How To AllowDrop = True Form1

Dec 11, 2010

I am using a TextBox for DoDrop right now but I noticed AllowDrop for Form1 my question is how would I need to go about doing away with the TextBox and just use Form1 drop to assign a file path?

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Skip Form1 If Readvalue = True

Aug 12, 2011

Bin working on this for like 2 hours now and still don't get it proper to work.

I think its a small thing but I can't see it.

I got a project with 2 forms. Form1 is a register me form, so it shows a form with lets say a OK button. if you click the OK button it writes the figure lets say 989 in the register.

After that is done it opens Form2 and you can do your thing.

That part works.

after you click OK it shows form2 and hides form1.


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Inter-Program Variables - If A Variable In Form1 Is "True" Than, How Can Make A Variable In Form2 Turns To "True" Too?

Feb 11, 2012

I know that

Public Incognito As Boolean

is a variable called "Incognito" that is class-wide that is a boolean.My question is that is there a form-wide variable form that can like communicate with different forms. So if a variable in form1 is "True" than, how can you make a variable in form2 turns to "True" too?

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IDE :: AllowDrop Property Of A Richtextbox?

Jun 26, 2009

I have a problem in drag and drop in richtextbox ,early i used vs 2005 the code of drag and drop is successfully worked it, but nw i will update to vs 2008 but the drag and drop proprety failed how to enable this

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AllowDrop Doesn't Appear In Intellisense Menu

Dec 21, 2009

Why does the AllowDrop property in not appear in the intellisense menu of a control?

Also why is it not in the propeties window of the designer?

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VB2008: Form1.BackgroundWorker WONT Stop Form1.Timer From Form3 Click

Sep 9, 2011

Using VB 2008:Situation: A Form1.BackgroundWorker calls a Form1.subroutine. That sub starts a Form1.Timer with Me.tmrOK_BlinkForm.Enabled = True...fires Timer code in event: Public Shared Sub tmrOK_BlinkForm_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmrOK_BlinkForm.Tick

Form3.Visible = True
Form3.Label1.Text = gNowButtonDispText
Form3.BackColor = Color.White


There must be a way to do this, I just need the correct BackgroundWorker Syntax send Stop commad to Form1.Timer from Form3.Click_event...all inside a Form1.BackgroundWorker thread started in Form1.

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Forms :: Form Variable Value Blank / Null When Move From Form1 To Form2 And Back To Form1

Oct 27, 2009

In my window application, Form1 variable eg. Public str as string. value blank/null when move to Form2 and Back to Form1. How to maintain Form1 varable's value when back to Form1 In if any one know, reply me soon

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Forms :: Navigate From Form1 To Form2. And Then Close Form1?

Feb 16, 2009

I have got 2 forms ----- form1 and form2

i wanted to navigate from form1 to form2. and then close form1

i did the following code.

-sub form1 _ page load
dim form as new form2
-end sub

i also tried -- form1.close() and form1.dispose() but all in vain

Problem is that my form1 is not getting closed

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When Background Worker Opens Form1 / Form1 Is Not Responding

Jun 12, 2010

I have an aboutbox1 and form1..I also have a button. When I click the button it runs the backgroundworker. My background worker then opens form1.My backgroundworker doesnt just open it, it does alot of other stuff so don't ask why im doing it like that.My problem:When the background worker opens form1, form1 is not responding.

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Difference Between Form1.Close & Form1.Dispose?

Oct 21, 2010

Which different abount Form1.Close and Form1.Dispose?

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Exchagning Parameters - Able To Start With Form1, Move To LoginForm, Then Back To Form1 Taking 2 Variables And The "values"

Apr 8, 2010

I need to be able to start with Form1, move to LoginForm, then back to Form1 taking 2 variables and the "values" they have in the LoginForm back to Form1 and using the variables. I start with the main form (Form1) and have the user enter some information. Once they click OK I have the LoginForm open. After they enter their credentials I will check to make sure they are legal users, then go back to Form1 (here is where I need to take the Username and Password with me) to log onto a server using the same credentails from the login form.

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Difference Between Vs Dim A As New Form1

Jan 9, 2010

I have these code in my project one from my lecture one that i did myself [code]what is the difference between "dim" something as new form than using the form name straightaway?

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Forms :: Exception On Calling Form1 From LoginForm And LoginForm From Form1

Mar 11, 2010

I have login form as start up form and i call Form1 after successful validation and in Form1, i have close button on click of Close i would like to reset username and password fields on loginform to null. If i add code in form1 below i get exception Dim fmLogin As New LogInForm

An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll

Make sure you do not have an infinite loop or infinite recursion

I get above on LoginForm below statement Dim fmMain As New Form1

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Getting Error " Only True Type Fonts Are Supported. This Is A Not True Type Font"

Oct 2, 2010

i am using VS 2008 and just started to work with XAML and WPF. while opening in page(.xaml) in design mode i'm getting the error like this "Only TrueType fonts are supported and this is not a TrueType font".

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.net - How To Get Text From Form1

Jan 15, 2010

I have 2 forms. In form1 i have a textbox called TextBox1 In Form2 i have another textbox called TextBox2.

I want the text from textbox1 to textbox2, i tried this.

TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox1.Text

Do i need to make changes to the first textbox?

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Capture Form1, Not What Is On Top

Mar 26, 2012

I want to capture Form1 window, not what is on top (what I actually see).

Dim screenshot As System.Drawing.Bitmap
Dim graph As Graphics


It captures what is on top, for example: I have firefox on top, so in myPic.bmp will by firefox, not Form1 window. So, how can I do that when some programs are on top, it captured Form1 window?

