How The Checked List Box Can Get Generated By A Folder Full Of Mp3's
Jul 10, 2010
1. I want to know how the checked list box can get generated by a folder full of mp3's
2. I want the search funktion to refresh the list so it is only the typed in textbox1 that are showed but in the same way it is now
i use 1 textbox and 1 checkedlistbox
Public Class Form1
Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
'Retrieve the item's Checkedlistbox
View 5 Replies
Mar 1, 2012
I am trying to display contents of a remote share and based on selections in a checked list box copy only the selected folders to a local folder.
I can dsiplay the folders in teh checked list box fine, also can copy a folder no problem but now I want to do it based on the selections in the list box.
View 12 Replies
Sep 22, 2011
my form contains a checked list box [data coming from the database] a combo box [bind to a database table product] and a listview [was previously a listbox]
View 5 Replies
Nov 17, 2011
How to get the folder name from the full path of folder?This is file path,
oottwsdlprojdevlopeta2 ext"
Here text is the folder name.But i want to get the folder containing text, that is beta2
View 1 Replies
Mar 16, 2011
This program is supposed to allow the user to check items in a checked list box. If the item is checked, it goes into the Completed List Box on the right. The program then adds the unchecked items to the Pending list box on the left. I keep getting placement values (e.g. O,1,2) instead of the strings (e.g. "Key Returned") in the list box results (see photo attached)
Public Class frmCheckOut
Dim i As Integer
Dim cleaning As String = "Cleaning Inspection"
Dim damage As String = "Damage Repaired"
View 3 Replies
Jun 19, 2012
I'm trying to write a program. This should be a simple task for most of you, but I have taken one class of programming back in High School so I'm kinda lost.
The program needs to do the following:
-Open AutoCAD File
-Close AutoCAD
If possible to select a whole folder full of these AutoCAD drawings and have the program run a loop until all the files in the folder have been exported into a pdf file.
View 19 Replies
Jun 11, 2011
I have the code to create a folder, does anyone have the code to share the folder and set the permission for everyone to have full control?
View 1 Replies
Aug 22, 2011
I have searched and found many articles and code that writes a directory structure to an XML file. However, I'm not having much luck finding/altering code that gives each sub folder a different name. I'm trying to put into XML a folder full of audio files. They are music - artist - album - file. Music is the root folder and file are the audio files but every piece of code calls artist and album the same name. eg
View 2 Replies
Oct 29, 2010
I need to create a shared folder on the desktop for a specific user on a specific pc and assign full control sharing and security permissions for only tat user and a domain admin user. I need to do this for 300+ PCs. Going to each user manually and askin them if i can do tat on their pcs is very time consuming.
Is there a way i can code this and do this remotely where i can input,
1)the computer name/IP Address
2) the folder name i want to create
3) the user for which i have to create it for (just basically goin to doc and settin.>user name> desktop )
and i can achieve the folder creation for tat user with full control to that user and a domain admin user for sharing and security
View 4 Replies
Oct 25, 2011
I use the following code in order to check if certin user exists in the DACL:
Dim l_managemantObject As ManagementBaseObject() = CType(securityDescriptor.Properties("DACL").Value, ManagementBaseObject())
For Each mObject As ManagementBaseObject In l_managemantObject
l_name = CType(mObject.GetPropertyValue("Trustee"), ManagementBaseObject).Properties("Name").Value.ToString
If CType(mObject.GetPropertyValue("Trustee"), ManagementBaseObject).Properties("Domain").Value IsNot Nothing Then
View 1 Replies
Jul 14, 2011
I have pasted below a piece of code where I am displaying a report. I am using Visual Studio 2008 Crystal Report engine. It works all good with the piece of code
Problem: Everytime a report is being run it generates a ('.*tmp', '.*rpt') files typically in a temp folder c:windows emp however we can get rid of the *.tmp files by setting a recycle on the application pool but need a way to get rid of the .rpt files.
Found solution: Call Close() and Dispose() on the report object. The way I am doing is crReportDoc.Close() then crReportDoc.Dispose()Actual Problem: If Dispose() is called the report comes up with the following error 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object'
View 1 Replies
Nov 30, 2009
With a function being passed a full path to a file, such as C:someFolderanotherFoldersomeXML.xml, determine whether the folder exists. Is there a smarter/better/more elegant way of doing this? Here is my implementation:
View 2 Replies
Mar 16, 2011
Below is a form which produces a graph, the idea is to produce 6 random numbers from a range (0,6) place the numbers in an array then use these numbers to produce columns on the graph, however at the moment it is using the numbers more than once, how can I get it to just use the values once only in the array.
Private Sub btnGraph_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGraph.Click
txtAns.Text = ""
g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 50, 70, 50, 420)
[Code] .....
View 7 Replies
Jun 21, 2011
I'm returning a list of database records;
Dim rsPublicChilds As System.Data.Linq.ISingleResult(Of spGetPublicObjectsResult) = Nothing
rsPublicChilds = dc.spGetPublicObject(slintLoginID, lintLanguageID, lintObjectID, lintObjectTypeID, lstrSEOURL, lstrValid)
I get an enumerable list of rsPublicChildObjects that I then convert to an array;
Dim larr_PublicChild As IEnumerable(Of spGetPublicObjectsResult) = rsPublicChilds.toArray()
That then gives me easy access to an array of the objects, so I can then do;
I'd like to get the minimum value of colMyValue (or any other property of the object that's been created for me) but I can't quite see how to get there.
View 1 Replies
Aug 16, 2010
How can I get the resulting generated list of links sorted out alphabetically according to "sTitle"? My sort function on line 272 is not giving me the results I need.
