folder of the project directory. When I open this dll or include it as a reference in another executable visual basic project, it does not find the function. how to generate a dll from a visual basic class library properly?

Here is the code of the class stored in the class library project:

Public Class Test
Public erg As String
Public Shared Function fTest(ByVal in As String, ByRef out As String) As Boolean


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Turn On The Single Instance Application Choice In Visual Studio 2008 Properties?

Dec 22, 2010

I wish to turn on the Single Instance Application choice in Visual Studio 2008 properties. To do so, I must choose "Enable Application Framework". When I do that, my ONLY choice is to choose a Startup Form, not a Startup object. This makes no sense to me. I have a tray application, and I check to see which form I should load, a logon form, or the main form. But since I am forced to choose a startup form, I MUST load the logon or main form to begin with. But I don't want to. I want startup code to determine which one to load first. So then I am playing with making the OTHER form invisible, even if the startup form, but that is a mess.

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Visual Studio 2008 - Reflection - Iterate Object's Properties Recursively Within Own Assemblies?

Sep 11, 2009

I wonder if anyone can help me - I've not done much with reflection but understand the basic principles.What I'm trying to do:I'm in the process of developing a class that gathers a lot of information about the local system, network, etc... to be used for automated bug reporting. Instead of having to change my test harness every time I add a new property, I'd (ideally) like to be able to serialise the lot as an XML string and just display that in a textbox.

Unfortunately, the Framework won't use the default XML serializer on read-only properties (which almost all of mine are) as they wouldn't deserialize properly [Not sure I agree with the assumption that anything serialized must be de-serializable - MS says this is a feature "by design" which I suppose I can understand - Perhaps a tag to indicate that it should be serialized anyway would be advantageous?]

The initial approach was to make properties gettable and settable (with a throw exception on the setter) but the amount of work tidying this up afterwards seems a little excessive and I would want the properties to be read-only in the final version.What I need help with:My current plan is to use reflection to recursively iterate through each (public) property of my topmost gathering class. The problem is, the samples I've seen don't handle things recursively. Additionally, I only want to inspect an object's properties if it's in one of my assemblies - Otherwise just call .ToString on it.

If I don't have the inspection limited to my assembly, I assume I'll get (say) a string which then contains a Length which in turn will have .Tostring method.For the purposes of this project, I can almost guarantee no circular references within my code and as this will only be used as a development tool so I'm not too concerned about it running amok now and then.

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Visual Studio 2008: No Build Events Folder On The Project Properties Page

Nov 23, 2010

I am using Visual Studio 2008 Professional to build a VB.NET console application. I have a text file that I want to copy to the output directory after a build. I would like to create a build event to do that, but I do not see a "Build Events" folder on the property page. Is there a setting where I can get this folder? Or, is there another way I can set up a post-build event to copy a file to the output directory? The folders I see on the Properties page:


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