How Does The Program Know That The Public Property X And Y Means The Coordinates Of The Object

Nov 9, 2011

I've got a piece of code of a class. When initialised a new object is made on a picturebox. But what I don't know is how does the program know that the public property x and y means the coordinates of the object?


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Reflection - Find From A Property Info Object If That Property Has A Non Public (Private / Protected) Setter?

Aug 27, 2009

I searched on the forum / Internet for the solution how a PropetryInfo object (of a Public property) can reveal if it has a Private Protected Setter ... it was all in vain .... all help I found was about how to "Set" value of a public property having a Private Setter.I would like to know if I have a PropertyInfo object of a public property, how would I know if its Setter is Non Public?

I tried, in a exception handling block, where I did a GetValue of the PropertyInfo object and then called SetValue by setting the same value back... but to my surprise it worked well and didn error out.


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Public-facing Property To Return Either A String OR A Numeric W/o Using 'Object'?

Nov 4, 2010

So I've run into a case where I have a class that can store either a string or a numeric value, and I want a single property to return one or the other (it would be a failure for both to be set). I'm using a custom generic class to deal with the numerics (so I can use signed, unsigned, and nullables), and will be storing the string in a separate variable.

In theory, if overloading could be done based on the return type, I could do this quite easily. But .NET currently disallows this. So I am wondering if there is some other really-far-out-there trick (outside of MSIL generation via Reflection.Emit) that could accomplish the same thing.

I'm open to ideas via delegates, pointer dereferencing, generics, mystical rites, etc. Also interested in any thoughts or pros/cons of such possibilities as a learning tool. If using a standard Object is the only way to achieve what I want, then that's fine with me. But It's difficult to find the correct set of keywords to hunt down this kind of capability on Google, so I thought I'd ask here before I moved on to doing something else on the project.

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Set Nullable Property In Program Like "public Decimal?

Dec 17, 2011

How to set Nullable Property in like "public decimal? unitprice {get; set;}"

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What The First Line Of Each Property Means

May 5, 2009

I have been given the following code that I want to change to VB however I dont understand the first line of every property:

1<ConfigurationProperty("mailSubject", DefaultValue:="Mail from TheBeerHouse: {0}")> _
2 Public Property MailSubject() As String


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Me.control.InvokeRequired Property Means?

Aug 25, 2009

Me.datagridview.InvokeRequired property means in vb.netadil

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Getting The Coordinates Of A Object

Jun 22, 2010

I'm just new with visual basic. I would like to ask a question regarding coordinates.. Suppose I have object lets say a button how do i get the coordinates of the button in the form? also I want to button to move given a particular path, example if i draw a vertical line, the button will follow the line and move vertically. how do i get the coordinates of starting and endpoints of the line?

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Forms :: Getting The Coordinates Of A Object?

Nov 9, 2009

Suppose I have object lets say a button how do i get the coordinates of the button in the form? also I want to button to move given a particular path, example if i draw a vertical line, the button will follow the line and move vertically. how do i get the coordinates of starting and endpoints of the line?

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CNC Control Program, Based On A DLL - Acces All Functions By Means Of Softkeys ( F-Keys At Top Of Our Keyboards )

Apr 8, 2009

I'm working on a CNC control program, based on a DLL that someone else wrote. No problems with that sofar, as i get good support from the writer.

The problem i do have to tackle is the following: I want to acces all the functions by means of softkeys ( the F-Keys at the top of our keyboards ) when the program starts it shows the Main menu softkeys ( F1-F12), and each F-key has a function assigned to it, some will make the machine move, others will show another menu, or a fileopen/save dialog, depending on the chosen keys.

All works fine and handy-dandy, except for the F10 key, it seems to be "Sticky", when i press it, the program will not react to any other key, only the F10 key can get it back in "normal state" accepting every key with a function assigned..

How to "unstick" the F10 after pressing it?.. because pressing F10 now, means no other key will do anything, and that may become dangerous, when the machine is moving and it must be stopped..

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Assign A Public Property?

Feb 22, 2011

At the moment i'm working hard to better understand aspnet (VB), still learning and still enjoying, but at the moment i'm struggling with (i think something realy easy) but can't find out how to fix it,what i need to do is: assign the propperty Weekday() of CSlot Dim CSlot As New timeslotParamTO I have to assign te propperty weekday to Cslot but the propperty must be 1 or more items from the Public Enum WeekdayEnum. i just can't figure out how to assign 1 or more weekday's to CSlot.weekday().


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Public Read Only Property

Jul 15, 2009

What is a public read only property?If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room

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What Is Purpose Of Public Property

Jan 9, 2010

What is the purpose of Public property? why would i do this instead of just doing Public abc as string? [code] Because you may want to do data validation on it before assigning the value to the Private variable. Because you might want to raise an event when the value in the Private variable changes. Because you might later want to make it a ReadOnly property.

View 12 Replies

'Public Property' Not Working Properly?

May 24, 2009

I've defined a public property in a mdiParent form

Public Property StatusBar_LastChecked() As String
Return Me.Statusbar1_LastChecked.Text[code]....

Now when I run the code, the msgbox shows the current text and then the new text. BUT the actual text in the StatusBar remains unchanged.

