How To Choose Visualization Displayed In Axwindowsmediaplayer Control

May 1, 2009

Does anyone know how to choose the visualization displayed in the axwindowsmediaplayer control? I'd like the Bars, from the Bars and Waves section to always be displayed and not the last one I selected when I ran Windows Media Player on it's own.

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VS 2008 - Choose Which Tabs Are Going To Be Displayed?

Aug 26, 2010

my application the user is going to be able to choose which tabs are going to be displayed, but I need help[ with this.

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Preview Subtitles Over AxWindowsMediaPlayer Control?

Nov 26, 2009

I'm making a MediaPlayer program , and I'm using AxWindowsMediaPlayer control

so , I need to know how to preview subtitles or seek bar over

AxWindowsMediaPlayer control - especially on FullScreen mode

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Make Custom Visualization?

Sep 27, 2009

which tool i use for Displaying Visualization and how to make

its must be move Following Music Effect

if I have Picturebox its contain a GIF image:[code]....

it is possible?

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Media Player Visualization In .net?

Mar 8, 2011

how to create a visualization in just like in windows media player visualization? it is possible to create visualization in or much better to create visualization in adobe flash? can you give one example of the visualization made in or flash?

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Visualization Bars Or Equalizer Of Wmp?

Jun 12, 2011

how to make the visualization or equalizer specifically the bars visualization of window media player? I made my own but I use only the progressbar and timer which random select from the number which mean it is not accurate from the song:)

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.net - Control When A ContextMenuStrip Is Displayed?

Apr 9, 2010

In (2008), I want to be able to control when a contextMenuStrip (context menu) is displayed. I don't want it to always appear when the right mouse button is clicked...only when certain criteria within my program are met. I figure I would use addHandler but I'm not exactly clear on how to completely control the opening of the contextMenuStrip. I know I would issue a call to the "open" method to render the contextMenuStrip. However, I am unclear as to how to completely take over control of when to render the contextMenuStrip.

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VS 2010 - Time Scheduling Control That Allow User To Choose

Dec 10, 2010

I once saw in an app a control that allowed the user to choose when they wanted the Timer running. It looked something like this: And when the squares are green, for example Tuesday 3:15 AM - 4:15 AM, the timer would run during that time period. I'm curious as to what control will allow me to do something similar?

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Set Row Height Of Datagridview Control So Picture Can Be Well Displayed?

Jun 11, 2011

I have a datagridview control on my form. i use this to display data including images. Please how can i set the row height of the datagridview control so the picture can be well displayed?

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.net - VB2010: Viewing Object Structure For Learning/Visualization Purposes?

Sep 2, 2011

I was wondering if there is a way to take an object in Visual Basic 2010 (Express, FWIW) and browse through its structure to visualize how the data inside is laid out.For example, I have an object called "model" that is populated by a function that is a black box to me. Model is set by a "read" function that loads a DXF file from disk. The read function isn't very well-documented.

What I've discovered is that model.Entities ends up containing a list of different objects, all with different properties. I'd like to be able to simply browse this list of objects and view their associated properties and values at run-time, similar to how you can use Intellisense to view a list simply by typing "blah." and waiting for the pop-up to appear.A tree view that you can pop open and closed would be excellent. Obviously this has to work during run-time rather than in the editor because the file hasn't been loaded if the program isn't running.

Is this something that's possible in Visual Basic 2010? Is it a built-in feature I can't find?

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Changing Database Tables Displayed In A GridView Control?

Sep 17, 2010

Using a Windows Form with a Menu bar and a Gridview control, I have bound data to the GridView from an MS Access 2000 database query using Dataset. The contents of this table displays just fine. But I want to be able for the user to select a different query from the menu bar and display it in the same GridView control. How can I change the query bound to the control (in VB)?

Public Class Actinide Private Sub Minerals_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Me.Actinide_Series__Radioactive_TableAdapter.Fill(Me.Minerals2000DataSet._Actinide_Series__Radioactive_) End Sub Private Sub LanthanideToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LanthanideToolStri


The error message that it is giving me is:

"Value of type 'Mineralogy.Minerals2000DataSet.Yttrium_MineralsDa ta Table cannot be converted to
'Mineralogy.Minerals2000DataSet._Actinide_Series__ Radioactive_Data Table'.