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How To Make Form1 BG Use .gif

Aug 3, 2009

How to make in VB08 Background image to be .gif animeted I put the picture that is .gif for background image but no effect from the image how to fix it?

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Name Change For Form1?

May 24, 2011

I may have corrupted my Visual Studio Software. I have two problems which may be related. The first is when I open anew project, I can't change the name of the form. I enter frmXXXX and it returns a splash box indicating I may loose my programming. If I continue the program gives me an unusable form. This happens when I have not even begun to use the form. My Visual Studio is set up to work with Visual Basic only.

Secondly, when I try to incorporate events, I can not get them to function. Using the basic form set as Form1, the Load event will work, but it enters as "Private sub Form1_Load ........ Handles MyBase.Load not Me.Load. When I try to use the events: KeyPress. KeyDown Or KeyUp, I can't get them to function. They also are entered as ........ MyBase.KeyPress. To enter an event I go to the Properties Menu, and use the event enry, click on the function, then double click the function. The sub-routine is loaded into the program, but doesn't function. I am learning by using a text book that the same programming works in a demo which was downloaded.

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Use Yes And No Instead Of True And False?

Jul 15, 2010

I wanted to create my own type that acts like the Boolean type, except I wanted to use Yes and No instead of True and False.I kind of got close but it wasnt exactly what i was going for here's what i have:


so i have to use an integer when i dim it like:dim b as MyBool = 1 then when you look at it in the watch window b = {Yes} so i could settle for that, but with a boolean you can do this:dim b as Boolean without setting it to anything it defaults to False mine however, is Nothing. 2 things: 1. How can i get mine to default to No 2. How can i make it work like this: dim b as MyBool = Yes instead of having to use the integer this is not a requirement for anything I just wanted to know how to do it

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Why Does This Evaluate To True

Jul 26, 2011

This is probably a basic question, but I have never used this syntax before. Can someone tell me in detail how this expression evaluates to true? [Assuming IsOdd is a boolean type].

Dim i As Integer = 3
IsOdd = (i And 1) = 1

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Access Value In Form1 In Another Form?

Jun 2, 2011

Well i meant In Form1 theres an object named NUM in which i have Stored Few values Now i want to use this Object NUM in form2 so that i can display its value in Form2.. ima unable to access it in form2.

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Call Form2 From Form1 In Wpf

Sep 18, 2011

if in, I can call like this (), but how in wpf

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Call One Form1 And The Other Settings?

Apr 1, 2010

My program has two forms. Let's call one Form1 and the other Settings. It's possible that Settings may be opened before Form1. Settings may also change some settings that need to be updated immediately on Form1. The thing is, if Form1 hasn't been opened yet, certain elements haven't been fully initialized (even tho Form1's properties can be modified since I do create an instance of the form on program load). Since these elements haven't been initialized, if Settings tries to modify them, it crashes the program.

Are there any ideas how, maybe to keep Settings from modifying stuff on a form that hasn't been loaded yet for the first time.

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Can't Access Form1 From Another Class

Oct 18, 2011

I have a class called class1, in that class i wan;t to write something in a textbox in form1, but it won't let me access Form1.TextBox1.text, another problem is that it won't give me the save dialog in excel, but thats another problem.How can i acces Form1 controls?

Form1 code

Public Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Call ThisDrawing.GetFilepath(True)
If Me.TextBox1.Text = "" Or Me.TextBox1.Text = "False" Then MsgBox("Er is geen geldige filenaam opgegeven")
End Sub


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Changing Form1 From Form2

Oct 22, 2008

I am having problems making changes to form1 from form2..I tried declaring form1 on form2 Dim f1 as form1.[code]I can change form2 from form1 but not the reverse.

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Closing Form1 Save Enough?

May 25, 2009

In my application I am using some sort of 'FirstRun Wizard' to make basic settings such as data path, theme settings and other adjustments before the application starts for the first time. I am using the following at Application Start to accomplish that:

If My.Settings.FirstStart = "1" Then
Me.Hide() 'Form1 - my main form
End If

Now, my "FirstRun" dialog has a Cancel Button and I want the application to exit entirely if that button is pressed. At first I used Application.Exit() but it looked a bit strange because my Form1 gets shown for a fraction of a second before the application closes. With Form1.Close() I can do the same thing and the advantage is that my form does not show up at all. However, I wonder if this is a save way of doing it?

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Form1 Related To Form2?

Nov 21, 2011

this looks like to the forum I need. I have a question on somethings. My data is pulled from a local SQL sever express. First, Form1(Customer) has has data. his customer has a vehicle in another form this form is called (Vehicle) form.I have created the customer form in a detailed form and the vehicle form on a grid design.

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Form1 To Open Form2?

Mar 27, 2009

I have been converting my VB6 programmes to VB 2008, and I am beginning to regret it.According to the books that I am reading on the subject, I can call a second form from the first one. That is, when the first form code has completed, and the final line reads:


the second form should open and wait for input.This does not happen, the form flashes and then disappears without allowing any input, or button click.I must admit that I preferred being able to start from a module, with a Main() sub, which then read the forms, a la VB6. everything seemed to work fine then.

View 16 Replies End Up Behind Form1?

Apr 1, 2012

I made 2 form.

In form1 I have this:
form2 ends up behind form1, how can I make form2 appear in front of form1?

Form2.showdialog() will make form1 disappear until form2 is closed, that is not what I want.

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Get A Shockwaveobject To Dock Into Form1?

Feb 25, 2010

How do i get a Shockwaveobject to dock into form1

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