<script language="VB" runat="server">
Function sectionTitle(ByRef f As String)
'Open a file for reading
'Dim FILENAME As String = Server.MapPath("index.asp")
Dim FILENAME As String = f
'Get a StreamReader class that can be used to read the file
[Code] .....
View 1 Replies
Apr 14, 2009
I have made this installation program and everything work just fine, but I wish to improve it a little. Atm. all the files being installed is in a seperate folder, and the installation program simply move them to the right location.There is a builder program too.I would like it to add all files from a list to the programs resource.folder instead of a seperate folder.Atm I add the installation file to the destination folder with the following line. [code]
View 2 Replies
Feb 6, 2010
Code so far:
Private Sub Button6_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click
If FolderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
End If
End Sub
I have managed to get drag and drop working if this is any help:
Private Sub ListBox1_DragEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As _
System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles ListBox1.DragEnter
If e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop) Then
View 3 Replies
Jan 6, 2009
Basically I am trying to enable the user the ability to select a folder and the folders music files populate a list box. I want two list boxes on the page, one with all the contents of the folder and then the other one for files selected from the first box. I have no clue on how to do this at all...
View 4 Replies
Aug 15, 2009
where can I find the full list of VB.Net Exceptions? I saw one similar question in this forum, but couldn't find the answer.
View 1 Replies
Nov 3, 2009
I have a dataset with a members table that has a first name column and last name column. How do I get the full name to display in the drop down list?
View 2 Replies
Nov 17, 2009
I'm quite new to Visual Basic - using Visual Studio 2008 and can't seem to find a way to do the following:
I have a few tables in a SQL Server database and have used LINQ to SQL to create classes of those tables.
Here's a cut down example of what I'd like:listbox1 filled with table names - APS, SMPS, WCPC, CFLAPS
Then from the SelectedIndexChanged event, listbox2 should populate column headers of the selected table.
I have no issues getting data from the database, and can access all of these headers through the anonymous type objects created from a LINQ query (eg APS.ID, APS.count etc), but populating a listbox with these variable names rather than the data inside them seems rather elusive.
This is probably a cross platform coding question rather than VB specific, so if you have a solution in C# or whatever I'd be happy if you could let me know.
View 2 Replies
Oct 30, 2010
What i have created is a simple Indoor sports court allocation system for badminton. What i have created is 1) a Checked List box with names and checkboxes beside them - lets use one court for an example The court is represented by a richTextbox with three buttons underneath. button1 says (next Two) Button2 Says (next Four) and Button3 says Game Over. What i want to happen is when i click on button 1 it selects the checked names (two names - for next two) and removes them from the checkedboxlist and inserts them into the richtextbox when i click game over once they have finished it inserts the names back into the checkedlistbox with the other names. if i click button two (next four) i want it to do the same except it removes four from the checkedlisstbox and inserts them into the richtextlistbox and again when i click game overi want it to remove the entries and insert them back into the checkedlistbox list.Lastly once i click next four or next two i want to enable some progress indicators to time while the people are playing and when i click game over for the timer to reset to zero..
View 2 Replies
Jun 22, 2009
It's been a while since I've used VB and I cant seem to remember how to clear/reset a checked list box. I can clear a check box and list box, but not the checked list box. While we're on the subject... what's the proper prefix for a checked list box? I've just been using clbListBox but I dont think that's correct.
View 3 Replies
May 15, 2011
I am trying to populate a listbox on form load of a list of directories. I only want to show the directory name, not the full path:
The form opens w/ no data in the list box. I played w/ this for a bit and found the strFolderName(i) assignment seems to break the code (make it not work) but I can't figure out why.
View 1 Replies
Mar 25, 2012
Beginning VB 2010, had a project that requires us to create a list box of 25 randomly generated 0s or 1s. Problem is when I put the loop in, it only repeats the same random number, not different one each loop. What am I doing wrong?This is the code I have so far...Code in Question:
'Declare new random object
Dim RandomGenerator As New Random
intRandomNumber = RandomGenerator.Next(0, 2)[code]......
View 4 Replies
Nov 3, 2011
I'm having a bit of a problem with my if statement on my browser downloader checked list box at the moment.
This is happening: If the selected item is "Google Chrome" Then a textbox's text should be "Google Chrome".
I want it to be: If the checked item is "Google Chrome" Then a textbox's text should be "Google Chrome".
My current code for this is:
If boxBrowser.SelectedItem = "Google Chrome" Then
devbox.Text = "Chrome"
End If
View 3 Replies
May 11, 2009
I'm having a hard time figuring out why this is happening. When I check an item in the listbox it calls the sub ItemCheck for the listbox accordingly:
Private Sub chklbToDo_ItemCheck(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckEventArgs) Handles chklbToDo.ItemCheck
Dim iLoop As Integer
Dim iCheck As Boolean
I've had to work with the delay of the check by reversing the boolean value caused by the check. But when I worked it into the program to delete the item that is checked, it deletes the selected/(un)checked item and THEN checks the item with the index. So in other words, if a user selects and checks an item in the listbox, and chooses to delete the item, it deletes the item and then checks the item that replaces it in the index (the following item).I don't understand why the checked value doesn't appear until after the sub ends.
View 3 Replies
May 2, 2011
I have a checked list box with lots of values and i need it so that when one of the items is ticked that a different box will display a value ie 50 so for instance i think it would be along the lines of
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Sep 15, 2008
I need to Export items from a checkedListBox to an xml document. For example, if items A, B and D are checked in a checkedListBox named clb, the output should look like this:
HTML Code:
However, using the following code:
View 8 Replies
Jan 24, 2012
I have created an application. In that i need to get the checked items list to be displayed in a textbox with comma (,) delimiter.
Below is the code behind the form which i have created with Label1,Textbox1 and
Private Sub CheckedListBox1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckedListBox1.Click
Dim i As Integer
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