The query is getting information from two seperate tables,so I can't just bind a table to the control and then filter what is displayed using SQL.

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Does DirListBox Control Support DFS - Only Partial List Displayed

Sep 23, 2009

We have implemented a DirListBox control and when referencing a DFS, it only returns a partial list of directories. Does the DirListBox fully support DFS? Has anyone else had problems using DirListBox and DFS?

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.net[2008] Graphics - User Control - Picture Box Image Not Being Displayed?

Oct 1, 2009

I dipped my toe in the world of user controls as needed to double buffer a panel control and now want to create a picturebox control with a thicker border. Writing a dice based game, the dice represented by pictureboxes when clicked are highlighted and their border style changes FROM BorderStyle.none TO BorderStyle.FixedSingle, which is where I want to increase the thickness of the border. My user control code increases the border thickness using the code below:-


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Forms :: Node Displayed Multiple Times In Treeview Control?

Apr 2, 2009

I'm developing a windows application. I have a form in which there is a list box and a treeview control. My purpose is to fill treeview according to list item clicks. This is done using a pair of subroutines called ReloadPermissions and FillMenuItem:

Private Sub ReloadPermissions()
Dim p As New Permissions
Dim i As Integer
Dim it As TreeNode
Dim el As New List(Of String)


There are only two subroutines in which nodes are added to treeview control, and they are subroutines above. The problem is that whenever list item is clicked, node count displayed in treeview is increased!!! I checked number of nodes before and after call to tvPermissions.Nodes.Clear() using MsgBox. Results show that number of nodes isn't increased (1 before call, 0 after call, again 1 after ReloadPermissions() is called), but what is displayed doesn't show such a behavior! Refreshing window by putting it under other windows or call to tvPermissions.Refresh() has no effect.

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Select Characters In HTML Document Displayed In WebBrowser Control?

Jul 1, 2009

I wrote a VB.Net application that displays HTML help files according to user's search results.A user types some keywords and receives a list of HTML help files containing these keywords.When a list item is selected the HTML file is displayed in WebBrowser control.The problem is that I cannot mark the keywords in the displayed HTML file. I need to highlight them like in a standard Help. I tried many options and nothing works.If I change HTML element style manually (background color for a specific string) all pictures attached to this page are not displayed. After "Refresh" operation the pictures are displayed but the text selection is not enabled.I hope there is a standard function for this operation but I cannot find it.

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VS 2010 Assign String Value To A Label Control Displayed Text?

Feb 1, 2011

I'm looking to put a few labels on a form but the text that they will display will not be static. Instead they should be dynamic as the values used will be either the value of a specific Environment variable or from a value stored in an array. These values will change depending on which user runs the application. How do I achieve this?

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Call Windows Form Functions From Webpage (which Is Displayed Through Webbrowser Control In Win App)?

Mar 25, 2009

I have implemented webbrowser control in my windows application. I have some functions inthe class file. i want to use those functions from the webpage which is displayed in my windows app through webbrowser control..For example say... I have an standalone windows software. Which has a webbrowser control in the some form. Now i would like to create a webpage that can be displayed in the webbrowser control in win app which has some buttons and textboxes. When i click on button in the webpage it should get the version number of that software. I have some other functions that are in the class file aswell.. but dont no how to call those functions from that webpage when a button is clicked or something like that.

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Set The Displayed Item Of Acombobox To The Value Displayed In A Label?

Oct 8, 2009

When a user clicks the + button on the binding navigator, I want to set the displayed item of acombobox to the value displayed in a label. The combobox is bound to a field in the table. Theproblemis that when the user clicks to add a new record the combobox is cleared and they forget to select a value before they click save.