View 5 Replies

C# - Public Property On A Single Line?

Sep 23, 2011

Is there any way I can put Public Properties on a single line in VB.NET like I can in C#? I get a bunch of errors every time I try to move everything to one line.


public void Stub{ get { return _stub;} set { _stub = value; } }


Public Property Stub() As String
Return _stub[code].....

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Have The Get Part Of A Property Available As Public But Keep The Set As Private?

Sep 22, 2009

is there a way to have the Get part of a property available as public, but keep the set as private?Otherwise I am thinking I need two properties or a property and a method, just figured this would be cleaner.

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Make A Property Public Get But Private Set?

Apr 25, 2009

I just stumbled over this in some C# code...:public Foo Foo { get; private set; }

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Set Coordinates For Each Beam At Intervals Of 610 Then Write That Coordinates System To A Text Based *.SCR File

Dec 2, 2010

I am trying to build a coordinates system but am having trouble with how to.. What I have sofar is a textbox that allows the user to enter a length. This length is user defined but never smaller then 610 in length since this is the minimum unit size we use to build timber frames. The overall length of a timber frame is infinite (well not really, but it is for what I want) the timber frame has beams every 610mm set apart from each other (this is a legal requirement) so I want my to set coordinates for each beam at intervals of 610 then write that coordinates system to a text based *.SCR file


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Translate MouseEventArg.Location X,y Pixel Coordinates To Custom Grid Coordinates?

Nov 29, 2010

I want to translate MouseArgEvent.Location (x,y) coordinates into my custom graph coordinates. Mouse Y coordinates increase from top to bottom while my grid's y value increase from bottom to top. Given my following code, I would need to create 21,500 separate conditional expression for 100(y) x 215(x) possible coordinate locations for my grid.

Sub OnMouseMove(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)
If e.X > 48 AndAlso e.X < 50 AndAlso e.Y > 397 AndAlso e.Y < 399 Then
MessageBox.Show("about 0,0")


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How To Get Coordinates Of Another Program

May 26, 2011

How would I be able to get the X,Y coords of another programs top-left corner? I am trying to make a program that "attaches" to the top of a foreign program.

View 5 Replies Loading A Control Programmatically With A Public Property To Be Set

Oct 12, 2011

I have a asp application where I'm loading a control (from another control on a page). I want to set a variable between the two controls when it loads. This is where I load the control:


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Implement - Public ReadOnly Property Within A Class

Feb 24, 2009

How does one implement something as Public ReadOnly Property within a class.


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Property ReadWrite In Private And ReadOnly In Public?

Feb 23, 2009

Can i have a property that is Readonly for Public but can Read/Write in Private?

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Return Public Class Readonly Property

Feb 13, 2009

I have created a class called clsLogIn [code]Now I am on a different form, frmSchedule, and I want to get the ProviderNum property from clsLogin into a text box.

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VS 2010 Class Public Property Or Sub/Function?

Jul 13, 2011

I was wondering if someone could explain to me the differences between these 2 ways of accessing a class property.Access Way : 1 (To me this looks like im declaring the property of the class as a Global variable which can be changed anywhere


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C# : Make A Jagged String Array A Public Property?

Mar 28, 2011

Public Property TabsCollection()() as String()()
Return _tabsCollection
End Get


but it errors saying: End of statement expected.

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Custom Class With A Public Property String Array?

Jan 5, 2010

I am trying to create a property of type string array (if this is possible).....and I seem to be lost.

I tried the following, but it says "String cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of string'" at the return

Private _strZipList As String()
Public Property strZipList(ByVal i As Integer) As String()


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Public Property Has Multiple Definitions With Identical Signatures?

Sep 7, 2011

Visual Basic gave me these errors:

Error1'Private Shared Sub AutoSaveSettings(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs)' has multiple definitions with identical signatures.C:Documents and SettingsCatalinmy documentsvisual studio 2010ProjectsGame OS 0.2Game OS 0.2My


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Public Property With Percentage Symbol At Design Time

Mar 18, 2011

A component I'm making has a public property that represents a percentage. How I can give it a % symbol in the Properties Window at design time in Visual Studio? I mean, like the Opacity property of a Windows Form.

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Specified For Parameter 'index' Of 'public Readonly Default Property Cha?

Nov 29, 2011

Argument not specified for parameter 'index' of 'public readonly default property chars(index as integer)as char'. Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Too Many Arguments To 'Public ReadOnly Default Property Chars'

Nov 8, 2011

One of my ASP.NET websites makes use of the CultureInfo class to format currency values and normally this works fine. However, some new code is causing some unexpected problems. In the code sample shown below, txtBox1 correctly displays £99.00 while the line that specifies a value for txtBox2 generates the following error,Too many arguments to 'Public ReadOnly Default Property Chars(index As Integer) As Char'.The key difference in the txtBox2 value is that it is derived from a SQL Server database reference using Linq-to-SQL (CurrentUKFees.Print1). The relevant database value is the integer 8 and I was expecting txtBox2 to show £8.00. If I delete the CultureInfo code then txtBox2 correctly shows the value '8' without any currency formatting.[code]

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