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VS 2010 Randomizing - Program Randomly Choose Questions - NEVER Choose Same Question In Same Program

Dec 20, 2011

I am currently working on a family project which is based on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" show. There is a huge diffrence between the show and my project. My project is a christmas edition and the goal is not to get money or something, since I will not add it... Erhmm... Let me get to the point. I have already designed a layout and scripted some things. I have about thirty questions but I do not want them to always spawn in the same array, if you know what I mean. I want the program to randomly choose one of those thirty questions and NEVER choose the same question in the same program run. By the way, there are four options on my project: A, B, C and D. I have got everything, I just need a code.

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Non-modal Forms Cannot Be Displayed In This Host Application From An ActiveX DLL, ActiveX Control, Or Property Page?

Oct 20, 2010

How to Resolve following Error in .netNon-modal forms cannot be displayed in this host application from an ActiveX DLL, ActiveX Control, or Property Page.

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AxWindowsMediaPlayer Mystery?

Aug 29, 2009

On the subject of the AxWindowsMediaPlayer.URL property, MSDN warns:Quote:Originally Posted by MSDN

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Tell When AxWindowsMediaPlayer Is Downloading?

May 2, 2012

I am using AxWindowsMediaPlayer on VB.NET to preview MP3 files from the web so that the user can choose to download it if he likes it. It works. I just put a link in the URL property and after a while it begins playing. ... after a while, of course. Because it has to download the file first. Perhaps I realized that because of my slow connection XD. But that made me think: how can I tell if the player is currently downloading a file? So that I can put a label saying "Please wait, preparing file..." or something.

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Disable AXWindowsMediaPlayer Shortcuts?

Aug 7, 2011

Is there any way to disable the keyboard shortcuts of AxWindowsMediaPlayer or even handle the KeyDownEvent of that control ?

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Use Wait To Complete On AxWindowsMediaPlayer?

Mar 12, 2011

How do I use Wait to complete on AxWindowsMediaPlayer. I wish the video to play first before loading another form.

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AxWindowsMediaPlayer Cannot Display Fullscreen When It Re-played

Jul 31, 2010

i make a simple winform application with AxWindowsMediaPlayer and timer.

My objective is about to make the application play the clip with interval (that's why i use timer)

When AxWindowsMediaPlayer finish playing the first clip, everything's okay. But when it begin playing the next clip. It CAN'T HAVE FULLSCREEN MODE. I have to double click the control manually to have it fullscreen. I use vb 2005 in 7 ultimate.

Here is my code

Private Sub AxWindowsMediaPlayer_PlayStateChange(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AxWMPLib._WMPOCXEvents_PlayStateChangeEvent) Handles AxWindowsMediaPlayer.PlayStateChange


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Axwindowsmediaplayer Play/Pause In If Statement?

Mar 22, 2012

I am making a media player and I have a button where I want the text to change depending whether the media player is playing or paused. So far I have this:

If (AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.playState = WMPLib.WMPPlayState.wmppsPlaying) Then Then
Button3.Text = "Pause"
ElseIf (AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.playState = WMPLib.WMPPlayState.wmppsPaused) Then
Button3.Text = "Play"
End If

The problem is, is that i get an error under WMPLib.WMPPlayState on both lines. The error says 'WMPPlayState' is ambiguous in the namespace 'WMPLib'..

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AxWindowsMediaPlayer Uimode 'none' Option Not Working

Aug 11, 2010

I have the windows media player embedded in a windows form, I have tried to set the uiMode to 'None' but it will not work, I have tried doing it using the properties window in the development screen which accepts 'None' but when the program is run it shows the controls on the player.I have also tried placing the action into code: AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.uiMode = none This generates an error stating the 'None' is not declared.

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Error In Playing Movies Through Axwindowsmediaplayer

Aug 20, 2010

this is my Dim files() As IO.FileInfo = New IO.DirectoryInfo(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "downloaded songs").GetFiles("*.wmv") Listbox1.Items.AddRange(files) but when i load - nothing happens

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Get The Video To Finish Playing In AxWindowsMediaPlayer?

Mar 11, 2011

How do I get the video to finish playing in AxWindowsMediaPlayer before it loads another form? It keeps showing the next form briefly before the video starts.

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Using AxWindowsMediaPlayer To Play A Short Video?

Sep 1, 2011

I have a form using AxWindowsMediaPlayer to play a short video. How can I load another form and close this form when the video is finished?

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